View Full Version : Who deserves to be crowned champion?

15th October 2008, 11:42
Forgett for a moment the drivers standings. Who do you guys think has deserved the championship the most this season?
The main contenders would surely be, Massa, Hamilton, Alonso, Kubica, Vettell.

Your thoughts.

15th October 2008, 12:45
The one who gets most points at the end of the season.

15th October 2008, 13:13
The one who gets most points at the end of the season.


15th October 2008, 15:48
No driver deserves anything. You and your team have to win it - earn it - not deserve it.

Garry Walker
15th October 2008, 16:55
I don`t know.

N. Jones
15th October 2008, 17:53
The one who gets most points at the end of the season.

I second the statement - the one who finishes at the top of the table.

15th October 2008, 18:39
On balance I'd say Kubica. He's really impressed me this year, and has done a superb job with what is not the best car on the grid. Being a contender at this point of the season is very impressive IMHO.

16th October 2008, 09:49
Its a tough question.

Its like Kubica has been mighty consistant, hence he still up there. But at same time, Kubica is the definition of what people don't want to win championships.

Majority of people moan and moan how race wins arent encouraged enough. And that consistancy wins championships and thats boring.

So in many respects, you'd have to say Hamilton's attitude to winning at all costs, is the most exciting, and appealing way of winning in terms of majority opinion.

Most deserving for me would be Alonso. Top scorer in the last 6 races, by some margin too. He 3 points off the other McLaren. In a car which has for majority of the season been 5-6th fastest car on the grid. During that time, he was continously getting it in the top 10, and in the points, punching above its weight.

Now the car is 4th best car, maybe 3rd at some venues, and again, he punching above his weight, winning races now!

I honestly think we need this man up front, he is a true talent, and its slightly wasted down in 7th in drivers championship.

So for me, Alonso.

But as pointed out, its a team effort, if I take this into account, I'd have to say both Hamilton and Massa deserve it. Whilst I want Massa to win it, I can't help but feel Hamilton is fighting against Ferrari and race Stewards for his championship. So in many ways, Hamilton may deserve it more.

But you could argue Massa has lost out on several ocassions due to team failures, which equalise what Hamilton has lost out due to unfair penalties, but then as stated, its a team sport, if Ferrari mess up, its all part of being a team.

16th October 2008, 10:44
Alonso because of his spirit and because he is a true master of the game and never gives up.
From the contenders, I say Massa because he improved a lot this year, than Kubi, because he is extremely consistent. Hamilton drove excellent races, but to me he is very dangerous driver and makes too many mistakes which cost other people's races.

Big Ben
16th October 2008, 14:54
I think I could be a worthy champion.

16th October 2008, 15:18
The Driver with the most points should win.

But If I was to rank in order of talent.

1. Alonso......By Far!

2. Massa....2 wins taken away through no fault of his own.

3. Vettel....Such a raw talent. Looking forward to his career.

4. Hamilton....Has so much talent but he is the #1 driver with the best car on the best team and should be running away with the Championship.

5. Kubica....Started hot. Mid season was a let down. Picking it up as of late. Needs to stop complaining about his team.

6. Kimi....Been a disapointment this year but has shown flashes of brilliance.

7. Bourdais...Considering he is the #2 Driver on the 2nd redbull team he has impressed me. Great at car setup.

8. Webber...Would love to see him in a good car.

Jimbo Mc
17th October 2008, 23:21
Alonso is the worst sportsman ive ever seen. He's a bad loser and childish. Should a WDC be sounding off about interfering in the title shootout? It's a disgrace. All Hamilton bashers just hate the English and are jealous. Lewis will be WDC 2008 and will carry it with more grace and honour than Alfonso ha ha ha...............Alonso should have drove his McLaren faster last year if he's so good..........loser :-)

18th October 2008, 06:18
The Oracle has spoken.

18th October 2008, 06:43
Alonso is the worst sportsman ive ever seen. He's a bad loser and childish. Should a WDC be sounding off about interfering in the title shootout? It's a disgrace. All Hamilton bashers just hate the English and are jealous. Lewis will be WDC 2008 and will carry it with more grace and honour than Alfonso ha ha ha...............Alonso should have drove his McLaren faster last year if he's so good..........loser :-)

Um, it is not Alonso who needlessly unlapped himself risking the race leader's result in Japan, eh? Neither it is ONLY Alonso who is frustrated about the golden boy.
And BTW I love the English culture, the English soccer teams (Glory Man United), their history, my fave books are British...
Still I can't stand Hamilton (although I respect his talent).

18th October 2008, 06:44
Um, it is not Alonso who needlessly unlapped himself risking the race leader's result in Japan, eh? Neither it is ONLY Alonso who is frustrated about the golden boy.
And BTW I love the English culture, the English soccer teams (Glory Man United), their history, my fave books are British...
Still I can't stand Hamilton (although I respect his talent).

He unlapped himself in a safe manner, so that he could take advantage of any last lap prangs ahead of him, however unlikely.

It's a total non-issue.

18th October 2008, 06:46
From what I saw it was dangerous, Lewy even flashspotted his tyres. It was childish to the extreme, but I guess that lewis fans will view even an on-trac murder as "racey".

18th October 2008, 07:40
It was a perfectly logical and reasonable thing to do, as I just explained. Your constant Lewis bashing is what is childish.

18th October 2008, 09:49
Not according to FIA stewards, who obviously also think that something with him often is wrong ;)

18th October 2008, 10:31
Give it a break.

18th October 2008, 11:16
Um, it is not Alonso who needlessly unlapped himself risking the race leader's result in Japan, eh?
It's already been explained why Hamilton unlapped himself. Had he followed the leader his race was over when Alonso took the chequered flag. By unlapping himself there was a (very remote, admittedly) chance incidents or retirements could have seen him make up places.

There was no risk whatsoever. Alonso knew that and let Hamilton go.

18th October 2008, 11:34
Give it a break.

I am sorry, and I think that the arguments made by you and Arrows are pretty weird. He was into the last lap and 12th. He had no chance for points. It was his stupidity.
Pity, because he is really an amazing driver.

Dave B
18th October 2008, 11:51
I am sorry, and I think that the arguments made by you and Arrows are pretty weird. He was into the last lap and 12th. He had no chance for points. It was his stupidity.
Pity, because he is really an amazing driver.

Lewis had an incredibly small chance of points, and that's better than no chance at all. Alonso had backed off slightly, knowing the victory was his. Hamilton's overtaking move made sense.

Anyway, we've gone over this dozens of times and nobody seems prepared to change their view so why don't we all move on?

Valve Bounce
18th October 2008, 12:01
Forgett for a moment the drivers standings. Who do you guys think has deserved the championship the most this season?
The main contenders would surely be, Massa, Hamilton, Alonso, Kubica, Vettell.

Your thoughts.

Sato!! that was easy!!

18th October 2008, 18:42
Lewis had an incredibly small chance of points, and that's better than no chance at all. Alonso had backed off slightly, knowing the victory was his. Hamilton's overtaking move made sense.

Anyway, we've gone over this dozens of times and nobody seems prepared to change their view so why don't we all move on?


18th October 2008, 19:54
Lewis had an incredibly small chance of points, and that's better than no chance at all. Alonso had backed off slightly, knowing the victory was his. Hamilton's overtaking move made sense.

Anyway, we've gone over this dozens of times and nobody seems prepared to change their view so why don't we all move on?

I agree. BTW, I dislike Lewis'attitude, but as a driver he is magic. It's just that F1 is full with amazing drivers today - and I like some more. But I am sure that I am privileged to watch talent as Lewis rising :)

18th October 2008, 22:57
I am sorry, and I think that the arguments made by you and Arrows are pretty weird. He was into the last lap and 12th. He had no chance for points. It was his stupidity.
Pity, because he is really an amazing driver.

It's pretty damn obvious - better some hope than none.

18th October 2008, 23:28
Not according to FIA stewards, who obviously also think that something with him often is wrong ;)

Now, that is a very definitive and overwhelming authority upon whom we can always rely: The FIA

well except when it comes to measuring ambient air temperatures and other incredibly complex and highly techinical issues........

Valve Bounce
19th October 2008, 01:41
Forgett for a moment the drivers standings. Who do you guys think has deserved the championship the most this season?
The main contenders would surely be, Massa, Hamilton, Alonso, Kubica, Vettell.

Your thoughts.

I posted Sato yesterday - and I stand by my choice.

19th October 2008, 09:37
From what I saw it was dangerous, Lewy even flashspotted his tyres. It was childish to the extreme, but I guess that lewis fans will view even an on-trac murder as "racey".

This sort of comment is way below you :(

I am sorry, and I think that the arguments made by you and Arrows are pretty weird. He was into the last lap and 12th. He had no chance for points. It was his stupidity.
Pity, because he is really an amazing driver.

He races from the first lap to rhe flag and gets criticised for it.

Nobody knows what will happen in the last lap and I would rather see someone that doesn't give up than the defeatist manner of Massa when things go wrong. I'm not bashing Massa here but am trying to demonstrate the difference in mind-set.

19th October 2008, 09:42
Now I must congratulate Lewis. :)
It was a brilliant drive, nothing stupid, nothing dull, he was above trouble, amazing race for him. I am happy that Ferrari were consistent and scored two podium finishes, but I hope the WCC now more than for the WDC.
IMO this was the best race in Hamilton's career. :thumbs up:

19th October 2008, 10:34
considering the pressure he was on, It was his most impressive race.
IMO his best race of the year is still Germany.

19th October 2008, 10:43
The victory of a true Champion not a manufactured one :D

19th October 2008, 11:17
There is too much talk about "deserving". Championships are not won by this criteria. I personally don't have a problem with any of the past champions, even if they had a dominant car at their disposal, had loads of luck or/and weren't the best performers during the season. That's F1.

19th October 2008, 11:47
well short of some miracle Lewis will win the championship and he deserves it

19th October 2008, 14:20
Call me old-fashioned, but I'd like to see the title go to the chap with the most points.

19th October 2008, 22:31
Call me old-fashioned, but I'd like to see the title go to the chap with the most points.

You are old-fashioned!

:s mokin: How's that?

I'd just like to add "... at the end of the season" to your quote.

22nd October 2008, 19:28
Kubica has been consistently brilliant this season, had he not slipped up mid season he would probably have been closer to wining it than he was. But the fact he only won 1 race this season was his downfall.

I think no matter whether its lewis or massa who wins this title, both have produced some great moments in this championship to deserve it. Yeh lewis made a few silly errors, but hes still one of the best drivers racing at the moment, and massa could have already won the championship had his team not made silly errors throughout the season. Both have suffered but both have conquered too, and it wouldnt surprise me if there is one final twist in this enthralling season.