View Full Version : Sarah "Fredo" Palin: "I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart!"

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26th October 2008, 22:04
Does anyone else have the feeling that prior to Election Day, John McCain might have Sarah Palin taken out on a rowboat for a (very short) "fishing trip"?
Don't go out on that boat, Sarah! Despite what the McCains might tell you, there's no Alaska salmon in Canyon Lake!!!

But anyway, the hits just keep on coming... now the blame game begins (ahead of schedule):



26th October 2008, 22:20
Needs more Chuck Norris...

27th October 2008, 16:49
the south shall rise again

say "YEA" to him !!!! :p

29th October 2008, 14:26
If the old CART series was still around, I'm sure they'd hire John McCain and Sarah Palin as CEO and President to run the series (into the ground). I can't recall seeing this level of foot shooting since Jargon Joe Heitzler was killing CART with his incompetence. But I now believe that McCain and Palin could outdo him.

Over the past few days, McCain advisors began referring to Palin as "going rogue", a "diva" and (my personal favorite)... a "whack job". This campaign doesn't need the Democrats... hell, they're out to destroy themselves.


I hope Caribou Barbie Palin enjoys this 15 minutes of fame. Come November 5, I'd say (I hope) you can stick a fork in her narrow butt... cause she'll be done. :s mokin:

7th November 2008, 02:16
In all the jokes I've made about Sarah Palin, I never really thought that she was (or could be) nearly as dumb as I made her out to be. I was wrong. Turns out, she may be a LOT dumber than even I imagined.

Top McCain advisors have let go with a barrage on Sarah Palin today. She and her family are being described as "looting Wasilla Hillbillies" for patronizing expensive New York shops, buying not $150,000, but closer to $200,000 worth of clothes and trinkets for herself and her family... and lying about giving it to charity. It's being reported that Republican National Committee lawyers are now on their way "North To Alaska" (cool song from the '60's, by the way) to track down Palin and get some of the missing items back. Sarah is said to have used none of her own money, but wasn't above using the credit cards of staffers. And what about the poor Republican donor who offered to clothe Palin, figuring it might take 20 grand and then gets this bill for almost $200K? To save himself from shame, he should tell his wife and friends that he blew his money on hookers and booze.

But here's the good part. According to McCain's advisors, Palin didn't knwow the three countries which had signed onto the NAFTA treaty. Hey Sarah, hint, hint: it's the North American Free Trade Agreement. Sarah, can ya maybe name some countries in North America??? Apparently not. Oh, man... maybe ya can get back to me, eh? She also thought that Africa was a country... didn't know that it was a continent. And on election night, she reportedly approached McCain, requesting that he allow her to make her won concession speech. Vice Presidential candidates are seen and not heard on election night.

Not that it needed to be, but my faith in God is further confirmed. That He would not put us in the position that this complete and utter MORON might have lucked into the Oval Office if McCain had croaked, is truly a blessing. Shame on you, John McCain, for even making that a possibility!

And lastly, some of this stuff about Palin may just be angry, sour grapes McCain advisors unleashing on Palin. But considering how willing Palin was to use rumor and innuendo during her Uncle Jed rallies...

Karma, Sarah. Karma! :D

7th November 2008, 02:28

I respect your posts, but IMO you should view these anonymous reports with the same skepticism you have for Sarah Palin and her abilities. It just sounds too much like sour grapes and someone with an axe to grind.

7th November 2008, 02:56
Oh, I love Sarah Palin like a fat kid loves cake.

All in fun. Lookie what I found.



7th November 2008, 05:25
Many said that in open debate against Biden she wasn't too bad, exceeded public expectation.

McCain decision to go in hand with Sarah for the election perhaps his best choice than the rest options available.

She has contributed to lift up more voter went for McCain-Palin pair, logically from those Democrat partisan previously rely their voice on Hillary. Despite in fact she was more to attract sympathy from adult men voters, perhaps like us. :D

7th November 2008, 08:03
She didn't know Africa is a continent! Mind you, I'm amazed she'd even heard of Africa, frankly :D

She refused any prepping before her interview with Katie Couric, believing she could handle it. Afterwards, she was 'annoyed' :D

The reason all this is coming out now, is that reporters had full access provided anything they saw was kept out of the media until after the election.

I suspect it's the tip of the iceberg :G

7th November 2008, 11:21
Many said that in open debate against Biden she wasn't too bad, exceeded public expectation.

McCain decision to go in hand with Sarah for the election perhaps his best choice than the rest options available.

She has contributed to lift up more voter went for McCain-Palin pair, logically from those Democrat partisan previously rely their voice on Hillary. Despite in fact she was more to attract sympathy from adult men voters, perhaps like us. :D

The debates seemed more like rehearsed speeches rather than actual debates.

I am very glad she is nowhere near the White House.

8th November 2008, 03:19
This woman should have been weeded out a long time ago as being unfit for public service. ok, she's probably perfect to be Governor of Alaska and thought that she needed no on the job training because she actually ran a small outpost.

bad move by McTurbo for picking her, it showed that they didnt vet this person properly. Should have pciked Lieberman as his running mate.

8th November 2008, 03:31
If the G.O.P. Ticket had been reversed with palin and the presidential Cannidate and McCain for VP we would be Calling Governor Palin the President Elect.

8th November 2008, 04:17
what's new in Cubo?

8th November 2008, 04:33

8th November 2008, 04:47

"She said she remembered having conversations during debate preparation about Africa and the North American Free Trade Agreement.
A Fox News report cited unidentified campaign sources who said Ms Palin did not know Africa was a continent and could not name the three countries in NAFTA - the United States, Canada and Mexico.
"I think if there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about NAFTA or about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context, and that is cruel and mean-spirited, it's immature, it's unprofessional and those guys are jerks," Ms Palin said.
"It's not fair and it's not right."
She also described accusations that she spent exorbitant amounts of money on clothes for the campaign as "sexist."
- Reuters

8th November 2008, 04:59
If the G.O.P. Ticket had been reversed with palin and the presidential Cannidate and McCain for VP we would be Calling Governor Palin the President Elect.

Had she been at the top of the ticket, I think her incompetence and lack of knowledge on the broad range of economic and political issues would have been made more apparent to the American public. Or at the every least, her incredible ignorance would have been much harder to hide. During the debates, very little focus was placed on her. The Dems actually had Biden play nice so he wouldn't appear to be "beating up" on a woman. But at the top of the ticket, she would have gotten the same treatement that Hillary got. As much as I didn't agree with much of anything about Clinton, I wouldn't question her intelligence or range of knowledge on many issues. Even though many neocons and Evangelical types seem to love Palin, I'd say independents and progressive fiscal conservatives would have beaten a path away from her as the GOP's nominee.

I just don't think the gain from the neocons and Evangelicals that stayed home on Tuesday would have made up for the independents and fiscal conservatives who would have abandoned the party, just as Chris Buckley and so many others did when she was nominated as the VP. In a time of deep economic crisis, what fiscal policy ideas would Sarah Palin have presented that would have won over Ohio, Michigan or Pennsylvania? I'm not convinced that she even knows the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy. If she didn't know the countries included in NAFTA, I think it's safe to say that the average Econ 101 student could take all of her clothes in a quick game of Strip Economic Trivia.

And let's face it, Sarah got a pass on many things just because she was the #2. As the #1, I don't think all the memorized talking points and teleprompters in the world could have bailed her out. Or as one might say, there's not enough lipstick in the world to pretty up that pig.

8th November 2008, 05:05
If the G.O.P. Ticket had been reversed with palin and the presidential Cannidate and McCain for VP we would be Calling Governor Palin the President Elect.

Good one.

8th November 2008, 05:40
Many said that in open debate against Biden she wasn't too bad, exceeded public expectation.

Until I watched the debate two more times, I thought she did very well. And she did exceed expectations. Expectations were VERY low. She didn't freeze up. She didn't go into a trance and stare at the camera like a deer caught in headlights, with drool running down her chin. She didn't vomit on herself. She successfully memorized and repeated the talking points given to her by the McCain advisors. But neither she nor Biden performed anywhere near what one would expect in a proper debate.

McCain decision to go in hand with Sarah for the election perhaps his best choice than the rest options available.

True. I understand that McCain wanted Joe Lieberman. Can you imagine McCain taking a Democrat Jew into some of those Southern redneck rallies, and convincing those people that a vote for McCain and a Jew would be better than a vote for a Black guy and a White liberal? Talk about a soul searching moment in Redneck Land!

She has contributed to lift up more voter went for McCain-Palin pair, logically from those Democrat partisan previously rely their voice on Hillary. Despite in fact she was more to attract sympathy from adult men voters, perhaps like us. :D

Yes, I think there are more than a few men who have MILF fantasies about Palin. Then there are guys like me who don't care for stupid women. Once you get to a certain age, a woman with brains (and moderate looks) means more than one who just has a nice face or figure... but is dumber than a bag of hammers. But the angry Hillary supporters pretty much rejected Palin as a cheap gender card play by McCain and the GOP: they supported Obama at 82%. White females supported Obama in greater numbers than they did Kerry or Gore in the last two elections. Women made up 53% of the vote this year, and women went for Obama/Biden 55% to 43% for McCain/Palin.

8th November 2008, 05:40
I just wish that Obama's background and speeches had been investigated as much as Palin's...or at least Joe the Plumber's

BTW for that fool who posted the stupid photo about Palin's wardrobe and it's cost....How come nobody seemed to care about Obama's $1500 suits or Michelle's Designer Dresses which were paid by the campaign.?

8th November 2008, 05:43
True. I understand that McCain wanted Joe Lieberman. Can you imagine McCain taking a Democrat Jew into some of those Southern redneck rallies, and convincing those people that a vote for McCain and a Jew would be better than a vote for a Black guy and a White liberal? Talk about a soul searching moment in Redneck Land!


Lieberman was never considered.
Aside from the War on Terrorism and Israel, Liberman is as Liberal as they come. This would have alienated what little of the conservative base that was hanging around.

8th November 2008, 05:44
This woman should have been weeded out a long time ago as being unfit for public service. ok, she's probably perfect to be Governor of Alaska and thought that she needed no on the job training because she actually ran a small outpost.

bad move by McTurbo for picking her, it showed that they didnt vet this person properly. Should have pciked Lieberman as his running mate.
I would put Palin as one of the most fit persons on the planet to govern.

Definately much better than anyone in Europe by far except Berlusconi.

8th November 2008, 07:02
Lieberman was never considered.
Aside from the War on Terrorism and Israel, Liberman is as Liberal as they come. This would have alienated what little of the conservative base that was hanging around.

Those in the McCain camp claim that Lieberman was considered by McCain, and his top advisors (Schmidt in particular) wanted Palin. McCain himself didn't know Sarah Palin from Daffy Duck. But I agree: the social conservatives, neocons and Evangelicals would have slit their wrists in warm baths before supporting a pro-choice Jew from the Northeast.

8th November 2008, 07:39
I just wish that Obama's background and speeches had been investigated as much as Palin's...or at least Joe the Plumber's

If there was a stoned left unturned on Obama's background, I'd be amazed. I mean, they pretty much went back to when he was 8 years old. If Karl Rove's Gestapo troops could have found a credible person who would have testified that they saw Obama poop his pants when he was 2, I'm sure Fox News would have reported it.

How come nobody seemed to care about Obama's $1500 suits or Michelle's Designer Dresses which were paid by the campaign.?

That's what was so amusing about Sarah. Just when that silly controversy had died down, she and her twit friend, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, brought it up again. The Dems didn't light the fire that got this shopping spree story going. Someone within the McCain campaign leaked some info after Sarah and the Wasilla gang burned the RNC donor who said he would pick up the tab to keep her from looking like she just rolled out of trailer park. But instead of a $20-$25K bill, he apparently got a tab for closer to $150K... plus what she allegedly spent using staffers' credit cards (said to be another $40K or so). That got tongues wagging. And she didn't have enough sense just to let it die. The Dems just said they bought their own clothes and let it go at that. It would have never become a big deal if the RNC and Sarah hadn't allowed it to become a big deal.

If she had kept her spending in check, this would have never become a story. If she had allowed the McCain people to tutor her on basic things, that she should have known anyway: geography, basic economics, geopolitics, etc., she wouldn't have come off as such an incredible dullard. That's how she got burned by the pranksters. If she hadn't been playing "Sarah Knows Best", they wouldn't have been able to get through to her and make an (even bigger) idiot out of her. Instead of trying to act like she had foreign policy experience because she could see Russia from her house, she should have just told Couric that she had experience in other areas, and foreign policy was an area that she was seeking to gain more knowledge in.

But in the end, McCain must shoulder the blame for whatever damage Palin did to his campaign. He could have picked Elizabeth Dole (maybe she wouldn't have gone negative and been gutted in a sad Senate campaign then). He could have picked Kay Bailey Hutchinson. He didn't have to pick that nitwit. He ran a bad campaign. And now the knives are coming out. The John McCain that gave that concession speech is the John McCain that I remember from the 90's. And I think that John McCain would have won this election... along with a truly qualified running mate. Instead of playing on people's fears and the lowest common denominators, he could have done a better job of connecting to a worried nation, using a hopeful message. But he didn't do that. John made a lot of bad choices and he paid the price.

8th November 2008, 16:40
I would put Palin as one of the most fit persons on the planet to govern.

Definately much better than anyone in Europe by far except Berlusconi.

Well I'm hoping your current party base thinks like you. If so, it will be a long, long time before the darkness falls again.
Fear the fear.

McTurbo's mishandlers made Dole's 96' campaign mishandlers look legitimate.

8th November 2008, 16:49
I just wish that Obama's background and speeches had been investigated as much as Palin's...or at least Joe the Plumber's
If the G.O.P. Ticket had been reversed with palin and the presidential Cannidate and McCain for VP we would be Calling Governor Palin the President Elect.

This is good stuff. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Joe the Plumber :rotflmao:

8th November 2008, 18:02
I just wish that Obama's background and speeches had been investigated as much as Palin's...or at least Joe the Plumber's

BTW for that fool who posted the stupid photo about Palin's wardrobe and it's cost....How come nobody seemed to care about Obama's $1500 suits or Michelle's Designer Dresses which were paid by the campaign.?You're calling me a fool and supporting Sarah Palin at the same time? Wow, talk about an oxymoron! The only thing this little slab of ass was worth to the McCain campaign was dead weight. She would be in better service with me underneath the sheets rather than having her reside anywhere near the Whitehouse.

lol @ Joe the plumber. Desperation, the tool of the defeated.

8th November 2008, 18:25
I would put Palin as one of the most fit persons on the planet to govern.

Definately much better than anyone in Europe by far except Berlusconi.

Right on!! Sarah will be a force. The repbs botched their own chances and the only breath of fresh air was Sarah. McCain was too old plus the hatred for Bush was insurmountable. BTW who really gives a if Africa is in fact a country or a continent? It is a foreign aid cesspool, heaven for terrorists, and just a disgusting place. The Brits and France were dominate in Africa so they should take care of it and we should re-invest our foreign aid.

8th November 2008, 20:33
I would put Palin as one of the most fit persons on the planet to govern.

Definately much better than anyone in Europe by far except Berlusconi.

You confirm the impression that you are psychotic.

Thank gawd millions and millions of people finally figured out that the Right-wing ranting nut jobs are NOT FIT and voted them decisively out of office.

No hope for dead-enders like you and your friends here.

8th November 2008, 21:12
Joe the Plumber


8th November 2008, 21:19
Right on!! Sarah will be a force. The repbs botched their own chances and the only breath of fresh air was Sarah.

Fousto, I ask this sincerely. What about Sarah Palin made her a breath of fresh air? I have heard this before and I've yet to hear any particulars. Seriously. Can you tell me something about her that makes her more than just a woman with (slightly) above average looks and below average intelligence?

BTW who really gives a if Africa is in fact a country or a continent? It is a foreign aid cesspool, heaven for terrorists, and just a disgusting place. The Brits and France were dominate in Africa so they should take care of it and we should re-invest our foreign aid.

Well, one could say the same of Afghanistan, probably more so. So, what meaningless, little cesspool of a country originated the attack that kicked the greatest super power on Earth squarely in the testicles? And guess what, the guy who planned the attack is still fat, free and happy! How could this be?

The idea that Africa is a disgusting place is probably due to the limited information that Westerners, specifically Americans, have of the continent. Depending on what happens with GM, I may go to South Africa next year and I'm looking forward to it. Where I'll be going, Port Elizabeth, is hardly disgusting. It's a huge varied continent, with good places and bad places. A night spent in Greenville, Mississippi, Torreon, Mexico or (from what I hear) Anchorage, Alaska (highest alcohol mortality rate in the U.S.) might convince some that North America is a cesspool. But we know that those sad places are not necessarily representative of the whole of our continent... course, we also know all of the countries that make up NAFTA too, right? ;) And that someone who is seeking the second (or first) highest political office in the land wouldn't know a country from a continent is truly amazing to me!!! Should she ever be in a position that she would have to deal with an international terrorist crisis originating in Africa, it might be nice if she knew that she'd need to find the actual country within Africa, and not send the 101st Airborne to the wrong location. Does she know anything about South Africa's nuclear capabilities? Probably not, since she can't even pronounce nuclear (the next person who says nukyuler should be prohibited from holding public office in the U.S.), and doesn't know where South Africa is or what it is. And how could she not know the countries in NAFTA???!!! :eek: Can't she see North America from her house, like she can Russia?

But now that I think about it, this could work out really well for me. I'm an NRA Life Member. I might meet up with Sarah and First Dude at some NRA function one of these days prior to 2012. I had more executive experience by age 30 than Sarah does now. So while I let First Dude shoot one of my AK's and play with my Weatherby, I might dazzle ol' Sarah with some basic economic terms and the fact that I was schooled in supply side theory in getting my degree. I could make sure she doesn't use the word "physical" when she writes about fiscal policy. See, I could be a huge asset to her, if not the country. I figure her head is so empty of basic knowledge, give me about 15 minutes and I could be on the short list to be Secretary of the Treasury or maybe even Fed Chairman. And the sad part, I'm probably more qualified to occupy either of those positions than Sarah is to be President (or Vice President) of the United States. The worst thing I might do is move the Fed offices to Road America and have the Treasury fund a grand prix there. I'd probably also pull some strings to have Tony George sent to Gitmo for some waterboarding fun & games. Where is Tony George? Don't ask, don't tell, baby. Don't ask, don't tell... :devil:

So I guess I've changed my mind.
Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!

A vote for her might mean a job (and a damn nice gubment pension) for moi in 2012! :s mokin:

donKey jote
8th November 2008, 21:26
Hey janvan :burp: a :wave:
good morning America !
and welcome back to the free world :D

8th November 2008, 22:51
Fousto, I ask this sincerely. What about Sarah Palin made her a breath of fresh air? I have heard this before and I've yet to hear any particulars. Seriously. Can you tell me something about her that makes her more than just a woman with (slightly) above average looks and below average intelligence?

Well, one could say the same of Afghanistan, probably more so. So, what meaningless, little cesspool of a country originated the attack that kicked the greatest super power on Earth squarely in the testicles? And guess what, the guy who planned the attack is still fat, free and happy! How could this be?

The idea that Africa is a disgusting place is probably due to the limited information that Westerners, specifically Americans, have of the continent. Depending on what happens with GM, I may go to South Africa next year and I'm looking forward to it. Where I'll be going, Port Elizabeth, is hardly disgusting. It's a huge varied continent, with good places and bad places. A night spent in Greenville, Mississippi, Torreon, Mexico or (from what I hear) Anchorage, Alaska (highest alcohol mortality rate in the U.S.) might convince some that North America is a cesspool. But we know that those sad places are not necessarily representative of the whole of our continent... course, we also know all of the countries that make up NAFTA too, right? ;) And that someone who is seeking the second (or first) highest political office in the land wouldn't know a country from a continent is truly amazing to me!!! Should she ever be in a position that she would have to deal with an international terrorist crisis originating in Africa, it might be nice if she knew that she'd need to find the actual country within Africa, and not send the 101st Airborne to the wrong location. Does she know anything about South Africa's nuclear capabilities? Probably not, since she can't even pronounce nuclear (the next person who says nukyuler should be prohibited from holding public office in the U.S.), and doesn't know where South Africa is or what it is. And how could she not know the countries in NAFTA???!!! :eek: Can't she see North America from her house, like she can Russia?

But now that I think about it, this could work out really well for me. I'm an NRA Life Member. I might meet up with Sarah and First Dude at some NRA function one of these days prior to 2012. I had more executive experience by age 30 than Sarah does now. So while I let First Dude shoot one of my AK's and play with my Weatherby, I might dazzle ol' Sarah with some basic economic terms and the fact that I was schooled in supply side theory in getting my degree. I could make sure she doesn't use the word "physical" when she writes about fiscal policy. See, I could be a huge asset to her, if not the country. I figure her head is so empty of basic knowledge, give me about 15 minutes and I could be on the short list to be Secretary of the Treasury or maybe even Fed Chairman. And the sad part, I'm probably more qualified to occupy either of those positions than Sarah is to be President (or Vice President) of the United States. The worst thing I might do is move the Fed offices to Road America and have the Treasury fund a grand prix there. I'd probably also pull some strings to have Tony George sent to Gitmo for some waterboarding fun & games. Where is Tony George? Don't ask, don't tell, baby. Don't ask, don't tell... :devil:

So I guess I've changed my mind.
Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!

A vote for her might mean a job (and a damn nice gubment pension) for moi in 2012! :s mokin:

Another great post.

You are making far too much sense for some on this forum! :)

9th November 2008, 00:24
Right on!! Sarah will be a force. The repbs botched their own chances and the only breath of fresh air was Sarah. McCain was too old plus the hatred for Bush was insurmountable.

Just as the dislike many clearly have for the ignorant, bellicose, saccharine, vain Palin ought to be insurmountable.

There was no 'breath of fresh air' about her. Having a VP candidate saying that they are a 'hockey mom' can hardly be classed as that. Nor can making a virtue out of having a lack of knowledge of foreign affairs. The fact she had to be so closely briefed should have disqualified her immediately and should continue so to do. So, what exactly does she offer that is so daringly new and exciting? Nothing that I can see.

And as for the favourable comment made elsewhere about Berlusconi — well, that poster clearly has absolutely no idea about European politics and really ought to go and find out about it before making such ignorant statements.

9th November 2008, 01:35
It is alarming that while the rest of the world looked on in absolute disbelief and amazement that Palin was even chosen to be running mate in the first place, some Americans actually think she would make a good President.

Even without the stupidity side there is plenty of controversy attached to her, such as that $200 million worth of funding for 'The Bridge To Nowhere' which was never returned even though the idea was dropped.

Then there's the abuse of power by seeking to have her ex brother in law fired - She was only 'cleared' in the final days before the election, a coincidence too great for many to swallow.

9th November 2008, 02:17
Hey janvan :burp: a :wave:
good morning America !
and welcome back to the free world :D

Ola Muchachito mio!

Yes it is a good morning, but it would be better if the gang of criminals still in Washington and their henchmen and stooges were facing serious charges and potential jail time pour encouagé les autres .

Refreshing to see that, as usual in America, when there is a serious crisis, millions and millions of people did the right thing and rejected the Party of Extremism, and rejected the policies of fear.
Winston Churchill said on the day America finally entered WWII, in response to another Minister saying "Thank God, America is in; they can always be relied upon to do the right thing" to which Churchill mutter (be clear enough to be recorded by 2 different people) "After they have tried everything else."

We tried letting an idiot-savant puppet be a figurehead while Corporate hacks ran the entire country and as we saw the Financial sector straight into the ground, their greed and stupidity being limitless the whole world now can see, and we and unfortunately you will doubtless suffer---and the Extremists here and on their radio and TV outlets will start by 4th week in January screaming at the new Administration for "doing nothing", but everybody is wise to their game, so let's hope they don't get away with shifting the blame and continuing their continual lying.

The destruction caused by the Republican's pandering to religious whack-jobs and their borrow and spend policies drove 42,000,000 more people to register to vote compared to the last debacle in 2004 to a total of 185,000,000.
123,000,000 people voted, this alone is reason to be more optimistic.

The Right-wing nut cases will continue to repeat that Obama has done nothing, ignoring years of work as a community organiser, [b]teaching Contitutional Law at University, and working as a Illinois state senator, but like all along its just empty rage and frustration.

Let's all cross our fingers, hold your thumbs, do a dominus rex a few times and hope that since he knows his majority wasn't a massive landslide-----unlike the fool W who called a 1.4% margin a "Mandate"---a spirit of cooperation will develop, the Republicans will repudiate the religious maniacs, and we can finally being to move into the new Century.

9th November 2008, 02:25
Just as the dislike many clearly have for the ignorant, bellicose, saccharine, vain Palin ought to be insurmountable.

Seems it was, exit polling clearly points to the choice of Palin as a deal breaker for many people.
It showed extremely risky behaviour on McCains part to pander for a few votes risking yet another certifiable incompetent sitting as President should he kick off anytime soon (as his Grandfather did at 70, and his father died at 71--noting he's 72)

And as for the favourable comment made elsewhere about Berlusconi — well, that poster clearly has absolutely no idea about European politics and really ought to go and find out about it before making such ignorant statements.

It is fairly obvious that the person is in a narrow closeted fantasy world regarding US domestic politics as well.

Whaddya expect?

14th November 2008, 01:52
In all the jokes I've made about Sarah Palin, I never really thought that she was (or could be) nearly as dumb as I made her out to be. I was wrong. Turns out, she may be a LOT dumber than even I imagined.

Top McCain advisors have let go with a barrage on Sarah Palin today. She and her family are being described as "looting Wasilla Hillbillies" for patronizing expensive New York shops, buying not $150,000, but closer to $200,000 worth of clothes and trinkets for herself and her family... and lying about giving it to charity. It's being reported that Republican National Committee lawyers are now on their way "North To Alaska" (cool song from the '60's, by the way) to track down Palin and get some of the missing items back. Sarah is said to have used none of her own money, but wasn't above using the credit cards of staffers. And what about the poor Republican donor who offered to clothe Palin, figuring it might take 20 grand and then gets this bill for almost $200K? To save himself from shame, he should tell his wife and friends that he blew his money on hookers and booze.

But here's the good part. According to McCain's advisors, Palin didn't knwow the three countries which had signed onto the NAFTA treaty. Hey Sarah, hint, hint: it's the North American Free Trade Agreement. Sarah, can ya maybe name some countries in North America??? Apparently not. Oh, man... maybe ya can get back to me, eh? She also thought that Africa was a country... didn't know that it was a continent. And on election night, she reportedly approached McCain, requesting that he allow her to make her won concession speech. Vice Presidential candidates are seen and not heard on election night.

Not that it needed to be, but my faith in God is further confirmed. That He would not put us in the position that this complete and utter MORON might have lucked into the Oval Office if McCain had croaked, is truly a blessing. Shame on you, John McCain, for even making that a possibility!

And lastly, some of this stuff about Palin may just be angry, sour grapes McCain advisors unleashing on Palin. But considering how willing Palin was to use rumor and innuendo during her Uncle Jed rallies...

Karma, Sarah. Karma! :D

Now that "Africa", et al have been shown to be a hoax, who's the moron?

14th November 2008, 02:46
With all the stories from un-named sources about Sarah Palin being proven to be Hoax or lies I wonder what other stories they are going to make up.



14th November 2008, 07:21
Seems it was, exit polling clearly points to the choice of Palin as a deal breaker for many people.
It showed extremely risky behaviour on McCains part to pander for a few votes risking yet another certifiable incompetent sitting as President should he kick off anytime soon (as his Grandfather did at 70, and his father died at 71--noting he's 72)

It is fairly obvious that the person is in a narrow closeted fantasy world regarding US domestic politics as well.

Whaddya expect?

McCain was not going to win regardless of who was the running mate. Sarah will do great. Actually McCain has launched her. She will become a Senator and then we will really have a good look at her. Now its is time to get on with the business of the US.

14th November 2008, 21:18
With all the stories from un-named sources about Sarah Palin being proven to be Hoax or lies I wonder what other stories they are going to make up.


Even if they were hoax, they didn't get as many people killed as the hoax by Bush et al about Saddam harboring al-Qaeda and having weapons of mass destruction.

15th November 2008, 01:57
Now that "Africa", et al have been shown to be a hoax, who's the moron?

The same person who claimed to have "foreign policy experience" because her state had sent a trade mission to Canada and because Putin had flown over U.S. airspace in Alaska.

The same person who said, "I'll try to find ya some and I'll bring 'em to ya", when asked to list specific examples of her running mate pushing for more regulation during his years in Congress.

The same person who had no earthly idea what the Bush Doctrine was.

Some stories about Palin have come from a source with no credibility. But Sarah has also left us with permanent video evidence of her lack of intelligence. Unless someone is going to claim that was Tina Fey impersonating Sarah during the Couric interview, that gal ain't got all the French fries in her Happy Meal.

In my world, when you can't answer tough questions during an interview, you don't get the job. I guess in the world of Sarah and the neocons, ya just call it "gotcha journalism", drop a few g's and pretend that you're a victim.

I'd love to hear something from Sarah (that is not scripted) that indicates what her true level of intelligence and understanding really is. I don't think she wears a special "football helmet" in the governor's mansion. But I think a person would have a long row to hoe to make it seem like this yutz is qualified to be anything more than she currently is.

Who here would be happy to see Sarah walk in as the new CEO of your company? Yeah, that's what I thought. You'd start going to church and praying three times a day if your livelihood depended on her competence and skill. But you think it would be OK to potentially turn this nation over to someone like her???!!!

Here's what I can say in Sarah's favor: there is a greater possibility that she's not quite as stupid as I thought she was a week or so ago. Sorry, that's the best I can do. :D

15th November 2008, 02:24
The same person who claimed to have "foreign policy experience" because her state had sent a trade mission to Canada and because Putin had flown over U.S. airspace in Alaska.

The same person who said, "I'll try to find ya some and I'll bring 'em to ya", when asked to list specific examples of her running mate pushing for more regulation during his years in Congress.

The same person who had no earthly idea what the Bush Doctrine was.

Some stories about Palin have come from a source with no credibility. But Sarah has also left us with permanent video evidence of her lack of intelligence. Unless someone is going to claim that was Tina Fey impersonating Sarah during the Couric interview, that gal ain't got all the French fries in her Happy Meal.

In my world, when you can't answer tough questions during an interview, you don't get the job. I guess in the world of Sarah and the neocons, ya just call it "gotcha journalism", drop a few g's and pretend that you're a victim.

I'd love to hear something from Sarah (that is not scripted) that indicates what her true level of intelligence and understanding really is. I don't think she wears a special "football helmet" in the governor's mansion. But I think a person would have a long row to hoe to make it seem like this yutz is qualified to be anything more than she currently is.

Who here would be happy to see Sarah walk in as the new CEO of your company? Yeah, that's what I thought. You'd start going to church and praying three times a day if your livelihood depended on her competence and skill. But you think it would be OK to potentially turn this nation over to someone like her???!!!

Here's what I can say in Sarah's favor: there is a greater possibility that she's not quite as stupid as I thought she was a week or so ago. Sorry, that's the best I can do. :D

Again, a brilliant post.

I simply cannot believe that anyone thinks she has anything approaching the ability, competence or intelligence to get any further in politics than she has up to now, nor understand how any American can feel anything other than embarrassed by the notion that someone like her was ever allowed to get anywhere near the vice-presidency.

Memo to those who think she may be a suitable Presidential candidate in 2012: she is already an object of ridicule.

15th November 2008, 02:37
Again, a brilliant post.

I simply cannot believe that anyone thinks she has anything approaching the ability, competence or intelligence to get any further in politics than she has up to now, nor understand how any American can feel anything other than embarrassed by the notion that someone like her was ever allowed to get anywhere near the vice-presidency.

Nor can I. But then again again, Dan Quayle was vice president for a few years.

15th November 2008, 17:17
Sarah is the Danica of politics.

16th November 2008, 01:01
Again, a brilliant post..
Only because you agree.

I simply cannot believe that anyone thinks she has anything approaching the ability, competence or intelligence to get any further in politics than she has up to now, nor understand how any American can feel anything other than embarrassed by the notion that someone like her was ever allowed to get anywhere near the vice-presidency..
She has more executive and foreign policy experience than the other 3 men on both tickets.

Memo to those who think she may be a suitable Presidential candidate in 2012: she is already an object of ridicule.

And Obama isn't?

16th November 2008, 01:28
Palin appeals to the 'lowest common denominator', isn't that right vop?

16th November 2008, 02:12
Only because you agree.

Yes, but it was also well-argued, well-written, reasonable, grounded, and everything else that makes up a good comment on an issue whether or not I happen to agree with it.

She has more executive and foreign policy experience than the other 3 men on both tickets.

Please inform me as to the foreign policy experience. Looking into the sky and seeing an airliner flying to abroad doesn't count, by the way.

And Obama isn't?

Visit the outside world and you will get an answer to this question. By the way, my own answer to it is a bit more complex than 'yes' or 'no', but I'll leave you to work out the nuances.

16th November 2008, 05:15
Yes, but it was also well-argued, well-written, reasonable, grounded, and everything else that makes up a good comment on an issue whether or not I happen to agree with it..

I found it as just another case of rambling liberal talking points.

Please inform me as to the foreign policy experience. Looking into the sky and seeing an airliner flying to abroad doesn't count, by the way..

As Governor she has had to negotiate trade deals with various nations.
Obama, Biden and McCain Have never had to negotiate even a parking space let alone a deal with another nation.

Visit the outside world and you will get an answer to this question. By the way, my own answer to it is a bit more complex than 'yes' or 'no', but I'll leave you to work out the nuances.

Visit huh?
Well I have visited 4 continents and have lived and done business in 3.
Goosestepping 2 time losers, Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys, Beet eating Vodak swiller and the Pasty skinned Dentally Challenge can make all the jokes they want.
Real Americans don't care.

I expect my President to act with my nations best interest first and foremost. Other nations can love or hate us it shouldn't matter.

16th November 2008, 05:44
I found it as just another case of rambling liberal talking points.

Ignorance is bliss.

16th November 2008, 06:47
Visit huh?
Well I have visited 4 continents and have lived and done business in 3.
Goosestepping 2 time losers, Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys, Beet eating Vodak swiller and the Pasty skinned Dentally Challenge can make all the jokes they want.
Real Americans don't care.

What an isolated and contrived thought(?) process, you proved his point.
Love them real 'mericans livin in real 'merica.
What a burden to carry that elitist load around. LOL

I expect my President to act with my nations best interest first and foremost.

You should have gotten that message to George in the last eight years.

Other nations can love or hate us it shouldn't matter.

Who is this "us" you keep thinking agrees with your small contrived national and world view that you keep trying to speak in behalf of?

Palin appeals to the 'lowest common denominator', isn't that right vop?

A big step up from the Ann Coulter at the beach calendars would be my best guess. ;)

Dave B
16th November 2008, 14:53
Visit huh?
Well I have visited 4 continents and have lived and done business in 3.
Goosestepping 2 time losers, Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys, Beet eating Vodak swiller and the Pasty skinned Dentally Challenge can make all the jokes they want.
Real Americans don't care.

I think that little diatribe accurately sums up precisely why your opinion of foreign affairs is what it is. Some people would call you a racist for less. Me, I'll just put you on my ignore list.

16th November 2008, 15:39
Well I have visited 4 continents and have lived and done business in 3.
Goosestepping 2 time losers, Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys, Beet eating Vodak swiller and the Pasty skinned Dentally Challenge can make all the jokes they want.
Real Americans don't care.

Further to Dave's post, I think that comment marks you out as a racist. Sorry to be blunt.

Oh, and your spelling and grammar are appalling.

donKey jote
16th November 2008, 16:43
"Big Tony" C a racist? must be his spanish roots :p : :rolleyes:

16th November 2008, 17:15
Visit huh?
Well I have visited 4 continents and have lived and done business in 3.
Goosestepping 2 time losers, Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys, Beet eating Vodak swiller and the Pasty skinned Dentally Challenge can make all the jokes they want.
Real Americans don't care.

I expect my President to act with my nations best interest first and foremost. Other nations can love or hate us it shouldn't matter.

Its posts like these that make me proud of the fact that the majority of my country voted the likes of you out. Your comments are petty and pathetic. You deserve Sarah Palin, she like you, is naive to the realities of a global community. To her, there is nothing outside of Alaska that she knows about. And for you, well have fun in the swamps.

You are not a real American. Because you would rather act in your own best intrest, instead of your countrys. Counrty First was a marketing slogan that fooled fools like yourself into believing that Sarah Palin was fit to run this country. It wasn't Country First, it was Campaign First. McCain decieded that he would risk our Country by putting Palin on the ticket in order win a few base votes. She is probably not fit to even be the Governer of Alaska let alone be the leader of the free world. More proof to that, Alaska would rather elect a convicted Felon on 7 counts to be their Senator simply because because of the (R) with his name. Sorry, I am not going to use Alaska politics as a test for Sarah Palin. Anyone that doesn't know about NAFTA, or simple geography has no business being in national or world power. Shame on McCain for risking the country he loves by puttin her in a postion to possible be President if something happened to him.

Anyone that would claim that she is the best the GOP has to offer should take a serious look at themselves.

16th November 2008, 18:21
Its posts like these that make me proud of the fact that the majority of my country voted the likes of you out. Your comments are petty and pathetic. You deserve Sarah Palin, she like you, is naive to the realities of a global community. To her, there is nothing outside of Alaska that she knows about. And for you, well have fun in the swamps.

You are not a real American. Because you would rather act in your own best intrest, instead of your countrys. Counrty First was a marketing slogan that fooled fools like yourself into believing that Sarah Palin was fit to run this country. It wasn't Country First, it was Campaign First. McCain decieded that he would risk our Country by putting Palin on the ticket in order win a few base votes. She is probably not fit to even be the Governer of Alaska let alone be the leader of the free world. More proof to that, Alaska would rather elect a convicted Felon on 7 counts to be their Senator simply because because of the (R) with his name. Sorry, I am not going to use Alaska politics as a test for Sarah Palin. Anyone that doesn't know about NAFTA, or simple geography has no business being in national or world power. Shame on McCain for risking the country he loves by puttin her in a postion to possible be President if something happened to him.

Anyone that would claim that she is the best the GOP has to offer should take a serious look at themselves.


As far as I am aware, the best American values don't include small-mindedness.

16th November 2008, 22:01

Please detail Sarah Palin's "foreign policy experience". Please be specific. If you are going to site her claim that her experience in that area is based on trade missions between Alaska and "various nations", tell us what trade missions, with whom, where they took place and when they took place.

I'm having some difficulty finding any record of any such "trade missions", in which Palin took a key role, or any role at all.

Her "executive experience" seems to be based on her role as mayor of a tiny town in Alaska, recent governor of Alaska and part owner of a snowmobile shop. Have I missed anything?

If you have facts to the contrary, please present them. I have asked, and not been answered, what makes Palin anything but an empty skirt that can memorize provided talking points?

Specifically, I do want to hear about these trade missions, on which she must have been some sort of expert trade analyst or negotiator. As a matter of fact, when did she get her passport? Please, please, please, do tell.

17th November 2008, 02:11
Its posts like these that make me proud of the fact that the majority of my country voted the likes of you out. Your comments are petty and pathetic. You deserve Sarah Palin, she like you, is naive to the realities of a global community. To her, there is nothing outside of Alaska that she knows about. And for you, well have fun in the swamps.

You are not a real American. Because you would rather act in your own best intrest, instead of your countrys.


You mean like Demo representative Barney lover-boy Franks when it comes to his boy firend employed by freddie mac....or the senator in charge of the banking committee who got a couple of hundred K $$$$$ worth of freebies on his mortgages....or Billy Boy hisself Clinton who signed the bill that let the banks run free and wild, in return for special mortgage rules for some of his ardent supporters????
Or Obama whose money and advisors come from the same bunch as McCain and Bush.........

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss,

17th November 2008, 03:39
Eh, it's gettin' too tense. Let's have a little innocent fun with Sarah. Really, this is pretty good (and work safe too).


After playing, list your favorites.

My fave: "I'm Sorry, America - McCain"

17th November 2008, 04:29

As far as I am aware, the best American values don't include small-mindedness.

Isn't that a German Flag under your name?

The Germans invented "small-mindedness".

Why do Europeans assume they are better or smarter when they do the same mistakes over and over again?
Europe's time has past a long time ago....Deal with it!

17th November 2008, 04:38
Don't worry vop Fulgencio still loves ya. :)

17th November 2008, 04:58
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss,

Did Bush's royal eight years give you a clue?
Or just the bought into sour grapes that come with the end of an eight year national disgrace?

I dislike the constant misinterpretation of the song. One should educated themselves on the true meaning from Pete's thoughts. This is what Pete had to say after a right wing nutbag named this song the #1 neocon rock song of all time...

"Of course the song has no party-allied political message at all. It is not precisely a song that decries revolution - it suggests that we will indeed fight in the streets - but that revolution, like all action can have results we cannot predict. Don't expect to see what you expect to see. Expect nothing and you might gain everything.

The song was meant to let politicians and revolutionaries alike know that what lay in the centre of my life was not for sale, and could not be co-opted into any obvious cause. . . .

I am just a song-writer. The actions I carry out are my own, and are usually private until some digger-after-dirt questions my methods. What I write is interpreted, first of all by Roger Daltrey. Won't Get Fooled Again - then - was a song that pleaded '….leave me alone with my family to live my life, so I can work for change in my own way….'. But when Roger Daltrey screamed as though his heart was being torn out in the closing moments of the song, it became something more to so many people. And I must live with that."

Dave B
17th November 2008, 09:27
If you want to have fun with Palin you could try guessing what God would say to her in response to this blithering mess which could have come straight from the mouth of a 12-year old X-Factor contestant:

"I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door.

"Show me where the open door is. Even if it's cracked up a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that and maybe prematurely plow through it, but don't let me miss an open door.

"And if there is an open door in '12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I'll plow through that door."

The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/nov/14/sarahpalin-republicans) have invited comments, asking what would YOU say to Palin if you were God. Some responses include:

Palin. of all my creations I most love the Moose. What of your chances in 2012 now?

It's right under your feet, Sarah. Whenever you're ready...

Well howdy Sarah, could you do me an itsy bitsy favour, could you become an Atheist? You seem to be making me look bad, in fact you're pretty much a walking advert for any anti-religion campaign.

Be tolerant. Life begins at birth (not earlier). Let the moose run free. Put down that gun and pick up a book. No, not the Bible - a different book. Any book. Sit. Read. Open your mind and learn. Travel the world. Well, at least as far as Canada. That would be a start, wouldn't it?

Don't build your hopes up darling.

You're a f**kin' idiot - I don't care how hard you pray, I'm not putting you in charge of nuclear weapons.

Please stop telling people we're friends

I'm like, any more? :s mokin:

22nd November 2008, 18:55
Did Bush's royal eight years give you a clue?
Or just the bought into sour grapes that come with the end of an eight year national disgrace?

I dislike the constant misinterpretation of the song. One should educated themselves on the true meaning from Pete's thoughts. This is what Pete had to say after a right wing nutbag named this song the #1 neocon rock song of all time...

"Of course the song has no party-allied political message at all. It is not precisely a song that decries revolution - it suggests that we will indeed fight in the streets - but that revolution, like all action can have results we cannot predict. Don't expect to see what you expect to see. Expect nothing and you might gain everything.

The song was meant to let politicians and revolutionaries alike know that what lay in the centre of my life was not for sale, and could not be co-opted into any obvious cause. . . .

I am just a song-writer. The actions I carry out are my own, and are usually private until some digger-after-dirt questions my methods. What I write is interpreted, first of all by Roger Daltrey. Won't Get Fooled Again - then - was a song that pleaded '….leave me alone with my family to live my life, so I can work for change in my own way….'. But when Roger Daltrey screamed as though his heart was being torn out in the closing moments of the song, it became something more to so many people. And I must live with that."

twist it all you like....nature of the beast, the song is all about all those people thinking it is going to be so different that a revolutionary hero won.....You know, Lenin won, got it started and then Stalin proceeded to out do anything that his predessors did, made many people wish they were still serfs---but they did not wish long, especially after they and their families were starved to death or shot (as in wishing "leave me alone with my family to live my life")

Yeah I know what he was talking about, each and every word, and whether it was his concious or his subconcious speaking, the note of disaapointmmnet rang right out loud, and all the mutterings can not make it be quiet.

22nd November 2008, 19:29
^ LOL funny.

22nd November 2008, 20:10
I love to hear your understanding of the Beatle's "Revolution"
That should be as equally rich.

22nd November 2008, 20:14
Now on with more never ending predictable Sarah hyjinx.


23rd November 2008, 15:44
I love to hear your understanding of the Beatle's "Revolution"
That should be as equally rich.

Beetles, you mean the bugs or the group??

When you got nothing but beetles and da Who? guiding you on these subjects, you need to stick with your music and whatever drugs you are on and can afford.....

But on second thought, there is a group who worship Bama like he was some sort of rock star....those cute aides working for him will be lining up like they did in the days of JFK...explains that detailed questionairre that they must sign to get a job, especially the question about do you always take your clothes to the cleaners after work and the name, address of its location....

Wonder if Monica L will be applying, but I doubt she will get a job, as she has gotten a bit old and fat...

Now on with more never ending predictable Sarah hyjinx.


All these folks in an uproar :bigcry :o ver seeing how turkeys end up making the trip to their table???????

besides those two turkeys were named Husseinbama and McCain, whci is why she was smiling

23rd November 2008, 21:54
Weak and predictable.
Numbing as Palin, but just as funny.

23rd November 2008, 22:34
Weak and predictable.
Numbing as Palin, but just as funny.

Aint nothin weak and numbing about this


try it you will like it....

that is what palin's problem is, she is too use to speaking in tongues and grabbing rattlesnakes at church, when all she really needs is some of this :beer: to get her :hot: and babbling just right for them TV folks

24th November 2008, 01:17
This thread has become too psychotic for words. I have taken a wide selection of mind-expanding drugs tonight and some of the last few posts still don't make sense.

24th November 2008, 05:08
This thread has become too psychotic for words. I have taken a wide selection of mind-expanding drugs tonight and some of the last few posts still don't make sense.

Oh no, another person in need...

You got a problem?
I got the cure,
All you really need is .... :beer:

24th November 2008, 05:37
This thread has become too psychotic for words. I have taken a wide selection of mind-expanding drugs tonight and some of the last few posts still don't make sense.
So that explains your last post on the medals thingie in da closet with all those folks.....

3rd December 2008, 04:33
Governor Ed Rendell (D) of Pennsylvania on Sarah Palin, caught on an (unknown) open mic at the National Governors Association summit today:

"I think she has great instincts. She's not a genius, but she has very good political instincts."

In other words, Sarah, unlike Fredo, would probably have enough sense not to get into that rowboat after crossing brother Michael. And also unlike Fredo, Sarah knew enough to suck up to Obama today, like a porn star needing a paycheck. Not a genius, but she has good animal instincts. Sort of like an idiot savant? Quite a backhanded compliment, IMO.

3rd December 2008, 05:50
Governor Ed Rendell (D) of Pennsylvania . is just trying to line up a little nookie!

Sort of like an idiot savant? Quite a backhanded compliment, IMO.And just a little obtuse!
She chasing stupid pills down with letahal dosages of estrogen and Diet Pepsi!

20th December 2008, 17:13
The Palin clan is like the gift that just keeps on giving.


OxyContin aka Hillbilly Heroin.

Thank you, Dear Lord, for not letting this redneck trailer trash get any closer to the White House than it did.

27th December 2008, 04:52

Conservative Snobs Are Wrong About Palin (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122999917373529125.html)I know Maggie Thatcher. The two women have a lot in common.

By (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122999917373529125.html)JOHN O'SULLIVAN (http://online.wsj.com/search/search_center.html?KEYWORDS=JOHN+O%27SULLIVAN&ARTICLESEARCHQUERY_PARSER=bylineAND)Being listed in fourth place for Time magazine's "Person of the Year," as Sarah Palin was for 2008, sounds a little like being awarded the Order of Purity (Fourth Class). But it testifies to something important.

http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/ED-AI754_Oneill_D_20081222165313.jpg Martin Kozlowski

Though regularly pronounced sick, dying, dead, cremated and scattered at sea, Mrs. Palin is still amazingly around. She has survived more media assassination attempts than Fidel Castro has survived real ones (Cuban official figure: 638). In her case, one particular method of assassination is especially popular -- namely, the desperate assertion that, in addition to her other handicaps, she is "no Margaret Thatcher."

Very few express this view in a calm or considered manner. Some employ profanity. Most claim to be conservative admirers of Mrs. Thatcher. Others admit they had always disliked the former British prime minister until someone compared her to "Sarracuda" -- at which point they suddenly realized Mrs. Thatcher must have been absolutely brilliant (at least by comparison).

Inevitably, Lloyd Bentsen's famous put-down of Dan Quayle in the 1988 vice-presidential debate is resurrected, such as by Paul Waugh (in the London Evening Standard) and Marie Cocco (in the Washington Post): "Newsflash! Governor, You're No Maggie Thatcher," sneered Mr. Waugh. Added Ms. Coco, "now we know Sarah Palin is no Margaret Thatcher -- and no Dan Quayle either!"

Jolly, rib-tickling stuff. But, as it happens, I know Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher is a friend of mine. And as a matter of fact, Margaret Thatcher and Sarah Palin have a great deal in common.

They are far from identical; they rose in different political systems requiring different skills. As a parliamentarian, Mrs. Thatcher needed forensic and debating skills which her training in Oxford politics and as a tax lawyer gave her. Mrs. Palin is a good speaker, but she needs to hone her debating tactics if she is to match those of the Iron Lady.

On the other hand, Mrs. Palin rose in state politics to jobs requiring executive ability. Her successful conduct of the negotiations with Canada, Canadian provinces and American states over the Alaska pipeline was a larger executive task than anything handled by Mrs. Thatcher until she entered the Cabinet and, arguably, until she became prime minister.

Mrs. Thatcher's most senior position until then had been education secretary in the government of Edward Heath where, as she conceded in her memoirs, she lacked real executive power. Her political influence within that government was so small that it took 17 months for her to get an interview with him. Even then, a considerate civil servant assured Heath that others would be present to make the meeting less "boring." Her main political legacy from that job was the vitriolic slogan, "Margaret Thatcher, Milk-Snatcher," thrown at her by the left because of a budgetary decision she had opposed to charge some children for school meals and milk. It was the single most famous thing about her when she defeated Heath for the Tory leadership in 1975.

At this point she became almost as "controversial" as Sarah Palin. Heath, for example, made it plain privately that he would not serve under her. And Sir Ian Gilmour, an intellectual leader of the Tory "wets," privately dismissed her as a "Daily Telegraph woman." There is no precise equivalent in American English, but "narrow, repressed suburbanite" catches the sense.

Mrs. Thatcher attracted such abuse for two reasons. First, she was seen by the chattering classes as representing a blend of provincial conservative values and market economics -- Middle England as it has come to be called -- against their own metropolitan liberalism. They thought this blend was an economic dead-end in a modern complex society and a political retreat into futile nostalgia. Of course, they failed to notice that their modern complex society was splintering under their statist burdens even as they denounced her extremism.

Second, Margaret Thatcher was not yet Margaret Thatcher. She had not won the 1979 election, recovered the Falklands, reformed trade union law, defeated the miners, and helped destroy Soviet communism peacefully.

Things like that change your mind about a girl. But they also take time, during which she had to turn her instinctive beliefs into intellectually coherent policies against opposition inside and outside her own party. Like Mrs. Palin this year, Mrs. Thatcher knew there were serious gaps in her knowledge, especially of foreign affairs. She recruited experts who shared her general outlook (such as Robert Conquest and Hugh Thomas) to tutor her on these things. Even so she often seemed very alone in the Tory high command.

As a parliamentary sketch writer for the Daily Telegraph (and a not very repressed suburbanite), I watched Mrs. Thatcher's progress as opposition leader. She had been a good performer in less exalted positions. But initially she faltered. Against the smooth, condescending Prime Minister James Callaghan in particular she had a hard time. In contrast to his chuckling baritone she sounded shrill when she attacked. But she lowered her tone (vocally not morally), took lessons in presentation from (among others) Laurence Olivier, and prepared diligently for every debate and Question Time.

I can still recall her breakthrough performance in a July 1977 debate on the Labour government's collapsing economy. She dominated the House of Commons so wittily that the next day the Daily Mail's acerbic correspondent, Andrew Alexander, began his report: "If Mrs. Thatcher were a racehorse, she would have been tested for drugs yesterday." She was now on the way to becoming the world-historical figure who today is the gold standard of conservative statesmanship.

Mrs. Palin has a long way to go to match this. Circumstances may never give her the chance to do so. Even if she gets that chance, she may lack Mrs. Thatcher's depths of courage, firmness and stamina -- we only ever know such things in retrospect.

But she has plenty of time, probably eight years, to analyze America's problems, recruit her own expert advice, and develop conservative solutions to them. She has obvious intelligence, drive, serious moral character, and a Reaganesque likability. Her likely Republican rivals such as Bobby Jindal and Mitt Romney, not to mention Barack Obama, have most of these same qualities too. But she shares with Mrs. Thatcher a very rare charisma. As Ronnie Millar, the latter's speechwriter and a successful playwright, used to say in theatrical tones: She may be depressed, ill-dressed and having a bad hair day, but when the curtain rises, out onto the stage she steps looking like a billion dollars. That's the mark of a star, dear boy. They rise to the big occasions.

Mrs. Palin had four big occasions in the late, doomed Republican campaign: her introduction by John McCain in Ohio, her speech at the GOP convention, her vice-presidential debate with Sen. Joe Biden, and her appearance on Saturday Night Live. With minimal preparation, she rose to all four of them. That's the mark of a star.

If conservative intellectuals, Republican operatives and McCain "handlers" can't see it, then so much the worse for them.

Mr. O'Sullivan is executive editor of Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty in Prague, and a former special adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. His book, "The President, the Pope, and the (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122999917373529125.html) (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122999917373529125.html)

One wag up in Alaska wrote something to the effect of "The political road in Alaska is littered with corpses of those who underestimated Sarah Palin."

I don't pretend to know or predict what the future holds for her, but she has something you can't buy. It reminds me of a business lesson learned, "Hire for attitude, train for skill." It was way to early for her now, but she didn't get to choose the time to be thrust onto the national stage, it was chosen for her. But now she is known, and has plenty of time to learn.

9th January 2009, 21:15
Boo Hoo Hoo!!! :bigcry: That mean old media hurt my feelings...


:p :

9th January 2009, 22:01
But now she is known, and has plenty of time to learn.Now she's known as a joke, like Dan Quayle was. Nothing much came of Dan Quayle, but he still could have been a better alternative than George W:


In April 1999, he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for 2000, attacking George W. Bush by saying "we do not want another candidate who needs on-the-job training".

9th January 2009, 22:11
On the positive side, Obama seems to be a man of principle instead of a man of lame excuses. Torture will not be tolerated and the Geneva Convention is to be honoured:


WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama said Friday his administration would not compromise its ideals to fight terrorism, and he has told his new intelligence chiefs that he expects the Geneva Conventions to be honored.

Mark in Oshawa
9th January 2009, 22:24
On the positive side, Obama seems to be a man of principle instead of a man of lame excuses. Torture will not be tolerated and the Geneva Convention is to be honoured:


Eki...Obama is a man of lame excuses. Just listen to his explainations for his friendships with Rev. Wright, William Ayers,Tony Rezko, and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. None of these relationships is harmful by themselves or one could be explained and even a right of center politician would have a hard time convincing me of anything evil. Put all of them together and Obama's lame tap dancing and you wonder about this man's judgement if nothing else.

I like Obama while not liking his politics. In many ways though I don't think he is any smarter politically than the Governor of Alaska and she and Obama have one major factor in common. They both draw in support from the roots of their parties, and while you do NOT like her politics, it is as has been said not a good idea to underestimate her. She didn't lose the election, John McCain did that with George W. Bush's help....

9th January 2009, 22:48
Boo Hoo Hoo!!! :bigcry: That mean old media hurt my feelings...


:p :

Poor lil Sarah. Still whining about that mean ol' "gotcha media."

On one point I do agree with her though. I think there may be something of a class issue. While I wouldn't let my girlfriend go for a seaside drive with her uncle Teddy, nor would I want her cousin, Willie K., to take my girl on a moonlight walk (unless she was carrying mace), Caroline Kennedy doesn't bother me half as much as Sarah Palin. I'm not a HUGE fan of the Kennedy clan or their politics. So I have to ask myself, why is that? Call it elitism, classism or what have you. But no, I was not at all comfortable with having someone who appeared to be nothing more than ignorant, backward thinking, poorly educated, trailer trash being one heartbeat from the highest office in this great nation. For various reasons (in addition to that one), many libertarians, fiscal conservatives and the more intellectual (elitist?) wing of the GOP seemed to feel the same about Palin. Thank goodness the good Lord did not demonstrate that he had anymore of a sense of humor than he's had these past 8 years. I honestly don't know that this nation could have survived 2 or 3 years of a President Palin, should anything have happened to President McCain. Thank you, Lord!

This silly woman, much like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Danica Patrick, remains in the media only because of the continuing Wasilla Hillbilly stories about her and her family: her knocked up, high school drop-out youngin' finally had her lil bundle of joy. Her youngin's self described "redneck, weed smoking" baby-daddy lost his job because it was learned that he was also a high school drop-out, and shouldn't have been given the job to begin with. Baby-daddy's mama (finally!) got served with a warrant for her arrest after she was caught dealing Oxycontin (known in the lower 48 as "Hillbilly Heroin"). I bet it's only a matter of time before there are stories that baby-daddy Levi has had a bad day, gets liquored up and starts bouncing Bristol around the living room like a basketball. Considering how these people seem to be, it would more surprise me not to eventually hear about that.

Caroline's worst trait (AFAIK) is that she says "you know" and "umm" much too much. And she sort of shuffles her feet when she walks (saw her in Georgetown years ago). That may be a health issue, so I don't mean to make fun of that. I don't think Caroline is really all that qualified to be a Senator (anymore than Sarah Palin was to be Vice President). But, like Sarah, she meets the Constitutional requirements for office. And she's written more books than Sarah's probably ever read. I'd also say that her IQ is a tad bit higher than Sarah's too. ;) But she's going to get the job (I believe) no matter what - even though some in the media are beginning to beat on her too. And the main reason I think she's going to get it is that she is the daughter of a murdered President and the niece of murdered Senator who have attained deity like stature in the U.S. and around the world. Many consider her family to be the closest thing that we have to (acceptable) royalty in the U.S. - and she's the "princess." Even if she wasn't dumber than a bag of hammers, Sarah is just a "commoner." And so, that's why I say that maybe Palin does have a point. And I won't often say that. Kinda hurt me just to say it once. :p :

9th January 2009, 23:17
Eki...Obama is a man of lame excuses. Just listen to his explainations for his friendships with Rev. Wright, William Ayers,Tony Rezko, and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. None of these relationships is harmful by themselves or one could be explained and even a right of center politician would have a hard time convincing me of anything evil.
I don't know them, and it's US internal affairs, so it's none of my business and I don't care.

Mark in Oshawa
9th January 2009, 23:44
Eki..if you don't know any of those people....you maybe should before you speak of how wonderful Obama is.

Rev. Wright is the black preacher who married Obama, Was his inspiration until tape was released of Wright giving a sermon blaming 9/11 on American greed and that white America is the scourge...oh ya and he said "God Damn America" on the first Sunday after 9/11. So Obama after 20 years of this close relationship was all the sudden saying he didn't hear any of this and that he was just a casual member of the church.

Tony Rezko was convicted of fraud and few other charges of illegal activities in Chicago. HE is the the guy who did real estate deals with the Obamas and the two are intertwined yet Obama says he just was a causal business acquaintance.

Blagojevich is the governor who was great buddies with Obama until it was seen that Blago was selling the Senate Seat (this caught on a court approved wire tap due to Blago's numerous fingers in a few illegal pies). Obama now disowns Blago.

Best of all William Ayers was not convicted and cannot be tried due to the concept of double jeopardy of being the leader in an organization that planted a bomb in the Pentagon and attempting to kill a policeman and his family in their Long Island home back in the late 60's and early 70's. William and his wife are friends of the Obama. William and his wife are radical left wing professors now at the University of Chicago and they helped launch Obama's career in politics.

The problem with all of these relationships isn't that Obama did anything wrong. It appears he is guilty only of knowing these people and doing business with them but there are no charges. The thing is though is he was very close to them UNTIL it was not politically expedient to be seen as knowing them. Now you can say once or twice maybe he is unfortuante in his choice in friends. But this is no accident. There is a lot of evidence that all of these people meant something to him and he would have to be a blind fool to not know the shady ideas or acts they had been part of. Now if you make friends with people like this...shouldn't one question his judgement?

Just a thought before anyone turns around and throws mud at Sarah Palin.

She actually has run something besides her mouth in the last 8 years and as Rudy Giuliani pointed out so aptly, she wasn't allowed to vote "present" 111 times as a legislator in the Illnois State house....

donKey jote
10th January 2009, 00:01
Rev. Wright is the black preacher who married Obama
holy schitt :eek: :eek:
just as well they never consumated their marriage ! :laugh:


10th January 2009, 05:39
While I'm not the head of the Barack Obama Fan Club, I'm not aware that he and Rod Blagojevich were ever close friends. Blagojevich was trying to convince people early last year that he was in the Obama "circle of trust", as he was the first governor to endorse him for President. But Obama hasn't had anything to do with Blagojevich since mid 2007, last I read. Outside of their political association as Illinois Democrats, I'm not sure that they even liked each other. But I believe Obama began to distance himself from Blagojevich about the time that Blago stopped talking to the Lieutenant Governor, Pat Quinn. And that was some time in mid to late 2007.

I don't know much about Obama's relationship with Ayers, except that they both served at the Annenberg Challenge. But I know very well who Walter Annenberg was: a conservative Republican financier who was a very close friend of Ronald Reagan. In fact, it was Walter Annenberg who first introduced Ronald Reagan to Margaret Thatcher. Annenberg was fully aware of who William Ayers was when he was placed in his position at the Annenberg Challenge. And he did absolutely nothing to have him removed. So was Walter Annenberg a terrorist sympathizer? Personally, I found it amusing when Sarah Palin claimed that Obama "palled around with terrorists", when she was palling around with secessionists: the Alaska Independence Party. This is a party founded by a man not so different from Rev. Wright or William Ayers. Here is what the founder of the Alaska Independence Party, Joe Vogler, had to say prior to being murdered (while trying to sell illegal plastic expolsives - another mad bomber type): "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions. The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. I won't be buried under their damned flag...when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home."

Todd Palin belonged to this loveable, treasonous bunch for seven years (1995-2002), all while married to Sarah. He resigned his AIP membership only when it began to create some political heat on Sarah's backside. But Sarah Palin attended the 1994 AIP convention, where the party called for a draft constitution to secede from the United States and create an independent nation of Alaska. Even McCain (reluctantly) admitted during the campaign that Sarah had attended the 2000 AIP convention. After that, Sarah gave the keynote speech during the 2006 AIP convention. And last year, she recorded a video which was played during the AIP convention (see below). If a man like John Quincy Adams was in the White House now, instead of that.... "person" that we currently have, the Alaska Independence Party would have been rounded up by U.S. Marshals or the FBI as they stared down the barrels of M16's and MP5's. In the name of all that is good and holy, how and why did John McCain (who I greatly respected) pick this woman to be on a national ticket for Vice President of the United States of America???!!! She continues to pal around with secessionists, who were led by a criminal and a hater of what this nation stands for... and she wasn't 8 years old when the deeds went down. And she has not once distanced herself from anything that the AIP stands for!

Rezko was/is a crook. And I also believe Obama knew more than he told about that. Wright is likely a bigot at heart, but his church was not all about bigotry, as I have read. Whites did attend. And by his speech in Philadelphia(?) and his lifelong personal associations (like his mother and his grandparents), I don't see any sign that Obama is that kind of a divisive person... quite the contrary. So while I am not one of those who believes that Obama can or will walk on water, I sincerely believe that the right team is (will be) in the White House. I believe that Sarah Palin as VP would have been the worst thing to happen to the United States in its history, especially if McCain had died. How would a sitting Vice-President explain this "howdy do" to a bunch of treasonous, traitorous, anti-American secessionists?


Current AIP Chairwoman Lynette Clark says Alaska "should be an independent nation." Why hasn't Sarah Palin just done what Barack Obama did in relation to Wright and Ayers... or does Sarah believe in the AIP's mission to destroy the Union? I would not want a VP, and certainly not a President, that is not fully committed to the 50 State Union of the United States of America. I would not want a person in the Oval Office who might put us in a position that there might need to be a U.S. military response to an Executive decision to let one state do as it pleases. Until she can disavow herself from the Alaska Independence Party, Sarah Palin needs to continue representing no one but the people of Alaska, IMO.

10th January 2009, 06:43
interesting thought the AIP - I guess I really can't blame them. Alaskans don't need anyones help except for our military and we like to give that out freely so what do you expect from the richest state in the union. It won't ever happen in my lifetime and Sarah will continue to build a impressive track record and lets hope an pray Obama does that also. I have mixed opinions on the bailout. Lets see if my math is correct 3 trillion divided by 150 mil who work would give every taxpayer 20,000 in there pocket. So I think we should just up that by ten times - print the money and rock and roll.
That would be a stimulus package that would stimulate.

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2009, 08:40
Jag, good points all. Ayers and his association with the Annenburg Challenge I wasn't aware of but it is a well circulated story that Obama and Ayers were much closer than Obama will admit now. If Ayers and his wife (also part of the same terrorist cell) are so harmless and Obama has nothing to be ashamed of, then why has he try to distance himself. Also...Ayers was in this challenge? He was also in Venezuela this past summer for some educational conference but he did meet with Chavez. This also makes Chavez a Reaganite?

Wright is the biggie and he has admitted to saying a lot more than Obama will admit he has said that is damaging in nature.

With Blago...the links are shallow I agree but I know Obama gave the guy an endorsment when he was running for Governor. ooops......

As for Palin and the AIP.....well I wont refute that and I wonder what gives there. I think personally the whole thing is rather harmless any hypothetical personally. If Todd Palin has a clue, he would have realized in his travels around the US this last fall what the country is like. The AIP I think is a fringe group of wannbe's. Unlike Ayer's little band of terrorists, AIP has broken no laws.

I didn't say Palin was a genius or the next President but a lot of conservative pundits and members of the general public have bought into her credibility. I personally think she needs to learn a bit more and was a bad pick on some levels but I refuse to believe she is as dim as her enemies (including some of the McCainiacs) would try to portray her. The gentleman who said that Alaska is littered with the political careers of people who underestimated her wasn't blowing smoke. She has a lot more on the ball than people will give her credit for, and she was/is a Governor.

She is used to being in charge and making decisions. You can praise Obama all you like, he is a tremendous speaker and he has shown some inkling of taking the party to the center, but I do not think for a second he has any real clue of just how hard this next 4 years is going to be. I wish him well, I hope he proves me wrong but I just cannot have the faith in a guy whose greatest accomplishments in actually running anything are his community organzing, and his getting elected to office. Being a politician is one thing, but being a leader and administrator is something you don't get as a Senator, and certainly not as one who spent most of his only 4 years in the US Senate plotting to take down Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

We wont even get into the joke that is Joe Biden.....

10th January 2009, 10:19
Eki..if you don't know any of those people....you maybe should before you speak of how wonderful Obama is.

Rev. Wright is the black preacher who married Obama, Was his inspiration until tape was released of Wright giving a sermon blaming 9/11 on American greed and that white America is the scourge...oh ya and he said "God Damn America" on the first Sunday after 9/11. So Obama after 20 years of this close relationship was all the sudden saying he didn't hear any of this and that he was just a casual member of the church.

Tony Rezko was convicted of fraud and few other charges of illegal activities in Chicago. HE is the the guy who did real estate deals with the Obamas and the two are intertwined yet Obama says he just was a causal business acquaintance.

Blagojevich is the governor who was great buddies with Obama until it was seen that Blago was selling the Senate Seat (this caught on a court approved wire tap due to Blago's numerous fingers in a few illegal pies). Obama now disowns Blago.

Best of all William Ayers was not convicted and cannot be tried due to the concept of double jeopardy of being the leader in an organization that planted a bomb in the Pentagon and attempting to kill a policeman and his family in their Long Island home back in the late 60's and early 70's. William and his wife are friends of the Obama. William and his wife are radical left wing professors now at the University of Chicago and they helped launch Obama's career in politics.

The problem with all of these relationships isn't that Obama did anything wrong. It appears he is guilty only of knowing these people and doing business with them but there are no charges. The thing is though is he was very close to them UNTIL it was not politically expedient to be seen as knowing them. Now you can say once or twice maybe he is unfortuante in his choice in friends. But this is no accident. There is a lot of evidence that all of these people meant something to him and he would have to be a blind fool to not know the shady ideas or acts they had been part of. Now if you make friends with people like this...shouldn't one question his judgement?

Just a thought before anyone turns around and throws mud at Sarah Palin.

She actually has run something besides her mouth in the last 8 years and as Rudy Giuliani pointed out so aptly, she wasn't allowed to vote "present" 111 times as a legislator in the Illnois State house....

So? I kind of agree with Rev. Wright to some point, the US should look at the mirror some time, and others seem to be rather insignificant compared to torture and other war crimes.

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2009, 10:42
So? I kind of agree with Rev. Wright to some point, the US should look at the mirror some time, and others seem to be rather insignificant compared to torture and other war crimes.

Why am I NOT surprised? You defend people who do a lot of heinous things at times Eki so your agreeing with just a big mouth with a lot of dumb views should be right up your alley....

10th January 2009, 18:53
interesting thought the AIP - I guess I really can't blame them. Alaskans don't need anyones help except for our military and we like to give that out freely so what do you expect from the richest state in the union.

I personally have no sympathy or empathy for anti-American groups. Not everything that David Duke said was based in racism. He actually had a number of good ideas on government. But his Klan origins prevented him from getting a clear voice. He was not given a free pass, even though he had some "good ideas". I don't see why the AIP or the Palins should get one either. If any of these people don't like living under the flag of this nation, here is a solution: leave.

It won't ever happen in my lifetime

It won't happen in their lifetimes either. Should the AIP at some point secure enough support, or should they engage in any violent acts to secure their "independence", Federal troops would put them back in their place. And at that stage, the group would likely be outlawed and its leaders jailed. Again, if a man such as John Quincy Adams was President, this group would already be dancing on thin ice.

and Sarah will continue to build a impressive track record and lets hope an pray Obama does that also.

Yes, I also want what's best for our nation. I'm not in anyone's fan club. IMO, Palin's poltical future depends on whether or not she makes it to the Senate. Her term as governor ends next year. I'm sure the Democrats hope that she continues to see herself as a leader within the GOP. Unlike the kid glove treatment that the Obama campaign gave her as a #2, she would be fair game at the top of the ticket. People think the media was tough on her this time, imagine all the dirt that is under this woman's fingernails that would be magnified. She and her family are like the gift that just keeps on giving. By 2012, it's hard to say what else will come out.

I have mixed opinions on the bailout. Lets see if my math is correct 3 trillion divided by 150 mil who work would give every taxpayer 20,000 in there pocket. So I think we should just up that by ten times - print the money and rock and roll.
That would be a stimulus package that would stimulate.

I also have mixed opinions about the various packages. The initial (true) bailout that Paulson demanded has been poorly handled. On that one, the taxpayers were duped, IMO. We did nothing more than provide capital funding for banks, so that they could either survive or grow through acquisitions. The Fed is using its balance sheet to inject capital and attempt to stimulate demand. Many in the GOP want tax breaks for businesses. Normally I'm in favor of that. But our problem now is with demand, not supply. At this time, demand has ceased to meet our capacity to produce - the auto industry is a good micro example of where the macro economy finds itself. Until people start buying cars again, it really doesn't matter what GM, Ford, Toyota, Honda, etc. do. Course, you can start cutting prices, again, again and again. When that happens, deflation often occurs, which is much harder to cure than inflation. And massive layoffs usually follow.

It's a scary time. I don't know how this is going to play out or how long it's going to take. I just know that it's scary. I'm more comfortable having Obama in than McCain. John McCain admitted that his understamding and comprehension of economic issues was not very strong. Plus, Phil Gramm was one of John's key advisors. Gramm was the primary backer of a deregulatory finance bill which helped land us in the mess that we currently find ourselves. And all jokes aside, Sarah Palin could have done absolutely nothing to help McCain on that front. Economists from the fiscal left to the right have given Obama very high marks thus far for the team he has assembled. And his outside advisors, like Warren Buffett, are equally as impressive. I think we have the best available generals to fight this war - so yes, let's see how we do.

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2009, 19:45
Jag...The media couldn't do any more to Palin and her family than they already did. Trust me...they spent millions demonizing this woman.....sent people all over Alaska looking for dirt.

Sarah and her family are like a lot of families...sorta dysfunctional and real. The more they attack her family and herself...the greater sympathy she may garner.....

The best way the Democrats could neutralize Palin is to have Obama be a roaring success. Since I am on the fence more so than yourself on this score, we shall see.

I don't think he is as smart as he thinks he is, but he might manage to muddle through. God knows he has a little more decorum than Bill Clinton so there is a start anyhow...

10th January 2009, 21:26
Jag, good points all. Ayers and his association with the Annenburg Challenge I wasn't aware of but it is a well circulated story that Obama and Ayers were much closer than Obama will admit now.

That's where Obama and Ayers first met. To the best of my knowledge, they didn't know each other before that. It's quite possible that their association was closer than what Obama will now admit. But he condemned Ayers' actions with the Weather Underground.

If Ayers and his wife (also part of the same terrorist cell) are so harmless and Obama has nothing to be ashamed of, then why has he try to distance himself.

I can't answer that. One possibility is they weren't that close to begin with. Sort of like the rumor that Palin (Sarah) was herself in the AIP, there are various rumors that Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' livingroom. Yet, there is no proof of that. But the rumor does continue to make the rounds on right wing websites and blogs... like the one about Obama being born in Africa. There is also no proof that Sarah was ever in the AIP and as far as I know, the Ayers family was not the true spark that launched Obama's career in politics. I think he supported Obama, but so did many others. Ayers isn't rich. And Ayers isn't anyone important on the Southside of Chicago. Obama needed money. And Obama needed a base on the Southside. Ayers was never in a position to provide either. Maybe there is more there, but I'm just not aware of it.

Also...Ayers was in this challenge? He was also in Venezuela this past summer for some educational conference but he did meet with Chavez. This also makes Chavez a Reaganite?

Yes, Ayers and Obama both served within the Annenberg Challenge. Walter Annenberg was a conservative - not a "neocon", but a conservative. But he was also a great philanthropist. He's dead now, but he funded a good many community based organizations around the U.S. The Annenberg Challenge was one of those. What I'm saying is, the Annenberg Challenge was not about promoting any particular political point of view. It was a public school reform project.

Wright is the biggie and he has admitted to saying a lot more than Obama will admit he has said that is damaging in nature.

I guess I see it differently. Compared to his mother and his grandparents, I'd say that Jeremiah Wright was a minor influence on Obama's character. What would bother me more is if after Wright's speeches became public, Obama had appeared in the church or taped a message telling Wright what a fine job he was doing. I didn't vote for Rev. Wright. And I wouldn't have voted for Obama if I thought he held the same views as Wright. I have found absolutely nothing about Obama to suggest that he is that sort of person. As I said, eveything about him suggests that he is quite the opposite of that type of person. Which does make his relationship with Wright odd. But since he didn't disown his mother, his grandparents or any of his White friends, I give that one a big shrug. And, whether for political saftey or not, he did disown Wright and gave, what most consider to be an amazing speech on the topic. But I think that's the predicament that Palin will find herself, should she ever seek to top a national ticket. There is nothing that Sarah has said to indicate that she objects to the anti-Americanism of the AIP - nothing at all. My theory on this is: since Obama was not from Chicago, and he was an Ivy Leaguer, new to town, he needed an "in". I have read that Obama's problem in Chicago was initially that he was portrayed by ex-Black Panther Bobby Rush as "not Black enough". What credibility would he have on the Southside of Chicago? So he joined a church that would give him some "street cred", as the kiddies say these days. It's not like he joined the El Rukns street gang and mugged people in his spare time. But in what I've read of both groups, I have found nothing (in total) about the basis of Trinity that is nearly as radical or anti-American as what I've found about the Alaska Independence Party. Are we to consider Joe Vogler's words acceptable, while only those of Rev. Wright are objectionable? Sarah Palin seems to think so, as she has never condemned or distanced herself from the anti-American words spoken by Vogler and others within the AIP. I continue to find that extremely troubling.

With Blago...the links are shallow I agree but I know Obama gave the guy an endorsment when he was running for Governor. ooops......

Yeah, but might that just be party politics? Bush endorsed McCain but they're about as from from being friends as me and "Defender". But I've never heard Obama and Blagojevich described as actual friends. But I really don't know.

As for Palin and the AIP.....well I wont refute that and I wonder what gives there. I think personally the whole thing is rather harmless any hypothetical personally. If Todd Palin has a clue, he would have realized in his travels around the US this last fall what the country is like. The AIP I think is a fringe group of wannbe's. Unlike Ayer's little band of terrorists, AIP has broken no laws.

At the point that they promote treason, I believe that is still punishable by the death penalty in the U.S. It's debatable as to whether or not they have crossed that line. But Joe Vogler was killed while conducting an illegal sale of explosives. Not exactly a boy scout troop. Personally, I believe we give certain groups too much leeway in the U.S. these days, but that's another matter. But let's say the AIP hasn't broken any laws. Wright has broken no laws (that I'm aware of). Ayers has broken no laws (not since Obama was 8 years old). Obama hasn't given either Ayers or Wright a tenth the support that Palin has given to an admitted anti-American group. I really do have a problem with that. That her husband was actually a member of such a group, and she contiued to offer them a kind word as late as last year amazes me. That's one of the key reasons that I've become as incredibly anti-Palin as I have. If her husband belonged to an anti-American group and she speaks in their favor, then clearly I must assume that she shares those views. If Obama was speaking favorably about the Black Panthers, I'd feel the same about him.

10th January 2009, 21:27
I didn't say Palin was a genius or the next President but a lot of conservative pundits and members of the general public have bought into her credibility. I personally think she needs to learn a bit more and was a bad pick on some levels but I refuse to believe she is as dim as her enemies (including some of the McCainiacs) would try to portray her. The gentleman who said that Alaska is littered with the political careers of people who underestimated her wasn't blowing smoke. She has a lot more on the ball than people will give her credit for, and she was/is a Governor.

Sarah is learning what many of us learn when we come from a small town or a small state (population wise): it's a lot easier to be a big fish in a small pond than even a small fish in a big pond. IMO, Sarah's future hinges on getting Alaska's U.S. Senate seat. Without that, she will struggle to remain in the national spotlight until 2012. And her recent treatment at the Republican Governors conference tells me that, while she has many extreme right wing supporters in the ranks, there are those in the GOP who will do to her what was done to Julius Caesar given the chance. She better make sure that Karl Rove lands in her camp. If not, she may suffer the same fate as John McCain did in 1999. The family and its issues (real or created) are not off limits to Rove's shock troops. And the "truth" is whatever Herr Rove's propaganda machine says it is. Sarah has absolutley no idea what it's like to be (really) smeared. McCain survived it. Maybe Sarah can do it too. But unlike McCain, she remains a pretty divisive political figure. At the top of a ticket, the pro-choice women will seek to tear her a new one. And I expect a viable third party if the Evangelicals and neocons keep getting their way in the GOP. People like me will vote for that party, if not for the Democrats.

She is used to being in charge and making decisions. You can praise Obama all you like, he is a tremendous speaker and he has shown some inkling of taking the party to the center, but I do not think for a second he has any real clue of just how hard this next 4 years is going to be. I wish him well, I hope he proves me wrong but I just cannot have the faith in a guy whose greatest accomplishments in actually running anything are his community organzing, and his getting elected to office. Being a politician is one thing, but being a leader and administrator is something you don't get as a Senator, and certainly not as one who spent most of his only 4 years in the US Senate plotting to take down Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Well, Sarah didn't even know what the constitutional duties of the Vice President were. But generally, I think what you are saying is true: the difference between being an administrator and a politician. But I still prefer a "politician" with an obvious level of high intelligence over an "administrator" with questionable political ties and a debatable level of intelligence and world knowledge. The people of this nation have not seen anything like what we're seeing now in our lifetimes. Whether Obama or McCain, and certainly Palin, I doubt any of them could be fully prepared for the challenges of the office at this time. His politics are to the left of my own. But I have to admit, I like Obama's style and most of his actions thus far. Whether it's an act or not, the guy doesn't flinch. And the nation needs to see that the guy at the top isn't some shoot from the hip, nervous Nellie, whack job. It's the Senate and Congressional Democrats that concern me... Those boys are girls are the same nutty bunch that they've always been.

We wont even get into the joke that is Joe Biden.....
On that we agree. I have never had any use for Joe Biden. Had McCain picked someone like Kay Bailey Hutchinson instead of Palin, I believe he could have had an effective running mate who could have taken on Obama and Biden, without the need for basic prep or fear that she'd go rogue at any moment. Maybe he would have still lost, but Kay could have gotten more female votes than Sarah did, and being from Texas, I think the base would have still supported her. What I've noticed about Biden is that lately he has been as silent as a kid at Christmas dinner sitting at the adults' table.

10th January 2009, 21:30
Jag...The media couldn't do any more to Palin and her family than they already did. Trust me...they spent millions demonizing this woman.....sent people all over Alaska looking for dirt.

Sarah and her family are like a lot of families...sorta dysfunctional and real. The more they attack her family and herself...the greater sympathy she may garner.....

I don't think it's the media that will go after her. The Obama campaign never targeted Palin. They pretty much ignored her. They even had Biden lay back so it would look like he was beating up on a woman. But if at the top of the ticket, Obama can go after Palin the same as he went after Hillary.

10th January 2009, 21:55
I don't think it's the media that will go after her. The Obama campaign never targeted Palin. They pretty much ignored her. They even had Biden lay back so it would look like he was beating up on a woman. But if at the top of the ticket, Obama can go after Palin the same as he went after Hillary.

Palin will wait and run against "true royalty" Caroline Kennedy for prez:

Q "why are you better qualified than Sara Paylain for president:

..."like err i sort of think...you know, so it ...well I am smarter, you know uh then Palin, cause well like you know, everyone thinks, you know, so, like I am...."
Q: Why do you want to be prez?

"well like you know I was just like sort of you know thinking about that so i just sort of thought you know...... maybe err......and those ...er oh, secret service ...guys, they are like you know real cute....and some of uh uh them...like to stand really close ohh me....."


Q: Why are you better qualified than Caroline Kennedy:

"I am smart, not dumb like everyone says, and I am a socceer mom who has raised great kids and all this stuff about raising kids who get laid with a baby in the oven at 16, then marry the sons of drug dealers, well that is just an unfair media attack on my family......and just one good look at me, and you know Caroline could never make it with a bowling ball and a garden hose like me, so you know who the secret service really wants "

10th January 2009, 22:16
Sarah "Fredo Corleone" Palin vs. Caroline "The Valley Girl" Kennedy for POTUS.

Yep, the end is near. Save yourselves! Save yourselves! :D

11th January 2009, 02:03
Jag...The media couldn't do any more to Palin and her family than they already did.

They could have done no better than she managed to do herself. People do not just become objects of international ridicule for no reason, nor because of large amounts of money being spent on campaigns against someone. Sarah Palin brought that ridicule on herself.

11th January 2009, 08:06
Couldn't have said it better.

Mark in Oshawa
11th January 2009, 22:20
They could have done no better than she managed to do herself. People do not just become objects of international ridicule for no reason, nor because of large amounts of money being spent on campaigns against someone. Sarah Palin brought that ridicule on herself.

Don't be so sure. She wasn't the VP candidate 5 days and OK magazine had a rather demaning headline about her on the cover. She hasn't said much more than "Hi..I am glad to be here" and she was getting slagged.

The media bias that MSNBC admitted to and how they covered this campaign was epically ridiculous. I do agree most candidates bring on some of the abuse themselves and Sarah made a few mistakes. I put a lot of that on McCain's minions overcoaching her. Her interview Katie Couric did her no favours.

I am just pointing out that Palin didn't really say ANYTHING of consequence for the first week she was a VP candidate and by the time the Convention in MN started the media had the hole dug and were waiting to slide her INTO it.....

There was a gaff prone doofus in this campaign running for VP (Get up...oh god love ya.....I guess we are all standing for ya) named Joe Biden and ole Joe has been around 3 decades and was let off on a lot of dumb things he said. I don't think for a second Joe is dumb but he made gaffes that someone with his years shouldn't be making. Palin at least has the excuse of being JUST a hockey mom 8 years ago....

12th January 2009, 03:56
OK magazine. LOL
Cable news isn't unbiased... Who would have thought it possible? LOL

Oh the evil. LOL

12th January 2009, 04:12
The media bias that MSNBC admitted to and how they covered this campaign was epically ridiculous. ....

I've never seen MSNBC, however I have seen the 'unbiased' offerings from murdoch's media empire and would gladly bet that faux news would never admit to any bias.....

12th January 2009, 04:52
McCain announced Palin as his VP pick on the Friday before the Republican convention started on Monday. Other than knowing that she was the female governor of Alaska, I didn't really hear anything else (good or bad) about Palin in the mass media that weekend. It was such a surprise to most everyone, I recall that people on both sides were still just trying to gain information about her.

After she gave her "lipstick on a pitbull" speech, I remember telling someone, "Well, McCain should have a slam dunk by picking her." But no one really knew much about Sarah. People were just beginning to dig (for good and bad). I was watching CNN and Kay Bailey Hutchinson was interviewed after Palin's speech. Anderson Cooper asked Hutchinson what she thought of Palin. Kay (who should have been the VP pick, IMO), said, "To be honest, I don't know very much about her. But maybe that's a good thing... I just don't know very much about her." I think those were very prophetic words. The McCain campaign did get something like a 5 point bounce shortly thereafter, and I think he led the polls at that point. But Sarah was hidden away like someone in Witness Protection right after the convention. Then they let her out. And the economy got worse. And Sarah started talking... more and more. The Katie Couric interview has to be one of the worst interviews in the history of politics. By the time they showed Part 2, it was like some surrealistic short film. Like one of those fake documentaries you see on the Independent Film Channel or Sundance... it couldn't be real. Tina Fey and Saturday Night Live made it even worse. And then the economy got even worse and the stock market began to tank. And McCain started acting strange. As I recall, Sarah's numbers posted a serious reversal about then, and her negatives soon passed her positives with the public, including females. I don't think her numbers bottomed out until her debate with Biden. But by then, Obama had passed McCain and was building a lead.

As much as I remember hearing about how Sarah helped McCain with "the base", I also remember Sarah going from a net positive with female voters to a net negative with female voters. As far as I know, Sarah delivered not ONE state that McCain was not already poised to win. At best, she may have helped him have a bigger margin of victory in states like West Virgina, Alaska, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. But she sure didn't help him in Virgina or North Carolina. And the loss of those formerly red states was a big black eye for the GOP.

13th January 2009, 23:59
This I hadn't heard about before. Jonathan Bush (President George's 1st cousin), Chairman & CEO of Athenahealth, Inc. is on CNBC right now. It turns out he voted for Obama! :eek: He said he's been a lifelong Republican and he was in the "anybody but Hillary camp" going into the primaries (I'm with him so far :) ). When asked about why he voted for Obama instead of McCain, what did he list as one of his reasons? Sarah Palin. For someone who was compared so much to his cuz, I would have thought he'd have liked Sarah. But it looks like Sarah helped to convince him to also get in that long line of former Bush voters who went for the Dem this time. Welcome to the club, Jonathan. :wave:

On another note, this guy is a hoot! The guy seems like he's very sharp, but he's also very animated and pretty funny. Apart from his feelings on Palin, the guy is very entertaining and quick witted. Finally, a Bush that I like. :D The CNBC guys are going on & on about how entertaining his interview was, and are promising to try to make him a regular. I hope they do.

Mark in Oshawa
14th January 2009, 00:08
This I hadn't heard about before. Jonathan Bush (President George's 1st cousin), Chairman & CEO of Athenahealth, Inc. is on CNBC right now. It turns out he voted for Obama! :eek: He said he's been a lifelong Republican and he was in the "anybody but Hillary camp" going into the primaries (I'm with him so far :) ). When asked about why he voted for Obama instead of McCain, what did he list as one of his reasons? Sarah Palin. For someone who was compared so much to his cuz, I would have thought he'd have liked Sarah. But it looks like Sarah helped to convince him to also get in that long line of former Bush voters who went for the Dem this time. Welcome to the club, Jonathan. :wave:

On another note, this guy is a hoot! The guy seems like he's very sharp, but he's also very animated and pretty funny. Apart from his feelings on Palin, the guy is very entertaining and quick witted. Finally, a Bush that I like. :D The CNBC guys are going on & on about how entertaining his interview was, and are promising to try to make him a regular. I hope they do.

He might be a Republican next election..who knows? Just know that CNBC or MSNBC wouldn't have put him on if he wasn't dissing the Republicans. Whereas on Fox I saw Geraldine Ferraro on with O'Reilly and others on a regular basis. Not to mention Lanny Davis and other prominent Democrat guys. This guy has it together from the sounds of it but when it comes to the last election, he didn't make the choice because his political philsophy changed, I just think he is one of many that likes Obama. He has charisma, no two ways about. I just think he is going to be found wanting at some point.

14th January 2009, 07:05
He might be a Republican next election..who knows? Just know that CNBC or MSNBC wouldn't have put him on if he wasn't dissing the Republicans. Whereas on Fox I saw Geraldine Ferraro on with O'Reilly and others on a regular basis. Not to mention Lanny Davis and other prominent Democrat guys. This guy has it together from the sounds of it but when it comes to the last election, he didn't make the choice because his political philsophy changed, I just think he is one of many that likes Obama. He has charisma, no two ways about. I just think he is going to be found wanting at some point.

I'd never heard of Jonathan Bush before. I thought he was hella entertaining though! Now that's a Bush that I'd like to have a drink or three with. I think he's still a Republican - I doubt that changes. I was just pointing out that Palin wasn't someone (even as the President's cousin) that he could support. But to be honest, he didn't seem to have any love for McCain either. Sounds like he got a 2 for 1 negative with those two. He fully admited that his decision was based on emotion.

If he'd been on MSNBC, I'd say you're right. MSNBC is the polar opposite of Fox News (PMSNBC and Faux News as many say :D ). Two sides of the same coin, IMO. But CNBC doesn't, and has never shown a distinct bias toward any party or political philosophy. Though Charlie Gasparino is about as far right fiscally as you can get. People are starving in the streets? Tough. That just reduces the surplus population. In the early 80's I met Bill Griffith, Sue Herrera and John Bollinger (created the "Bollinger bands" technical indicator) when the channel (FNN) was still a struggling mini cable channel in L.A. in the early 80's. They were nobodies at a nobody channel. So I'd hang out at the studio when my uncle would take me down every week or so. I haven't seen any of them since FNN sold out to NBC. But to this day, I couldn't tell you what Bill or Sue's political persuasion is - and that's the way it should be with (true) journalists. The only thing I know is, Sue was schmoking hawt in the early/mid 80's. Sue could light a guy's cigarette just by walking by him. And when I met this funny little Jewish man named Ira Epstein, as he was taping a commercial for the show, I should have kept his card and called him later - Dummy Move #171 on my part. Anyway... Bloomberg is pretty apolitical too (IMO). The only financial news channel that seems to really show its cards is Fox Business News. That's why I'm disappointed that Murdoch is poised to take over Dow Jones. I want the facts (and nothing but the facts) in order to help me make decisions, not political or religious spin and commentary on business news channels.

30th January 2009, 02:20
Sarah Palin seeks to "pal around" with a foreign born, terrorist sympathizing, Socialist dictator!

Reported on Fox News, so it must be true. :dozey:


Mark in Oshawa
30th January 2009, 15:36
Jag...you are being intellectually dishonest now. You know damned well Palin has never accused Obama of being foreign...lol

I keep telling you she isn't as dumb as you keep thinking she is....

Sarah Palin seeks to "pal around" with a foreign born, terrorist sympathizing, Socialist dictator!

Reported on Fox News, so it must be true. :dozey:


31st January 2009, 22:30
I think Ed Rendell called it best after the Governors Conference: "She's no genius, but she has great political instincts", or something to that effect.

I wouldn't so much say that she's "dumb", as just somewhat ignorant of certain basic and fundamental things that a person of her age and political station should know by now. I think her challenge now is keeping her name in the air while she plans her next move. That's what this new SarahPAC will help her do. That's what mugging for the camera will do while she's at the Alfalfa dinner, trying to get close enough to Obama so reporters will ask her what "important things" she was discussing with him. I mean, that's what politicians do. I bet John McCain wanted to sink a dagger in George W. Bush and Karl Rove after the '99/2000 primary season - and rightly so. But by 2007/08, they were seen embracing. I'm not wired that way... it's hard for me to get my head around being able to do that. What do they say? Politics makes strange bedfellows.

As funny as I find her and as much as I love to poke fun at her, I admit that she seems to be learning how things work in the big leagues of politics. I doubt she allows herself to be interviewed again nationally if a subject is going to be covered that she is unprepared for. Either she'll be better prepared or she'll stay quiet. What she once referred to as "gotcha journalism" is just how it works, especially for conservatives. Right or wrong, she will have to overcome her reputation as an intellectual lightweight if she is going to reach the big chair. I don't think she's going to make it that far - because there are Republicans who want the exact same thing that she wants. But I think she might make it to the U.S. Senate and might establish herself as a power in the GOP in the years to come.

Hey, I'm one of the people who said that Danica Patrick would never win a race, if there was more than two cars running at the finish. But The Danica proved me wrong last year. So I'll give any dog his (her) due if they come back with a rabbit. I'll never support Sarah as long as she represents the Evangelical, neoconservative wing of the GOP. But I can respect a person with whom I don't agree, if they can at least articulate their views with clarity and confidence.

So there may come that day when I can say that I respect Sarah Palin, even if I don't agree with her. Hey, Danica Patrick won an actual car race... so anything is possible! :D

31st January 2009, 22:52
What she once referred to as "gotcha journalism" is just how it works, especially for conservatives.

I remain very wary of the view that journalists are somehow to blame for asking unreasonable questions of someone like Sarah Palin. There are good reasons why she and others get asked what are described as 'gotcha questions', while other politicians are not. Don't get me wrong, I do think some political interviewing can be unreasonable, but politicians and other public figures who end up looking stupid in interviews largely have themselves to blame.

Mark in Oshawa
31st January 2009, 23:05
I think journalists can always ask questions that put politicians in a corner if they choose, but often they don't because it is often a career limiting move. Palin dodged a few tough interviewers because her "people" being supplied by the McCain organization steered to people like Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. Of course...she wasn't up to the grilling they gave her (most of it was very fair IMO but she wasn't prepared mainly because the braintrust didn't want her to state what she really thought if it didn't jive with the McCain platform. That kind of is a limitation is it not?)and she looked stupid at some point. She was over coached and under coached all at the same time. Truth is, we will see in the next 4 years whether she has it or not.

All I know is the bodies of people who underestimated her lie all over Alaska in a metaphorical sense. She has a high approval rating in a state where people dont' suffer fools gladly. You have to respect that and I think in the end you will see her end up making a splash at some point in the future.

As for your fear of her being an evangelical supporter Jag, I will just point out this: She is pro-family and anti-abortion. That doesn't make her some religious nut, she is just matching the views of about half of America. Demonizing people for asking families to try to stay together and facing their responsibilities isn't a bad thing. Sorry...it just isn't. The minute you make Abortion so acceptable that there is no stigmatism to it is to say "be an idiot...that is ok with us"...and the truth is, it isn't. Palin is just another person that believes in that.

I don't think legalized abortion is going away no matter what someone who disagress thinks but it shouldn't be a take out item like going to McDonalds either.

31st January 2009, 23:12
I think journalists can always ask questions that put politicians in a corner if they choose, but often they don't because it is often a career limiting move.

What I would add to this is that the interviewing of US politicians remains much, much more tame than that in the UK.

1st February 2009, 07:34
As for your fear of her being an evangelical supporter Jag, I will just point out this: She is pro-family and anti-abortion. That doesn't make her some religious nut, she is just matching the views of about half of America. Demonizing people for asking families to try to stay together and facing their responsibilities isn't a bad thing. Sorry...it just isn't. The minute you make Abortion so acceptable that there is no stigmatism to it is to say "be an idiot...that is ok with us"...and the truth is, it isn't. Palin is just another person that believes in that.

I don't think legalized abortion is going away no matter what someone who disagress thinks but it shouldn't be a take out item like going to McDonalds either.

From an interview on ABC, here are Palin's views on abortion:

Palin took a harder line than McCain on those social issues, but called her sentiments "personal opinion[s]" that could potentially differ from official policy in a McCain White House.

McCain supports abortion in instances of rape or incest, but Palin, a mother of a 5-month-old infant with Down syndrome, said she would advocate abortion only if a mother's life was in danger. <emphasis added by poster>

"My personal opinion is that abortion should be allowed if the life of the mother is endangered. Please understand me on this. I do understand McCain's position on this. I do understand others who are very passionate about this issue who have a differing opinion," she said.

Here is data from the Knights of Colombus (hardly a liberal or pro-choice group) website:

The poll was conducted for the Knights of Columbus by the Marist College Institute of Public Opinion between Sept. 24 and Oct. 3, 2008, and was designed to enable comparisons of the views of Catholic voters with those of the general electorate.

The poll asked respondents to state which of six statements came closest to describing their opinion on abortion.

• 8 percent of U.S. residents chose option 1, that abortion should be available to a woman any time she wants one during her entire pregnancy;

• 8 percent chose option 2, that abortion should be allowed only during the first 6 months of pregnancy;

• 24 percent chose option 3, that abortion should be allowed only during the first 3 months of pregnancy;

• 32 percent chose option 4, that abortion should be allowed only in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother;

• 15 percent chose option 5, that abortion should be allowed only to save the life of the mother; <note emphasis above showing Palin claims this is also her position>

• 13 percent chose option 6, that abortion should never be permitted under any circumstance.

You've singled out one portion of what I actually posted, which was: "I'll never support Sarah as long as she represents the Evangelical, neoconservative wing of the GOP."

It's not a make or break issue for me but I am generally not in favor of abortion. My personal view on the subject is closer to that of John McCain - though I would also include girls under the age of 15 or 16, when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. But Palin's position is not in line with half of America. If you combine her position with the respondents who are not in favor of abortion under any circumstances, at most, you get 28%.

But again, it's the wing of the party that Palin represents that would prevent me from ever supporting her: the so called "loyal base" that remains within the GOP is mostly Evangelicals and neocons. I'm not sure where you get that I am demonizing anyone for wanting families to stay together, or that abortions should be freely available. There is now, and will be for the next few years, a war of sorts within the GOP, to see what philosophy leads going forward. There are many camps. Not all Evangelicals are neocons, but they began to make camp together in the mid 90's. So the social conservatives and New World order types won. And the fiscal conservatives and social libertarians began to lose seats at the table about the same time. I'd like to see that change.

Palin likes to refer to herself as a "fiscal conservative." But her spending increases and embrace of a windfall profits taxes violates a key principle of fiscal conservatism. I believe that's one reason that Pat Buchanan was so wishy-washy when asked what he thought of Palin. He has the same disdain for neocons that I do... even more so. But where I'm more of an independent social libertarian with some conservative positions, especially on fiscal issues, he is mostly a social conservative... and a hater of neocons. As Sarah continues to evolve and define her actual positions, rather than just offering conflicting talking points, people like Buchanan will either support her or reject her. If she begins walking like a neocon and talking like a neocon, Buchanan, and the paleoconservatives like him, will put the same blade in Palin that's being used on other neocons as I type.

After where the Evangelicals and the national socialist neocons have taken us for the past decade, I voted for a Democrat for President for the first time in my life. I was joined by a great many other independents, fiscal conservatives and social libertarians. The GOP might want to work on something more than a Confederate States of America strategy and fix that before 2012.

And hey, yesterday, someone being described as an "African-American centrist", Michael Steele, was elected Chairman of the RNC. I don't know much about this guy. But I do know that he was not the choice of the hard social conservatives (he believes in affirmative action and won't give straight answers about his position on abortion with any clarity, that I've seen). While the neocons apparently saw him as a good enough pawn to help them build a coalition with the party moderates and to help with the bad PR the GOP has been getting lately.

Like I've been saying, the battle is on within the GOP! So does anyone know which side Sarah is on? Maybe a better question, does Sarah know which side she is on?

Mark in Oshawa
1st February 2009, 07:39
Jag...I just know that you voted for a guy with NO actual experience governing anything and voting present a lot who is likely the most left of center candidate to ever win the presidency since Jimmy Carter. You REALLY must be scared of "neo-cons".....( I am still trying to figure out what a Neo-con actually is in reality. It is mainly a term of derision for most of the Dubya crowd. I usually just call them wing nuts)

1st February 2009, 07:55
What I would add to this is that the interviewing of US politicians remains much, much more tame than that in the UK.

Sarah needs to stop whining about the treatment the media gives her, put on her big girl pants and either go for it or step aside. When faced with pressure, Caroline Kennedy folded up and stepped aside. If Sarah winds up on the wrong side of Karl Rove in the "Where the Right Went Wrong" GOP war, she's going to think of Katie Couric as her best friend. To Karl Rove's people, kids and families are fair game. Is Sarah ready for that?

Mark in Oshawa
1st February 2009, 07:59
Sarah needs to stop whining about the treatment the media gives her, put on her big girl pants and either go for it or step aside. When faced with pressure, Caroline Kennedy folded up and stepped aside. If Sarah winds up on the wrong side of Karl Rove in the "Where the Right Went Wrong" GOP war, she's going to think of Katie Couric as her best friend. To Karl Rove's people, kids and families are fair game. Is Sarah ready for that?

Rove aint that nasty....Hillary and Bill Clinton maybe are...but Rove just let eveyrone THINK he is that nasty....

You are right tho, Palin dodged some of the media she should have dealt with. Bill O'Reilly could have made her bones if she had gone on with him and looked intelligent because he wouldn't give her softball questions but he would have drawn out who she really was. IF she had anything, he would have gotten to it. The problem is those doofuses running the McCain campaign were scared to death that people might find out McCain and Palin didn't have a lot in common...I think. 5 months later I am still trying to figure out what McCain stands for....

1st February 2009, 09:19
Jag...I just know that you voted for a guy with NO actual experience governing anything and voting present a lot who is likely the most left of center candidate to ever win the presidency since Jimmy Carter. You REALLY must be scared of "neo-cons".....( I am still trying to figure out what a Neo-con actually is in reality. It is mainly a term of derision for most of the Dubya crowd. I usually just call them wing nuts)

Yeah, counting two times for Perot, that makes at least the third time I've done that. The last time I voted for someone with "actual experience governing anything", I voted for George W. Bush. I'm not real happy with how that turned out, so I don't use that as a deciding criteria anymore. Beating in years and claiming that "experience" makes for a good President doesn't seem to wash. I mean, Sarah Palin had the most "executive experience" of the entire bunch... and she didn't know what the duties of the Vice President were.

My vote for Bush taught me that just because someone claims to have a similar philosophical view as my own, it's more important that they be able to execute, whatever their views. A well executed plan, that I don't completely agree with, is preferable to a poorly executed plan that I might agree with. The way I saw it when I cast my vote for Obama over McCain... if I need an operation, I'm going to pick Dr. Mengele over Stan the Butcher, if those are my two choices.

Some of you seem to think that Obama has a bad plan. And that may be so. But you'd have to be quite creative to convince me that McCain had any plan at all. IMO, he would right now be driving the country into a ditch, just as effectively as he drove his campaign into a ditch.

1st February 2009, 09:33
Rove aint that nasty....Hillary and Bill Clinton maybe are...but Rove just let eveyrone THINK he is that nasty....

John and Cindy McCain (circa 2000) might disagree with you there. Kay Hagan would probably also feel differently - but in her case, it backfired on her opponent.

You are right tho, Palin dodged some of the media she should have dealt with. Bill O'Reilly could have made her bones if she had gone on with him and looked intelligent because he wouldn't give her softball questions but he would have drawn out who she really was. IF she had anything, he would have gotten to it. The problem is those doofuses running the McCain campaign were scared to death that people might find out McCain and Palin didn't have a lot in common...I think. 5 months later I am still trying to figure out what McCain stands for....

My guess is, John McCain is also still trying to figure out what he stands for. I rather liked the McCain of 2000. But Perot ripped him a new one for flip-flopping on the Vietnam POW issue. I continue to think of him as a decent man, but one who was overwhelmed by events outside of his control, as well as one who created events that were within his control.

Mark in Oshawa
1st February 2009, 10:31
The first VP that actually knew ahead of time what his duties were would be the first Jag. AS for McCain..ya...in retrospect I wonder what he would have done. I thought about mid October that maybe winning this election would not be a good thing for anyone...and I also think that the RNC ended up with the worst possible candidate...

1st February 2009, 17:33
As far as any additional duties that the President might assign, that is true. But I mean the basic duties, as spelled out in the Constitution. It's very clear. Rather than reading the Constitution, it seemed that Sarah Palin may have asked Dick Cheney what the duties were, and maybe that's why her answer seemed sort of flakey.

All of us have probably interviewed for jobs and we weren't really sure of the duties. You know, from company to company, the same title might have different duties. But Vice President of the U.S.? Those duties have been available for all to read for over 200 years.

1st February 2009, 18:30
Sarah needs to stop whining about the treatment the media gives her, put on her big girl pants and either go for it or step aside. When faced with pressure, Caroline Kennedy folded up and stepped aside. If Sarah winds up on the wrong side of Karl Rove in the "Where the Right Went Wrong" GOP war, she's going to think of Katie Couric as her best friend. To Karl Rove's people, kids and families are fair game. Is Sarah ready for that?

"Caroline well, uh, like u know, i wuz, sort of like thinkin alittle bit, maybe, i should, u know like err maybe, i should say uncleTeddy's err health or maybe not, so if he does not want, uh, err, like pick err me i could like say it was, a personal err reason, that may be I should you know like do a withdraw, maybe Kennedy" did not step aside, it was more like:

"well Ms. Kennedy, I am set on appointing someone else, and before anouncing, I am giving you an opportunity to do whatever announcement you would like to make" and after several phone calls back and forth, she finally figured out that he was not giving her the job.....so we get the "personal family reasons" withdrawal :rolleyes:

Mark in Oshawa
1st February 2009, 22:32
Caroline Kennedy makes Sarah look like a rocket scientest. As for the duties of the VP Jag, I said what I said because every president does more or less with the role. The consititution basically means you are to stay informed and sit tight if anything happens to the big guy.....but as a VP you don't really do anything if the President doesn't want you to.....

Easy Drifter
1st February 2009, 23:25
So far, unlike former VP Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin has not shot anyone, although she may have felt like it.

2nd February 2009, 02:39
The Alfalfa Dinner was last night. Some funny quotes and happenings are on Politico. Sarah Palin wanted a word with Obama. Looks like she got it:

To Palin, Obama expressed surprise to see her with such members of the Washington elite she railed against during the campaign. Or, as he termed it in language Palin is familiar with, "palling around with this crew."

Another funny one, this time directed at Smokin' Joe Lieberman:

Looking to Joe Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent-turned McCain supporter, Obama told the Connecticut senator he had no hard feelings.

"The door is always open," Obama assured Lieberman, who observes the Sabbath, "so feel to drop by -- any Saturday afternoon."

2nd February 2009, 03:11
As for the duties of the VP Jag, I said what I said because every president does more or less with the role. The consititution basically means you are to stay informed and sit tight if anything happens to the big guy.....but as a VP you don't really do anything if the President doesn't want you to.....

Sarah had a few WTF moments when faced with questions about this. As I mentioned before, she should have known the basic answer. But surely to goodness someone in the McCain camp could/should have helped her with something as basic and fundamental as this. Maybe it didn't come up at first, because they figured she knew. But after the second or third time?!

By the Constitution, Sarah was correct that the Veep is (technically) the "President of the Senate." But when a 3rd grader asked her what the job entailed, here's what Sarah said:

Q: Brandon Garcia wants to know, “What does the Vice President do?”

PALIN: That’s something that Piper would ask me! They’re in charge of the U.S. Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom. :uhoh:

If Brandon gave that answer on his Civics test, he probably failed. She could have just done what the news sites did and asked the Senior Assistant Parliamentarian of the Senate, Peter Robinson, and he would have told her the correct answer, if none of the McCain people would give up the info:

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they're equally divided.
In modern practice the Vice President doesn’t really control the Senate.
If anyone has a responsibility to try to govern the Senate, it’s the responsibility of the two leaders.

Mark in Oshawa
2nd February 2009, 15:52
President of the Senate. Right..oh well I didn't learn US civics in my Canadian civics...lol. She knew she would lead the senate anyhow....

I would lay you even money there is many a politician of both stripes in Washington that would fail that line of questioning Jag. Just like there are parliamentarians in Canada who don't understand how our system here is supposed to work. I saw evidence of that when the Conservative minority gov't here was under threat of losing the confidence of Parliament by a coalition of the opposition and many here thought it would be an automatic election. It isn't. It is a judgement call by the governor general who has actual real power to make that call. Many MP's here outraged a non elected head of state had that power, but that is our system. Well if THEY didn't know, I have to know in the US there are Congressmen who don't understand all the fine points and duties of the VP. You can lay money on it pal......so I wont dispute Sarah sounded awful dumb on that one but she wouldn't be the only one. Furthermore, lets not kid ourselves, if she runs again, I suspect you wont catch her that easily on something simple like that. She was a deer caught in the headlights because she wasn't ready for the assault on her values and intellect that running for VP or President entails......

3rd February 2009, 03:57
What you're saying may be true, Mark: that there are others in Congress who are shaky on the policies and procedures of our government. Hopefully there aren't too many of them. And what few there are, they would be, by definition, unexceptional representatives. There were other things besides that which blew me away though. When asked about the Bush Doctrine, for her to say that she was for it, against it or preferred the Reagan Doctrine over it, would have been one thing. But she didn't even know what it was! She did not have the faintest clue. That was utterly amazing to me! Had she never wondered by what basis we went to war with Afghanistan? I almost fell out of my chair. I went from thinking that John McCain had brought in a ringer, and he was going to take a big chunk of the Hillary vote, to a true "WTF! Where did McCain find this woman?!" moment. :eek:

Sarah likely did learn some things from this experience - both good and bad. And she may take those lessons, look in the mirror (instead of making herself out to be totally a victim of the gotcha media and meanies in the McCain camp) and improve her knowledge of the Constitution, the federal government, macro economics and global politics, among other things. She very well may return to the national stage at some point. And if so, maybe as a stronger, more capable candidate.

But IMO, more important to her future is the battle that is shaping up within the GOP. I really think people are underestimating how vicious this is going to be. There are already leaks coming out about the depth of the hurt feelings over the election of Michael Steele to head the RNC. Get out the popcorn. This is just getting started. And like most intra-party battles, futures often get determined based on who wins and whether you're on that side or not.

3rd July 2009, 22:21
David Letterman stays.

Sarah Palin goes.

Sarah Palin has resigned as the Governor of Alaska, effective July 26, 2009.


3rd July 2009, 22:31
Hey, what if (big "what if") she and Sanford did a joint press conference next week and professed their undying love for one another? Yeah, see there's a ménage à trois that none of us knew about: Sarah, Markie-Mark and Maria. They're all going to move to Argentina and live together on a compound (once owned by Allen Stanford!).

Help me. Somebody help me... I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

3rd July 2009, 22:32
Opps i wuz mourning elswhere, well here's to you


3rd July 2009, 22:43
She's told some of her close friends that she's not only stepping down as Governor of Alaska, but she's also leaving public life. If true, this is yet more evidence that this flakey woman had no business being on the national ticket. Imagine McCain sick in bed, Sarah with her finger on the button... and this whack job takes a powder and locks herself in the bathroom.

She couldn't take the heat! She broke. All show and no go. Exactly what I've said all along about this nutjob.

"We've seen a lot of nutty behavior from governors and Republican leaders in the last three months, but this one is at the top of that," said John Weaver, a longtime friend and confidant of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the party's presidential nominee in 2008 whose of selection of Palin catapulted the first-term Alaska governor to national prominence.

3rd July 2009, 22:51
No she is sticking it out to the bitter end, YOU go girl,
All she is doing is taking a little vacation on a boat with a little fishing before she gets back to really running the country the way it should be

and there is no truth to those rumors about the video of her with a garden hose and bowling ball....

3rd July 2009, 23:20
Beautiful post, Markabilly. This thread has now come full circle. :up:

"I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart!"


3rd July 2009, 23:51
Beautiful post, Markabilly. This thread has now come full circle. :up:

"I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart!"


Still think she would have been a cuter prez than bama or Mccain or even biotoxbidet

even taz said he would crack a carton of eggs on her face or was it cartoon?

oh well, we hardly knew you sarababy.............................. :rolleyes:

But I could not help but notice while we talk, whose bright and shiny new face is advertizing [ http://www.sarahpac.com/landing/ ] on our very forum, right above us all, as we try to think of........


3rd July 2009, 23:56
http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/imgad?id=CKGY4en_jtbVkwEQ2AUYTzIIS3UpRZVgcaI (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BZdlzG35OSuuoJqWgzAWa4-WIDYvMgpUBj6ybpwzAjbcBoI0GEAEYASDylPwBOABQge7I6ANg ya6LjeSkwBOgAaWt--0DsgEYd3d3Lm1vdG9yc3BvcnRmb3J1bXMuY29tugEJNzI4eDkw X2FzyAEC2gFHaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tb3RvcnNwb3J0Zm9ydW1zLm NvbS9mb3J1bXMvc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA_cD02NTY5OTQmcG9z dGVkPTHIAreV4AmoAwHIAwXoA0zoA4wD6AOOA-gDhQb1AwABAgT1AwACAAA&num=1&sig=AGiWqtxs7jWF8XUkFHpIPPokeWONbqdbiA&client=ca-pub-4215769602597401&adurl=http://www.sarahpac.com/landing/&nm=5)

as it currently appears...right here ......not to late to chunk some change or eggs or whatever you little perverts want to give her face....just remember, liquid in the wrong location on your lcd screen can cause computer and other issues issues

3rd July 2009, 23:59
All she has to do is make herself available and I'll donate a $1000 to her PAC fund right now. But now, she'd have to "work for it"... and there would be both video and still cameras in the room with us. Oh, and Sarah, I'd like for you to wear a cheerleader outfit. :)

4th July 2009, 00:06
All she has to do is make herself available and I'll donate a $1000 to her PAC fund right now. But now, she'd have to "work for it"... and there would be both video and still cameras in the room with us. Oh, and Sarah, I'd like for you to wear a cheerleader outfit. :)

a little high on the price as she is a little used....besides, the bimbos look good on tv, but having accidentally seen brit spears, back when she was in her prime and still wearing her panties, in the flesh she was not .001% as hot as on tv....

But if sarah would go down and give about 500, I would take the money from her and let her have me, so i could see if there really was some truth to the rumored video :confused:

only doing my patroditic duty fur god and country

4th July 2009, 00:46
Dude, this is a money making venture. Every trailer park resident from Florida to West Texas will be heading down to their local Pay Day lender, hawking their rusted out Camaro to come up with the $250 that I'm going to charge for each copy of this tape.

I just watched her news conference again. She's going to prove that she's not a quitter... so she's quitting. Huh???!!! Koo-koo. Koo-koo.

4th July 2009, 00:51

4th July 2009, 01:13
jag who is that in the picture david letterman

Easy Drifter
4th July 2009, 03:20
Right you horny lot of sex maniacs.
The only real question is she planning on replacing TG as head of IRL or Mad Max as chief dictator at the FIA?
Or horror of horrors, both jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh look here come a bunch of guys in white coats and butterfly nets. :vader:

4th July 2009, 03:24
Still think she would have been a cuter prez than bama or Mccain or even biotoxbidet

even taz said he would crack a carton of eggs on her face or was it cartoon?

oh well, we hardly knew you sarababy.............................. :rolleyes:

But I could not help but notice while we talk, whose bright and shiny new face is advertizing [ http://www.sarahpac.com/landing/ ] on our very forum, right above us all, as we try to think of........

http://www.sarahpac.com/landing/images/top-banner.jpgIf your going to quote me please get it correct. That's "bust a crate of eggs" :burnout:

4th July 2009, 04:22
jag who is that in the picture david letterman

Not sure. Just some anonymous dope I found on Google. I couldn't find a woman with a "slutty flight attendant look." :D

4th July 2009, 04:30
:monkeedan :bounce: :monkeedan

Miss (It Came from) Wasilla, 1984...


4th July 2009, 04:57
Man does Palin scare the crap out of Knee-Jerkers. They are scared of her popularity, They are scared of her message.

What really scares them is that she is a strong woman who got to where she is on her own!

4th July 2009, 05:56
Right you horny lot of sex maniacs.
The only real question is she planning on replacing TG as head of IRL or Mad Max as chief dictator at the FIA?
Or horror of horrors, both jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh look here come a bunch of guys in white coats and butterfly nets. :vader:
damn, please don't tell me they are after me again....where did i put my official judicial certificate that says I am sane and not that crazy anymore...I know your pain, sarah, when they are after you and your whole family, you just gotta run, run, before it is too late, and take the money, and trig, go, go go go....


.......no, not for president, not what i meant, that is another three years away........Look out, here come tazio with something...OMG, it is a cartoon, no a crate, of ...eggs....watch out for your glasses.... :eek:

wow taz that is some bust you got there.......

4th July 2009, 06:27
What message?

Oh yeah: "I quit." :laugh:

All show, no go. When the heat was on, she melted.

4th July 2009, 06:40
no, methink something rotten in denamark...something is going on.....very quick, i quit, something she did not do while running for prezie
sad, for repubes, where are they gonna get another taliking head like hers to replace hers????

4th July 2009, 09:00
Man does Palin scare the crap out of Knee-Jerkers. They are scared of her popularity, They are scared of her message.

What really scares them is that she is a strong woman who got to where she is on her own!

Did smoking crack become legal in South Florida?

This above joke isn't even remotely funny, so why would somebody write it?

It has to be written under the influence of same bad drugs, nobody sane could even remotely believe that.

4th July 2009, 10:14
Hey she mAy just fade away - but i tend to kind of doubt that. Now I could be wrong because it is not uncommon for a Alaskan to say F___Y__ I will take my life here and be happy with it. Alaskans are kinda of like the Aussies - strong and determined. So I have no idea what she is up to and if she wants to just live her life then good for her. But if she has a fight coming hang on to you ass cuz this ain't gonna be pretty.

4th July 2009, 13:46
I believe there to be some credibility in anthonyvop's words. The election is long over but the media and Democrats attempt to ridicule her or her family at every opportunity. Theres no reason to keep doing that other than fear. The more Obama continues doing nothing useful, the more Palin will be a target. Look at Biden. Everybody knows hes not a threat to anything so hes ignored and allowed to wander around drooling on himself again. Not so with Palin. Yeah, that lady worries them.

4th July 2009, 14:27
Everybody knows hes not a threat to anything so hes ignored and allowed to wander around drooling on himself again. Not so with Palin. Yeah, that lady worries them.
Heck, I'm sure most people in the world are scared stiff that Americans some day may be stupid enough to let a person that stupid close to nuclear weapons.

4th July 2009, 15:36
Heck, I'm sure most people in the world are scared stiff that Americans some day may be stupid enough to let a person that stupid close to nuclear weapons.
and even more scared of eki getting within 20 miles of any taco bells....

anyway she ain't quiting, just advancing in a different direction....

from your very own forum link to her pac
she is just not running for a second term, thought it would be better to appoint her successor...gee i feel so much better

and here is more:

What is SarahPac?

SarahPac is a federally registered political action committee that supports Gov. Sarah Palin's plans to build a better, stronger, and safer America in the 21st century.

How will contributions be spent?

Your support of SarahPac will make it possible for Gov. Palin to continue to be a strong voice for energy independence and reform. By supporting SarahPac, you will allow Gov. Palin to help find and create solutions for America's most pressing problems; priority number one is building a strong and prosperous economy that recognizes hard work, innovation and integrity by rewarding small businesses and hard working American families. SarahPac will support local and national candidates who share Gov. Palin's ideas and goals for our country.

Who is behind SarahPac?

Gov. Sarah Palin believes all Americans must work together for the future, regardless of their party affiliation. Gov. Palin is the honorary chair of SarahPac, and its supporters are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and those unaffiliated with any political party.

Why now?

As a new president takes office and begins to lead our country, Gov. Palin believes that every one of us has a duty and responsibility in this time of economic crisis and international challenge. Each one of us must step up to the plate, get involved in the spirit of renaissance and renewal that is critical to America's success. Make your voice heard by.......

I love this:

Paid for by SarahPAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
www.SarahPAC.com (http://www.SarahPAC.com)

and on the same page, this:
Please note: There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. SarahPAC.com is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin.

4th July 2009, 16:20
Heck, I'm sure most people in the world are scared stiff that Americans some day may be stupid enough to let a person that stupid close to nuclear weapons.

We let Obama near them, and he's as inexperienced as they come. Not to mention a lying S.O.B. But that was obvious before the election, so look to the standards of those that elected him.

4th July 2009, 16:33
SarahPAC? They are going to be wishing they had left the lady alone now.

4th July 2009, 16:57
well it does say on one page (and contradicts itself):

Paid for by SarahPAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
www.SarahPAC.com (http://www.sarahpac.com/)

Please note: There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. SarahPAC.com is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin.

4th July 2009, 17:00
We let Obama near them, and he's as inexperienced as they come.
At least he sounds and seems intelligent. I can well imagine Sarah Palin say "Oops" after accidentally starting the WW3 and "Oops, I did it again" after accidentally launching the nukes.

4th July 2009, 18:43
well it does say on one page (and contradicts itself):

Paid for by SarahPAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
www.SarahPAC.com (http://www.sarahpac.com/)

Please note: There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. SarahPAC.com is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin.

What contradiction? Sarah Palin is not a candidate for anything at this point and SarahPAC has not been authorized to speak, represent, or work on the behalf of any other candidate or their committees.

This will be a conservative grassroots deal bound to no party.

4th July 2009, 18:45
At least he sounds and seems intelligent.

So can a sock puppet.

4th July 2009, 20:38
What contradiction? Sarah Palin is not a candidate for anything at this point and SarahPAC has not been authorized to speak, represent, or work on the behalf of any other candidate or their committees.

This will be a conservative grassroots deal bound to no party.
it says not authorizedby any, and then it also has the only authorized....by sara P.

well duh....

Gee, no wonder you like her, you both think on the same....well, sorry, that it would be an unforgiveable insult, I will now go say one hundred "hail sarah" but sara and bama do think on that level.....

4th July 2009, 21:44
Did smoking crack become legal in South Florida?

This above joke isn't even remotely funny, so why would somebody write it?

It has to be written under the influence of same bad drugs, nobody sane could even remotely believe that.

See what I mean?

Thanks for providing and excellent example.

4th July 2009, 21:46
Heck, I'm sure most people in the world are scared stiff that Americans some day may be stupid enough to let a person that stupid close to nuclear weapons.

We were dumb enough to allow JFK, Carter and Obama. Palin would be a significant step up.

BTW I like it when the rest of the world is scared of us.

5th July 2009, 00:21
it says not authorizedby any, and then it also has the only authorized....by sara P.

well duh....

Gee, no wonder you like her, you both think on the same....well, sorry, that it would be an unforgiveable insult, I will now go say one hundred "hail sarah" but sara and bama do think on that level.....

It says Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Sarah is not a candidate for anything at this time. Nor is she on any other candidates election committee. There is no contradiction.

5th July 2009, 10:25
BTW I like it when the rest of the world is scared of us.
We know you're a madman. Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein also probably liked it when people were scared of them. Or Caligula, who said ''let them hate as long as they fear.''


Let Them Hate as Long as They Fear
Published: Friday, March 7, 2003

''Why does our president condone the swaggering and contemptuous approach to our friends and allies this administration is fostering, including among its most senior officials? Has 'oderint dum metuant' really become our motto?'' So reads the resignation letter of John Brady Kiesling, a career diplomat who recently left the Foreign Service in protest against Bush administration policy.

''Oderint dum metuant'' translates, roughly, as ''let them hate as long as they fear.'' It was a favorite saying of the emperor Caligula, and may seem over the top as a description of current U.S. policy. But this week's crisis in U.S.-Mexican relations -- a crisis that has been almost ignored north of the border -- suggests that it is a perfect description of George Bush's attitude toward the world.

5th July 2009, 14:16
It says Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Sarah is not a candidate for anything at this time. Nor is she on any other candidates election committee. There is no contradiction.
so why would you contribute to the only palin authorized pac if it ain't for palin but............. :rolleyes:

5th July 2009, 15:11

A piece of advice.

If you want to be taken seriously by anyone outside of the upper-east-side do not ever quote Paul Krugman.

5th July 2009, 15:32

A piece of advice.

If you want to be taken seriously by anyone outside of the upper-east-side do not ever quote Paul Krugman.
it don't matter if he quotes him or not

5th July 2009, 15:59
If your going to quote me please get it correct. That's "bust a crate of eggs" :burnout:

Easy Drifter
5th July 2009, 16:47
I am a little lost.
Why is Eki blathering on about Bush in a thread about Sarah Palin in the Obama era?

Remember she will be the next President---- of the FIA.

5th July 2009, 18:43
It's pretty obvious that she wants to cash in on her "celebrity" once out of office.
(not that it will necessarily ruin her future political career) She will take some exorbitant fees for interviews, and public appearances.
Who knows she could get syndicated, and become the next Ann Coulter, only in Limbaughnian proportions :p :

5th July 2009, 19:46
I am a little lost.
Why is Eki blathering on about Bush in a thread about Sarah Palin in the Obama era?

Remember she will be the next President---- of the FIA.
My main point was Caligula and his quote. Bush just happened to feature in that article. Besides, the fact that the Americans were stupid enough to vote GW Bush for their President, not only once but twice (smart people learn from their mistakes), makes the possibility of electing Palin more potential threat.

5th July 2009, 19:46
Who knows she could get syndicated, and become the next Ann Coulter, only in Limbaughnian proportions :p :
well, given that drug bust of the momma of the husband of daughter, she will not even need to develope those connections, but she needs to starting porking out now, if she truly wishes to reach his proportions

5th July 2009, 19:47
I believe there to be some credibility in anthonyvop's words. The election is long over but the media and Democrats attempt to ridicule her or her family at every opportunity. Theres no reason to keep doing that other than fear. The more Obama continues doing nothing useful, the more Palin will be a target. Look at Biden. Everybody knows hes not a threat to anything so hes ignored and allowed to wander around drooling on himself again. Not so with Palin. Yeah, that lady worries them.

I simply don't believe this to be true, unless you mean that she worries people who genuinely don't believe that anybody as moronic as her should be allowed near public office. (By the way, it is the case that someone like Joe Biden wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near public office in the UK after the Kinnock-plagiarising incident, but then it is often said that Jeffrey Archer would have gone a long way in American politics, which tells you all you need to know.)

Furthermore, it amazes me that conservatives, who generally believe people should be responsible for their own actions, should seek to blame others for the ridicule that Palin faces. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again. She brings it all on herself. She is pure comic gold. This is the reason for the jokes, not some left-liberal conspiracy.

5th July 2009, 20:25
I simply don't believe this to be true, unless you mean that she worries people who genuinely don't believe that anybody as moronic as her should be allowed near public office. (By the way, it is the case that someone like Joe Biden wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near public office in the UK after the Kinnock-plagiarising incident, but then it is often said that Jeffrey Archer would have gone a long way in American politics, which tells you all you need to know.)

Furthermore, it amazes me that conservatives, who generally believe people should be responsible for their own actions, should seek to blame others for the ridicule that Palin faces. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again. She brings it all on herself. She is pure comic gold. This is the reason for the jokes, not some left-liberal conspiracy.

Ah, some of that liberal intellectual elitist attitude coming through. Anyone who would vote for Palin or the BNP are too stupid to be allowed to vote. Someone give me a list of Obama's experience prior to election. Give me a list of his denials of fact before the election. Give me a list of the promises he has failed to keep since being elected.

I understand your point of view because I, quite frankly, after looking at all the facts about Obama before the election, couldn't believe how many people were dumb enough to vote for him.

5th July 2009, 20:45
Ah, some of that liberal intellectual elitist attitude coming through. Anyone who would vote for Palin or the BNP are too stupid to be allowed to vote. Someone give me a list of Obama's experience prior to election. Give me a list of his denials of fact before the election. Give me a list of the promises he has failed to keep since being elected.

I understand your point of view because I, quite frankly, after looking at all the facts about Obama before the election, couldn't believe how many people were dumb enough to vote for him.

There is one important difference, not that I had a vote — Obama is not a gun-toting moron with a lack of basic general knowledge. And are you seriously suggesting that those of us who found Palin to be comedy gold during the campaign only held this view because of our own political bias? If so, you have a lot to learn about humour.

5th July 2009, 21:26
well, given that drug bust of the momma of the husband of daughter, she will not even need to develope those connections, but she needs to starting porking out now, if she truly wishes to reach his proportionsI'm confident that she has a fat, blowhard, demigogue screaming to be released from within! ;)

5th July 2009, 22:22
Someone give me a list of Obama's experience prior to election. Give me a list of his denials of fact before the election. Give me a list of the promises he has failed to keep since being elected.

Give him time. He has over 3 years left to keep his promises.

5th July 2009, 22:37
Give him time. He has over 3 years left to keep his promises.

Well so far, transparency isn't doing too well, his press conferences are all staged with pre-submitted questions and the reporters are informed in advance if their question will be used, no earmarks on bills, all bills to be available for public inspection for 48 hours before passage.

All of the above could have been kept. They haven't. Like all liberal socialists, the preferred form of government is totalitarian, as long as they run it.

5th July 2009, 23:01
Great leaders of the past have gone so far as to risk and accept prison terms in defense of their beliefs. Palin couldn't even accept the heat from some lame jokes from a talk show host. Weak.

As much as some wanted to believe that Palin was the next great thing for the neocon and/or Evangelical movement, she proved to be nothing more than a paper tiger with a wink, some "this one time at band camp" stories and a nice set of legs. Instead of putting forward any substantive ideas, she's allowed herself to become embroiled in tabloid fodder since the election. She's skipped functions, where she could have put forth ideas (if she actually had any). Now she's ducked out on the people of Alaska... because she couldn't take the heat. Imagine this half-wit as the governor of California, or even worse, (be still my heart!) the President of the United States. She'd fold up like a tent in a wind storm.

Like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, Sarah's going to cash in on her popularity, I'd say. Good for her. Might as well cash in on her 15 minutes and try to extend it as much as she can. My original contention that Palin is the Danica Patrick of politics seems all the more accurate now. What's even more interesting is that in the same week that Tony George went down the tubes, so did Sarah Palin. Kind of ironic, I'd say... :s mokin:

5th July 2009, 23:11
There is one important difference, not that I had a vote — Obama is not a gun-toting moron with a lack of basic general knowledge. And are you seriously suggesting that those of us who found Palin to be comedy gold during the campaign only held this view because of our own political bias? If so, you have a lot to learn about humour.

No, but he wants 30,000 gun-toting morons with a lack of basic knowledge to act as his private civilian defense force to ride herd over the rest of the morons with a lack of basic knowledge.

6th July 2009, 00:06
No, but he wants 30,000 gun-toting morons with a lack of basic knowledge to act as his private civilian defense force to ride herd over the rest of the morons with a lack of basic knowledge.
Someone needs to tell him we are already got a bunch of county sheriffs to doing that...

6th July 2009, 00:20
My original contention that Palin is the Danica Patrick of politics seems all the more accurate now... :s mokin:
I dunno know about that.....but I will let you know about the camel toes after our date next week

6th July 2009, 07:24
Well so far, transparency isn't doing too well, his press conferences are all staged with pre-submitted questions and the reporters are informed in advance if their question will be used, no earmarks on bills, all bills to be available for public inspection for 48 hours before passage.

All of the above could have been kept. They haven't. Like all liberal socialists, the preferred form of government is totalitarian, as long as they run it.

And where were your complaints about the totalitarian excesses of whatever the side you are from during the last 8 years? And from 1980-1992?

You do know don't you when you refer to the right of center policies of modern US Democrats as "socialism" that you appear to the whole rest of the world as foolish and unbelievable in the extreme?
And all credibility evaporates.

6th July 2009, 08:54
And where were your complaints about the totalitarian excesses of whatever the side you are from during the last 8 years? And from 1980-1992?

You do know don't you when you refer to the right of center policies of modern US Democrats as "socialism" that you appear to the whole rest of the world as foolish and unbelievable in the extreme?
And all credibility evaporates.

Only to you and a few more of the timid. Maybe I ought to put out a list if me and see what group you'd like to throw me in with.

6th July 2009, 12:42
You do know don't you when you refer to the right of center policies of modern US Democrats as "socialism" that you appear to the whole rest of the world as foolish and unbelievable in the extreme?
And all credibility evaporates.

I agree. Anyone who thinks that there is a hint of socialism in anything along the lines of the modern Democratic Party or the UK's Labour Party clearly has as limited an understanding of politics as does anyone who would lump Republicans or British Conservatives in with the far right.

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2009, 17:07
I agree. Anyone who thinks that there is a hint of socialism in anything along the lines of the modern Democratic Party or the UK's Labour Party clearly has as limited an understanding of politics as does anyone who would lump Republicans or British Conservatives in with the far right.

Spoken like a true left wing voter. Ben...Obama has nationalized GM for all intensive purposes. THAT is socialism. He wants to take over healthcare. That, whether you think this is good or bad is a socialist tenet. The Democratic party or the UK Labour party are socialist to an extent. I don't think for a second they are the second coming of Stalin or even Karl Marx, but government control of sectors of the economy is a socialist tenet. That said, many Republican or Tory politicians have taken socialist ideas at one point or another on as well.

Palin? A punching bag? Ya...she is, but I can remember the efforts that were given to digging up every speck of dirt about her the second McCain put her in the VP spot. I don't remember that much diligent journalism when the press was ignoring the rumours going about John Edwards and the illicit affair resulting in a love child. The mainstream media ignored those rumours until AFTER Edwards had dropped out of the race for President. Palin? They went after her daughter like a pack of wolves.

Sarah Palin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I don't think she is ready to be anything more than the Governor of Alaska, but she still had more experience in actually governing something than Obama has. That fact was conveninently ignore constantly during the election but I know if the Dem's put a VP in with no experience and the Republicans had a candidate for VEEP with lots, any attacks on the Dem VP with little experience would have been muted.

I have said it a 1000 times, in the US media, there is a Democratic friendly bias and it has been documented by more than a few authors, some of them from the media and not political hacks too...

Sarah is gone, and god love her I hope she stays gone. She just hasn't done much but walk into one media S#$tstorm after another. Anyone with that lighting rod instinct for media attention in the wrong way shouldn't be running for President...

6th July 2009, 17:15
Spoken like a true left wing voter. Ben...Obama has nationalized GM for all intensive purposes. THAT is socialism. He wants to take over healthcare. That, whether you think this is good or bad is a socialist tenet. The Democratic party or the UK Labour party are socialist to an extent. I don't think for a second they are the second coming of Stalin or even Karl Marx, but government control of sectors of the economy is a socialist tenet. That said, many Republican or Tory politicians have taken socialist ideas at one point or another on as well.

I think that's much fairer than my original post, to be honest. What I was really trying to get across my objection to was the portrayal of anything remotely left-wing as coming from the far left.

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2009, 17:21
I think that's much fairer than my original post, to be honest. What I was really trying to get across my objection to was the portrayal of anything remotely left-wing as coming from the far left.

I wont say Obama is a far left guy Ben. I am glad I kind of stated what you thought because I didn't think you were as naive to think there was no socialist goals in the Democrats or UK Labour party. There always has been and many in the Labour party have come out proudly on that score.

We can argue about right vs left all day long, but at the end of the day, most politicians elected in the democratic western nations are not extermists either way, although the coarseness of political debate sometimes would have you believe others. I cant count the number of times Tory politicians in Canada are called Nazi's or thugs any time they bring up something the leftwing NDP disagree with.

Sarah Palin has been called every rotten name in the book short of Nazi by the far left of the Democratic party. Go to a forum like the Huffington Post and they are probably coming up with some of the most vile crap imaginable....

7th July 2009, 04:22

lin? A punching bag? Ya...she is, but I can remember the efforts that were given to digging up every speck of dirt about her the second McCain put her in the VP spot. I don't remember that much diligent journalism when the press was ignoring the rumours going about John Edwards and the illicit affair resulting in a love child. The mainstream media ignored those rumours until AFTER Edwards had dropped out of the race for President. Palin? They went after her daughter like a pack of wolves.

Sarah Palin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I don't think she is ready to be anything more than the Governor of Alaska, but she still had more experience in actually governing something than Obama has. That fact was conveninently ignore constantly during the election but I know if the Dem's put a VP in with no experience and the Republicans had a candidate for VEEP with lots, any attacks on the Dem VP with little experience would have been muted.

Oh yeah, choosing between the Sara and bama was like choosing to be hit on the left side or the right side of the head with a baseball bat.....

wonder what bama will do when this year' "stimulus" runs out for next year?

7th July 2009, 11:21
I see where that dummy Palin went and referred to Prime Minister Putin as President Putin. WHOOPS! Oh wait, that was that well-spoken, glib, intelligent Obama guy, again. Well, I guess we'll give Obama a free pass on this one too.

7th July 2009, 15:17
Good for Sarah - screw Putin anyway - She is coming and coming to a location near you. She will be the demise of many in politics. And see you T.I.R.Es and too quick to raise the white flag - you thought she was giving up.


Dave B
7th July 2009, 15:39
^Interesting article.

Palin also decried the state of the American media and said news coverage of her children was unfair.

"Most candidates, most public officials get to look into a camera and say, 'you better leave your hands off my kids,'" she said. "Well I haven't been able to say that. And that double standard that's been applied, that's been a little bit frustrating."

Yeah, media, leave them kids alone.

Oh wait... there's more:

As Palin spoke, she and her husband Todd Palin loaded four news crews into two small fishing boats and headed into Bristol Bay from Dillingham.

The Palin family -- Todd's sister, mother and father, as well as nieces and at least two children, had picked the journalists up at the airport in Dillingham and shuttled them to Bristol Bay in old pickup trucks and SUVs.

So when she complains about "double standards" I can only assume she's being ironic. Silly woman.

7th July 2009, 20:55
You do know don't you when you refer to the right of center policies of modern US Democrats as "socialism" that you appear to the whole rest of the world as foolish and unbelievable in the extreme?
And all credibility evaporates.

It is the rest of the socialist world who appears foolish and unbelievable in the extreme. That is why we laugh at the rest of the world while the rest of the world runs to our borders to enjoy our real freedoms....The freedoms we have left under President Obama.

Socialism in its most miniscule form is leftist. Capitalism is Central.

7th July 2009, 22:47
Good for Sarah - screw Putin anyway - She is coming and coming to a location near you. She will be the demise of many in politics. And see you T.I.R.Es and too quick to raise the white flag - you thought she was giving up.

I noticed that she was going on about how different she is to other people in politics — more straightforward and so on (I forget the majesty of her exact words). With this in mind, ought she not to have said straight off why she was quitting, rather than using various mealy-mouthed phrases about how she has a 'higher calling' or whatever it was? Truth is that she offers nothing new in this respect, and anybody who thinks she does is gullible in the extreme.

7th July 2009, 22:50
It is the rest of the socialist world who appears foolish and unbelievable in the extreme. That is why we laugh at the rest of the world while the rest of the world runs to our borders to enjoy our real freedoms....

That comment makes me more convinced than ever that you are the creation of an immensely talented (and probably left-wing) parodist. Great work, whoever you are.

8th July 2009, 03:26
That comment makes me more convinced than ever that you are the creation of an immensely talented (and probably left-wing) parodist. Great work, whoever you are.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

8th July 2009, 08:22
I see where that dummy Palin went and referred to Prime Minister Putin as President Putin. WHOOPS! Oh wait, that was that well-spoken, glib, intelligent Obama guy, again. Well, I guess we'll give Obama a free pass on this one too.

Like she would even know the difference between a Prime Minister and a President. :rotflmao:

As far as Putin, she'd probably say that's something she did in the outhouse when she was at summer camp.

Another Silly Sarah Shaggy Dog Story:
"It's like, ya know, like when the point guard is dribbling up the court, and she realizes that she ate too much cotton candy before the game... she better pass the ball and run to the locker room, or she'll be Putin on the court."

She's so precious. :rolleyes:

8th July 2009, 09:03
Like she would even know the difference between a Prime Minister and a President. :rotflmao:

As far as Putin, she'd probably say that's something she did in the outhouse when she was at summer camp.

Another Silly Sarah Shaggy Dog Story:
"It's like, ya know, like when the point guard is dribbling up the court, and she realizes that she ate too much cotton candy before the game... she better pass the ball and run to the locker room, or she'll be Putin on the court."

She's so precious. :rolleyes:

It was Obama that made the screw up, not Palin. Palin wasn't there.

8th July 2009, 09:08
Like she would even know the difference between a Prime Minister and a President. :rotflmao:

As far as Putin, she'd probably say that's something she did in the outhouse when she was at summer camp.

Another Silly Sarah Shaggy Dog Story:
"It's like, ya know, like when the point guard is dribbling up the court, and she realizes that she ate too much cotton candy before the game... she better pass the ball and run to the locker room, or she'll be Putin on the court."

She's so precious. :rolleyes:

I wonder if she can read a paragraph? Did you read past the first line or did you just get that Sarah bone in your mouth and take off barking?

8th July 2009, 19:41
I read it. And what I meant was, whether one agrees with his politics or not, it's quite safe to assume that Obama (Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan or any number of other politicians who aren't just window dressing) knows the difference, slip of the tongue not withstanding. My guess is that a person who taught constitutional law probably knows the difference between a Prime Minister and a President. But a person who took six years or so to get some sort of make believe degree, while jumping from make believe diploma mill to make believe diploma mill, and didn't even know the duties of the Vice President in her own country, probably wouldn't know a Prime Minister from a prime rib.

8th July 2009, 19:57
So, if Obama does it, or anyone with a Jag accreditable degree, it's a mere "slip of the tongue", just one of many for Obama but if Palin does it, she's a dumba$$?

I knew that was coming. Laugh and giggle all you must but this woman scares the crap out of the Democrats. Much like the Republican party holding Bobby Jindal out on high for awhile. While the country was acting like he was the next Republican hope, the folks in Louisiana were wondering when he was going to come back home and start doing his job.

8th July 2009, 21:27
Oh, I agree with that. Sarah scares the crap out of a lot of people on both sides of the aisle. I mean, if you hand a baby a loaded Uzi with the safety off, people naturally get scared. But as she's now shown, she doesn't have the backbone or what it takes to get down and fight in the trenches. Like I said before, what some people called "The Piranha from Alaska" and "The Hockey Mom Pit Bull", turned out to be a lil yapping weiner dog with no teeth. All it took was some slight pressure, and she folded up like a tent in a light breeze.

And yeah, I do think it was a slip of the tongue on Obama's part. I know the difference, so I suspect that he certainly knows the difference. Just like I think it was a slip of the tongue when John McCain kept getting Sunnis and Shias mixed up while speaking last year. And it is a fact that Sarah Palin had no earthly idea what the duties of the Vice President were. So no, I don't think she'd know anything about parlimentary governmental systems... unless she could see one from her porch. :D So there again, yeah, I think that's further proof that she's a dumba$$. Now it looks like she might also be a coward to boot.

8th July 2009, 21:51
It is the rest of the socialist world who appears foolish and unbelievable in the extreme. That is why we laugh at the rest of the world while the rest of the world runs to our borders to enjoy our real freedoms....

Enjoy your freedoms???? And what 'freedoms' do you have that other countries dont?

This is why the rest of the world laughs at the US..Because of people like you!

9th July 2009, 01:27
Enjoy your freedoms???? And what 'freedoms' do you have that other countries dont?

This is why the rest of the world laughs at the US..Because of people like you!
Freedom of speech.

Right to bear arms.

Shall I go on.......

BTW Who cares if some jealous jerks are laughing at us?

9th July 2009, 01:55
Freedom of speech.

Right to bear arms.

Shall I go on.......

BTW Who cares if some jealous jerks are laughing at us?

Yes please list some more..and what are other countries jealous of?

9th July 2009, 03:44
Yes please list some more..and what are other countries jealous of?
Freedom of Expression.

Freedom from having the Government managing my healthcare.

Freedom to travel


Most of the world is jealous of all our freedoms.

9th July 2009, 04:01
Freedom of Expression.

Freedom from having the Government managing my healthcare.

Freedom to travel


Most of the world is jealous of all our freedoms.

Most of the world is jealous of your freedoms?? I have never heard such complete crap in my life.

Myself, along with millions of other people here in the UK and other countries enjoy those freedoms (We in the UK, along with other countries have both public and private healthcare. We have the freedom to travel and fail, so dont talk such nonsense will you!), along with countless others.. You really need to brush up on your Knowledge of other countries before you go saying things like that. It really makes you look like a complete prat!

9th July 2009, 07:08
Freedom of Expression.

Freedom from having the Government managing my healthcare.

Freedom to travel


Most of the world is jealous of all our freedoms.

Most of the world is free of governments managing healthcare of anybody.

But the civilised, industrialised world has had some form of Universal Health Care Insurance for 70 to 100 years.

Most of the world is free to travel, too.
Even the citizens of the People's Republic of China can travel, they just pick up the phone and book a ticket.

Indeed I can travel easier and quicker in and out of China than I can the USA. Quite annoying for a Native Born US Citizen. Inside China I'm free from have minimum wage idiots from the Thousands Standing Around ---TSA---waste everybody's time taking off shoes in some phony play-acting of "security" prior to boarding flights.

And everywhere I know of, and I will bet a nickle I've lived and worked in more places as part of the local economy than you (based on the fact you're still alive---if you spouted the raving Jingoist, hyper-obnoxious bulls**t you constantly vomit up here, in many parts of the world after they're done laughing, you'd be sleeping with the fishies), plenty of people "enjoy" the freedom to fail.

I wonder if people are jealous of you exercising your freedom from logic, reasoning, even rudimentary coherence, any hint of intelligence, any wiff of education and the freedom to be a cartoon like character?

The people laughing at you are not jealous, they're right.

You're not even a good caricature.
You're a parody of an American.

ALL the cliches, not a decent respectable quality top be seen.

YOU embarrass the Nation.

You indict the USA, and are proof of the failures of this country.

I thank the Gods there are so few like you left in this country.

9th July 2009, 18:33
Actually JanVan there are probably around 46% like him and the problem for you left wingers is that number is growing again. I am in agreement that we have many issues to solve and the airport is really a freaking joke.

However you seem to be sold on the Chinese culture and I doubt we will ever be emulating them in most respects.

You have gotten your wish and we are in the process of moving to a giant government controlled nation. With many things becoming "socialized"

But even after winning the election you guys still seem to have a chip on your shoulder the size of the national lumber output of Canada.

Why don't you work on re-election and implementation of socialism instead of worrying about the Sarah Palin's of the country. Or the Anthonys of the country. Do you fear the pendulem will swing back quickly? Hell I have a real battle as I want to see a 3rd party. The constant partisan bickering is getting us nowhere and a 3rd party would quickly solve these issues. I see where you want to monitor the social sites and arrest people for making comments - that is a bit over the top

9th July 2009, 23:22
Most of the world is jealous of your freedoms?? I have never heard such complete crap in my life.

Myself, along with millions of other people here in the UK and other countries enjoy those freedoms (We in the UK, along with other countries have both public and private healthcare. We have the freedom to travel and fail, so dont talk such nonsense will you!), along with countless others.. You really need to brush up on your Knowledge of other countries before you go saying things like that. It really makes you look like a complete prat!

We may disagree on some things, Steve, but I can't fail a word like that. However, just think of anthonyvop as a fictional character and a work of comic genius, and you won't get so wound up by him. I promise it works.

10th July 2009, 01:11
Most of the world is jealous of your freedoms?? I have never heard such complete crap in my life.

Myself, along with millions of other people here in the UK and other countries enjoy those freedoms (We in the UK, along with other countries have both public and private healthcare. We have the freedom to travel and fail, so dont talk such nonsense will you!), along with countless others.. You really need to brush up on your Knowledge of other countries before you go saying things like that. It really makes you look like a complete prat!
Who are you kidding?
Freedom of Speech in the U.K.? Only if it is politically correct.

Forget this?

10th July 2009, 02:24
Who are you kidding?
Freedom of Speech in the U.K.? Only if it is politically correct.

Forget this?

Well every country has banned certain people for this and that...Even the US has banned people from entering the country due to their views.

The 'PC brigade' only go for the 'high profile' people...easy pickings!

Good try though mate ;)

10th July 2009, 03:03
Who are you kidding?
Freedom of Speech in the U.K.? Only if it is politically correct.

Forget this?

And who the hell are you trying to kid about freedom of speech in the US of A??

Check this one out


10th July 2009, 04:13
Steve, Patricia Mauceri being fired by the Soap Opera "One Life to Live" because she will not fulfill her acting contract,
is not exactly the same as being banned by a branch of the British government!
As much as I disagree with his posture on this thread, score one for Tony. :mark:
Or come up with a suitable contemporary comparison! ;)

10th July 2009, 04:19
Steve, Patricia Mauceri being fired by the Soap Opera " One Life to Live" because she will not fulfill her acting contract,
is not exactly the same as being banned by a branch of the British government!
As much as I disagree with his posture on this thread, score one for Tony. :mark:


10th July 2009, 05:41
And who the hell are you trying to kid about freedom of speech in the US of A??

Check this one out

Is that the best you can come up with?

A private company firing somebody for not following their rules is not in any way a violation of the right of free speech.
A private company has a right to hire or fire whomever violates their rules.

10th July 2009, 06:06
Most of the world is jealous of your freedoms?? I have never heard such complete crap in my life.

Myself, along with millions of other people here in the UK and other countries enjoy those freedoms (We in the UK, along with other countries have both public and private healthcare. We have the freedom to travel and fail, so dont talk such nonsense will you!), along with countless others.. You really need to brush up on your Knowledge of other countries before you go saying things like that. It really makes you look like a complete prat!

yeah the great great britain, the one that bans christians from entering (so much for freedom to travel) while having moslem courts (over 85 and counting) hold court.......

the fast fading embers of a once proud empire that survived off the backs of colonies and making others do the dirty work, so they could have a cup of tea......... :rolleyes:

10th July 2009, 07:11
the fast fading embers of a once proud empire that survived off the backs of colonies and making others do the dirty work, so they could have a cup of tea......... :rolleyes:

What finer pursuit is there than having a cup of tea? That small little collection of islands turned a quarter of the world's map pink to that end. You can't even get a decent cup of tea in America, the last time they tried it all ended in Boston Harbour - with a "u" mind you.

If it wasn't for that "once proud empire" you'd be speaking French, which would be a fate worse than... not much actually.

10th July 2009, 08:13
For starters let me please address your sig

US Independence wasn't recognised by the British until Feb 16, 1815 - July 4 is a joke right? During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the American colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4.

A day earlier, John Adams had written to his wife Abigail:
“The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

Adams' prediction was off by two days.
We don't see it as a joke over here sir ]If it wasn't for that "once proud empire" you'd be speaking French, which would be a fate worse than... not much actually.[/quote]
What the hay! in twenty-Five years most Americans will be speaking Spanish! :p :

Even if we spoke Swahili you still wouldn't have the means, or the balls to Fu<k with us!
No offense intended Bro ;)


10th July 2009, 08:23
Is that the best you can come up with?

A private company firing somebody for not following their rules is not in any way a violation of the right of free speech.
A private company has a right to hire or fire whomever violates their rules.
So your government has outsourced the squelching of free speech to private companies? At least here the national laws over rule company rules. The law says that the companies aren't allowed to discriminate their employees because of sex, age, ethnicity, political opinions, sexual orientation, etc.

10th July 2009, 08:42
You know Eki this is an odd situation if you ask me!
This woman is an actress. She gets paid to act like a ficticious character.
From What the article said it didn't imply that she had to bump barnacles’ with another woman. In fact I have the quote:

According to the source, "Carlotta was supposed to have a small role in the upcoming 'Kish' storyline. She objected to Carlotta's positive attitude about homosexuality, saying it conflicted with her personal beliefs."
Since when do actors on cotract object to rolls that conflict with their "personal beliefs" in such a benign way. Imagine if they had to find a real Terminator for the movies :p :

10th July 2009, 08:49
Operative word "Congress"

Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4.

Britain obviously did not accept it... The American Revolutionary War continued until 1783 and the exact wording of the Treaty of Paris never had Britain conceding the existence of the United States.
That didn't happen until the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 which was the end of the War of 1812; in which the White House burned (and burned and burned and burned).

Just like World War II never officially ended until 1990, and the Third Punic War which was started in 149BC didn't officially end until 1985, when the respective mayors of Rome and Carthage finally formally signed a treaty :eek:

10th July 2009, 09:09
Operative word "Congress"

Britain obviously did not accept it... The American Revolutionary War continued until 1783 and the exact wording of the Treaty of Paris never had Britain conceding the existence of the United States.
That didn't happen until the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 which was the end of the War of 1812; in which the White House burned (and burned and burned and burned).

Just like World War II never officially ended until 1990, and the Third Punic War which was started in 149BC didn't officially end until 1985, when the respective mayors of Rome and Carthage finally formally signed a treaty :eek:
We don't celebrate Britains acceptance of it boy!
We celebrate the decision to kick your @sses the hell back to Britain :)

We celebrate the decision and the ocasion. We celibrate liberty, that is a concept not something written on a piece of paper. :mark:
Scheesh, talk about your sour grapes!

10th July 2009, 10:44
We don't celebrate Britains acceptance of it boy!
We celebrate the decision to kick your @sses the hell back to Britain

When of course people in the US at the time considered themselves British. It was kind of a no win situation really, as people back home in Britain did not like the thought of fighting against their own people. It was not a war of independence, more like a war against the taxes and such that were being put to them without consent. Also the fact that no British person in the 'new world' held a seat in Parliment at the time did not help.

10th July 2009, 11:29
We don't celebrate Britains acceptance of it boy!
We celebrate the decision to kick your @sses the hell back to Britain :)

We celebrate the decision and the ocasion. We celibrate liberty, that is a concept not something written on a piece of paper. :mark:
Scheesh, talk about your sour grapes!

If you want the patriotic American angle on the war of indepedence, you can find plenty of films (Revolution with Al Pacino and The Patriot with Mel Gibson to name a few)showing the Americans as stout hearted, freedom loving and heroic. Then you have the British appear as little better that red coated Nazis. If you like you history that way, you had best stick to the films.

10th July 2009, 12:04
If you want the patriotic American angle on the war of indepedence, you can find plenty of films (Revolution with Al Pacino and The Patriot with Mel Gibson to name a few)showing the Americans as stout hearted, freedom loving and heroic. Then you have the British appear as little better that red coated Nazis. If you like you history that way, you had best stick to the films.I am quite well educated on the facts of the Revolutionary War.I didn’t learn any of it from Hollywood action movies :arrows:
Remember me I was the one who posted this. Oh It's quite factual

This is pathetic!
The Brits know but they won't say because it's one thing to get whipped by Continentals, but you throw the French into the mix and it's unbearable!

The Americans don't know because they were taught that Franco-American Military relations began in 1917 due to all of our history books being written by a guy with selective amnesia! The answer is 48%

8,000 regulars
3,100 Militia[1]
10,800 regulars
29 war ships[1]

http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+siege+of+Yorktown:+joint+and+multinational+ope rations+in+the...-a0106731686
The Battle of Yorktown illustrates the importance and effectiveness of unity of command. It would have been easy for Rochambeau to control and coordinate the operational movement of his forces. However, he chose to place himself completely under the command of General Washington. When the British General O'Hara, out of shame, attempted to surrender to Rochambeau after Yorktown, he simply directed him to Washington, reflecting professionalism and the respect essential for unity of command.

General Knox wrote after the siege, "This important affair has been affected by the most harmonious concurrence of circumstances that could possibly have happened: a fleet and troops from the West Indies, under the orders of one of the best men in the world; an army of American and French troops marching from the North River--500 miles--and the fleet of Count de Barras, all joining so exactly in point of time as to render what has happened almost certain." (22)
At 2:00 pm the allied army entered the British positions, with the French on the left and the Americans on the right.
[54] The British and Hessian troops marched between them, while according to legend the British drummers and fifersplayed to the tune of "The World Turn'd Upside Down". The British soldiers had been issued with new uniforms hours before the surrender and until prevented by General O'Hara some threw down their muskets with the apparent intention of smashing them. Others wept or appeared to be drunk.[55] 8,000 troops, 214 artillery pieces, thousands of muskets, 24 transport ships, wagons and horses were captured.[56]
Cornwallis refused to meet formally with Washington, and also refused to come to the ceremony of surrender, claiming illness.[56] Instead, Brigadier General Charles O'Hara presented the sword of surrender to Rochambeau. Rochambeau shook his head and pointed to Washington.[57] O'Hara offered it to Washington, but he refused to accept it, and motioned to his second in command, Benjamin Lincoln, who had been humiliated by the British at Charleston, to accept it.[56] The British soldiers marched out and laid down their arms in between the French and American armies, while many civilians watched.[58] At this time, the troops on the other side of the river in Gloucester also surrendered.[59]

My objection was to a forum member suggesting that Americans celebrating the 4th of July being inappropriate, and a joke! (what a Nerdy concept) That is the date it was proclaimed that Continental British Subjects no longer answered to the British Government, and declared their independence thereof, Rejecting Britain’s claim as its sovereign leader, and law maker. Not all Continentals were in agreement with this idea. However the Rebels through their designated colonial leaders rejected British rule and influence!
That is the day we celebrate. I don't know why this holiday would be considered a joke. But don't let that stop you and your usual anti American drivel!
Like I said earlier, it sounds like sour grapes to me! :arrows:

10th July 2009, 12:22
I am quite well educated on the facts of the Revolutionary War.I didn’t learn any of it from Hollywood action movies :arrows:
Remember me I was the one who posted this. Oh It's quite factual

My objection was to a forum member suggesting that Americans celebrating the 4th of July being inappropriate, and a joke! (what a Nerdy concept) That is the date it was proclaimed that Continental British Subjects no longer answered to the British Government, and declared their independence thereof, Rejecting Britain’s claim as its sovereign leader, and law maker. Not all Continentals were in agreement with this idea. However the Rebels through their designated colonial leaders rejected British rule and influence!
That is the day we celebrate. I don't know why this holiday would be considered a joke. But don't let that stop you and your usual anti American drivel!
Like I said earlier, it sounds like sour grapes to me! :arrows:


10th July 2009, 13:32
We don't celebrate Britains acceptance of it boy!
We celebrate the decision to kick your @sses the hell back to Britain :)

We celebrate the decision and the ocasion. We celibrate liberty, that is a concept not something written on a piece of paper. :mark:
Scheesh, talk about your sour grapes!


but sour grapes? I think more like their sore asses from getting kicked so bad that it still hurts :eek:

10th July 2009, 14:16
Who are you kidding?
Freedom of Speech in the U.K.? Only if it is politically correct.

Forget this?

As usual vop has it wrong, every country in the world has the right to ban anyone from entering their territory with the possible exception of genuine refugees.

Cat Stevens a terrorist? He is as much a terrorist as anyone in th US who provided help in any shape way or form to the IR.A when they were (still are?) a terrorist organisation.


10th July 2009, 21:05
As usual vop has it wrong, every country in the world has the right to ban anyone from entering their territory with the possible exception of genuine refugees.

Cat Stevens a terrorist? He is as much a terrorist as anyone in th US who provided help in any shape way or form to the IR.A when they were (still are?) a terrorist organisation.

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/21/terror/main644875.shtmlCorrect me if I'm wrong, wasn't Yusuf deportation and two year ordeal more of an idiotic bureaucratic screw up
by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security during a time of hysteria?
A case of mistaking him for another Muslim whose first name was spelled similarly and last name the same.
It is very ironic, and sad in any event as he is a incredible man of peace that I admire immensely.
Tea for the Tillerman, one of the great albums of the '70's!

Here is an interesting article on his current career! Peace

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2009, 21:08
Cat Steven's isn't a terrorist, just a refugee from the 60's with a Muslim faith....one of Homeland Security's many blunders....

10th July 2009, 21:38
Cat Steven's isn't a terrorist, just a refugee from the 60's with a Muslim faith....one of Homeland Security's many blunders....

I'm probably wrong, but I thought it something to do with him stating that he agreed with the fatwa taken out against Salman Rushdie.

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2009, 21:46
I'm probably wrong, but I thought it something to do with him stating that he agreed with the fatwa taken out against Salman Rushdie.

That just makes him an Idiot.....Free speech gives you that right. Too bad Homeland Security couldn't understand that...

10th July 2009, 22:08
I'm probably wrong, but I thought it something to do with him stating that he agreed with the fatwa taken out against Salman Rushdie.

I believe that I remember it being just a mix up. The name he took (sorry can't it remember right now) just happened to be the same as an actual terrorist.

Oh, I missed Taz's post. He said the same thing.

14th July 2009, 00:42
As usual vop has it wrong, every country in the world has the right to ban anyone from entering their territory with the possible exception of genuine refugees.

True but the reason he was prevented from entering was to keep him from exercising free speech. So it was government censorship.

14th July 2009, 00:45
So your government has outsourced the squelching of free speech to private companies? At least here the national laws over rule company rules. The law says that the companies aren't allowed to discriminate their employees because of sex, age, ethnicity, political opinions, sexual orientation, etc.

So if an employee was to spout racist hate speech in the workplace he cannot be disciplined?

i doubt it.

14th July 2009, 06:52
So if an employee was to spout racist hate speech in the workplace he cannot be disciplined?

i doubt it.
Disciplined, yes, if the act is criminal. Hate speech can be criminal. But I'm not sure if this case qualifies as hate speech, or just a personal opinion. Here the fired employee could sue her employer and the court would decide if the dismissal was illegal.

14th July 2009, 20:51
Disciplined, yes, if the act is criminal. Hate speech can be criminal. But I'm not sure if this case qualifies as hate speech, or just a personal opinion. Here the fired employee could sue her employer and the court would decide if the dismissal was illegal.
So in Finland if you hire an actor and she refuses to read her lines as directed you can't fire her?

That is smart.

14th July 2009, 21:42
So in Finland if you hire an actor and she refuses to read her lines as directed you can't fire her?

That is smart.
Well, I'm not sure what kind of contracts and job security actors usually have. I guess if they work as freelance, they are basically entrepreneurs and will lose the deal if they refuse to do the job.

16th July 2009, 02:25
True but the reason he was prevented from entering was to keep him from exercising free speech. So it was government censorship.

Look, I love free speech as much as the next guy, but Savage was told to stay out for a reason. He's a racism-spreading jerkoff who gets his kicks fantasizing about killing Muslims or Mexicans and then having his dumbarse listeners agree with him. In a country which already has problems with racial tension, that hardheaded bigot is somebody who could seriously cause a riot. Hence, the UK told him to stay out.

I agree with it, and I happen to think Savage and his racist ilk should be dumped in a hole somewhere and left to die, just to improve the world's gene pool.

16th July 2009, 04:07
Brent you are wishing death on him so in reAlity you are no better - right

16th July 2009, 04:36
Brent you are wishing death on him so in reAlity you are no better - right

Actually since there are lots of Savage Savage supoporters, dumping them in a hole and leaving them would allow them all to live out their proto-Darwinian fantasies about what SOOOOper men they are.
They could feast on each other.

So would flourish, some would die, that's natural!

16th July 2009, 08:42
Actually since there are lots of Savage Savage supoporters, dumping them in a hole and leaving them would allow them all to live out their proto-Darwinian fantasies about what SOOOOper men they are.
They could feast on each other.

So would flourish, some would die, that's natural!

Kinda like Israel and Iran right??

Ah throw this Jong fuch in here too.

16th July 2009, 14:32
He's a racism-spreading jerkoff who gets his kicks fantasizing about killing Muslims or Mexicans and then having his dumbarse listeners agree with him.
Can you site an instance of his advocating the killing of Muslims or Mexicans because of their race?

BTW I never knew the "Muslim" was a race.

17th July 2009, 04:02
Can you site an instance of his advocating the killing of Muslims or Mexicans because of their race?

BTW I never knew the "Muslim" was a race.

It's as much a 'race' as jewish is! :)

17th July 2009, 06:51
well i don't get it - Who gives a sh!t about race - when its time to kill then kill - quit screwing around. You send JAnVan and Obama in there and when then get stabbed in the back then you take em out. And who said I wasn't diplomatic??

19th July 2009, 01:28
Palin in 2012! Here we go! :D


Romney has 26 percent support, while Palin, whose resignation from her first term as governor takes effect July 26, has 21 percent. Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister, accounts for 19 percent, followed by former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 14 percent.

But Gallup says Palin's lead in favorability is primarily due to her popularity, evidence of which is seen in the fact that when Democrats are included in measuring favorabilty, 12 percent of all voters say they have "no opinion" of Palin while both Huckabee and Romney have 34 percent each in the "no opinion" category.

That popularity as most pundits have noted is not all good. Palin, perhaps the most polarizing figure in politics since Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined the Obama Cabinet, has a 43 and 45 percent favorable-unfavorable ratio.

http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7015810433?Romney%20Is%20Top%20Republican%20Choice %20For%202012,%20Latest%20Gallup%20Says

19th July 2009, 06:33


i think she got it backwards on the t shirt-----and i should know, that is me right behind her.......

thanks for the photo, i will add it to next to my new DP collection and try to follow pino's rule

19th July 2009, 16:17
[quote="Jag_Warrior"]Palin in 2012! Here we go! :D


Sarah is starting to look a bit like Skelator! :uhoh:


19th July 2009, 17:35
That's actually Tina Fey. But funny as heck how that skit may turn out to be true. Tina as Rogue Sarah, "I can tell ya right now, I'm not going back to Alaska. No uh!" :D

19th July 2009, 18:44
That's actually Tina Fey. But funny as heck how that skit may turn out to be true. Tina as Rogue Sarah, "I can tell ya right now, I'm not going back to Alaska. No uh!" :D Thanks for pointing that out to me Jag.
It almost ruined some really good fantasies :p :