View Full Version : Get on your bike!

Hazell B
3rd November 2008, 19:51
Cycled for the first time in years this morning.

Two and a half miles, with a dog trotting next to me, to the stables then the same of course home again. In between I mucked out the horses and did all the usual heavy work there. This afternoon I even walked home from town (another two or so miles) and cannot believe my legs are still fine!

Not bad for a 40 year old smoker (and a ten year old Lurcher) :p :

When did you last cycle, or walk, more than normal?

3rd November 2008, 22:08
I would say the last time I rode my bike was back in August. Been too long.

3rd November 2008, 22:40
I am not fit enough to ride my bike :(

Easy Drifter
4th November 2008, 01:36
What is this bike thing? A torture machine? :eek:

4th November 2008, 07:38
I've recently started cycling again. Up untill 3 weeks ago I was using a bike that was about 15 years old and it was perfectly fine for riding along roads and along canal tow paths. Then we rode the 11 or so miles around Ladybower reservoir and oh my God did my arms ache from the rough terrain. My purse is now quite a bit lighter and I'm loving my new bike. I cycled around Ladybower again 2 weeks ago plus an extra 2 miles because we couldn't park in the car park. I couldn't believe how much of a difference havng front suspension made. No pain in my arms and we cycled it alot quicker.

I go walking all the time...although with the weather in the North Yorkshire Moors on Sunday meant I had possibly the worst 6 mile walk of my life. When my trousers, knickers, and boots were all soaking wet there was a point in time when I wanted to lay down and let hyperthermia kill me. I carried on and made it to the nice coal fire in Goathland station. I've never been so happy to see civilisation ever. :)

4th November 2008, 08:32
i got a fairly cheap front suspension bike and it makes a helluva difference when you're not on the road.

Did you really need to tell us of your sodden knickers? :mark: Well i'm off for a cold shower :p

4th November 2008, 08:34
I've been off my bike for couple of months now due to knee pains, not fun at all. On sunday I did ride few km's to a friends house to watch the F1 race. Dark cold and slippery => fun :)

And as it happens everytime I take up cycling when it's cold, my inner thermostat goes bonkers. So for the last two nights i've been wearing a thick socks, long sleeved shirt and a sweat pants(it's 24C warm in my bed room). Yet I still feel like i'm cold and can't get sleep. Good times. :(

4th November 2008, 09:19
I woek up at 730 yesterday, cycled as far as I could in 20 minutes, then turned around and came back. It was a beautiful morning, and I'm glad that I woke up that little bit earlier before lectures to do so. Cycling is great

4th November 2008, 10:42
Cycle 3-4 times a week for about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, now I'm injured,so resting.

Hazell B
4th November 2008, 19:17
I won't be cycling again :up:

Two reasons. First is that I've just bought a Transit van (name of Ed, after Eddie Izzard the tranny) and second is that after yesterday I feel like I've been bareback show jumping on a sway backed horse :s

Ah, the bruises ..... I'm told :mark:

4th November 2008, 21:17
Poor you Hazel, although I can't help but chuckle. :laugh: I've had no such ill affects from cycling as the saddle's on both bikes I've been riding have been quite comfy. The saddle can be changed on any bike for a few quid so it shouldn't be something that puts you off cycling.

The saddle on my new ladies bike is much wider than the men's bike I was previously riding. What that says about the size of women's arses I dread to think. :s

4th November 2008, 23:49
Bloody Old Codgers. Try REAL bike riding.
Ahem - I'm too old.

Here comes the commercial:

Grandkids - 13 yr. twins boy / girl - both hold N3 plate - means third Cdn. Nationals.
We have 4 yr. olds to 50+ racing.

Our Club:

Last year Indoor:

As a matter of fact,tomorrow we build our first indoor track - we will build it three times between now and mid-February. We build it in one day. Start at 9:00am - ready to ride by 7:00pm.

Hectic schedule but lotsa fun.

Anybody on this forum race BMX or have kids / friends in it??

Any Brits heard of Shanaze Reade ??

Any Latvians heard of Maris Strombergs ??

Easy Drifter
5th November 2008, 01:10
Somebody who lives within a few K. of me is quite bike rider. She rides a pretty powerful motorcycle on the road. She is in her 70's I believe.
I understand she enjoys sucking in young super heroes to have a go at this grey haired little old lady on twisting roads. They get their a-- blown off. I haven't talked to her for years although we shop in the same grocery store and I saw her a couple of years ago at Mosport but couldn't connect. Yes I know her and have talked and done business years ago.
Anybody got a clue who I am talking about? At one time she was one of the world's top bike racers.
You have to know bike history or are a Cdn. racing nut to get this one.
Hint: Her initials are M.D then and now which is another hint.

5th November 2008, 08:54
I have enough of experiencing ride a bike when I was young, so I am not tempted anymore with it. :)

Hazell B
8th November 2008, 14:24
Poor you Hazel, although I can't help but chuckle. :laugh:

I'm seeing the funny side now, too :p :

To be fair, it was a huge man's bike (23" frame with larger than average wheels) so I could only just reach the pedals whilst on the seat, but had to use the seat as was riding one-handed and holding the dog lead with the other. In short - teetering on the saddle, cycling with tiptoes and being dragged about by a large Lurcher :p :

9th November 2008, 10:35
Somebody who lives within a few K. of me is quite bike rider. She rides a pretty powerful motorcycle on the road. She is in her 70's I believe.
I understand she enjoys sucking in young super heroes to have a go at this grey haired little old lady on twisting roads. They get their a-- blown off. I haven't talked to her for years although we shop in the same grocery store and I saw her a couple of years ago at Mosport but couldn't connect. Yes I know her and have talked and done business years ago.
Anybody got a clue who I am talking about? At one time she was one of the world's top bike racers.
You have to know bike history or are a Cdn. racing nut to get this one.
Hint: Her initials are M.D then and now which is another hint.
Your story reminded me of an article I read some time ago in an Israeli online magazine (translated here):
http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fullgaz.co.il%2Ffocus %2Fmoto-grany.html&hl=iw&ie=UTF-8&sl=iw&tl=en

So my answer is Michelle (formerly Michael) Duff. Am I right or am I right? :D

9th November 2008, 13:30
I have enough of experiencing ride a bike when I was young, so I am not tempted anymore with it. :)

Likewise. I got enough of bike riding after a 100 km bike ride in +27 C sunny weather in the army. Luckily I was wise enough to have taken 2 liters of extra water with me. Those who hadn't, ended up so thristy that they drank water from a roadside ditch. 50 km ski-trip in the army killed my desire for skiing for the rest of my life. They said that one of the objectives of military service was to make young men to become interested in exercising. I'd say they tended to over do it so that the objective turned against itself.