View Full Version : Does Barrichello deserve to retain his drive for '09?

31st October 2008, 05:30
Poll please. :)

The options are a simple "yes" or "no".


31st October 2008, 05:32
Yes, but I'm cautious.

The last thing Honda needs is a David Coulthard of 2008.
If he starts to fly off the handle, then put in a ringer to push Button.

31st October 2008, 05:46

31st October 2008, 08:26
Yes, he's done well this year given the circumstances. If next year is his last year then he deserves a shot with a decent car for a change, and it's time Honda provided one for him

Valve Bounce
31st October 2008, 09:03
No more than bunsen. The poll does not do credit to my opinion, so I'll refrain from voting.

31st October 2008, 09:30
Sorry but I've had to vote no.

Rubins is a great little man and very likeable but I just think it's about time to retire.

Would love to have Alonso in the team but with Renault on the up again, I can't see why he would unless Honda can convince him there is something substantial up their sleeves for next year.

31st October 2008, 09:58
knockie don't be sorry, I too voted no :p :

31st October 2008, 10:42
Hmmm..... I'm tempted to vote no.... HOWEVER.... I honestly am struggling to see anyone out there as a possible replacement for him.... (ignoring those drivers who already have contracts confirmed for next year, and assuming Alonso doesn't go to Honda).

So I guess based on his driving this year, probably no he doesn't deserve it, but given there are none who deserve it any more than him, yes he does deserve to keep it :D .

Its nice on top of this fence :D

31st October 2008, 10:58
Yes, the old guard is giving Bunsen a run for his money and he has almost 10 years on the guy. He deserves the drive, Honda owe him for this years pathetic excuse for a car. Go RB :up:

31st October 2008, 11:06
I voted yes, because he has matched Button, so he does deserve a drive.

But if I was the boss, I'd say no, simply because it is a gamble keeping him, and a gamble with very short term benefits, in that he willl most likely retire at end of 2009 anyway.

31st October 2008, 11:30
I voted yes because he's beaten Button this year, and Jenson has nothing going for him other than some people thinking he will be better next year because slicks/less aerodynamics/KERS will suit his smooth driving style.

31st October 2008, 12:01
Hmmm..... I'm tempted to vote no.... HOWEVER.... I honestly am struggling to see anyone out there as a possible replacement for him.... (ignoring those drivers who already have contracts confirmed for next year, and assuming Alonso doesn't go to Honda).

So I guess based on his driving this year, probably no he doesn't deserve it, but given there are none who deserve it any more than him, yes he does deserve to keep it :D .

Its nice on top of this fence :D

Just watch out you don't slip and bring tears to your eyes ;)

31st October 2008, 13:36
Other than Alonso it's hard to see who could do a better job for Honda than Rubens. Experience is underrated in F1.

Incidentally, what's with RB's helmet design this weekend? It looks very much like that of fellow Brazilian Ingo Hoffman who raced for Fittipaldi in the 1970's.

31st October 2008, 13:43
there is 2 ways to llok at this for me.

1, he is still clearly at or near the top of his game, and therefore it would make sense for him to carry on.

2, he is still clearly at or near the top of his game, and therefore he should quit whilst he's still got it rather than making an embarrassment of himself when he does lose it.

for me, i think he's got another decent year in him. he's a decent benchmark for Honda and Jenson, he's got the experience of change and the experience to help the team forward. and alongside experience, consistency is also very important, and i think Honda would benefit more from a consistent and trusted line up, rather than trying to learn about a new young guy.

bring in a newbie (senna, Di Resta?) to "study" under Rubens for a year, and see where they are next year, unless Alonso has a moment of madness i can't see anyone else, potentially available, to replace him and do better.

31st October 2008, 13:48
Other than Alonso it's hard to see who could do a better job for Honda than Rubens. Experience is underrated in F1.

Incidentally, what's with RB's helmet design this weekend? It looks very much like that of fellow Brazilian Ingo Hoffman who raced for Fittipaldi in the 1970's.

It is, Ingo Hoffman announced his retirement of the brazilian stock car this year (he is the most successful driver in the category, and is at this category since 1979), also rubens recived a helmet from him at the beginning of his carrear as a gift in the 80's...

31st October 2008, 15:04
Does Barrichello deserve to retain his drive for '09? - 30th Oct 08, 22:30

No! He desrves something better than the $h!+iest car on the grid! :dozey:

31st October 2008, 15:44

31st October 2008, 15:55
Does Barrichello deserve to retain his drive for '09? - 30th Oct 08, 22:30

No! He desrves something better than the $h!+iest car on the grid! :dozey:

Both Honda drivers do.

Rubens should stay because he's so experienced and a really nice guy it seems too.

31st October 2008, 17:18
It is, Ingo Hoffman announced his retirement of the brazilian stock car this year (he is the most successful driver in the category, and is at this category since 1979), also rubens recived a helmet from him at the beginning of his carrear as a gift in the 80's...
Thanks Henry :up:

Unfortunately for Rubens, according to Ian Phillips on 5Live, the word around Brackley is that Senna has signed to drive for Honda in 2009,

31st October 2008, 22:21
Thanks Henry :up:

Unfortunately for Rubens, according to Ian Phillips on 5Live, the word around Brackley is that Senna has signed to drive for Honda in 2009,

That'd be poor form. :down:

You can't dump the most experienced F1 driver ever without a proper farewell. :\

Especially considering:
a) Barrichello has been the better Honda driver this year IMO
b) Senna is not ready for an F1 drive.

1st November 2008, 01:59
my vote says replace him with the fastest painted toenails in the west...
scot speed

1st November 2008, 05:14
I too voted No, Not becuase he is significantly worse than his teemamate or give the equipment, it is just that his F1 career has ran its; course. Time to rretire with dignity.

I also feel that there are a few drivers out there younger and hungrier than Barrichelo. Bravo for a solid career and time to mvoe on gracefully.

They say the hardest thing for a professional athlete to do is to know when to retire. He actually had a decent year in 2008 and should feel that he can leave now with his head high.

1st November 2008, 06:52
I THINK THE REAL QUESTION IS HOW CRAP IS HONDA and could even lewis win in it

Hungarian (http://www.formula1.com/results/season/2006/763/)
06 Aug 2006 The only win for honda this time around after taking over from BAR

2000 1 win
2001 0 wins
2002 4 wins
2003 2 wins
2004 2 wins
2005 0 wins
+ the ones that he had to let Michael Schumacher (http://www.formula1.com/results/driver/2006/7.html) win

1st November 2008, 08:24
I think that for him it;d be best to retire or to try ALMS or something, but he deserves the place. He bested Button this season.

1st November 2008, 12:55
This is a tricky question.

Firstly, as we know, that a team in a position of Honda really doesn't have many good options to choose from, which means there aren't drivers, about who we could say that they will certainly perform better than Barrichello. Also, as he has at least matched Button this year (for example Q-battles 9-8 in favour of RB), there are even less arguments for replacing RB. If we look at the situation from this aspect, then retaining Barrichello seems like a fine decision, but IMO there is another side...

The counter-question is that if JB and RB continue to be match each other in 2009, should Honda keep both drivers again? And after that then again? Where is the solution? They can't continue like that forever.
A team in position of Honda could take a risk and hire a youngster. What's for them to lose? I can understand if a top team isn't willing to risk with a rookie, but a backmarker is in a perfect position for risks. Honda is clearly preparing for future with newly-signed Brawn to try to climb out of the hole and why not include driver choices into the "building for the future" plan, which would include a new young driver around who to build that 'new team'? Barrichello is clearly a temporary solution, but Honda would need to look in the long rung further. Toyota went in similar way for 2008 by hiring a young driver alongside a more experienced one and despite a difficult start for Glock this decision hasn't worked out badly, has it? Honda could try something similar in my view. As I said, they have nothing to lose (even if the rookie flops), but they may gain if the risk works out fine. And a team in Honda's position needs to take risks to get anywhere.

Besides this Button needs a youngster to boost his motivation. Jenson knows fully well that he will never be sacked as long as Barrichello is his team-mate as the team would never start backing Rubens due to his age. But alongside a young driver Button would need to prove himself and cement his position in the team. Like in 2006 Peter Sauber said that after replacing Villeneuve with Kubica Heidfeld found extra tenths in his performance.

1st November 2008, 13:11
based on performance he is not the honda driver that should be worried

1st November 2008, 13:17
But alongside a young driver Button would need to prove himself and cement his position in the team.

I doubt he can do that.

1st November 2008, 15:42
I doubt he can do that.
Well, he's proved he can win. Honda just need to provide him with a competitive car again.

1st November 2008, 17:20
I voted yes, simply because not just this year but last year as well, Honda have given him and Jenson a pathetic excuse of a racing car. Despite that though, he's managed to nab 11 points and a brilliant podium finish at Silverstone.

It proves that Honda are to blame because on their day and in the right car, both Button and Barrichello are more than capable of running at the business end of the field, fighting for podium places and points.

In other words, Rubens and Jenson deserve better than what they are getting in terms of their race car

1st November 2008, 22:17
Other than Alonso it's hard to see who could do a better job for Honda than Rubens. Experience is underrated in F1.

Incidentally, what's with RB's helmet design this weekend? It looks very much like that of fellow Brazilian Ingo Hoffman who raced for Fittipaldi in the 1970's.

It is the helmet "of fellow Brazilian Ingo Hoffman who raced for Fittipaldi in the 1970's." He gave Rubens his first driving helmet as a child is Sao Paulo and this is Ruben's tribute to him, making me wonder if Ruben's knows that this is also his last F1 race. It would be very typical of Rubens to go out quietly with little fanfare, and for that alone, I feel he deserves to keep his seat as long as he wants it.

2nd November 2008, 00:26
Other than Alonso it's hard to see who could do a better job for Honda than Rubens. Experience is underrated in F1.

Incidentally, what's with RB's helmet design this weekend? It looks very much like that of fellow Brazilian Ingo Hoffman who raced for Fittipaldi in the 1970's.

The helmet looks very nice too. It was like when he raced with Tony Kanaan's helmet on in 2006, it suited him very well.

2nd November 2008, 04:47
Does Barrichello deserve to retain his drive for '09? - 30th Oct 08, 22:30

No! He desrves something better than the $h!+iest car on the grid! :dozey:

Okay, then he can drive for Force India next year.....

Actually the only intelligent post on this thread (other than mine of course)

2nd November 2008, 07:39
in all the years of RB in F1 I have never heard he was any good at car development. IMO Fry developed the car according to RB and Jensen took the year off because the car is crap. Then in comes Brawn and sees the car and whose input they used. RB is a very good journeyman drivers but not a developer which is what Honda needs now

2nd November 2008, 16:09
in all the years of RB in F1 I have never heard he was any good at car development. IMO Fry developed the car according to RB and Jensen took the year off because the car is crap. Then in comes Brawn and sees the car and whose input they used. RB is a very good journeyman drivers but not a developer which is what Honda needs now

Hire bader or whatever was his name...he did a lot of driving for the team when MS was there...

I do remember one thing I saw in a tech article in some magagine (maybe F1) a few years ago, about the right foot braking of of RB and DC.

They had a comparision of driver data of MS and RB at Japan .

MS was gaining about .5 of a second at one corner, because he was on the throttle longer and MS was on the brakes slightly later--- then it was explained that it was the difference in taking one's foot from throttle to brake by RB and MS simply braking with the left foot...otherwise there was not much difference and in some places on the track, RB seemed to be doing the better job

The next year there was a big deal about RB going to lefty on the brakes, but that ended after a while when it seemd to be harming his overall driving

Nikki Katz
3rd November 2008, 11:52
I think that he does deserve to retain the seat based on this year's performance. Sadly all the signs are that he'll be replaced by Senna, or possibly even Piquet.

3rd November 2008, 20:42
Di Grassi and Bruno Senna will fight Rubens at the end of this month for the 2nd seat at Honda...

3rd November 2008, 22:04
Di Grassi? Interesting. Does that mean he has been denied of a Renault drive and it'll be a decision between Piquet and Grosjean?

3rd November 2008, 22:38
Either neither Honda driver should lose their seat, or both should.

8th November 2008, 07:14
Absolutely not, they should get rid of Jenson too as far as I'm concerned. It's time to rebuild and go forward as this duo has done quite the opposite lately. Rubens especially though. It's time to make room for the new talent, Rubens has had his time and then some.

8th November 2008, 14:09
Salut Gilles
Planetf1.com SUCKS!
Did you get pitched out of their forum? :dozey:

8th November 2008, 19:48
Did you get pitched out of their forum? :dozey:

Yes, the story is I had written a post that was fairly long (took about 15 mins). During that time another thread on the same subject was created. When I posted my thread it was promptly deleted (not moved as it would've been in here). When I asked why it was done I was told that there was an identical thread and it had to be deleted (the mods there do actually sometime "move" threads keep in mind). So I complained in a new thread about that situation and was canned from the the forum. So don't go there lol.

8th November 2008, 21:51
I appreciate your candor! :up:
I will breach the subject no more! :)

9th November 2008, 00:05
Yes the Honda is S**t ,so the drivers say,but I believe Barrichelo has done more this season than Button.I would keep Ruebens,sack Button and put a younger hungrier driver with Ruebens for a year and hopefully somebody to replace ruebens for 2010

9th November 2008, 10:31
The funny thing is that... everyone seems to think that 2009 will be certainly Barrichello's last season (by the way, the same was thought before 2008!) and imagine if Barrichello comprehensively beats Button in 2009. It would put Honda into quite an inconvenient situation, because Button is clearly the guy, around who they would like to build the future, but if he gets beaten, then it creates a feeling in the Honda camp that they have backed a wrong man. Barrichello with his driving certainly hasn't made it easy for Honda to make a decision about which everyone would say is a sensible one...