View Full Version : Swedish twins attempt suicide via carriageway.

26th September 2008, 18:38

They have both recovered. I'm just left wondering when I can get their numbers. :p

27th September 2008, 06:52
I watched that the other night. They were obviouslyt high on drugs. You don't get run over by on the motorway twice ans stil try to fight to the Police. The other one got his try a truck and she was still trying to fight them. Crazy. :s

Dave B
27th September 2008, 11:57
I was struck (no pun intended) by the fact that one of them got one day in prison as punishment for endangering so many lives :s

27th September 2008, 19:51
Who'da thunk it! If you saw it happen in a movie you'd harrumph in disbelief.

28th September 2008, 21:11

They have both recovered. I'm just left wondering when I can get their numbers. :p

What interesting taste in women you have!

29th September 2008, 21:29
I saw the full uncut version on a cop TV show recently, managed to track it down..

Must warn you tho, its pretty graphic!


Crazy bitches, wonder what drugs they were on.. it needed 6 police orificers to get one of them into the van.

Still interested GloomyDAY? :D

Langdale Forest
6th October 2008, 19:14
One on the most stupidest things I have ever seen!

7th October 2008, 10:42

They have both recovered. I'm just left wondering when I can get their numbers. :p
Have you tried 911...er...112 for their number? :)