View Full Version : 2008 WDC - Lewis Hamilton

2nd November 2008, 19:39
Congratulations Lewis Hamilton.

Superb Championship winning season where the best driver rose above all obstacles and controversy to claim his first crown; the first of many.

Let the Champagne flow :D


2nd November 2008, 19:40

Lewis Hamilton, F1 World Champion 2008!

Congratulations to Lewis on his fantastic record-breaking achievement: the youngest ever world champion!

The fact that Lewis has achieved this amidst a storm of disgusting vitriol and on a decidedly unlevel playing field has made this an even more pleasing victory.


:) :) :)

2nd November 2008, 19:44
Congrats. He did the bare minimum and for that I respect him :up:

N. Jones
2nd November 2008, 19:44
WOW - what a way to end the season! Cograts to Lewis....

How mad will Ferrari be at Toyota and Glock? :)

2nd November 2008, 19:46
LH owes TG a drink!

2nd November 2008, 19:46
How mad will Ferrari be at Toyota and Glock? :)

One wonders - can you even say he made a mistake for himself staying on the slicks? Would he have finished better than sixth at the end if he HAD switched to inters?

2nd November 2008, 19:46
The writers of Eastenders couldn't have written that script :D

2nd November 2008, 19:52
The writers of Eastenders couldn't have written that script :D
Certainly not :crazy: Talk about edge of your seat stuff!

2nd November 2008, 19:53
He better buy Glock a watch the size of Big Ben.

Big Ben
2nd November 2008, 19:54
definattely the most pathetic champion in many years

2nd November 2008, 19:55
Amazing. I'm covered in Champoo and over the moon.

Got to go because I imaging a party is going to start in Woking with the boys.

C U Later :D

2nd November 2008, 19:56
definattely the most pathetic champion in many years

:laugh: Pathetic little man :laugh:

2nd November 2008, 19:56
I was screaming with frustration, but well - good job for Lewis Hamilton and McLaren, they played it safe and in the end did what they must.
Congratulations for Lewis and his family, friends, team and fans.

2nd November 2008, 19:58
Just the most intense finish to a season I have ever seen. Congrats Lewis Hamilton!!

2nd November 2008, 19:59
I was screaming with frustration, but well - good job for Lewis Hamilton and McLaren, they played it safe and in the end did what they must.
Congratulations for Lewis and his family, friends, team and fans.

A gentleman. Big respect :up:

Ian McC
2nd November 2008, 20:00

Well done Lewis though you couldn't of made it any harder for yourself! Certainly not the best way to win a championship, I can't help but feel sorry for Massa and his family, his poor father thought they had done it only to be proved wrong at the last minute.

2nd November 2008, 20:02
Both Massa and Lewis would have been deserving winners, I'm happy it was Lewis.

2nd November 2008, 20:02
well Congrast Lewis, not a fan of yours, but the championship is well deserved. the drives in Silverstone, and Germany were stunning

who'd thunk 2 years in a row the title was decided by 1 point, and Bernie wants a change in points :mark:

2nd November 2008, 20:06
amazing finish, so relieved, great result and great Champion, congratulations! :)

2nd November 2008, 20:07
definattely the most pathetic champion in many years

classy loser? no, that would be Massa, who truly was a gentlemen

2nd November 2008, 20:18
definattely the most pathetic champion in many years

It's silly when people say things like that. I wanted Felipe to win but he didn't C'est la vie.

2nd November 2008, 20:19
It was sad to see Felipe's family disappointed like that, but last year it was the Hamilton family suffering the disappointment, so they all know how it can be.

Felipe will have his chance again, but this year belongs to Lewis.

Karma is alive and well.


2nd November 2008, 20:20
What a stunning end to a season that had just about everything.

Huge congratulations to Lewis and McLaren for getting the job done this year. They deserved it :up:

2nd November 2008, 20:20
:laugh: Pathetic little man :laugh:
I can't believe you. First your little pop at me on the F1 chat and now personal attacks on people in a congratulations thread *shakes head*

Big Ben
2nd November 2008, 20:25
classy loser? no, that would be Massa, who truly was a gentlemen

I didnīt lose anything buddy and Massa actually won today in a very dominant way. It was actually your boy that almost failed to finish 5th. Heīs this season champion because Glockīs little present.

2nd November 2008, 20:29
gracious still i see, i suggest you check the congrats Felipe thread.

as for Lewis being my boy - you don't know me, or anything about my support. yeah i've rooted for Lewis but he is not "my boy".

yeah Massa won, and in great style, and i feel for him losing the title that way, but it was a season not one race, and Lewis won the title, so he too gets the congratulations

2nd November 2008, 20:29
Heīs this season champion because Glockīs little present.
He's the season's champion because of a whole season, and not because Glock was on dry tyres in the final laps of the final race of the season.

2nd November 2008, 20:31
Well done Lewis and a his father is a man to be applauded for what hes done to help Lewis in his career http://bbs.rallyesportescorts.co.uk/images/smilies/wav.gif

And to the bad sporting crowd

2nd November 2008, 20:31
Well done to Lewis Hamilton, a very deserving World Champion :)

2nd November 2008, 20:32
I was really hoping Massa would take the title. Talk about "Close but no cigar!"

Still, as far as the championship is concerned, both Massa and Hamilton have driven amazing races and also made stupid mistakes. Not to mention penalties they've received for various reasons. And the drivers' points show it, Hamilton takes it by one point in circumstances not seen regularly.

Congrats to Hamilton for taking the championship, he is without doubt a deserved winner. But, in my view, Massa is still on equal ground with Lewis and the two previous champions (Alonso and Raikkonen) still have plenty of fire in them. Add to that the aspirations of Vettel, Kubica etc and next year there should be some real fun.

Massa did what he had to do. And respect to him. A great sportsman. But Lewis did what he had to do, fair play to him :up:

Big Ben
2nd November 2008, 20:36
It's silly when people say things like that. I wanted Felipe to win but he didn't C'est la vie.

I donīt really care if you think itīs silly. Massa needed to win today to have a chance and did win while the other one only needed a 5th and had the car for at least a 3rd and I canīt really say he got the 5th pace because it was actually given to him. So please forgive me if I'm not impressed by his outstanding performance.

2nd November 2008, 20:38
Congrats to Lewis Hamilton

3rd November 2008, 05:13
I have never screamed so loud watching Formula 1.

My affection for Vettel is boundless, but when he passed Hamilton for the crown I felt winded. Then when Glock was edging around the track trying to tip toe his way to the finish, well I yelled as loud as I could. 'That's the World Championship point! Yes!'

3rd November 2008, 05:32
I was screaming with frustration, but well - good job for Lewis Hamilton and McLaren, they played it safe and in the end did what they must.
Congratulations for Lewis and his family, friends, team and fans.

:up: very respectful comments

yes this was a hard fought victory for Hamilton. I am extremely happy right now.
A worthy champion. On to 2009

3rd November 2008, 05:36
Congrats' to Lewis, and his supporters. He 's the champ, and earned it on the track.
End of Story!!!!!

3rd November 2008, 05:44
Congratulations McLaren and Lewis.

3rd November 2008, 06:15
Incredible finish.

Even though I'm not a fan of Felipe or Lewis, out of the two, the best driver won the title.

Congratulations. :up:

3rd November 2008, 07:23
Congrats to Lewis and his fans.

It was his to lose and he tried his best by being far too conservative, rather than just curbing his aggression he went completely opposite. Sad to see it taken away from Massa on the last corner by Glock's funny slow car but Hamilton also did a great job this season and deserved it too.

Still too smug for my liking but he has talent. Huge talent.

Felipe will either never drive this well or be on fire next season!

3rd November 2008, 07:45
I feel sad for Massa but Lewis deserved it :up:

3rd November 2008, 08:22
It's a shame it was Massa who had to lose but he took it really well :up:

And congratulations Hamilton - way to keep us on the edge of our seats..

3rd November 2008, 08:42
Congratulations to Lewis and McLaren. Truly a deserved champion :up:

After losing the title by one point, this time he won it by one point. How ironic.

Hats off to Massa. He made me (and many more who are not his fans) truly respect him. What a class act.

What a 2 years we have had. Surely, it can't get any more dramatic, can it?

3rd November 2008, 08:52
congrats to LH well done

gutted for massa but hay im over the moon a brit once again is on top

3rd November 2008, 08:55
It appears from the post-race interviews and information that McLaren had it far more under control than it appeared to us. The tyre change was a calculated move and they knew that Lewis would catch Glock on the last lap. I wish they had flipping well said so at the time!

I'm quite angry really that we (the Hamilton fans) had to go through all this unnecessary stress! As Jody Scheckter quite rightly pointed out the other day, Lewis would have won the championship a couple of rounds ago if it wasn't for the anti-Hamilton rule manipulation that went on during the season ('anti-Hamilton rule manipulation' are my words, not Jody Scheckter's. He worded it differently).

Nice to see Fernando Alonso congratulate Lewis during that post-race interview too. I wasn't expecting to hear him say that.

3rd November 2008, 09:11
Wow, big congratulations to Lewis Hamilton. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole race just thinking "they are going to screw it up", "they are going to make a mistake and throw it away", and in the last few laps I thought they had done exactly that. "Two years in a row", "How could they do the same thing twice?!".. then.. "what.. whaa? .... YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!"

:bounce: :champion:

3rd November 2008, 09:13
Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton.

He had a few ups and downs during the season but he scored more points than the other guys and in the end thats all that matters.

3rd November 2008, 09:43
Well done to Hamilton. A deserving champuion, but when Massa had the title, I was so excited, only for it to be wiped out in dying seconds, gut wrenching.

But nevertheless, Hamilton is a deserving champion, and I'm sure its the first of many.

3rd November 2008, 09:54
But nevertheless, Hamilton is a deserving champion, and I'm sure its the first of many.

I'm sure he will fight for many more titles. But getting a chamionship is a massive deal, because he's now achieved the top of the sport, and doesn't have to prove anything any more. Much like Raikkonen and Alonso.

3rd November 2008, 10:49
I donīt really care if you think itīs silly. Massa needed to win today to have a chance and did win while the other one only needed a 5th and had the car for at least a 3rd and I canīt really say he got the 5th pace because it was actually given to him. So please forgive me if I'm not impressed by his outstanding performance.
You have a point for the last race. massa did what was necessary and tough, where when it came time to got toe to toe, SV took him when it was all on the line.

FM won and LH had to keep fifth place, but he did not because of SV.

If Glock had not decided to give it all up on the last corner, then LH would not be WDC.

What is funny is how mac ceo tried to say they were racing Glock, but read Hamilton's comments right after the race. THEY were racing VETTEL, not Glock. LH makes that clear.

EVEN in a lucky Victory, Mac's very own CEO has to lie....I guess they want to keep the title of best liars....

The "victory" was the result of another's failure, not LH stepping up and taking it.
However based on team performance and driver performance for the entire year, LH and Mac deserve much credit and a WDC

3rd November 2008, 11:08
Hamilton truly deserved it, if for nothing else other than understanding his mistake in Japan & not pushing too hard for the win. That shows an ability to learn & adapt in only his second year. That combined with his will to win means it's going to be an interesting time for F1 over the next few years.

Very very well done Lewis.

Felipe Massa is untouchable at Interlagos, that was a prety special drive too.

3rd November 2008, 11:08
Timo Glock didn't decide to give it up all on the last corner; he actually said he was trying as hard as he could and it was so difficult to keep the car on the track.

It was also said that McLaren's decision to bring Lewis in for the tyre change was a calculated decision and that they knew Lewis would catch Timo on the last lap.

It's quite amusing to see that some people are still trying to interpret this world championship win as some sort of failure.

It was an extremely lucky victory, I agree, because the manipulation of the championship to impede Lewis nearly succeeded. Lewis would have won it a couple of rounds ago if he had a level playing field.

3rd November 2008, 11:11
What is funny is how mac ceo tried to say they were racing Glock, but read Hamilton's comments right after the race. THEY were racing VETTEL, not Glock. LH makes that clear.
What's clear is McLaren were racing for 5TH PLACE. At one point that meant Vettel, but in rapidly changing conditions that soon became Glock.

For Lewis, out on the circuit, he was racing Vettel because Vettel was right there pushing him. That was his immediate concern. The team, however, having all the information available, knew that Toyota had gambled on staying with dry tyres. For those on the pitwall Glock was the target, and one they thought Lewis could reach.

Sure they could have screamed at their driver to push, push, push to catch Glock so that Lewis could have talked about Glock in every press interview after the race but strangely enough that wasn't their concern.

3rd November 2008, 11:20
It was also said that McLaren's decision to bring Lewis in for the tyre change was a calculated decision and that they knew Lewis would catch Timo on the last lap.


A lie, pure and simple.
From the interview:
Then he got past me and I was told that I had to get in front of him, and I couldn't believe it. Then at the last corner I managed to get past Timo Glock and I'm telling you it was just amazing. I can only thank God.
Q. Had the team told you about Glock slowing down?
LH: Just before I got to him they said you have to get past Glock, so I was trying my hardest to get to Vettel but he was just as quick as me, if not a little bit quicker. It was one of the toughest races of my life, if not the toughest.
Q. What was the feeling when you crossed the line and you knew you were world champion?
LH: Well I didn't. I was shouting: "Do I have it, do I have it?" and then they came on when I was at Turn One and they told me and I was ecstatic.


I had a problem with my tyres, they were beginning to grain. There was nothing I could do, I was just trying to keep the car on the track. My heart was in my mouth when I was trying to get back in front of Vettel, but fortunately there was an opportunity to get past Glock. I did what I needed to do. So we came, we saw, we did what we needed and we go away [laughs]
Q. When it was wet at the end and Vettel got past you, what were you thinking? 'That's it, it's all over'?
LH: I don't know what happened, my tyres began to grain and I just slid wide. There was nothing I could do, I didn't outbrake myself or anything.

Opps Arrows. looks like u did not read your homework--shame Mac does not have the backbone to say it.....

3rd November 2008, 12:05
So, what you are reporting there is that Lewis was told that he had to get past Timo Glock, which is what would be expected. I can't quite fathom how you have managed to manufacture a scenario where McLaren are supposedly lying.

I was quoting information that came from Jonathan Palmer in an interview today and Ron Dennis in an interview yesterday.

However hard you try, you are going to fail dismally in trying to wrestle away any of Lewis Hamilton's or McLaren's glory in this championship victory.

3rd November 2008, 12:15
A lie, pure and simple...Opps Arrows. looks like u did not read your homework--shame Mac does not have the backbone to say it.....
I read those same interviews and stand by what I've already said.

3rd November 2008, 12:22
So, what you are reporting there is that Lewis was told that he had to get past Timo Glock, which is what would be expected. I can't quite fathom how you have managed to manufacture a scenario where McLaren are supposedly lying.

I was quoting information that came from Jonathan Palmer in an interview today and Ron Dennis in an interview yesterday.

However hard you try, you are going to fail dismally in trying to wrestle away any of Lewis Hamilton's or McLaren's glory in this championship victory.

I read those same interviews and stand by what I've already said.

Thier comments were that they were NOT racing SV, they were racing Timo.......trying to hide the fact that when it was all on the line, LH could not hold off SV nor repass him and directly opposite to what LH was trying to do (and was being told to do)!!!!....sorry guys.

Truth hurts that bad???

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd November 2008, 12:26
Thier comments were that they were NOT racing SV, they were racing Timo.......trying to hide the fact that when it was all on the line, LH could not hold off SV nor repass him and directly opposite to what LH was trying to do (and was being told to do)!!!!....sorry guys.

Truth hurts that bad???

So what point are you trying to make? Lewis should be disqualified because his team said he was racing another driver? :confused:

3rd November 2008, 12:30
Congratulations to Hamilton - one point is one point and you are the WDC now..

I feel however sorry for Massa .. because it was that close .. losing the title by one point and 250 m before the end ... it's hard .. but that's motorsport .. as Massa said..

3rd November 2008, 12:31
We're not the ones who are hurting; we're celebrating. Celebrating this in fact:


Lewis Hamilton, F1 WORLD CHAMPION 2008 and the youngest F1 WORLD CHAMPION in history.

As I said, however hard you try, you are going to fail dismally in trying to wrestle away any of Lewis Hamilton's or McLaren's glory.

3rd November 2008, 12:49
We're not the ones who are hurting; we're celebrating. Celebrating this in fact:

As I said, however hard you try, you are going to fail dismally in trying to wrestle away any of Lewis Hamilton's or McLaren's glory.

Celebrating this in fact: :)

Construction title actually still is Ferrari's and the team are celebrating their WCC-title holders - so that "glory" and celebrating still theirs.. :)

But ok Ferrari loosed the WDC-title to Hamilton with one point.. :) 250m before the end of season .. it's a fact – so go on and celebrate :D

3rd November 2008, 13:04
Yes, that's good that Ferrari have something to celebrate too. It wasn't a complete disaster for them in that respect.

I'll never understand this attitude that people have whereby they just can't come to terms with it when things don't go how they wanted it to, and they get all bitter and twisted over it, making themselves look silly in the process.

3rd November 2008, 13:07
Anyone who can beat 19 drivers six stupid stewards, the fia, really deserved it. Gutted for Massa!!!

AS for EU why don't you start a thread not congratulating Lewis, I'm sure you and Iaon would have hours of fun bitching about it.....talking of which where is Iaon, still crying into his Ferrari scarf?

3rd November 2008, 13:10
What a finish!

Not even Max & Bernie could engineer a finish like that!

Commiserations to Massa, a worthy adversary.

Congratulations to Lewis. He deserved it for his awesome drives in Monaco, Silverstone and Hockenheim.

3rd November 2008, 14:53
Timo Glock didn't decide to give it up all on the last corner; he actually said he was trying as hard as he could and it was so difficult to keep the car on the track.

If, as they say, the only true yardstick against which a Formula 1 driver can be judged is his own team-mate, then you'd have to give Glock the benefit of the doubt on this occasion since he was faster than Trulli on that last lap.

3rd November 2008, 14:55
I have just found this article regarding Glock's situation:


3rd November 2008, 15:17
I was hoping for this .

It was the most exciting finish to a season I have ever seen .

If Hamilton was going to win it , I am glad that it was so close .
You can't get closer than that .

Though I wasn't rooting for Hamilton , he deserves a thumbs up .
It was a seven point lead , which could have been a wash , but with all things seemingly going astray , it turned into a one point championship into the final corner of the final race .

Class act for Massa , giving the props to his rival .
He must have been the saddest ever winner of a race .

Lewis , for me , is a great "anti-hero" , a guy you need in a championship .
He's a guy some love to hate .
He's taken the role of the red shoe in reverse , as hero for Britain , and devil to the Tifosi .

I say , love live the rivalry , and may it spawn many more championships just like this one .
In that sense , GO LEWIS GO !

Dave B
3rd November 2008, 15:49

I've not sat through such a roller-coaster of a last lap since Rob Huff at Brands Hatch in '04! :crazy:

Lewis did what many people have been saying he's incapable of: driving for safe points rather than risking everything for a win. To do so under such pressure was nothing short of phenomenal.

It's been a brilliant season and hopefully we can put the controversies behind us now and congratulate a worthy champion.

I'd also like to express my admiration for Massa's conduct all year. He's bettered his world-champion team mate and shown himself to be a true gentleman as well as a bloody quick driver.

7 different winners from 5 different teams; the closest finish in history and the youngest world champion ever. What a season!

3rd November 2008, 17:05
I'm happy for Hamilton and McLaren whose efforts have paid off despite the controversy and farce surrounding this years championship.

He's worthy of his win and I'm thrilled for him. I was relieved to see him take a cooler approach to this last race too, playing it safe and not seeming to let the pressure get the better of him as it has in the last few races of the season.

Absolutely nerve-wracking last lap but pleasing result none the less.

Congrats to Lewis and McLaren! :)

3rd November 2008, 17:06
Great race! Congrats to Lewis Hamilton for a well deserved championship :up: Great drive by Massa too :up:

I was a bit upset however at the rather harsh booing by the Brazilian crowd though :mark:

Big Ben
3rd November 2008, 19:54
I have just found this article regarding Glock's situation:


Withmarsh had some interesting things to say too. Itīs a shame though nobody told Lewis they were going to pretend they were all cool and had everything under control.

3rd November 2008, 20:15
Congratulations to Hamilton and McLaren Mercedes for the WCD and for giving us such a thrilling race too!!!! :up:

It was up to them to win it or loose it and at the end they took it.

donKey jote
3rd November 2008, 21:07
What an amazing Finale :D
Congrats Lewis, deserved it this year far more than any of the other contenders :up:

Great stuff and great result in the end, now bring on 2009 :bounce:


3rd November 2008, 21:34
Yes, that's good that Ferrari have something to celebrate too. It wasn't a complete disaster for them in that respect.

I'll never understand this attitude that people have whereby they just can't come to terms with it when things don't go how they wanted it to, and they get all bitter and twisted over it, making themselves look silly in the process.

same could be said about your previous "anti-hamilton manupulation" comments! there are bad losers and bad winners too!

As for me, all I could say was "no no no! what the hell Timo?, no no no!"
certainly the driver I don't like won it and in the way I certainly didn't want!
still... he deserves it... so Congrats Lewis!

4th November 2008, 00:01
Congrats! :up: Hamilton's title is quite memorable and remarkable after all those setbacks and situations we have seen this year. Before the season there were serious suspicions about McLaren's competitiveness (spygate + Alonso's departure) plus also doubts about Hamilton's nerves. The beginning of the season was rough and it seemed like the choking of 2007 may have haunted him throughout 2008, causing temporary setbacks. Also all kinds of comments of other drivers being against him, FIA penalties, etc, made Hamilton's title fight even more challenging, but he together with McLaren managed to emerge at the top despite all the criticism. Amazing, really.

This title may take that enormous pressure off from Hamilton and make him seriously consistent - like we witnessed especially in the first half of 2007. And if this happens, he'll be a very difficult driver to beat. Although there are discussions about competitiveness of Ferrari vs McLaren and although Lewis had a rough and a rollercoaster season, I think he still managed to genuinely outdrive the Ferrari guys this year to clinch the title. This raises another question - if even an "immature" Hamilton couldn't be beaten, then beating a "complete and consistent" Hamilton would be even harder.

About the last race - it seemed Hamilton and McLaren played it a bit too safe. They changed to grooves at least one lap too late at the end of the first stint and generally the whole race was conservative (was McLaren also trying to save engine due to 2nd weekend?) to somehow try to finish inside Top5. Such "safe play" would also have turned out to be costly...

Btw, considering all those penalties imposed on Hamilton I'm still not entirely sure he is the champion. Maybe there is an appeal somewhere... :p :

4th November 2008, 09:14

Just a great picture that says more about what winning the WDC means than any words ever could.

4th November 2008, 11:57
Congrats to Lewis. Nearly cocked it up but he got there in the end! Enjoy it :)

4th November 2008, 12:57
7 different winners from 5 different teams; the closest finish in history and the youngest world champion ever. What a season!

Couldn't have put it better myself :up:

4th November 2008, 16:33
same could be said about your previous "anti-hamilton manupulation" comments! there are bad losers and bad winners too!

Yes, the same could be said, but of course it would be nonsense. The anti-Hamilton manipulation was as clear as day, as has been alluded to by quite a few prominent figures, stopping just short of making career-wrecking statements.

There was no element of 'bad loser' in any of my comments; I was emphasizing the situation to redress some of the balance in this blatantly manipulated racing season.

If Lewis had lost then all his fans would be justified in such an outcry because he wasn't being allowed to compete on a level playing field. Thankfully, despite all the meddling, he prevailed, so we can celebrate this fact, albeit with an element of anger at the way things were manipulated to make his job so much harder than all the other drivers.