View Full Version : Barrichello IndyCar-Bound?

14th October 2008, 00:40
I just saw this on Speedtv.com


What are your feelings if this is true?

14th October 2008, 05:49
He has expressed interest in running the Indy 500, but I don't know if he would want to run the rest of the season.

14th October 2008, 06:24
Well, if he's fast enough, sure.

14th October 2008, 07:09
I think that he will go to ALMS, but maybe will participate in the Indy 500.

14th October 2008, 08:44
Seems a no brainer that the series should have at least one round in Brazil. Sorry nothing to do with Rubens I know.

14th October 2008, 09:07
I doubt it happens and he wont be going to Penske if it does.

14th October 2008, 11:43
From time to time, F1 drivers have wanted to give Indy a try...look back at Fittipaldi, Mansell, Piquet -- earlier era with Jackie Stewart, Jochen Rindt, Jimmy Clark. When the IRL was formed, Michele Alboreto took a shot. The European set generally regards Indy as too dangerous, but some guys want to do it. Senna wanted to do it and didn't get the chance.

As for Piquet, yes, he was badly injured. But racer that he was, he came back the next year, qualified and ran the race. I have a lot of respect for him.

14th October 2008, 11:45
He hasn't been kicked out of F1 yet, I hope he will stay in Grand Prix racing for another season. It would be a cracker for Rubens to switch to IndyCar for 2010 though. I'd love to see that!

The man still has the speed to be successful in a decent car. A Penske drive would make him a top contender right from the start.

14th October 2008, 12:03
Love to see it happen....

great for the Irl if it does, why isn't there a Brazilloan race any more. Its daft.

Chris R
14th October 2008, 12:44
I think Rubens might thrive in the IRL - he seems to have the sort of personality that would do well in the lower pressure environment of AOWR (like Zanardi and Montoya), he has the talent, and I think he would be popular with the fans (as much as we talk about wanting American drivers, what the fans really seem to want are drivers with personality...)

14th October 2008, 13:04
Last Brazilian race, through Brazilian politics in government at the time, the promoter stiffed CART on the sanction fee/purse/payoff. 'Spect folks'll be a little cautious about that 'un now.

14th October 2008, 16:26
I don't see him in IndyCar. If he were to come to the states, he'd be a perfect fit with his buddy Gil deFerran's team in ALMS.

14th October 2008, 16:59
Why not? Why continue with a team that is not sure if they want to keep you or not. He even said it himself that he has grown tiresome of waiting? I don't know if the oval portion of the season would be appealing to him?

14th October 2008, 17:02
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?

14th October 2008, 17:57
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?

Since the answer is obvious, why are you bothering to ask the question if not to stir up some more us vs. them garbage?


15th October 2008, 12:09
I think the oval portion is as important as the road and streets and the odd airport. Diversity made the series that was Cart and can do the same for the Irl.

Chris R
15th October 2008, 12:26
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?

yes, it is the core of AOWR heritage. I wold not favor all ovals - but a large oval component make the series unique provides a great challenge for all involved.....

15th October 2008, 20:44
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?
No offense but that is a dumb question. Of course it is. Ovals are more exciting. Not to mention, the IRL was founded on ovals, therefore they are the backbone of the series.

15th October 2008, 20:52
Yes it is. Oval track racing appeals to oval-track fans. Duh.

16th October 2008, 09:15
This report coming out of Indianapolis this week about Barrichello testing for Penske. Its not true.

This is coming straight from Penske President, Tim Cindric.

Tim Cindric confirmed it wasnt true. "Neither of us (Roger Penske) has any idea where that rumor came from, but he's not testing with the team. I'm sure there are going to be many more rumors like this as Helio goes through the legal process, but let's all try to have some restraint. Roger Penske said it would be some time before he had a plan, and he admitted he wouldn't share it publicly until he had to anyway. "

Rex Monaco
16th October 2008, 14:42
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?

I think it had much more appeal when speeds were increasing and track records were being broken each year.

But it is AOWR heritage and ovals do require skills that not all road racers master (and vice versa), which makes a diverse schedule much more interesting and that's what set's it apart from other OW series.

If the ICS were an all oval series, then NASCAR would be more appealing as it takes more car control skill to keep those pigs on the track and going straight.

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2008, 17:51
Rubens is yet another in the long line of f1 neverweres who look at racing in America as a nice way to ease their way into retirement. Would he make a good IRL driver I suppose but he is yet another in a long like of guys who think they can just jump in and do this because they ran f1. They very quickly realize Oval racing is its own animal and then they either adapt and respect the culture or they get out.

I have no idea if he is coming, no more than anyone besides his manager. Penske denies the rumour and if they were interested, they would have made a big show of it. They haven't because Roger is going to give Helio the benefit of the doubt and support I said he would because Roger is loyal to people who are loyal to him. Helio from the sounds of this Tax case may not know what was being done on his behalf so while he may be found guilty in the eyes of the IRS, Roger I think understands Helio's loyalty to him and the value he has gotten from this. So bringing in Rubens to Penske AINT gonna happen. Not at Helio's expense...at least not yet. Now if the DA in Florida unveils Helio is complicit and aware of his misdeeds to the extent Roger doesn't think he is duped...well then game on right?

26th October 2008, 20:36
Barrichello claims this story was made up.

"Someone invented that story," Barrichello said in Shanghai in interview with Eurosport Motormagazin.

"Because of my friendship with Tony Kanaan, I had the opportunity to go to the Indy 500. Then my wife told me that was the only thing she didn't want me to do, (racing on) the ovals."

Barrichello does not totally rule out a future career on the American racing scene.

"It would be tempting to drive for a team like that of Roger Penske, but there is nothing to it (currently). I don't have his phone number and we have never talked about it.

"I have only read about it on the internet, and, as you can imagine, I was pretty surprised!"

26th October 2008, 21:58
It's the season for it.

28th October 2008, 06:22
Is the oval portion of the season appealing to anyone?

Yeh.. gotta say that post wins the 'brain surgeon of 2008 best question award'

28th October 2008, 13:04
No kiddin'