View Full Version : valentine days

2nd February 2007, 11:58
whats everyone doing for valentines day and are you spending it with anyone special?? ;)

2nd February 2007, 12:04
good god no!!! valentines day is a sham!!! its a holiday invented by hallmark to earn more money in the so alled 'dead period'

(see im hiding my singleness by venting anger at valentines day....)

2nd February 2007, 12:06
good god no!!! valentines day is a sham!!! its a holiday invented by hallmark to earn more money in the so alled 'dead period'

(see im hiding my singleness by venting anger at valentines day....)

I agree with you in a way but its still nice! not that i need a special day to tell my guy i love him cos i do that everyday! :love:

2nd February 2007, 12:35
I hate it because it is an embarrassing, commercialised waste of time and it is too near my birthday. - I'm having to plan a birthday meal when various people are free, avioding the dreaded V-day when prices go up!

I am single, but when I have been with people I prefer more personal dates to do something special - anniversaries etc - or when you both feel like it.

2nd February 2007, 12:40
can see where your coming from lotus but its a day to show someone how much you love them etc!!! i am not saying you need a special day for that cos you dont if you dont want to pay extra to eat out cos places put their prices up then why not invite them to your home and cook them a home cooked meal?? alot more fun and alot less money!!! :)

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2007, 12:40
I hate it because it is an embarrassing, commercialised waste of time and it is too near my birthday. - I'm having to plan a birthday meal when various people are free, avioding the dreaded V-day when prices go up!

I am single, but when I have been with people I prefer more personal dates to do something special - anniversaries etc - or when you both feel like it.

Valentines day..... it's even closer to my birthday :mad: No birthday cards in the shops.

Everyone forgets about my b-day because of a crap, cheap, commersialised, made-up, fake, stupid day.

2nd February 2007, 12:48
Valentines day..... it's even closer to my birthday :mad: No birthday cards in the shops.

Everyone forgets about my b-day because of a crap, cheap, commersialised, made-up, fake, stupid day.

where do you live then if their is no birtday cards in the shops???

jim mcglinchey
2nd February 2007, 13:01
Ahh, Valentines Day....a state sanctioned license to misbehave for us stalkers....( manic chortle hee hee ).

2nd February 2007, 13:01
so is it the fact that its commercialised or that it impinges on your birthdays celebrations that matter ;)

Well, I am going to my grifriends on the weekend before. Apparently we are going to a young farmers Valentine ball with a few of her mates. Am sure it'll be a good night....i hope ;)

I bought a hot air balloon ride for us as a treat but cant do that until March/April due to weather conditions.

2nd February 2007, 13:02
oh yeah, on the actual day, I will be in Poole on a Sea Survival Course for the RNLI (who also benefit form the balloon ride :) ) followed by having a few beers I dare say :D

2nd February 2007, 13:12
if you dont want to pay extra to eat out cos places put their prices up then why not invite them to your home and cook them a home cooked meal?? alot more fun and alot less money!!! :)

Because it's my birthday and I want to celebrate with a restaurant meal out rather than faffing around in my tiny kitchen in my tiny flat.

My brother's birthday is in December and it's difficult to get good cards for him, too - there are birthday cads about now but the range is smaller.

2nd February 2007, 13:18
Nothing, I dont need specific day to show my other half how much I care. I've got another 364 I can make use of.

I was in card shop about 3 weeks ago looking for a card for my brothers birthay and they we're putting all the Valentines stuff out. People had hardly got over their News Years hangovers or had chance to give up on their resolutions before all the its was being thrust upon us!

2nd February 2007, 13:35
good god no!!! valentines day is a sham!!! its a holiday invented by hallmark to earn more money in the so alled 'dead period'

:) True, so true. So much better to use all 365 days to show love and affection. Just don't forget her birthday and your anniversary!

2nd February 2007, 13:38
Its always the single people who hate Valentine day so much!!!

I can honestly say it never used to bother me when i was single!!

2nd February 2007, 15:21
Whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge!!!!!! :laugh:

Every single year there's a Valentines whinging thread. I don't whinge about St Patricks day because I don't like green or because I don't like drunken people. If people want to celebrate the day and show their better half that they do still think about them then what's the deal? :confused:

I enjoy every day of the year when I'm with my girlfriend and no one day is more special than any other but what's the problem with having one day where you lavish even more attention on the one you love? :mark: It's hardly thrust upon you to do this if you're single or even if you have someone. It's your own choice whether you want to celebrate it or not :crazy:

2nd February 2007, 15:40
Nothing, I dont need specific day to show my other half how much I care. I've got another 364 I can make use of...

:up: I feel the same way.

2nd February 2007, 15:44
Whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge!!!!!! :laugh:

Every single year there's a Valentines whinging thread. I don't whinge about St Patricks day because I don't like green or because I don't like drunken people. If people want to celebrate the day and show their better half that they do still think about them then what's the deal? :confused:

I enjoy every day of the year when I'm with my girlfriend and no one day is more special than any other but what's the problem with having one day where you lavish even more attention on the one you love? :mark: It's hardly thrust upon you to do this if you're single or even if you have someone. It's your own choice whether you want to celebrate it or not :crazy:

Getting scary now, I agree with Daniel 1000000000000%.

Hmmm, should I send some Valentine rep now? :p :

2nd February 2007, 15:56
Because it's my birthday and I want to celebrate with a restaurant meal out rather than faffing around in my tiny kitchen in my tiny flat.

My brother's birthday is in December and it's difficult to get good cards for him, too - there are birthday cads about now but the range is smaller.

Where do you live? ive never found it hard to get a birthday card around this time same goes for christmas time my boyfriends birthday is in December and i never have any problems!!!

2nd February 2007, 16:04
Whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge!!!!!! :laugh:

Every single year there's a Valentines whinging thread. I don't whinge about St Patricks day because I don't like green or because I don't like drunken people. If people want to celebrate the day and show their better half that they do still think about them then what's the deal? :confused:

I enjoy every day of the year when I'm with my girlfriend and no one day is more special than any other but what's the problem with having one day where you lavish even more attention on the one you love? :mark: It's hardly thrust upon you to do this if you're single or even if you have someone. It's your own choice whether you want to celebrate it or not :crazy:

My favorite has always been Loof Lirpa Day.

2nd February 2007, 16:21
Everyday is special in our house with plenty of love and affection! but i still love valentine days and so do alot of other people!!! :D

2nd February 2007, 16:34
I live in a small and rubbish town with not-very-good card shops.
(Not that I buy myself birthday cards, mind.)
The Christmas card/Dan's birthday card thing is almost a joke in our family and mum says she has always had a problem finding a decent selection of cards in December, and increasingly February now. She makes her own these days.

Valentines has become so huge and in-your-face and commercial now, I don't blame anyone for finding it irritating. When I was younger, not that long ago, all you did was send a card to someone you fancied and maybe bought your partner flowers or something. That I can deal with.
If I was in a relationship I wouldn't take part in it either. If my partner did something really tacky like (shudders) propose to me on V day I'd refuse on principle. I guess I'm just not a fan of tacky romantic gestures and never will be.

2nd February 2007, 19:13
It's hardly thrust upon you to do this if you're single or even if you have someone. It's your own choice whether you want to celebrate it or not :crazy:

This is true, but it's the way it's rubbed in your face every year that irritates me. You just can't avoid the thing, it's too hard to ignore unless you close your eyes, cover your ears and don't leave the house for weeks!

2nd February 2007, 21:00
Valentine's Day is better known in these parts as Singles Appreciation Day.


2nd February 2007, 21:36
I am on my way to getting a girl :p Only met her last Friday and today, but we like eah other. I have mock exams on valentine's day, but maybe I should splash out and give her a rose or something :)

Hazell B
2nd February 2007, 23:45
It's our anniversary.

I'd forgotten.

Now I've been reminded.

Not too sure which is worse - forgetting or remembering :s

2nd February 2007, 23:52
Its always the single people who hate Valentine day so much!!!

Nope, I think you'll find attached people have the same, if not more, loathing for it. As many others have already said it's nothing but an excuse for the card and flower shops and restaurants to make money.

I tell my wife I love her every day and regularly buy her flowers, I don't need a card or a particular day to reinforce my affection for her. We have our own 'special' dates throughout the year where we might do something nice ;)

Ian McC
3rd February 2007, 00:28
I hadn't thought about it yet, give it a week or so then I will :D

3rd February 2007, 07:41
Dear LotusElise,

when you start thinking of sending me a V-day card or B-day card or C-card or just about whatever card...stop! Don't think about cards, don't send me any cards whatsoever! And this applies to all of you. Just think about it a minute, what the heck should I do with those cards? I live in an apartment buidling with central heating so I don't even have an oven where to put them! And how do I throw away a card that someone has prepared with soooooooo much care? I don't want to be "Bah, don't care" about those cards. Or just think about it this way: which do I prefer: a cold card or a hot kiss? :p :p : (there are two tongue smilies on the right smilie bar, let's see what's the diff..)

PS: this posting form is nearly full now. So much content! :D

3rd February 2007, 08:25
Nope, I think you'll find attached people have the same, if not more, loathing for it. As many others have already said it's nothing but an excuse for the card and flower shops and restaurants to make money.

I tell my wife I love her every day and regularly buy her flowers, I don't need a card or a particular day to reinforce my affection for her. We have our own 'special' dates throughout the year where we might do something nice ;)

Totally agree with you mate myself and my other half are just the same! but i still love valentines day!! ;) :)

3rd February 2007, 13:47
it maybe a waste of money to some people but some people like doing something special for it. sadly for me.....no-one will do anything special any day with me never mind that one day! lol

3rd February 2007, 16:12
Bah Valentine's day. :mad: Like we need a certain day to express our love to that special someone, can do that anyday. :p :

3rd February 2007, 16:14
it maybe a waste of money to some people but some people like doing something special for it. sadly for me.....no-one will do anything special any day with me never mind that one day! lol

Aww poor you. :( Maybe i'll send you a card and choccies so you can brag to your mates that someone cares. ;)

3rd February 2007, 23:46
Aww poor you. :( Maybe i'll send you a card and choccies so you can brag to your mates that someone cares. ;)

aww thanks mate......i would prefer it off a girl as I dont swing that way! lol
i'll pass thanks! save your money! lol

4th February 2007, 01:43
Valentines Day is a waste, Hallmark Holidays don't count toward anything, and all thats on TV is Diamond ads. besides what day is valentines day, I don't bother with it :p :

4th February 2007, 02:47
Any "fill-in-the-blank-with-title-here Day" that doesn't result in a paid holiday from work, isn't a day to be taken seriously.

4th February 2007, 03:40
"I'm counting down the days till I can be with you"


Possibly the most irritating flash side-advert ever!!

4th February 2007, 05:38
I'm fond of all holidays, especially this one. I'm short of cash this year, so instead of buying her roses, a night out, or the Ferrari she deserves, I'm using my wit and composing a thoughtful, sentimental, and humorous verse in iambic pentameter that summarizes what I love s much about her, and what's going on in her life now- as told through the eyes of 12 flowers (the dozen I can' afford)....

Hooray for love :up:

4th February 2007, 07:12
I know exactly how Valentine's day, or the few days preceding, will go. All my mid-20s friends at university will be going on about how happy they are with their boyfriends, and what they're planning. My older friends will be encouraging me to get the courage to ask a woman out, and then giving me relationship advice, saying, "now Leon, this is what not to do when yo get a girlfriend". It will be an unhappy experience.

4th February 2007, 09:11
if everyone is so againsn't valentines day why not boycott it??? maybe if everyone did that the card makers/flower shops would get the message!!! ;)

4th February 2007, 10:41
everyone on here obviously never buys mothers/fathers day, christmas, easter cards or presents either then!!!

Will be buying a card this week. She said she expects flowers so no chance there then :p :

4th February 2007, 11:27
My boyfriend asked me the other day what i wanted for valentino's day and i told him aslong as i got to spend the evening with him that day ( he's at work all day ) i didnt want anything else!

Aslong as i get to see him and end up cuddled up to him at the end of the day i am more than happy with that :)

As i dont need a big Bunch of flowers or a big box of chocolates to prove he loves me cos i know he does with out those!!! :love:

oily oaf
4th February 2007, 12:05
My boyfriend asked me the other day what i wanted for valentino's day and i told him aslong as i got to spend the evening with him that day ( he's at work all day ) i didnt want anything else!

Aslong as i get to see him and end up cuddled up to him at the end of the day i am more than happy with that :)

As i dont need a big Bunch of flowers or a big box of chocolates to prove he loves me cos i know he does with out those!!! :love:

Cheers for that love :D

I finally got rid of that batch of jellied eels I scoffed on the way back from the rub a dub.

(wipes chin and flushes gratefully)

4th February 2007, 13:23
i have already spent my valentines day with my girlfriend (as shes going on holiday meaning she wont be here) we had a lovely time, and i wasted my money for the first time that ive needed to for valentines :p :

It is a bit of a sham really, just an excuse to take all your money off you, but its a good way to keep the fire in romance alight ;) :p :

4th February 2007, 13:43
Cheers for that love :D

I finally got rid of that batch of jellied eels I scoffed on the way back from the rub a dub.

(wipes chin and flushes gratefully)

Well, i was hoping u would be the one but alass i still HAVENT found an east londoner thats funny i guess something's in life ur just never meant to find oh well :D ;) :) :p

4th February 2007, 14:18
if everyone is so againsn't valentines day why not boycott it??? maybe if everyone did that the card makers/flower shops would get the message!!! ;)

Bev, I don't think the objection is real, it's more of the sheep phenomenon. As one wag explained it, "Sheep can be controlled by the sheepdog for the same reason they fear the wolf. Both are predators. The same relationships hold with the general population, the police, and the criminals. Most people are sheep, but you don't have to be. If you have the skills and attitude of a predator the criminals will leave you alone -- because they will recognize you as a predator and there is easier game available."

4th February 2007, 14:25
the simple answer is DONT do anything for valentines day if thats the way you feel tell your other half as i did mine i dont want anything apart from his time!!! he shows me so often he loves me and tell me hundreds of times a day he loves me and i him!!!! at the end of the day some people like valentines day and some dont you will never change that!!

Its just the same with mothers/fathers day you dont need a special day to tell someone how you feel about them!!! :)

4th February 2007, 14:29
the simple answer is DONT do anything for valentines day if thats the way you feel tell your other half as i did mine i dont want anything apart from his time!!! he shows me so often he loves me and tell me hundreds of times a day he loves me and i him!!!! at the end of the day some people like valentines day and some dont you will never change that!!

Its just the same with mothers/fathers day you dont need a special day to tell someone how you feel about them!!! :)

Bev - I make it a practice to never leave someone I love without telling them. Tomorrow is not promised and we never know if this conversation or visit will be the last. You'll never go wrong by showing that you love those special people in your life.

4th February 2007, 14:33
Bev - I make it a practice to never leave someone I love without telling them. Tomorrow is not promised and we never know if this conversation or visit will be the last. You'll never go wrong by showing that you love those special people in your life.

Totally Agree with you agwiii you can never tell someone you love that you love them enough!!!

So many people dont say ' i love you ' often enough which is a real shame!! its like the Ronan Keating song ' if tomorrow never comes ' if you love someone tell them today you might not be here tomorrow! :(

So make every day a special day with the one you love! ;)

4th February 2007, 21:03
I'm not against Valentine's day, I'm just against what's going to happen on it this year :( I'll love it when I have someone to celebrate it with.

5th February 2007, 01:26
I am single.

I plan to get extremely drunk on this day so I don't remember it :p :

oily oaf
5th February 2007, 07:33
the simple answer is DONT do anything for valentines day if thats the way you feel tell your other half as i did mine i dont want anything apart from his time!!! he shows me so often he loves me and tell me hundreds of times a day he loves me and i him!!!! at the end of the day some people like valentines day and some dont you will never change that!!

Its just the same with mothers/fathers day you dont need a special day to tell someone how you feel about them!!! :)

Blimey! Hundreds of times a day you say :eek:

Well fair play to ya missus but doesn't it make the conversation a tad stilted?

(cut to scene in kitchen where Hotbikerchic and Internet Boyfriend are seated at breakfast table)

HBC - Pass the ketchup. I love you

IBF - Tch! I love you

HBC - 'ere those Eastend boys are such a laugh ain't they? I love you

IBF - You're not wrong mate and they're also extremely good looking and well endowed too. I love you

(awkward silence ensues)

IBF - I'm not gay you know. I love you

HBC - Of course not dear. I love you

IBF - Righto love thanks for brekkie I'm just off for a quick clearout before work. I love you

HBC - Yeah well dont forget to flush this time only you left a floating Richard in the chodbin last night that was so long I 'ad to break it up with a golfclub. I love you.

IBF - Well perhaps if you put a bit more roughage in me diet I wouldn't have to struggle so much for a nipsy I love you

HBC - Dont you start moaning about my cooking you git. I slave away over a hot stove just to give you the best fare that Aldi can provide. I love you

IBF - Give it a bleedin' rest for Gawds sake. I love you

HBC - Dont you talk to me like that you dozy cow son. I love you

IBF - Sod this I'm off down the gay b.......... er boozer. I love you

HBC _ Yeah well dont bovver coming back you idle tosser. I love you

IBF - Result! I love you

HBC - Scumbag! I love you

IBF- Fartface! I love you

HBC- Bender! I love you.


(HBC picks up cat and drop kicks it from 12th storey window)

HBC - Tiddles What have I done? I love you :(

(curtain falls)

5th February 2007, 09:40
Blimey! Hundreds of times a day you say :eek:

Well fair play to ya missus but doesn't it make the conversation a tad stilted?

(cut to scene in kitchen where Hotbikerchic and Internet Boyfriend are seated at breakfast table)

HBC - Pass the ketchup. I love you

IBF - Tch! I love you

HBC - 'ere those Eastend boys are such a laugh ain't they? I love you

IBF - You're not wrong mate and they're also extremely good looking and well endowed too. I love you

(awkward silence ensues)

IBF - I'm not gay you know. I love you

HBC - Of course not dear. I love you

IBF - Righto love thanks for brekkie I'm just off for a quick clearout before work. I love you

HBC - Yeah well dont forget to flush this time only you left a floating Richard in the chodbin last night that was so long I 'ad to break it up with a golfclub. I love you.

IBF - Well perhaps if you put a bit more roughage in me diet I wouldn't have to struggle so much for a nipsy I love you

HBC - Dont you start moaning about my cooking you git. I slave away over a hot stove just to give you the best fare that Aldi can provide. I love you

IBF - Give it a bleedin' rest for Gawds sake. I love you

HBC - Dont you talk to me like that you dozy cow son. I love you

IBF - Sod this I'm off down the gay b.......... er boozer. I love you

HBC _ Yeah well dont bovver coming back you idle tosser. I love you

IBF - Result! I love you

HBC - Scumbag! I love you

IBF- Fartface! I love you

HBC- Bender! I love you.


(HBC picks up cat and drop kicks it from 12th storey window)

HBC - Tiddles What have I done? I love you :(

(curtain falls)

God for a 51 yr old you sure do act more like an 5 yr old! :(
I feel sooooooooooooo sorry for your other half she needs a medal to put up with you!! :D

5th February 2007, 11:22
I got a sudden deja vu. Last time it was Gordon Guru vs. Oily though... :D

5th February 2007, 12:03
God for a 51 yr old you sure do act more like an 5 yr old! :(
I feel sooooooooooooo sorry for your other half she needs a medal to put up with you!! :D

medals the least she deserves :D

5th February 2007, 13:51
As it's our wedding anniversary on Valentines Day we've both booked the day off work.

I think we're going bowling during the day & are off out for a meal (indian) on the evening. Just got to get through the first week in my new role first! :s

5th February 2007, 13:54
the Ronan Keating song ' if tomorrow never comes '

Acutally it's a Garth Brooks song, Keating covered it & while it's not a bad cover it's not brilliant either.

oily oaf
5th February 2007, 16:51
God for a 51 yr old you sure do act more like an 5 yr old! :(
I feel sooooooooooooo sorry for your other half she needs a medal to put up with you!! :D

Blimey love you're not the first person to say that. My old woman's been echoing your sentiments for years ;)

Mind you I think you're being a bit unkind to 5 year olds to be fair :D

Fair play to you for putting up with my mickey taking without blowin' a gasket.

You must have the patience of a saint...........A bit like my missus really :cool:

oily oaf
5th February 2007, 16:54
I got a sudden deja vu. Last time it was Gordon Guru vs. Oily though... :D

I'm afraid the news is not very encouraging on the GG24 front Woody.

But that's a story for another day ;)

(lights pipe and dives under table at sound of passing police car)

5th February 2007, 17:03
What DID you do to her, Oily?
She has not been seen in these parts for ages and she used to be everywhere!

oily oaf
5th February 2007, 17:13
What DID you do to her, Oily?
She has not been seen in these parts for ages and she used to be everywhere!

Sorry darlin' if I told you that I'd have to kill you ;)

Ian McC
5th February 2007, 19:21
What DID you do to her, Oily?
She has not been seen in these parts for ages and she used to be everywhere!

She is locked in his basement, and it appears there is room for plenty more ;)

5th February 2007, 20:06
I have nothing against showing a bit more of love in one special day.

But what irritates me more about Valentines day is the dreadful commercial who make clear that if you don't spend big then it mean you don't love her/him :rolleyes: and worst of all some people that actually buy the idea and get into huge fights when the BF/GF wanted more than some roses :s , that's why never cared about this day, now that I'm single or when I had a girlfriend

And it's even worse here where the cards/gift industry has managed to force us to celebrate "love day" 3 times a year!!!

speedy king
5th February 2007, 20:49
Luckily i have a caring partner who knows how skint i am so im excused...... apparently....i better still get something as these are females and we know how they work... :p :

5th February 2007, 23:06
I am single.

I plan to get extremely drunk on this day so I don't remember it :p :

oh my god, can I come over? we should start on the 13th and bleed the celebration into three days. no risk of encountering happy couples that way.

5th February 2007, 23:23
p.s. this will be my Valentine's Day dinner


definitely froot loops. those have served me well all through college, whether i was single or in a relationship

speedy king
6th February 2007, 00:49
We don't need Forum Match Maker 2007 do we?? :p :

6th February 2007, 13:43
oh my god, can I come over? we should start on the 13th and bleed the celebration into three days. no risk of encountering happy couples that way.

That's a brilliant idea, 72 hour drinking spree, I love the sound of that :p :

6th February 2007, 14:12
Hey vanillagirl, call me when you're finished so we can start a new spree...

:s mokin: