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21st November 2008, 02:29
Oh gawd , what are we all in for now! The horror, the horror!!!
Obama’s Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy
The whole tragic story first seen at:

Obama’s Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy

In the first two weeks since the election, President-elect Barack Obama has broken with a tradition established over the past eight years through his controversial use of complete sentences, political observers say.

Millions of Americans who watched Mr. Obama's appearance on CBS' "Sixty Minutes" on Sunday witnessed the president-elect's unorthodox verbal tick, which had Mr. Obama employing grammatically correct sentences virtually every time he opened his mouth.

But Mr. Obama's decision to use complete sentences in his public pronouncements carries with it certain risks, since after the last eight years many Americans may find his odd speaking style jarring.

According to presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota, some Americans might find it "alienating" to have a President who speaks English as if it were his first language.

"Every time Obama opens his mouth, his subjects and verbs are in agreement," says Mr. Logsdon. "If he keeps it up, he is running the risk of sounding like an elitist."

The historian said that if Mr. Obama insists on using complete sentences in his speeches, the public may find itself saying, "Okay, subject, predicate, subject predicate - we get it, stop showing off."

The President-elect's stubborn insistence on using complete sentences has already attracted a rebuke from one of his harshest critics, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.

"Talking with complete sentences there and also too talking in a way that ordinary Americans like Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder can't really do there, I think needing to do that isn't tapping into what Americans are needing also," she said.

21st November 2008, 04:17
charismatic speech...

21st November 2008, 05:52
A comedian doing fake news!
Ha! Ha! :confused:

21st November 2008, 06:01
Bring them on.

I think Sarah Palin is patronizing and underestimating Joe Plumber and Tito the Builder by suggesting that everyone of them are thick. I'm sure there are plumbers and builders who are like oily oaf, the most erudite grease monkey in the world.

21st November 2008, 06:25
Bring them on.

I'm sure there are plumbers and builders who are like oily oaf, the most erudite grease monkey in the world.Not everyone defines their life, and live within the stereotypes of what they do to procure legal tender! Proper English is Um-ahhh.. proper!!! :)

21st November 2008, 09:32
As I heard someone saying the other week, I'm sure it's going to be strange having a President who can pronounce 'nuclear' correctly.

donKey jote
22nd November 2008, 01:41
Can he sing Chunguitos hits in (deep) Spanish though ?

22nd November 2008, 04:23
As I heard someone saying the other week, I'm sure it's going to be strange having a President who can pronounce 'nuclear' correctly.

Other than the MILF fantasies of some neocon males, I'm sure that it was her constant use of "nukyuler" that made her seem familiar to some.

22nd November 2008, 11:26
Awww, c'mon J_W...

MILFs and 'soccer moms', they're what's hot. :D :up:

22nd November 2008, 13:11
Can he sing Chunguitos hits in (deep) Spanish though ?
Another duetto from the two:


22nd November 2008, 17:45
So what?

The real question is, can he say "terrorist" or can he say "terst" like a real prazdant?

Speaking of sarah p. ever see her in the swim suit?? bettcha mucha hotttar than hilliary.....and speaking of hill, funny how she leaks out she is gonna be the next secretary of state long bfore bama even thought of it, such that if he don't do her, he will look wishy washy.

Now clearly she is more qualified for such a job than Sarah P. would be, because she has all that great experience of being a hostess in those white house dinners where she often served wine and ice cream.....

Of course she is far more exprienced in political and other affairs being married to Billy

22nd November 2008, 19:26
Other than the MILF fantasies of some neocon males, I'm sure that it was her constant use of "nukyuler" that made her seem familiar to some.

To them, I'm sure both were indeed comforting fantasy.

23rd November 2008, 08:22
So what?

speaking of hill, (Hillary Clinton)

Now clearly she is more qualified for such a job than Sarah P. would be, because she has all that great experience of being a hostess in those white house dinners where she often served wine and ice cream.....

Of course she is far more exprienced in political and other affairs being married to BillyI think you are suffering from selective amnesia my man :p :
Or you just may be ignorant to the fact that Hillary Rodham (Clinton) Esq.
received her Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School before she even met Bill!
She cut her political teeth when she severed on the House Judiciary Committee's Impeachment Inquiry staff that took down "Tricky Dick"
That was 1974 my man! I wonder if Sarah was yet dreaming of that
Bachelor of Journalism degree that took her 3 or 4 different colleges to acquire! :down:
What an absurd comparison! :rolleyes:

23rd November 2008, 14:24
I think you are suffering from selective amnesia my man :p :
Or you just may be ignorant to the fact that Hillary Rodham (Clinton) Esq.
received her Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School before she even met Bill!
She cut her political teeth when she severed on the House Judiciary Committee's Impeachment Inquiry staff that took down "Tricky Dick"
That was 1974 my man! I wonder if Sarah was yet dreaming of that
Bachelor of Journalism degree that took her 3 or 4 different colleges to acquire! :down:
What an absurd comparison! :rolleyes:

Yes and what does that have to do with international affairs....opps, I am sure Billy scored on some overseas aide.....besides as demonstrated by far too many, brains has never been a prequisite for being successful in seeking political office. Indeed, probably more hinderance to help... Many regard Ronnie Reagan as a great president, a man who was nothing more than a grade c western movie and TV actor, in the early stages of Alzheimer's and dementia.....

But all joking aside

Seriously, I must admit it:

You R so right...
I forgot about the story of a road trip a few years back, when Hillary and Billy went for a drive in the country back when he was still presAdent. They stopped at a little gas and convience store, and there was this ignorant, back woods kind of guy, with big buck teeth and a high pitched voice. He and Hilliary immeditately hit it off, starting talking like they were old friends.

Made Billy sort of mad, so when they got back in the car, he confronted her and she admitted that she had known him back in high school, where they had been a hot item, and she was forced to admit, almost married him.

To which, Billy responded "aren't you glad you did not, because otherwise you would be married to a convience store clerk in some little no-name town instead of the presAdent of the US of America, and don't you forget it!!"

To which she said, "if I had married him, I would still be married to the PresAdent......" ;)

26th November 2008, 04:41
That was a funny article. Good stuff. Obama needs to rethink this bold strategy of speaking the langwich in a way that people can understand consistently. The UN won't know what to make of it when he speaks there.

26th November 2008, 16:08
I think you are suffering from selective amnesia my man :p :
Or you just may be ignorant to the fact that Hillary Rodham (Clinton) Esq.
received her Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School before she even met Bill!
She cut her political teeth when she severed on the House Judiciary Committee's Impeachment Inquiry staff that took down "Tricky Dick"
That was 1974 my man! I wonder if Sarah was yet dreaming of that
Bachelor of Journalism degree that took her 3 or 4 different colleges to acquire! :down:
What an absurd comparison! :rolleyes:

Yes but Sarah knows what REAL whitewater is!!!!!!!