View Full Version : The Government wants to jail me

Hazell B
8th November 2008, 16:02
Stick with me on this. It's interesting .....

A horse needs about a half hectare of grass to feed itself all year round. I have one hectare for my two ponies. Each pony eats about 2-3.5% of it's bodyweight each day, depending on weather, workload, age, etc. It's a high fibre diet that produces about 50% (dry weight) of manure from the 100% eaten. Due to the high water content of the diet, real manure weight is often higher than what went in in the first place. Cattle eat roughly the same, about 2.5%.

Still with me? Good.

My pony Sovereign is 350kg. He poos out about 10kg of manure a day on his half of the hectare. That's 3650kg each year. Over 7000kg per hectare. Cattle weigh far more than Sovereign.

The UK Government has just passed a law saying landowners can't add more than 170kg of manure per year, per hectare. Even if I dry every last ball of crap straight out of the pony, he's still massively over that limit.

The law has just made all dairy farmers, horse owners, sheep farmers, pig farmers and chicken keepers criminals :( Even somebody walking their Jack Russell in a one acre back garden would go over that limit!

Is this government so stupid as to not think before passing a law? There simply isn't enough of the UK to spread all it's cattle muck on, given the number of cows we have here.

Maybe I've been told the new regulations wrong, but as they are from a DEFRA leaflet sent to all farmers that seems a long shot.

By the end of January next year, I'll be a law breaker.

Anyone know of any more impossible laws we live with here? If I'm going to jail at least let me be a repeat offender :p :

Ian McC
8th November 2008, 19:01
That really is a load of old crap! :p

9th November 2008, 00:24

Chocolate, raisins or grapes are "poisonous" for pets, according to the code, while a dog should not be disturbed when eating as this can cause "food-related aggression".
It also recommends that dogs should not be fed at the table as this can lead to begging - and that "curious" animals such as cats should be kept away from windows or tumble dryers.

I think I remember the last one these in a "Sonic Says". Is the government now taking advice from cheap 1990s cartoons?

9th November 2008, 09:51
The law has just made all dairy farmers, horse owners, sheep farmers, pig farmers and chicken keepers criminals :( Even somebody walking their Jack Russell in a one acre back garden would go over that limit!

How about an indoor cat with a 2 sqft litterbox?

I think the only solution is that you toilet train Sovereign.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th November 2008, 18:48
Maybe if you stopped feeding them?? ;)

9th November 2008, 19:24
Is this because of a party over there? I love watching the Brits debate in parlament. I think I like the Labour party, the Conservatives seem like a bunch of whiny jerks. But I dont know.

Hazell B
9th November 2008, 19:31
Maybe if you stopped feeding them?? ;)

Top quality advice ... it would break at least another two laws. While I'm at it I can buy a vehicle, insure it before driving away from the vendor but not be allowed to tax it as I have no paperwork in my name showing insurance details. Yet another law that's almost impossible to avoid breaking - as I discovered last week. :mark: I also broke the law when I parked the vehicle, insured, tested and awaiting insurance details, outside my home.

Good job nobody noticed but me :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
9th November 2008, 22:10
Apparently the number plate on my mums Scenic is illegal because it has a little St.Georges cross on it with ENG underneath. I think it's because the EU doesn't recognise England as a country. It should have an EU flag with GB underneath. :s

10th November 2008, 08:16
Stick with me on this. It's interesting .....

A horse needs about a half hectare of grass to feed itself all year round. I have one hectare for my two ponies. Each pony eats about 2-3.5% of it's bodyweight each day, depending on weather, workload, age, etc. It's a high fibre diet that produces about 50% (dry weight) of manure from the 100% eaten. Due to the high water content of the diet(...)

Anyone know of any more impossible laws we live with here? If I'm going to jail at least let me be a repeat offender :p :

Good Lord! For a moment I thought I was back at school in a maths class :eek:

That sounds pretty stupid, I hope there's a good solution.

10th November 2008, 08:44
Apparently the number plate on my mums Scenic is illegal because it has a little St.Georges cross on it with ENG underneath. I think it's because the EU doesn't recognise England as a country. It should have an EU flag with GB underneath. :s

It's nothing to do with the EU, as far as they are concerned each member state can have whatever they like on their number plates. It's the UK government who consider the England flag to be illegal

(Although this may change in a few weeks)

10th November 2008, 08:46
The UK Government has just passed a law saying landowners can't add more than 170kg of manure per year, per hectare.

You can't add it, but the horse can.

10th November 2008, 10:53
Stick with me on this. It's interesting .....

A horse needs about a half hectare of grass to feed itself all year round. I have one hectare for my two ponies. Each pony eats about 2-3.5% of it's bodyweight each day, depending on weather, workload, age, etc. It's a high fibre diet that produces about 50% (dry weight) of manure from the 100% eaten. Due to the high water content of the diet, real manure weight is often higher than what went in in the first place. Cattle eat roughly the same, about 2.5%.

Still with me? Good.

My pony Sovereign is 350kg. He poos out about 10kg of manure a day on his half of the hectare. That's 3650kg each year. Over 7000kg per hectare. Cattle weigh far more than Sovereign.

The UK Government has just passed a law saying landowners can't add more than 170kg of manure per year, per hectare. Even if I dry every last ball of crap straight out of the pony, he's still massively over that limit.

The law has just made all dairy farmers, horse owners, sheep farmers, pig farmers and chicken keepers criminals :( Even somebody walking their Jack Russell in a one acre back garden would go over that limit!

Is this government so stupid as to not think before passing a law? There simply isn't enough of the UK to spread all it's cattle muck on, given the number of cows we have here.

Maybe I've been told the new regulations wrong, but as they are from a DEFRA leaflet sent to all farmers that seems a long shot.

By the end of January next year, I'll be a law breaker.

Anyone know of any more impossible laws we live with here? If I'm going to jail at least let me be a repeat offender :p :

I asked a friend of mine that has a farm and she said something about to 170kg of nitrogen from manure per hectare per year

if thats the case you should find how much of the 7000kg of horse manure is nitrogen. finding a way to calculate that should be interesting

10th November 2008, 11:15
You can't add it, but the horse can.
True. The government must jail the horse instead of Hazell.

10th November 2008, 16:20
You can't add it, but the horse can.

Can Hazell actually produce 170kg of poo per year? :s hock:

Hazell B
10th November 2008, 17:15
You can't add it, but the horse can.

That's the entire point of the thread, as it happens. It's a matter of farmers who keep any livestock not being allowed to spread manure from sheds, other fields or cesspools at a rate of 170kg per hectare - yet they've worded the law so badly it actually means allowing muck to be spread on the land. So, as it's worded so badly, you can now get done for allowing any animal you own to to spread its own muck (as they do :p : ) in it's paddock. Typical of one person understanding how a law would help the world while another who doesn't understand writes the law from the first person's reports.

Chris, you're right I bet. It should be 'of nitrogen' but isn't in the leaflets they printed, is my best guess. It's about 4 to 6% nitrogen I think, by the way, after a rotting period with bacteria composting it. Fresh it's lower if I'm remembering right.

10th November 2008, 21:12
Can Hazell actually produce 170kg of poo per year? :s hock:

that's why everyone says she's full of it... :p

12th November 2008, 16:02
Take the horses into the road to do their business? Do they have a limit on how much can be produced on a public highway? ;)

Hazell B
12th November 2008, 19:26
Take the horses into the road to do their business? Do they have a limit on how much can be produced on a public highway? ;)

No limit or legislation, but if a car skids on it you can get done. That's yet another way to break the law without any choice at all :up:

I'm racking up those jail terms ..... :p :