View Full Version : My Sons Progress

22nd October 2008, 16:50
A lot of you got personal messages from me asking for donations to son’s foundation. (for his spinal injury, and multiple broken bones, and a crushed pelvis) To refresh your memories this is the young man that got run over and dragged by a truck and was delivered to the Emergency Room flat-lined! I am extremely happy to say he took two assisted steps last week. This the same kid (31yrs) that his mother and I were told was very likely to be a ventilator dependant Quad. Its been just about one year and six months since the accident, and he has fought the pain and suffering with the mentality of a Jedi Knight! :up:

22nd October 2008, 17:09
Great news :up: I am so glad to hear he's getting better, my best wishes to him and all of you :)

22nd October 2008, 17:14
Pics for proof? :p

Well that boy is made of good stock!

22nd October 2008, 17:35
Pics for proof? :p

Well that boy is made of good stock!
You've seen the Pic of my beautiful daughter
This was taken shortly before the accident!
I can't even bare watching him go through the
work-out he does. The pain is so severe it's beyond tears!

22nd October 2008, 20:40
Good to hear that he's on the right path. He must be built like a brick s***house as we say over here :up:

Rudy Tamasz
23rd October 2008, 07:42
Just keep on being strong. My thoughts are with you and him.

23rd October 2008, 11:09
It's long recovery, two weeks ago nearly I have one of my toe finger dislocated when misplacing bike kickstand. It had speedy recovery a week later for high dose calcium vitamin. This might help him,

24th October 2008, 01:06
Good to hear that he's on the right path. He must be built like a brick s***house as we say over here :up: This is anecdotal. He always was a Momma's Boy.
He's not even talking to me because of something I said in regard to his mom
(we've been legally divorced for over 25 years)

So Mr. Yeo he doesn’t have any choice than working like he's built like a Brick SH!+H0u$E :up:
As we also say on this side of the pond!

2nd November 2008, 14:30
You've seen the Pic of my beautiful daughter
This was taken shortly before the accident!
I can't even bare watching him go through the
work-out he does. The pain is so severe it's beyond tears!Here is a current picture!
He still gets more pu$$y than Charlie Sheen!
Yes he never lost that capacity. It was confirmed by a Filipino Nurse while convalescing! :)

3rd November 2008, 04:19
Good progress, he is to be all smiles and getting fat.