View Full Version : Important information needed re: Paris, or Italy

Valve Bounce
2nd February 2007, 15:10
We will be in Paris in two days time I we need this information urgently:

1. Where can we buy Vegemite?

2. Is there a store like K Mart where we can get things at a sensible price?

3. What/where is a good supermarket?

We can travel there so location is not absolutely an impediment, as long as we can park nearby.
We will be in motorhome for two months travelling around Europe and need to stock up on a lot of items.

Many thanks if you can help.

2nd February 2007, 15:12
We will be in Paris in two days time I we need this information urgently:

1. Where can we buy Vegemite?

2. Is there a store like K Mart where we can get things at a sensible price?

3. What/where is a good supermarket?

We can travel there so location is not absolutely an impediment, as long as we can park nearby.
We will be in motorhome for two months travelling around Europe and need to stock up on a lot of items.

Many thanks if you can help.

can you not live without vegemite for afew days??? if not the easiest answer is to take a Jar with you in your case!!!

2nd February 2007, 15:14
No offense mate but if lack of vegemite in paris is your biggest worry in life then you really do need to get out more!!! :D

2nd February 2007, 15:16
Not been to paris myself but everyone i know who has been there told me nothing is cheap its a very expensive city by all accounts so i hope your taking loads of Euro's with you!!!

Valve Bounce
2nd February 2007, 15:27
can you not live without vegemite for afew days??? if not the easiest answer is to take a Jar with you in your case!!!

WE were told by United that we could not take Vegemite to the States, where we have been for the past 2 weeks.

But I do need some useful information, so if anyone esle can help, we'd appreciate it.

2nd February 2007, 15:37
Not been to paris myself but everyone i know who has been there told me nothing is cheap its a very expensive city by all accounts so i hope your taking loads of Euro's with you!!!

Depends were you come from. Paris wasn't at all to expensive IMO. Valve, there seemd to be stores all over the place where you could by food in sensible prizes :up:

Unfortunately I don't know about Vegemite. Isn't really my cup of tea.

2nd February 2007, 16:03
I always find it quite sad when someone goes to a foreign country and has to take comfort food with them, why not try some french food instead?? you never know you might even like it!!! :rolleyes:

Mark in Oshawa
2nd February 2007, 16:08
Valve Bounce, I know if you were in Canada, you could get Vegemite in some specialty stores in Toronto, but Paris it might be a bit tougher...

Curious tho, why couldn't you take Vegemite to the US? Getting it there would be a tough thing, it is an Aussie thing only, but I don't think anyone would stop you from having some couriered to you? I mean....is that stuff that addictive?????

2nd February 2007, 16:10
WE were told by United that we could not take Vegemite to the States, where we have been for the past 2 weeks.

But I do need some useful information, so if anyone esle can help, we'd appreciate it.


First of all, the comment from United is bull - there is NO BAN on Vegemite by the USA. If you are still in the US you may be able to find a specialty supermarket where you can buy it. I buy it here(in the USA) all the time from Hiller's supermarket and also from an international food market called "World Market". Don't know if they are where you are but you may find something similar.

Captain VXR
2nd February 2007, 16:11
A good french supermarket is Carrefour and another is Intermarche. A good and cheap place to eat is a Flunch which is a self service resturant with nice food and amazing deserts. Hope this helps.

Valve Bounce
2nd February 2007, 16:19
I always find it quite sad when someone goes to a foreign country and has to take comfort food with them, why not try some french food instead?? you never know you might even like it!!! :rolleyes:

I don't think you fully understand what Vegemite means to an Aussi. You can go to Courchevel, Zermat, Merribel, St Anton, La Plagne, Leysanne, or any other ski resort in this world and you will find an Aussi with his vegemite at breakfast.

I do enjoy French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Indian food, Korean food, Malay food, Sri Lankan food, Cypriot food, and I have lived and worked in many cities in this world and enjoyed thier food..

But never seperate an Aussi from his Vegemite.

Maybe when you've enjoyed this forum for a few more weeks, you'll find out a little more about me. :)

2nd February 2007, 16:23
I don't think you fully understand what Vegemite means to an Aussi. You can go to Courchevel, Zermat, Merribel, St Anton, La Plagne, Leysanne, or any other ski resort in this world and you will find an Aussi with his vegemite at breakfast.

I do enjoy French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Indian food, Korean food, Malay food, Sri Lankan food, Cypriot food, and I have lived and worked in many cities in this world and enjoyed thier food..

But never seperate an Aussi from his Vegemite.

Maybe when you've enjoyed this forum for a few more weeks, you'll find out a little more about me. :)

Maybe so but dont you think its abit sad that you cant go afew days without eating something you enjoy so much!! Just think you will enjoy it all the more when you get back home!!

And vegemite isnt't just an aussie thing its loved all over the world though i prefer marmite or bovril myself the same but different!!! :p

Valve Bounce
2nd February 2007, 16:25

First of all, the comment from United is bull - there is NO BAN on Vegemite by the USA. If you are still in the US you may be able to find a specialty supermarket where you can buy it. I buy it here(in the USA) all the time from Hiller's supermarket and also from an international food market called "World Market". Don't know if they are where you are but you may find something similar.

Difficult. This is my last day at Vail, we leave tommorow (very, very early) for Denver International then onto Paris via Chicago O'Hare.

And, Oh yeah!! it;s bloody cold today, but we will be on the slopes just the same.

2nd February 2007, 17:31
As an Australian who has travelled a fair bit, I've never understood the fascination that my fellow Australian travellers have for vegemite, I've always thought it was overrated, might as well eat salt. Also it's not even Australian anymore, it's owned by some nasty multinational.
Can't even remember the last time I had some, (memo to self, when next available try some and see if opinion is still the same!).
You could always call the Australian Embassy in Paris, I'm sure they are used to such requests for information, after all one of their reasons for existing is to help Australians overseas! My sister and BiL spent quite a few years working for the OECD in Paris and I'm sure she used to buy her vegemite there.

One more thing, why do they put a 'use by date' on vegemite?

Valve Bounce
2nd February 2007, 22:26
As an Australian who has travelled a fair bit, I've never understood the fascination that my fellow Australian travellers have for vegemite, I've always thought it was overrated, might as well eat salt. Also it's not even Australian anymore, it's owned by some nasty multinational.
Can't even remember the last time I had some, (memo to self, when next available try some and see if opinion is still the same!).
You could always call the Australian Embassy in Paris, I'm sure they are used to such requests for information, after all one of their reasons for existing is to help Australians overseas! My sister and BiL spent quite a few years working for the OECD in Paris and I'm sure she used to buy her vegemite there.

One more thing, why do they put a 'use by date' on vegemite?

Not all Aussis like Vegemite. In fact, there are Aussis who don't even like cricket, Aussi Rules, or Surfing.

I am sure the Australian Embassy in Paris would be dying to help me find Vegemite. I'll tell them it was Cossie's idea.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd February 2007, 06:32
I am still trying to think why anyone likes Vegemite in their right mind. An Aussie friend of mine brought it over with some Tim Tams for us North Americans at a party we were at. The Canadians and Americans both agreed that it was high time you Aussies found out about peanut butter....or maybe JAM???

God help us, you are great people, you Aussies, but when it comes to your habit of putting something that looks like coal tar and tastes like salt on your bread just is beyond logic!!!

3rd February 2007, 08:30
Mark, what are Tim Tams as i have never heard of them before?? :confused:

I dont mind vegemite but as ive said before in a previous post i prefer bovril or marmite both have a better taste than vegemite and both go well on toast! ;)

but as your only in paris afew days i dont see why you cant go without it after all no food is that Great you cant live without it for afew days!!! :D

3rd February 2007, 09:34
Arrange Poste Restante in Paris and get it sent to you :p : I don't know if you will get it in France, perhaps there is a French equivalent??

We could send you some over...at a price mind ;)

3rd February 2007, 09:42
I am still trying to think why anyone likes Vegemite in their right mind. An Aussie friend of mine brought it over with some Tim Tams for us North Americans at a party we were at. The Canadians and Americans both agreed that it was high time you Aussies found out about peanut butter....or maybe JAM???

God help us, you are great people, you Aussies, but when it comes to your habit of putting something that looks like coal tar and tastes like salt on your bread just is beyond logic!!!

Keeping jam and peanut butter separate is OK, putting them together on the same peice of bread is a bit suspect. Mind you when I was a kid, my mother saisd that I liked vegemite, cheese and celery on a sandwich. I think my palate must have improved.......

My wife (a former Vancouverite) gets her sister to send out Grahams Wafer Crackers every year at Christmas time.

I've never been keen on Tim Tams either, maybe I'm not a real Aussie, :p : although I do like cricket, and Aussie Rules, although how surfing can be a professional sport is beyond me. :D

3rd February 2007, 09:49
I am sure the Australian Embassy in Paris would be dying to help me find Vegemite. I'll tell them it was Cossie's idea.

Why not give it a try, I'm sure they have heard it a thousand times before, infact they may even be a shop near the Embassy that sells Australian stuff, (newspapers etc)as this is quite often the case around Embassies, good money to be made from the expat community.

3rd February 2007, 16:16
Where I come from we would bury vegemite. So my advice - while in Paris is keep your wallet in your front pocket and hurry to Italy!!

5th February 2007, 16:40
Take a day trip to London on the Eurostar. You can by Vegemite in most big supermarkets in the UK (last jar I bought came from Sainsbury's, and I'm sure Tesco and Morrisons stock it also)

5th February 2007, 17:06
Morrisons stock Tim Tams as well.

When I visited Italy I loved the food there, but still missed proper English tea and buttered toast. Sad but true.