View Full Version : Have a say in the USA government!

12th October 2008, 02:01
Contact an ACORN office near you and register to vote in the US elections!

No one turned away! Register 2 or 3 times if you want!

12th October 2008, 04:38
so if you register 2 or 3 times you can vote 2 or 3 times? :confused:

12th October 2008, 04:50
so if you register 2 or 3 times you can vote 2 or 3 times? :confused:

Only if you promise to vote for Obama.

12th October 2008, 05:01
Does it matter if I'm not American? :D :disturb:

12th October 2008, 05:27
Does it matter if I'm not American? :D :disturb:

Heck No! They don't even discriminate against the dead! :eek: :D

12th October 2008, 07:11
Heck No! They don't even discriminate against the dead! :eek: :D

If you're dead, you qualify for a bonus vote.

12th October 2008, 07:22
Does it matter if I'm not American? :D :disturb:

Not being an an American isn't a problem. However, being able to read and write in english might be a strike against you. ACORN prefers you to be a little on the ignorant side so when you register, try to have a blank look on your face, sign everything with an "X", and they might throw a cigarette and a new home mortgage in on the deal.

12th October 2008, 08:36
Not being an an American isn't a problem. However, being able to read and write in english might be a strike against you. ACORN prefers you to be a little on the ignorant side so when you register, try to have a blank look on your face, sign everything with an "X", and they might throw a cigarette and a new home mortgage in on the deal.
I read that there was also a cat registered to vote. Cats should have 9 votes per cat, since they have 9 lives.

12th October 2008, 12:51
Yeah, that's all good and well, but do I get paid for it?

12th October 2008, 15:29
Yeah, that's all good and well, but do I get paid for it?

Some had said they were given one dollar to register. Doesn't sound like much until you consider you can register as much as you want. Why, the income potential is enormous!

12th October 2008, 15:55
If you're dead, you qualify for a bonus vote.
But only if you are buried in the same area as you ar registered to vote. If not then you only get one vote, due to the fact that they might discover your permanet residence is somewhere else.

13th October 2008, 06:35
One thing I don't understand is why people in the US have to register to vote. At least here they know who are eligible to vote and send automatically a voting ticket to everyone who are eligible. You can then use or not your vote, it's up to you. Is this registering practise used anywhere else than in the US?

13th October 2008, 09:14
This whole deal stinks to high heaven. ACORN is supported and funded by Obama bin Laden. Matter of fact he probably used Freddie and Fannie money to pay them.

Oh well just keep the golf courses open and the rivers full of fish.

13th October 2008, 14:07
fousto, after Mr. Obama gets done redistributing your wealth you'll be so busy working as a caddie on the golf course, you won't have time to fish.


13th October 2008, 19:27
Obama Bin Liden? Are you ing kidding me?

Its sad that we need something like ACORN. One thing in Iraq that was done right was voting. Dip the finger in a heavy dye. Vote where ever you can, and because it takes awhile for the dye to come off, then you wont need to worry about people voting more than once.

Then again the Republicans won't be able to stop a certain group of people from voting. It would allow for your druggie hero Rush to finally practice what he preaches.

13th October 2008, 20:20
Heck No! They don't even discriminate against the dead! :eek: :D
Here the dead are socialist, even if they were nazi refugees when they died they vote for the socialist party, how is it there? :p

One thing I don't understand is why people in the US have to register to vote. At least here they know who are eligible to vote and send automatically a voting ticket to everyone who are eligible. You can then use or not your vote, it's up to you. Is this registering practise used anywhere else than in the US?

Yep, here you have to register to vote, even funnier is that voting is compulsory here...

And a more serious note in the end it created some sort of double registry, the "normal" one used by civil entities and the police and the electoral one where there's lots of dead people, Venezuelans, Cubans, and around 10 000 guys named Juan Mamami all born around the same date, and aye forgot to add... they all vote for the socialist party!

13th October 2008, 21:03
fiero - there are 3 things I WON'T see in my lifetime

1. the day I am gay
2. a 401k
3. and the day I carry someone balls !!!

14th October 2008, 00:46
Obama Bin Liden? Are you ing kidding me?

Its sad that we need something like ACORN. One thing in Iraq that was done right was voting. Dip the finger in a heavy dye. Vote where ever you can, and because it takes awhile for the dye to come off, then you wont need to worry about people voting more than once.

Then again the Republicans won't be able to stop a certain group of people from voting. It would allow for your druggie hero Rush to finally practice what he preaches.

ACORN needed? Why? Nobody is impeding any citizen who is legally quailified, the right to register to vote or to vote. If you can't register at the normal places, the registrar of voters will mail the form to you. Fill it out and mail it back. Not only is Rush not my hero, I don't listen to him or any other media pundits.

14th October 2008, 01:35
Heck No! They don't even discriminate against the dead! :eek: :D

like the saying goes in Chicago...

'vote early and often'. ;) :p

14th October 2008, 16:46
... At least here they know who are eligible to vote and send automatically a voting ticket to everyone who are eligible. You can then use or not your vote, it's up to you. ...

Same in Canada.

Today is the day Canadians vote in another minority government :mark: . So we'll get to do it all over again in a few months :mark:

15th October 2008, 08:49
For the first time in forty years + of voting,I had to show photo ID as well as my voter card. I do not like this.

$275,000,000 minimum p!ssed down the drain to arrive back at square one.
One of the lowest voter turnouts ever in National election - I think it was ~59%.

A pox on Leo Strauss and the Calgary school.

15th October 2008, 17:05
One of the lowest voter turnouts ever in National election - I think it was ~59%....

Pathetic isn't it :s
If our country can't provide an educated society, then the government should legislate manditory voting.

I have no problem, however, with having to provide photo ID.

15th October 2008, 17:33
Pathetic isn't it :s
If our country can't provide an educated society, then the government should legislate manditory voting.

I have no problem, however, with having to provide photo ID.

Mandatory Voting
And then I suppose you would tell them who they must vote for!!

Garry Walker
15th October 2008, 17:44
ACORN prefers you to be a little on the ignorant side so when you register

No worries there, The ignorant masses are what is going to win the elections for Obama.

15th October 2008, 18:00
Pathetic isn't it :s
If our country can't provide an educated society, then the government should legislate manditory voting.

I have no problem, however, with having to provide photo ID.

In an educated society the government should look into why people don't want to vote...

15th October 2008, 19:44
No worries there, The ignorant masses are what is going to win the elections for Obama.

Nah, they voted in Bush twice and are taking a long overdue relapse this time around. Faux news overdoses.
Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windscreen type of thing.

Darn them intellectuals,they'll mess up everything! LOL

15th October 2008, 21:22
Mandatory Voting
And then I suppose you would tell them who they must vote for!!

Nope, only to force citizens to cast a ballot. They just may then:
1) Take an interest in our country's parliamentary system, and:
2) Not take for granted the privilege to vote.

15th October 2008, 21:24
In an educated society the government should look into why people don't want to vote...

Yes, you would think.
But a 59% voter turnout makes me question the intelligence of our society :s

15th October 2008, 22:06
Low voter turnout doesn't bother me. It just means my vote carries more weight. So the lower the turnout, the better. Especially when each vote costs the taxpayers a couple of $$.

Forcing people to vote would just end with uninformed people turning up & flipping a coin. If they're too lazy to inform themselves now, forcing them to vote won't make them inform themselves either.

16th October 2008, 22:19
Pathetic isn't it :s
If our country can't provide an educated society, then the government should legislate manditory voting.

I have no problem, however, with having to provide photo ID.

We have mandatory voting and I would not have it any other way. You get a fine if you do not vote.

19th October 2008, 19:24
Nah, they voted in Bush twice and are taking a long overdue relapse this time around. Faux news overdoses.
Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windscreen type of thing.

Darn them intellectuals,they'll mess up everything! LOL

Speaking of intellectuals... I was watching a piece on a Bloomberg TV show where Christopher Buckley (son of William F. Buckley) was being interviewed. The son of the founder of the National Review is endoring Barack Obama! I was shocked to hear this news. Buckley expressed the feeling that many fiscal conservatives, libertarians and one time supporters of the GOP now feel: we have not left the Republican Party... the Republican Party has left us.

Ronald Reagan once stated: "If you analyze it, I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." And while Reagan did not govern as a true libertarian, he also did not propose the type of fascist or national socialist ideas that McCain has recently. Fascist economic proposals and marrying himself to the religious right wing(nuts) does not attract the loyalty or the votes of fiscal conservatives or libertarians. I'm sure that McCain hoped that his pick of the empty-headed, adorable and winkin' Sarah Palin would cause every American with (or whipped by) a vagina to rush out and vote for him. But it appears just the opposite has happened, after Caribou Barbie opened her mouth, and men and women realized what a clueless goof she really was. All Palin did effectively was galvanize the support that McCain already had with bible thumping snake worshippers, bigots and rednecks, while chasing away independent voters and libertarians. "Independent voters" is a block that McCain HAD to have to win this election. But his recent bizarre national socialist ramblings, along with his pick of a babbling wingnut governor from a sparsely populated state, caused more of those people to leave than stay. I do think McCain is going to lose this election. But he has only the man in the miror to blame. By no longer being the John McCain of 1998 (truly a "maverick", not the cartoon version currently being presented by Palin and others), he's allowed himself to be painted as a sidekick of one of the worst and most fiscally reckless Presidents in the history of the United States of Amercia: George W. Bush. It's all on you, John. All on you...

I look forward to having some free time around Christmas so that I can read a book given to me by an old acquaintance. It's called The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians and the Battle to Control the Republican Party.

Like Christopher Buckley and many others now, I no longer have a party that I support. Maybe the GOP will purge the feeble minded rednecks, snake handling bible thumpers and ex-Trotskyite/Leo Strauss luvin' neocon trash that has ruined the party. Or maybe a third party will emerge for people who are driven more by rational thought and less by base emotions.

19th October 2008, 20:34
pretty well said Jag
Palin is a bit better than you give her credit for.
But there is no doubt now that Obama will be our next President.
I also expect the Reps will also take a beating in the state elections as well.
We desperately need to clean house in both parties.

19th October 2008, 21:28
Palin is a bit better than you give her credit for.
But there is no doubt now that Obama will be our next President.
I also expect the Reps will also take a beating in the state elections as well.
We desperately need to clean house in both parties.

Well, you're right. Perhaps I am a bit too tough on Palin in many of my posts. But after hoping that McCain wouldn't select Carly Fiorina just to play the gender card, he picks someone even worse... just to play the gender (and neocon) card. But in Fiorina's favor, even I would have to admit her knowledge of business and economics. Her application of that knowledge is a different matter. I just remember the look on Kay Bailey Hutchinson's face when she was being asked about McCain's pick of Palin. She had this deer in the headlights look and said, "Well, I don't know very much about her. But maybe that's a good thing... I don't know very much about her." McCain should have kept it that way. Sarah's popularity was highest when we didn't know anything about her.

I fully agree with you: we do need to clean house in both parties. Most of us share little in common with the extremists who occupy positions of power within both parties. Most of us are in the middle on the majority of issues, mild philosophical differences aside.

I had high hopes that McCain would be the man when the primaries started. Other than Jack Kemp, there hadn't been a Republican in many years that I thought would do a very good job as President. I thought McCain was it. But this angry, unfocused person now occupying John McCain's body, buckling to and kissing up to the Strauss neocons and Evangelical wingnuts, I don't know who this fellow is. And that makes me both mad and sad. Well, at least I saw him for what he is (now) before voting for him. I didn't realize Bush's true colors until after I'd wasted a vote on him in 2000.

I need to remember to send a thankful email to Christopher Buckley for daring to have a pair. His criticism of the GOP as just a gathering of people who enjoy hearing their thoughts safely echoed was spot on, IMO. He may not acknowledge an email from a mere mortal, but it'll make me feel better. :)

20th October 2008, 05:35
pretty well said Jag
Palin is a bit better than you give her credit for.
But there is no doubt now that Obama will be our next President.
I also expect the Reps will also take a beating in the state elections as well.
We desperately need to clean house in both parties.

No what we need is somebody to step up and demnonstrate the wisdom and courage to do the difficult things when it comes to economic and foreign policy policy and that will not be found in the Demes and Repubes.

The current election is the most meaningless that I have seen in this century---years from o now historians will note it in its most positive light as saying well, it was (1) the first time a balck (or technically a half-black was elected President or (2) the first time that a woman was elcted to be VP (and then add she became president, when McCain conformed to expected life expantency, if dies as a result of old age or some other disease).

Neither is any reason to vote for someone. But anybody who thinks that either of these two choices is something other than this, is simply fooling themselves.

On the negative side, they will point out the depression and world crash when whoever was elected could not find their as* in the dark on these issues.....

As to cleaning out, there is no one who is meaningfully different on these issues or has spoken out as a leader who has a clue.......so house cleaning serves no purpose either

20th October 2008, 23:29
Jag, it's been illuminating reading your posts. Doing some reading on the history of neoconservatives certainly explains my frustration with them. I didn't know they had socialist/left origins. Thanks.

I wouldn't underestimate Palin either, in fact I like the fact that she is a true citizen-politician that has evolved naturally from City Council to Mayor and now Governor. That said, it is way too early for her. She's like the High School phenom who on the advice of an agent jumps straight to the NBA. I hope she doesn't wash out :p : Then again, everyone knows who she is now, so she'll never be just the governor of Alaska again.

I do feel like there is no one to represent my views now, it's a little bit disheartening.

21st October 2008, 20:21
I had high hopes that McCain would be the man when the primaries started. Other than Jack Kemp, there hadn't been a Republican in many years that I thought would do a very good job as President. I thought McCain was it. But this angry, unfocused person now occupying John McCain's body, buckling to and kissing up to the Strauss neocons and Evangelical wingnuts, I don't know who this fellow is. And that makes me both mad and sad. Well, at least I saw him for what he is (now) before voting for him. I didn't realize Bush's true colors until after I'd wasted a vote on him in 2000.

I think that we ought to acknowledge the fundamental role still being played by Osama bin Laden in American politics. He is undoubtedly one of the most important figures in the field of recent years, for if al-Qaeda's actions on 11 September 2001 hadn't turned much of the US into such an insecure, quivering wreck, perhaps US politics wouldn't have become so extreme and you would still be able to vote for the same independent-minded McCain of 10 years ago. Instead, as you so rightly say, he has lined himself up with the neocons, whether through choice or necessity. Where are the truly independent, intelligent voices? Drowned out in a sea of bland mediocrity mouthing empty platitudes about 'freedom', 'liberty' and 'the war against terrorism', it seems to me. But, for the moment, at least Obama seems to be offering some people some degree of hope so I think it's best to cling on to that.

21st October 2008, 22:55
Pinko Commie Publications (http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=f63ec448d9c14138ac1897bf0fe68ee3&siteid=nwhpf&sguid=LrwnA6WBn0y6KIY4zvzfXA#comments)

You never know the heresy you'll find about the US democracy.
Don't allow this mockery of America's Purity - Burn them to the ground.
How did this ever get published??

22nd October 2008, 19:58
Pinko Commie Publications (http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=f63ec448d9c14138ac1897bf0fe68ee3&siteid=nwhpf&sguid=LrwnA6WBn0y6KIY4zvzfXA#comments)

You never know the heresy you'll find about the US democracy.
Don't allow this mockery of America's Purity - Burn them to the ground.
How did this ever get published??

nice to see you back Canadian Grandpere! :D

donKey jote
22nd October 2008, 20:21
sure is :up:
hi gramps :wave: :D

24th October 2008, 04:26
I actually welcome this.

As long as America keeps voting the way they do, the distribution of American wealth will be worldwide.
Hanging chads in Miami will guarantee it.


24th October 2008, 22:29
Now here is a little movie for you all to watch and then get back to me


24th October 2008, 23:10
Quack, quack, quack

Grasp on, if it makes you feel any better...

Coming soon, Obama the antichrist's best friend.

These attempts are really sad and show a very limited ability to reason, but not as badly as the last eight years.

Funny stuff, thanks for the laugh.

25th October 2008, 03:44
I think that we ought to acknowledge the fundamental role still being played by Osama bin Laden in American politics. He is undoubtedly one of the most important figures in the field of recent years, for if al-Qaeda's actions on 11 September 2001 hadn't turned much of the US into such an insecure, quivering wreck, perhaps US politics wouldn't have become so extreme and you would still be able to vote for the same independent-minded McCain of 10 years ago. Instead, as you so rightly say, he has lined himself up with the neocons, whether through choice or necessity. Where are the truly independent, intelligent voices? Drowned out in a sea of bland mediocrity mouthing empty platitudes about 'freedom', 'liberty' and 'the war against terrorism', it seems to me. But, for the moment, at least Obama seems to be offering some people some degree of hope so I think it's best to cling on to that.

They got Osama and we got Obama, both are false hopes that will lead to nowhere.

You are worrying over some small little miserable meaningless war while the world slowly but surely goes down the toliet...let me see, how did Hitler get to power and have such a following.....

25th October 2008, 03:52
The USA is nowhere RIGHT NOW....no Obamas needed

25th October 2008, 13:37
You are worrying over some small little miserable meaningless war while the world slowly but surely goes down the toliet...let me see, how did Hitler get to power and have such a following.....

it's called 'the art of distraction', my good fellow. Magicians. illusionists, and politcians do this all the time. If 'we' can get you (the public) to look the other way at something that is 'trumped up' , but of no real significance, while the actual 'crime' is being committed, job completed.

Nothing new there, just the names of those involved... :\

25th October 2008, 17:13
Now here is a little movie for you all to watch and then get back to me


The mainstream has now become the fringe.

fousto you had your time back in 2005, now go away gracefully :laugh:

25th October 2008, 17:47
I was laughing when I saw a link to American Thinker with a video presentation by Illuminati Pictures. That combo just screams mainstream thought. LOL
Funny to see is how some can't see the propaganda fed control game played all over them the last eight years by their heroes, while now trying to link the same to others as something that will lead to bad and evil deeds.

25th October 2008, 19:04
The mainstream has now become the fringe.

fousto you had your time back in 2005, now go away gracefully :laugh:

it ain't over til Nov 4th 9pm hawaii time

25th October 2008, 20:53
it ain't over til Nov 4th 9pm hawaii time
and til the fat lady sits on you.

25th October 2008, 22:12
OWWW!!!!! :eek:

:p :

26th October 2008, 09:13
well hopefully on my face!! EKI

26th October 2008, 09:14
that is only if she is a good looking fat lady from a Latin country

26th October 2008, 17:34
You know the sad end is near when Joe Lieberman is said to be pulling a Hyman Roth: looking for a retirement spot in Israel. :D

Yeah, it appears the fat lady is warming up the pipes. And I don't think she looks like Salma Hayek... more like McCain gal, Ashley Todd, I'd say. :eek:


26th October 2008, 19:39
ooouch she's about a grand back of book

Hey I see Obama went to Hawaii in search of a birth certificate. then straight away to Vegas to get one made.

26th October 2008, 21:22
If Obama is in Vegas, I'd say it's to privately thank Obama Girl for her support.

Should McCain pull a rabbit out of the hat on November 4th, Elizabeth Hasselbeck has promised John a night of passion as a reward. Off the record, campaign sources site this as the primary reason for McCain seemingly making every possible attempt under the sun to lose this election.

27th October 2008, 14:28
When the hell is this sodding election?

27th October 2008, 15:46
Nov. 4th

Fred Basset
27th October 2008, 15:50
and not a moment too soon :mark:

27th October 2008, 16:42
amen brother or should I say brutha or just bro

27th October 2008, 19:58
Rather than open a new thread I thought I'd post this here as a lot of people have probably seen this, anyway, it's amusing!

George W. Bush Library to Open in 2009

Mark your calendar for the opening of the Bush Library and make your reservations early!

The George W. Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages. The library will include:

The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is still under construction.

The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you won't be able to remember a thing.

The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you don't even have to show up.

The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they don't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they don't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room, which no one has yet been able to find.

The National Debt room which is huge and has no ceiling.

The 'Tax Cut' Room with entry only to the wealthy.

The 'Economy Room' which is in the toilet.

The Iraq War Room where after you complete your first tour, they make you go back for a second, third, fourth, and sometimes fifth tour.

The Dick Cheney Room, in the famous undisclosed location, complete with shotgun gallery.

The Environmental Conservation Room, still empty.

The Supreme Court's Gift Shop, where you can buy an election.

The Airport Men's Room, where you can meet some of your Favorite Republican Senators.

The 'Decider Room' complete with dart board, magic 8-ball, Ouija board, dice, coins, and straws.

The museum will also have an electron microscope to help you locate the President' s accomplishments.

27th October 2008, 20:32
Nov. 4th

Brilliant, I'll be on holiday!

27th October 2008, 20:38
Can't wait for "America Held Hostage" to start again. :dozey: :z

28th October 2008, 11:25
I say, we elect this guy.

He seems pretty fair... :p : :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF1hYNHWR10 :laugh:

30th October 2008, 02:00
I can't wait to hear janvanburpa if Obama wins - He is undoubtly up in Seattle pissing down both legs cause obama has a chance to win.

30th October 2008, 16:59
I just finished watching President Obama's rally in Florida. Based on what I am seeing McCain should probably put the rest of his campaign funds into a tax cut for the people and go on a Mexican Holiday. I don't think he has a prayer in hell of winning this election.

I actually see the turning point fired by this huge compensation packages for the corporate elite and elite corporations. I think the people are so ____ing pissed that anyone with a reasonable background would defeat the republicans. But with this being said there are many democrats that need to be removed from office as well.

So now we will see how the "Euro" plan works over here. BTW how much does the head of BMW, Mercedes, DHL, Fiat make - anyone with the answer?

30th October 2008, 17:16
My sister is a real "cut up"! :p :

31st October 2008, 17:33
I say, we elect this guy.

He seems pretty fair... :p : :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF1hYNHWR10 :laugh:

sorry, they removed that one, but here it is...


donKey jote
31st October 2008, 18:45
sorry, they removed that one, but here it is...


"This video is not available in your country. " :dozey:

31st October 2008, 20:50
ok, then. :)


1st November 2008, 11:55
I can't wait to hear janvanburpa if Obama wins - He is undoubtly up in Seattle pissing down both legs cause obama has a chance to win.

I'm still a little unsure who's your candidate fousto ? :D

donKey jote
1st November 2008, 15:34
ok, then. :)


hehe :up:
Deldeaux :D

1st November 2008, 21:37
I'm still a little unsure who's your candidate fousto ? :D

Well take a WAG

Fred Basset
3rd November 2008, 14:33
God help America if Obama gets in..It can not be allowed to happen

3rd November 2008, 15:33
Too much recycling of fear the fear.
The sky will fall.

Drink a beer.

Dave B
3rd November 2008, 16:28
God help America if Obama gets in..It can not be allowed to happen
God washed his hands of America a long time ago. God help the rest of us if McCain gets in.

3rd November 2008, 16:38
I have a old saying "a pig gets fatter and a hog get slaughtered" Unfortunately the Repbs couldn't handle their ability to make a very good living. They had to "Hog" the deal and shove it in the face of the working people and call it capitalism instead of corporate fraud. Also unfortunately these people include the very ones that sit in our congress and and the executive branch. I suspect Obama won't be the answer as we need a 3rd party which could actually occur at the end of Obama's first term.

donKey jote
3rd November 2008, 21:09
has fousto seen the light ? :p

3rd November 2008, 22:41
has fousto seen the light ? :p

Hell - fousto hasn't even discovered fire yet.

NASCAR Heretic:

Junior Johnson

4th November 2008, 17:03
Hell - fousto hasn't even discovered fire yet.

NASCAR Heretic:

Junior Johnson

Well no sh!t gramps - I was born 50 miles from the canadian border and you guys haven't even seen light yet - how the hell do you expect me to find the flintstones.

5th November 2008, 07:12
Here's for Fousto:


5th November 2008, 07:52
Here's for Fousto:


Good link Eki!! :)

Blair gone, Howard gone, Bush gone..........

5th November 2008, 08:19
Here's for Fousto:


Hey I like that one eki - do you think I will have to turn my guns in? Naw I am just going to be a good citizen and support our new Pres. I am actually curious and excited about what the next 4 years will bring. Also I am interested to see how the republican party will rebuild itself. Could be interesting. so Iraq has about 90 days to get their sh!t together because I do think we will be out of there in short order. Probably if I was a quada or a talie I would be heading for iraq. So if Obama keeps his promise we are leaving iraq and kicking the sh!t out of Afghan and sending all the wall street prixs to jail. Ok. Also it will be interesting to see the "Euro" style diplomatic approach to the world problems. Interesting times ahead I would say.;

5th November 2008, 08:31
Hey I like that one eki - do you think I will have to turn my guns in? Naw I am just going to be a good citizen and support our new Pres. I am actually curious and excited about what the next 4 years will bring. Also I am interested to see how the republican party will rebuild itself. Could be interesting. so Iraq has about 90 days to get their sh!t together because I do think we will be out of there in short order. Probably if I was a quada or a talie I would be heading for iraq. So if Obama keeps his promise we are leaving iraq and kicking the sh!t out of Afghan and sending all the wall street prixs to jail. Ok. Also it will be interesting to see the "Euro" style diplomatic approach to the world problems. Interesting times ahead I would say.;

Goddamm - you guys did it - congrats !!!
Good words you old fart :)
Especially re: Wall St. - Why stop at jail ? - I'll buy the rope.
May all your butt plugs turn to gold.

But my goodness - it's going to be a tough road.

6th November 2008, 22:03
Hey I like that one eki - do you think I will have to turn my guns in? Naw I am just going to be a good citizen and support our new Pres. I am actually curious and excited about what the next 4 years will bring. Also I am interested to see how the republican party will rebuild itself. Could be interesting. so Iraq has about 90 days to get their sh!t together because I do think we will be out of there in short order. Probably if I was a quada or a talie I would be heading for iraq. So if Obama keeps his promise we are leaving iraq and kicking the sh!t out of Afghan and sending all the wall street prixs to jail. Ok. Also it will be interesting to see the "Euro" style diplomatic approach to the world problems. Interesting times ahead I would say.;
It's good to see that Americans have realized it's better to be with the World and not against it.

7th November 2008, 01:45
It's good to see that Americans have realized it's better to be with the World and not against it.

I don't think I'd take it that far. I mean, it's not as if the rest of the world is one bloc. Obama got the support of more Americans because we've been bankrupted and left to die by the free spending neocons and Evangelical wingnuts. Love him or hate him, Obama very effectively offered a message of hope. Whether he delivers on those promises or not is a different matter. But Father Time and Moose Girl just relied on fear to keep the frightened peasants behind the GOP castle walls.

As for wanting to be better seen by "the world"... for even the most liberal of liberals, I would say that was a secondary concern in this election.

15th November 2008, 19:06
... it's not as if the rest of the world is one bloc. Obama got the support of more Americans because we've been bankrupted and left to die...

As for wanting to be better seen by "the world"... for even the most liberal of liberals, I would say that was a secondary concern in this election.

Well put.

World diplomacy & peace is about as easy as maintaining such matters with out-of-control neighbors. Though I'll admit Bush admininstration was not a standard I care to ever see repeated.

Global economics is on the main menu, as I'm sure most of us realize by now. So if some will pardon me for; 'It's good to see that the world has realized it's better to be with America and not against it.' - at least from an economical standpoint.

After all, greed was the real villian in the current mess, not Americans, Iraqis, Schumacher fans, etc... etc. Yes, greed, something in which WE ALL conspire to live with.

16th November 2008, 15:41
it will be interesting to see the "Euro" style diplomatic approach to the world problems. Interesting times ahead I would say.;

It's good to see that Americans have realized it's better to be with the World and not against it.

For sure, we have much to learn from those Euros who brought us that german patriot Hitler and modern Euro methods of extermination of people we do not like as in "how to do 6 million in five years", and let us not forget the example of really big time liquidation that put Hitler to shame, where Stalin killed off 20 million or so (not counting the 10 to 20 million who were starved to death in various countries such as Ukraine)

Nor let us not forget the recent leadership of Great Britain who taught America how to really fire bomb targets composed mostly of women and children, targets cities like Dresden....so inspirational that the USA just had to be the first to drop a couple of A bombs on cities, meanwhile like true Euro diplomates, sitting around and sentencing Herman G. to die for dropping a few bombs on civilain populations.
hey but what is a few million or two between friends.......and just where did racism, slavery, racial superoirty and genocide originate???

Yes we can go Euro!!!
and you beggars in GB, France and so forth, better get down on your knees and thank us all and one

Or instead of going Euro, we could heed the advice of the father of his country whose departing words was to say, stay the hell out of euroland and all its bloody wars....

All those in favor of doing the George W. (not bush) thing, and leaving Euro land to the tender mercies of folks like Putin (who is busy building stealth cruise missiles and using georgia as russian foreplay for what he really wants to do with the rest of europe, especially to them French and Italian wine sipping pasta eaters) or the mutoatalhawhatittoyou in Iran, say a big loud AMEN, BROTHERS AND SISTERS

you all have fun playing.......

donKey jote
16th November 2008, 16:39
fousto and eki quoted together like that in a response post... now there's change we could never have believed in :rotflmao:

16th November 2008, 21:36
For sure, we have much to learn from those Euros who brought us that german patriot Hitler and modern Euro methods of extermination of people we do not like as in "how to do 6 million in five years", and let us not forget the example of really big time liquidation that put Hitler to shame,...............

Yes, and let us all not forget the support that US multinationals like IBM, Ford, GM, Coca Cola, Chase Bank and Standard Oil plus many others that made good business and lot's of profits in Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's working directly with the Nazis.

To their shame, IBM in particular was closely involved:

"A film 'The Corporation' showed close-ups of several documents including IBM code sheets for concentration camps taken from the files of the National Archives. Prisoner Code 8 was Jew, Code 11 was Gypsy. Camp Code 001 was Auschwitz, Code 002 was Buchenwald. Status Code 5 was executed by order, code 6 was gas chamber."

(taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_IBM)

But hey, who cares about morals when there is a sh*t load of money to be made.

17th November 2008, 00:15
Lets all play the Hitler card!

17th November 2008, 02:04
Yes, and let us all not forget the support that US multinationals like IBM, Ford, GM, Coca Cola, Chase Bank and Standard Oil plus many others that made good business and lot's of profits in Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's working directly with the Nazis.

To their shame, IBM in particular was closely involved:

"A film 'The Corporation' showed close-ups of several documents including IBM code sheets for concentration camps taken from the files of the National Archives. Prisoner Code 8 was Jew, Code 11 was Gypsy. Camp Code 001 was Auschwitz, Code 002 was Buchenwald. Status Code 5 was executed by order, code 6 was gas chamber."

(taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_IBM)

But hey, who cares about morals when there is a sh*t load of money to be made.

Hey we just trying to follow the moral leadership of all you Euros, and do the "right thing" in making cash..... :vader:

22nd November 2008, 19:10
Yes, and let us all not forget the support that US multinationals like IBM, Ford, GM, Coca Cola, Chase Bank and Standard Oil plus many others that made good business and lot's of profits in Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's working directly with the Nazis.

To their shame, IBM in particular was closely involved:

"A film 'The Corporation' showed close-ups of several documents including IBM code sheets for concentration camps taken from the files of the National Archives. Prisoner Code 8 was Jew, Code 11 was Gypsy. Camp Code 001 was Auschwitz, Code 002 was Buchenwald. Status Code 5 was executed by order, code 6 was gas chamber."

(taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_IBM)

But hey, who cares about morals when there is a sh*t load of money to be made.

Thanks for the info. I did some research and sure enough, it appears that IBM did start a compony in Germanay that was run by Germans using technology from the US company, and after WWII began, the Nazis used the IBM technology, where once again, Euro intelligence and high moral values prevailed in murdering millions based upon race.

The worst problem the USA has been plaqued with for centuries, is the Euro influence ......American imperialism is just a weak version of the Euro imperialism. euro imperialism has never worried itself over the fate of millions where money was to be made, beginning in the early 1500 in Mexico where 90% of the native population was wiped out in disease and murder (for example, the Spanish handing out blankets that they knew where infected with polio which they had acquired immunity, but their conquered natives had not.....)

so just look in the mirror and smile

22nd November 2008, 20:05
Thanks for the info. I did some research and sure enough, it appears that IBM did start a compony in Germanay that was run by Germans using technology from the US company, and after WWII began, the Nazis used the IBM technology, where once again, Euro intelligence and high moral values prevailed in murdering millions based upon race.

The worst problem the USA has been plaqued with for centuries, is the Euro influence ......American imperialism is just a weak version of the Euro imperialism. euro imperialism has never worried itself over the fate of millions where money was to be made, beginning in the early 1500 in Mexico where 90% of the native population was wiped out in disease and murder (for example, the Spanish handing out blankets that they knew where infected with polio which they had acquired immunity, but their conquered natives had not.....)

so just look in the mirror and smile

You made it all better, now don't you feel proud?
Slavery and gencide sit with many countries, doesn't make it right, doesn't make it something to bury and forget behind a wall of self made righteousness, goodness or blind arrogance nor ignorance.
Many have grown and faced their history truthfully.
Handing out blankets infected with small pox was an US solution also, as well as killing off the major food source and shooting to death countless harmless women, children and old people on the way to manifest destiny and money making. Hell, they're just heathens, we'll convert/re-educate by force the remaining few when we're done.
Nothing like thinking your god is with you as you murder with the most noble intents only. :rolleyes: No matter who you think you are. In the American Northern and Southern hemispheres the job was carried out by so called and very greedy Christians.
Blame it all on Euro influences. LOL
Love when posters bring out the bold type. LOL

23rd November 2008, 15:50
You made it all better, now don't you feel proud?
Blame it all on Euro influences. LOL
Love when posters bring out the bold type. LOL

Just for you :love:
drink some of this and you will feel even better.. :beer:

23rd November 2008, 22:00
No thank you, I've been feeling just fine lately. It's a new day.
Those prescriptions workin' for ya yet? Or is granny still distillin'?

23rd November 2008, 22:27
No thank you, I've been feeling just fine lately. It's a new day.
Those prescriptions workin' for ya yet? Or is granny still distillin'?

Don't knock it till you try it, it will take away that palin numbness you been whining about

24th November 2008, 00:01
You need it much worse, may help with them there comperhension difficulties that have been noted.
I'm laughing at Palin and the Palinites and hope she continues as the figurehead to the downtrodden and lost few. LOL
Best live comedy since Quayle, wait, include W and we got the three stooges, in real life.
Believe me, she and her faithful followers are just a circus sideshow. I am now and will continue enjoying to the fullest for as long as it might last.
But sadly it will be a short shelf life.

24th November 2008, 05:22
You need it much worse, may help with them there comperhension difficulties that have been noted.
I'm laughing at Palin and the Palinites and hope she continues as the figurehead to the downtrodden and lost few. LOL
Best live comedy since Quayle, wait, include W and we got the three stooges, in real life.
Believe me, she and her faithful followers are just a circus sideshow. I am now and will continue enjoying to the fullest for as long as it might last.
But sadly it will be a short shelf life.

Nah, neither Qualye nor W was much fun (unless u really like listening to such dribble from their mouths, in which case stay off the LSD dude)...they are right up there with Biotox Biden on the boring scale, but Bama has all of them both beat on being non-boring-----

The real three stooges would have to include H and B....as in more like since Billy and Hillary were in da house...before the election, they were both trying to tell Bama there is a reason they call it the white house and he ain't got it, and did everything but spell it out on TV......Billy gave an interview and when asked the difference as to the attending the services of the good rev Wright or going down south and sitting in with David Duke and all the clan at a Klan rally, poor ole Billy could only sit and bug his eyes out for a minute or so, then give some nonresponsive answer that assumed thar wernt much...

I am just disappointed that there was not a Bama-Palin ticket. :eek: Now that would have been a real hoot...

poor ole BDunnel would not need the forum or mind expanding drugs to go pyscho, all it would take would be a few press conferences....

poor bama ain't not figured it out yet, but the clock is ticking before time comes to make some news at his expense and he ends up being like Jimmmmmmy Carter, Jr