View Full Version : Another "Mickey Mouse" circuit on the cards?

Dave B
8th October 2008, 07:22
Disneyland Paris are reportedly hoping to host a Grand Prix from 2010, and with Bernie's legendary hatred of Magny Cours it's entirely possible they'll succeed.

There's an outline of their proposals including a track map here:
http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.valeurope-san.fr%2Finfo%2FFR%2FFormule_1_%253A_enfin_les_pla ns%2F1670%2F060111&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=fr&tl=en

And more on the story here:

Will it happen, or is it another Goofy idea? :p

8th October 2008, 07:28
If this happens, Renault and Alonso would win the race easier, relatively...

8th October 2008, 09:06
The track will be interesting, but it will be too funny to see Mickey Mouse or something while watvhing a race.

8th October 2008, 10:03
I love flat, uninteresting tracks with a majority of slow, sharp and camberless corners with driver challenge as an afterthought.

8th October 2008, 15:47
This is a joke right? :s

8th October 2008, 16:41
I do like street circuits, but only now and again. That track looks awful, but I suppose anything will be more interesting than Magny-Cours

8th October 2008, 17:49
Another boring ciruit with sharp corners that take little skill to master. What happened to circuit design, it cant be that hard to fit some flowing corners in.

9th October 2008, 01:26
I like Magny Cours. The Estoril corner and the Imola chicane are excellent.


The mickey mouse circuit would be less mickey mouse if the dotted red lines formed part of the circuit. So at least you have some sweeping corners. Maybe like Tamburello. And, like Imola with the full Tamburello corner, you could actually pass another car! :eek:

9th October 2008, 07:01
Where is the loop to loop??

9th October 2008, 09:44
We would see Pluto, Goofy and Daisy sustaining the umbrellas instead of the hostesses

9th October 2008, 10:23
They could call it Napoleans Palace Grand Prix. At least there will be no lack of parking.