View Full Version : Lewis wanted DC's help?????

2nd October 2008, 21:18
Just read a strange blurb on F1-Live that Lewis had hoped that DC would help out his fellow Brit at Singapore?


If that's an accurate statement, I'm sure the FIA would really have appreciated it if DC had let him by easily (not to mention RBR management!)

Note to Lewis - When DC is on your payroll, you can expect his help!

2nd October 2008, 22:57
I'm not sure how seriously we can take this though.

2nd October 2008, 23:32
Of course he hoped that DC would help him. If I was on the march to a WDC and had even the slightest connection with the driver in front of me then I too would hope he'd move. There is a key difference between 'expect' and 'hope' you know.

2nd October 2008, 23:44

...that's like saying Rosberg should have moved over too...as (1) they're both good friends, (2) Rosberg I'm sure knew Hamilton was behind him, and (3) Rosberg is not fighting for a championship. At the time, DC was running in like 3RD, so I'm sure he was hoping for a possible podium. If I was Lewis, I would never expect or even hope for anyone to move over. If they do it on their own (like Heikki in Germany) then hey more power to em'.

2nd October 2008, 23:51

...that's like saying Rosberg should have moved over too...as (1) they're both good friends, (2) Rosberg I'm sure knew Hamilton was behind him, and (3) Rosberg is not fighting for a championship. At the time, DC was running in like 3RD, so I'm sure he was hoping for a possible podium. If I was Lewis, I would never expect or even hope for anyone to move over. If they do it on their own (like Heikki in Germany) then hey more power to em'.

So you're saying that you would never hope to gain a place with no effort? It's not about relying on it or any kind of expectation. When I buy a lottery ticket then I hope that I'll win or I hope that someone I know wins and then gives me some money. I don't expect it, nor think that they should, just hope. I think that it's the same in this case and most probably came from an off the cuff remark. All to much in F1 is blasted out of context to make people look bad.

3rd October 2008, 00:14
It was obviously a joke...

3rd October 2008, 06:10
It was obviously a joke...

Let's hope so!

3rd October 2008, 07:18
The reporters always look for a 'shakeup' story. An example of twisting a statement into what you want;
Reporter: Have you got your driver lineup sorted for next year?
Manager: We have our drivers contracted 'till the end of 2010
Reporter: Do you think you could USE a driver like Smith in your team?
Manager: We already have 2 drivers in our team, and we are happy with that. Smith is not one of the drivers contracted to us.

Newspaper headlines:
"SMITH IS USELESS!... Team Ford"

So whenever I see a celeb quoted, I have to ask what (leading) question was asked to extract their statement.

Valve Bounce
3rd October 2008, 07:25
Just read a strange blurb on F1-Live that Lewis had hoped that DC would help out his fellow Brit at Singapore?


If that's an accurate statement, I'm sure the FIA would really have appreciated it if DC had let him by easily (not to mention RBR management!)

Note to Lewis - When DC is on your payroll, you can expect his help!

Maybe he wanted Sponge Bob to take Massa out. :p :

3rd October 2008, 07:56
so this is why honda is no good

3rd October 2008, 11:08
Bait the question.

Get a good sound bite...

and reel them in!!

Tabloid fishing coupled with forum knee jerk = situation normal :D

3rd October 2008, 21:54
nope...not a joke...lol

...That's why you play the lottery, and I don't...

...You can 'hope' for the position, or make it happen...

...but hoping for DC to move over, as opposed to one's teammate, is completely different...

3rd October 2008, 22:17
you know...no, I take that back...

...It is not so much to hope for someone to put up less of a fight...

...but in that instance, why expect DC to put up less of a fight and not Rosberg? He tried Rosberg once, and ended up almost losing it for an instance, and decided to back off...I guess what I'm saying is if you were Hamilton, would you expect your old Karting pal to let you pass too?

3rd October 2008, 22:25
you know...no, I take that back...

...It is not so much to hope for someone to put up less of a fight...

...but in that instance, why expect DC to put up less of a fight and not Rosberg? He tried Rosberg once, and ended up almost losing it for an instance, and decided to back off...I guess what I'm saying is if you were Hamilton, would you expect your old Karting pal to let you pass too?...typing like...this is really...annoying...I think you should....stop!

The story is rubbish. Sponge Bob would have cracked Hamilton in a heart beat. How did Lewis get through? I don't know. Sheer luck or maybe DC didn't defend to stave off anymore more criticism of ineptitude.

3rd October 2008, 23:19
...but in that instance, why expect DC to put up less of a fight and not Rosberg? He tried Rosberg once, and ended up almost losing it for an instance, and decided to back off...I guess what I'm saying is if you were Hamilton, would you expect your old Karting pal to let you pass too?

How many times do I have to explain that there is a difference between hoping and expecting??!!

Yes you can make it happen but when you do then it's likely that you'll hope they won't crash into you, right? Same that you can hope they'll move over. It's not a wish, an expectation who any thing else, just knowledge that if they move over it'll be easier.

You can't seriously tell me that if you were racing in that situation that wouldn't hope for people to make your life easier.

As for the whole Rosberg thing it is just suposition. The article is based on a throw away comment, the type that Lewis makes with a smile on his face all the time. Of course it can;t be taken that way on the internet because Hamilton is obviously evil and all his comments are well thought out and should be taken as a sign of his arrogance :p :

You'd think that Schumacher had never left because Hamilton is being treated in exactly the same way as Michael was.

3rd October 2008, 23:20
It was a good pass in the end to be honest, but still Coulthard should in no way move over, he wanted to go out of F1 with a bang and was still fighting for victory when this was taking place.