View Full Version : Bali Bombers finally executed

9th November 2008, 08:15

But I don't understand why their families somehow get the privilege of having their remains flown by helicopter to their burial ground. They killed 200 innocent people, and frankly, prolonging their trials and parading their bodies has done nothing to prevent them being seen as martyrs. I doubt that any of their victims got that kind of consideration when their remains were moved from the nightclub.

So really, the authorities have dealt with their deaths in a manner which is, frankly, not good enough.


Valve Bounce
9th November 2008, 08:39
The Indonesians have dealt with this in the worst possible way. They have given them access to the media up until fairly recently, allowing them to spew their poisonous hatred in the name of martyrdom.

My own feelings on this farce is that these three should have been given life sentences in solitary confinement without ever being released. No access to family, lawyers and media. Just locked away in a secret location with no news of them whatsoever.

Now, they will become a rallying point for more murderous fanatics, and more suffering will be perpetrated.

Even the helicopter transport, supposed to avoid any demonstrations only serve to make them VIP's, and the fanatics, including their families, think they are going to heaven.

9th November 2008, 10:04
My own feelings on this farce is that these three should have been given life sentences in solitary confinement without ever being released. No access to family, lawyers and media. Just locked away in a secret location with no news of them whatsoever.

I agree.

9th November 2008, 10:25
Even the way the Australian media has broadcast reports of these guys ever since the attack has only promoted their cause.

I just wish that all we had heard was they were found guilty, and then dead. that is all they deserved. They will now be held up as martyrs.