View Full Version : Peugeot 207 R3

jure dvorsek
3rd November 2008, 09:22
Hello, I'm looking for more informations regarding new P207 R3. I have heard, that in a Spanish gravel championship a team called Mevisa Sport already made some races with their P207 R3.
Was this car prepaired with help of Peugeot Sport, or is this their own project??
Is it possible to get some technichal info's about this Spanish car? Gearbox, torque, horse power ??
Does anybody know their email adress?
Thank's for any kind of help.....

3rd November 2008, 12:41
I think it was Mavisa's own project to run the 207 on gravel since last year :confused:

Peugeot France is developping the car alone with Sarrazin and Canivenq as main test drivers ;)

Currently they are developping a 107 for rally...
Mavisa's website is http://107cup.blogspot.com/

3rd November 2008, 20:30
Is it the 207 RC you are thinking of ?


jure dvorsek
4th November 2008, 07:39
Is it the 207 RC you are thinking of ?


Yes, that's the car in my mind...What is a bit strange to me, is a car's horse output-yust 180 hp, it is a bit less compare to Clio R3, which will have with the new homologation in year 2009 already near to 250 hp!!
It is true, torque of Peugeot will be on the same level as Clio's, but to compenzate a much less horse power, this is not enough.
I think this a already a lost battle for Peugeot....

4th November 2008, 08:09
The 180hp version is the one reserved to the Volant 207(207 Cup) ;)

The customer R3T shoud be something like 230hp(according rumours) ;)

4th November 2008, 09:28
Yes, that's the car in my mind...What is a bit strange to me, is a car's horse output-yust 180 hp, it is a bit less compare to Clio R3, which will have with the new homologation in year 2009 already near to 250 hp!!
It is true, torque of Peugeot will be on the same level as Clio's, but to compenzate a much less horse power, this is not enough.
I think this a already a lost battle for Peugeot....

or the Civic that has around 270 hp

4th November 2008, 09:33
Read the links... and if I understood correctly it's gonna cost less than 50K for brand new ready to go R3 Pug or Clio? That's freaking awesome! :D

4th November 2008, 19:34
According to http://www.sportmotores.es after France it's Spain's turn to have its Volant/Cup 207 RC in rallying !!!! :bounce:

Good news I was wondering if Peugeot Spain got out of rallying next year ;)

4th November 2008, 20:43