View Full Version : Damn you, you forest killing appartment building

1st February 2007, 17:37
Lately i've been forced to think about relationship between nature and suburbs. The area (Hervanta for the Finns) i've lived since 2000 has transformed from a relatively sparsely built area to a much tighter environment. There is an older dense appartment bulding area here, but especially around the areas i use had lots of small forest islands. Now they are almost all gone and replaced by atleast 25 appartment buildings.

I liked the area because of the trees and such and have begun to hate the very common construction sites that plague my normal routes to the shops. :)

I still have a good view from my balcony over a forest where there is little man made structures in sight. But i fear that will be ruined in ten years time.

How do you people see land developement?

1st February 2007, 18:22
YEAH!! Screw the wetlands!! We need MORE stripmalls with 50% occupancy!! We musn't rest until every street intersection in the world has a CVS, a Walgreens and a Rite Aid on it. The squirrels can bugger off!!

1st February 2007, 18:44
The area (Hervanta for the Finns) i've lived since 2000

One advice...get out of there as soon as you can...Hervanta phew.... :p :

1st February 2007, 20:12
Come now, monsieur Jippo, Hervanta is the best suburb in Finland. Hesari said so. ;)

1st February 2007, 21:22
Isn't Pirkkala Hervanta's America?

2nd February 2007, 11:55
Dunno, but Hervanta is Finland's Monaco. :D

Mark in Oshawa
2nd February 2007, 16:12
Well, I have never seen a picture of Hervanta, but if I know how construction works in most suburbs, they strip away a lot and put up apartments, or in Canada, build miles of streets of little box houses on little lots with no trees....

Suburb life is kind of artificial and not nature friendly. It is only when the buildings have been there a while and the trees have time to fill in does the neighbourhood get any character....

I would move maybe....but then again, I cant say much. I live in a faceless subdivision of little box houses myself..lol...

5th February 2007, 01:22
Start buying property there if you can, seems like it will get more expensive and you can make a bomb ;)

There are plans to build a brand new town where I live, not too far away infact. The only thing that would bother me is the fact the infrastructure could probably not take it, hopefully they will sort that out...