View Full Version : Tour of Mull 2008 pics...

12th October 2008, 23:41
Hello RallyForum - Unaccustomed as I am to posting photos. Did a search, couldn't find any info on number/size of pics, hope these are OK...

Tour of Mull 2008, SS8 Calgary, Saturday 11th October.

#1 - One of the days high-fliers!
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3058/2935607802_1be18b3c6f_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/reddeath/2935607802/)

#2 - This is what happens when you use the 10-20mm!
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3178/2934768043_2151ca656e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/reddeath/2934768043/)

#3 - I wouldn't want to be his back suspension...
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3203/2935688072_657b2de9b0_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/reddeath/2935688072/)

#4 - Went back for more wide angle action...
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3275/2934844203_1e47595ccc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/reddeath/2934844203/)

#5 - Lowered the shutter speed for a bit.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3151/2935708406_89d272865e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/reddeath/2935708406/)

13th October 2008, 20:42
some nice pics there :D

13th October 2008, 23:41
Sorry but the colours are way over saturated ... and yes, my monitor is calibrated.

18th October 2008, 00:42
alasdair love the pic of Swinscoe, even if the colours are saturated :D

Couple of pics from me, and thanks to everyone who got us the right way up after our roll on Calgary (Car 24).

Duffy trying to catch MacKinnon

Kris Hall on an excellent run

Biggerstaff looking good as ever

and MacCrone a cracking flat out drive!!

There are a couple more photos and a report over on Rallynotes (http://www.rallynotes.co.uk/tour-of-mull/tour-of-mull-goes-down-to-the-last-stage.html)

So the wait for next year begins!! lets see what the 40th Tour of Mull holds!


18th October 2008, 19:11
Does anyone know if Mull will be on TV anytime soon?

18th October 2008, 21:13
AMG TV filmed it and will be putting something on TV as part of their Race and Rally UK series as usual. DVD usually on offer too...

As said elsewhere, thats a cracking shot of us in the Darrian. A little brighter than the one on the other forum but I think it looks great.

Paul, any of us further up the steps?

Cheers, Sandy

19th October 2008, 03:25
AMG TV filmed it and will be putting something on TV as part of their Race and Rally UK series as usual. DVD usually on offer too...

AMG TV have announced that Race & Rally UK on MotorsTV will be showing Tour of Mull 2008 footage on the 5th December 2008 - don't have a time yet...