View Full Version : Rate the drivers of 2008.

30th September 2008, 01:40
Based only on their 2008 performances. Some have excelled and some have disappointed.





30th September 2008, 02:44
Hamilton - a lightning rod for controversy but undoubtedly best performer over the course of the season. Virtually a lock for the WDC.
Massa - not as consistent as his championship rival with stunning races (Hungary, Turkey, Valencia) mixed with some absolute shockers (Sepang, Silverstone). The best qualifier of the front runners.
Alonso - Has struggle with a recalcitrant R28 but as the weekend showed, the fire is still there and so is the speed.
Vettel - The story of the season for me. Has punched well above his car's weight in the latter part of the season. Will be in a top team sooner rather than later.
Kubica - Started well but has faded as his car has faded. Still an imense talent who will probably be fighting for wins for many years to come.

Webber - Still a one lap wonder but has shown that when the car stays together he can get a good result. A solid season but I think he'll have his hands full with Vettel next season.
Trulli - The other one lap wonder on the grid. I thought he had left the Trulli Train behind with some great drives this year and then came Singapore. The Train was back with a vengence.
Heidfeld - Never rated him and this season has given me little to change that opinion. Thrashed by his teammate, his days at the front of the grid are numbered.
Raikkonen - What a disaster! I can't think of a worse title defence since Hill in '97 and he had the excuse of a rubbish car. The Finn has got the best car under him and has done virtually nothing with it.
Rosberg - I've thought Rosberg was good, but never great. He's struggled for most of the year with a rubbish car but Singapore was a fantastic drive so there's hope for the boy yet.

Glock - A pleasant surprise. He's been getting better as the year goes on which is all you can ask of a young driver. I don't think he's at the level of Hamilton or Vettel but he's certainly shown that he belongs in F1.
Button - Is he still racing?
Barrichello - Time to call it a day Rubens.
Fisi - Why does this guy drive crappy cars so well and great cars so poorly? I think he's an asset to Force India but he's one of the most puzzling drivers to come along in the last decade or so.
Bourdais - Has had his arse handed to him by Vettel but I think he's done enough to secure a drive for next year.

Kovalainen - Like Raikkonen, a very poor showing. The gifted win in Hungary doesn't overshadow the fact that he's got the second best car on the grid and has done very little with it.
Coulthard - Should have retired a year ago. His 2008 has been a crash-strewn mess.
Piquet - Out of his depth. The car's not good which may excuse his struggles but I wouldn't be surprised if Flavio dumps him.
Nakajima - I'm not really sure how to rate this one. Poor qualifier yet seems to quitely move up the field during the race to be near the points at the finish. I don't think he's done enough to warrant a drive without the help of Toyota's backing.
Sutil - Another driver who's days are numbered. If he wanted to get anywhere he needed to beat Fisichella consistently. He hasn't. Probably game over.

30th September 2008, 08:02
Well, as the Joker says, here we go:

- Raikkonen
Disappointed me bitterly. His victories at Malaysia and Spain were brilliant, but in the second half of the season, after he lost the French GP, he seems frustrated and not focused. I think that his mistakes will cost Ferrari the WCC.
- Massa
Fantastic. It is true that he had some bad races, but when he is godd, he is the best. In qualifying he is amazing, when leading he is untouchable and when not, usually he is cautious and avoids mistakes. In my opinion the team will cost him the WDC, however.
- Heidfeld
Solid, but nothing special.
- Kubica
Amazing. Very consistent and sometimes very fast.
- Alonso
He is IMO the best driver in F1 and in Singapore showed it again, but during the season he made many mistakes. Unlike Kimi Raikkonen, however, he remained motivated and this was finally rewarded in the night race :)
- Piquet jr.
I am sad for him, cause I liked him in junior formulas. He is not prepared for F1, however, or maybe not good enough. He is slow and makes too many mistakes. Still, at the German GP he remained calm and did well.
- Rosberg
Very good, but the car is not.
- Nakajima
Very dangerous! I will never forgive him Valencia. IMO he is a camikadze.
- Trulli
Like Heidfeld, solid, but nothing special.
- Glock
Surprised me, he is faster than I thought, but still IMO is not a huge talent.
- DC
Disappoiting. He is a very good driver and sould have retired earlier. He is not the driver he was.
- Webber
Like Trulli and Heidfeld IMO.
- Vettel
Amazing! Probably the best driver this year. Megatalent and very consistent and calm during races. His victory in Italy was brilliant.
- Bourdais
I think that the car is not well suited for him, because I think that he is a very good driver.
- Button & Barrichello
Can't say, the car is way too bad.
- the Fish and Sutil
moving chicanes and IMO Sutil loves to interfere with race favourites for some reason. I'd like him gone from F1.
- Hamilton
Better than last year, still too aggressive IMO, but in Singapore especially was very smart. His wet races are amazing.
- Kovalainen
Disappointed. He is simply not fast enough. Fortunately, manages to neutralize the damage which Kimi is creating to the WCC ;)

30th September 2008, 09:25
Hamilton / Massa



I am evil Homer
30th September 2008, 09:47
Hamilton / Massa



That's how i'd rank them bar Trulli who i;d put ahead of the Force India guys and Bourdais.

30th September 2008, 11:56
1) Massa / best driver at the moment and best as well as team player..

2) Alonso / Douple WDC an super all-round driver who needs to be a number one driver in his team.

3) Raikkonen / WDC and very fast ... when everything is ok. Kimi is like Alonso, he works best if he is number one driver in his team .. and feels 100% support from the team (maybe he should make "an Alonso" and go to Toyota :)

4) Hamilton a good driver (too "hot" sometimes) who still has a bit learn and who IS number one in his team, it's not that surprising that Alonso left a top team and went back to Renault.

5 - 8 Rosberg / Vettel / Kubica / Kovalainen ... all 4 has must still learn and needs one or two years in F1 - but every one of them can be world champion one day.

9 - 16 Trulli / Heidfeld / Fisi / Glock / Nakajima / Sutil / Webber / Piquet
(8 good drivers in that order)

17 - 18 Button / Bourdais (will see next year - if there will be any)

19 - 20 Barrichello / Coulthard (Thanks guys! for many nice racing moments but it's time to do other things).


30th September 2008, 13:36
The elite band of drivers is growing, and I don't think there is a standout - even Hamilton (!) as he is in a fantastic car with a poor team-mate, which makes it hard to compare:

Top line of drivers:

Hamilton, Massa, Alonso, Kubica, Vettel, Raikkonen (despite bad season)

Close behind:

Glock, Rosberg, Heidfeld, Trulli, Webber


Kovalainen, Piquet, Button, Bourdais, Barrichello, Coulthard, Fisichella


Sutil, Nakajima

30th September 2008, 13:47
The elite band of drivers is growing, and I don't think there is a standout - even Hamilton (!) as he is in a fantastic car with a poor team-mate, which makes it hard to compare:

Top line of drivers:

Hamilton, Massa, Alonso, Kubica, Vettel, Raikkonen (despite bad season)

Close behind:

Glock, Rosberg, Heidfeld, Trulli, Webber


Kovalainen, Piquet, Button, Bourdais, Barrichello, Coulthard, Fisichella


Sutil, Nakajima

Why is Piquet a better driver than Sutil and Nakajima?

No, wait, why is Button better than Sutil and Nakajima? This is the right question!

30th September 2008, 14:20
Malllen, do those gaps after each five drivers indicate that you have divided them into four groups? :p : Seems like quite a good grouping, although there is always room for extra debate.

Hamilton - hopefully Singapore GP indicated he is becoming a more level-headed and complete driver, which has so far been his biggest weakness, especially when he has been compared to previous F1 benchmarks.
Alonso - Consistent, smart, quick racer. What else do you need? The main weakness may indeed be that he does't feel comfortable alongside a quick team-mate, otherwise he's doing great.
Kubica - Mr Consistency. Beating Heidfeld in a way no-one else has in the past managed.
Vettel - seems among the most promising future stars, but the difference with Hami is that he is not so reckless and doesn't play on the limit in everything (including rules).
Massa - his ability to learn and adapt has been seriously impressive and the guy seems like a hard-worker together with mentor MS. He is gradually destroying all the negative myths about him (can't drive without TC, on street circuits, in the wet, overtake or race well from the back). Although at times he may be clumsy, he has gradually been capable of working on his weaknesses consistently. He has been able to totally change his attitude in order to become a genuine championship contender if we compare Sepang (I'm going to do anything to win -> spin) and Belgium (a mature approach to secure big points).

Webber - In the Williams days he seemed kinda inconsistent, but during the Red Bull period he has become a more complete driver, a consistent challenger, who rarely makes mistakes. 2009 alongside Vettel will be decisive for him, although I'm afraid he'll never get a chance in a top team.
Trulli - has often proved that despite the famous myth about him not being able to race he has been capable of doing it very nicely. At times his performances may not be satisfying, but no-one performs always greatly, so no shame. Interestingly, in several ways a similar driver to Webber, and has also never got chance in a genuine top car. It would be fun to see them in the same team. :D
Räikkönen - raw pace is very good, but his level as a "complete driver" is under question. Don't really get it, why he has been making so many mistakes this year. The beginning of the season was promising, but since then everything has gradually gone worse.
Heidfeld - funnily I have rated him on a similar level with Räikkönen throughout his career and again they are here together in their worst seasons. A reliable point-scorer, who recently has managed to raise his game in qualifying, so maybe there is hope for a better 2009, which - like for many others - will be a very decisive year.
Rosberg - Has made some mistakes and been a bit inconsistent, but I still think he has a lot of potential, especially I rate his qualifying pace very highly and in this area I think he may well be a top dog.
Glock - the second underrated Toyota guy. A hard-working driver, who is improving with every race after being almost written off at the start of the year. I'm seriously impressed with him, because he has started harassing Trulli in qualifyings (something even Alonso struggled to do) and in races he is impressing even more - who knows, maybe he'll turn into a top driver, after all?! Seems to have been able to minimize the amount of mistakes he was making in the first half of the year. I'm already starting to worry that he may end Trulli's career in 2009 with his great driving. :p :

Button - his motivation is lacking at Honda. I still think he has potential for more, although it looks like his career is destined to end with Honda.
Kovalainen - Huh, I'd like to believe he is better than that, after all the second half of 2007 in a Renault was quite impressive. He was a consistent point-scorer and back then didn't seem to have a problem with race pace, taking a great P2 at Fuji. A Finnish version of Fisichella - promise in a midfield team ends with a disappointment in a top team.
Barrichello - I don't know if it's his last year, but he has driven a respectable season, especially as he was written off after 2007. Currently probably a bit underrated and overlooked driver, I think.
Fisichella - start of the season was brilliant, recently hasn't been that spectacular. But with his experience a perfect driver for a team like Force India.
Bourdais - Shines at times, but seems inconsistent and for an unknown reason struggles to adapt to the car. Don't really know, what to make of him. A comparison with another team-mate would give us more answers
Sutil - Brilliant in the wet, inconsistent in dry. A bit like Jos Verstappen, to be honest. Struggled badly in qualifying in the beginning of the year, but has generally started matching Fisi in the second half.
Nakajima - First half of the year was promising, he hasn't quite improved in the second half, becoming a slight disappointment. Unlike some I don't think he is a "kamikaze", but quite a consistent driver - his main problem is lack of pace (especially quali).

Coulthard - I maintain my opinion that he has been given one season too much, which alas hasn't done any good to his reputation at all. On the plus side at times he has been quite close to Webber in qualifying.
Piquet - would like to see him getting replaced for 2009. Can't get through Q1 too often and also crashes too often. A couple of decent drives over a full season do not make up all that.

30th September 2008, 14:44

30th September 2008, 14:58

30th September 2008, 21:07
Ioan, I wanted to mention that I'm surprised you put Hamilton as a joint best in your ranking. ;) If I remember correctly, his placing was 10th a year ago in a similar list of your's. :p :

30th September 2008, 23:58
My 2penneth

Sebastien Vettel - driver of the year - he's just got better and better. Very quick, mistake free in the second half of the year.

Lewis Hamilton - put another 6 points on his championship for Spa and you have a better reflection of how he's driven. Still aggressive and he must never lose that aggression. It's what separates him and also makes him so spectacular to watch. Whilst he's a tough racer, I don't recall him putting anyone in the wall a la Senna, Schumacher etc. I think he's seriously flattered the Mclaren this year.

Timo Glock - He's hung on to Trulli in qualifying and his race pace is fantastic. Delivered some great results in average machinery with limited experience.

Robert Kubica - Still a championship contender and just look what he's done to Heidfeld in qualifying. A great future champion and I look forward to the battles he and Hamilton will have in the future.

Fernando Alonso - Dog of a car, some good results.

Felipe Massa - When he's good, he's very very good. At Silverstone he was bloody awful. I can't help but feel that he's lucked into a Ferrari that really suits him. Watching the in car camera when he's on form, he seems to be driving well within the car but when the conditions are difficult he just hasn't impressed. You can't argue with the results though - second in the championship.

Heikki Kovalainen I think he's been unlucky (Safety cars) and is probably a reflection of where the car actually is. Occasionally very very fast when he gets the car dialled in, especially in the wet which is a good sign. Expect big things in 2009.

Seb Bourdais Take Vettel out of the equation and you'd be seriously impressed with some of the results he's delivered in the Torro Rosso. Definately deserves to stay in F1.

Nick Heidfeld His race pace has been good but has qualified poorly and Kubica is starting break his head.

Jarno Trulli Good qualifying pace, but I get so frustrated with him going heavy on fuel when he's so quick in a light car. This guy could be so so good but just seems a bit flat.

Mark Webber - Great in qualifying as usual. Outqualifies the car as usual and has nowhere he can go from there really. Seems to be going for bing remembered as the unluckiest driver since Chris Amon. Singapore was just cruel...

Jenson Button Just a bloody dreadful car. It's a total dog and he's done well not to give in.

Rubens Barrichello See above! Awful car he and Button should both be at the front of the grid.

Nico Rosberg - Very quick some weeks, anonymous the next. When he's quick I never get the impression he understands why he was quick.

Kimi Raikkonen - Has completely failed to grasp the Ferrari's handling - when he gets the tyres dialled in he's up there and on the pace, but has now binned it twice in three races, late on in the race which makes me question his fitness. His performance at Monza was the worst I've seen from him. For someone with such incredible car control and talent, I'm disappointed he's not found an answer to the tyres and Massa.

David Coulthard - One year too many sadly but Canada was a reminder why experience is good...

Adrian Sutil - Doesn't have a hope in hell in the equipment but has been impressively close to Fisichella and his performance at Monaco was a great reminder of what he can do.

Giancarlo Fisichella - As usual he's delivered some giant killing performances in a dreadful car but we now know he's not equipped to lead a front running team - easily flustered when his team mate is quicker.

Kazuki Nakajima - Quick in between accidents. Seen continuous improvement over the year but nothing astounding.

Nelson Piquet - SUCH a disappointment. Has totally failed to get to grips with the car and should have done so much more. I don't think Renault are helping him enough either. Could do so much better. He has three races to show what pace he really has - give up with the heavy fuel load nonsense and fuel it light and show some raw pace in an attempt to save a career.

Outside the sport, there's not many making a great case for an F1 drive. Bruno Senna is a rough diamond in the making, Di Grassi is no better than Piquet. Pantano has been there and failed. I would dearly love to see Adam Carrol in there though.

1st October 2008, 00:19
Ioan, I wanted to mention that I'm surprised you put Hamilton as a joint best in your ranking. ;) If I remember correctly, his placing was 10th a year ago in a similar list of your's. :p :

Maybe I'm not as bad as some like to believe?! ;)

1st October 2008, 02:50
A few years ago I wrote a formula to determine the relative effort of the drivers. Suffice to say, it's hideously complex and requires results of both the Drivers Championship, Constructors Championship, the Deconstructors Championship and the Undrivers Championship, the applies a weighting to all of them. The results are really bizarre:

+87 Sutil
+73 Vettel
+61 Fisichella
+59 Barrichello
+41 Hamilton
+40 Alonso
+32 Massa
+30 Webber
+28 Button
+27 Bordais
+24 Piquet
+20 Coulthard
+20 Rosberg
+17 Trulli
+17 Nakajima
+15 Davidson
+13 Glock
+10 Kubica
+05 Sato
-01 Raikkonen
-05 Heidfeld
-30 Kovalainen

Basically in broad terms it suggests that Raikkonen, Heidfeld and Kovalainen have been relatively underperforming and that in particular Vettel has outdriven his car.

Mind you, it does tend to reward drivers whose cars are crap. Massa for instance would only rise to +42 if his car had totally shat itself instead of being classified in the results. Sutil on the other hand leads because he's successfully been shoddy in every race.

Big Ben
1st October 2008, 10:01
WDC material:

Alonso, Hamilton, Vettel, Massa, Kubica, Raikkonen (more for old times sake)

pretty bad:


Mediocre (by F1 standards of course):

the rest of them

1st October 2008, 19:16