View Full Version : 2008 Dvd

23rd September 2008, 14:42
Both Amazon and Play.com have the 2008 review DVD down for release on November 10th RRP £19.99. It's just listed as a single disc at the moment, but that will hopefully change. Fingers crossed there aren't any production problems with the discs this year...

24th September 2008, 12:11
After last years problems I don't think I'll bother..... By the time I would have got the discs sorted the new season started.

10th October 2008, 18:48
More details on the 2008 DVD


7 hours and 33 minutes of coverage on two discs! All for £19.99, great value :D

10th October 2008, 21:19
looks great - I hope it gets sorted before Christmas this year...

10th October 2008, 22:54
Hopefully no repeat cock up of last year when we got two disc 2s no disc 1.

10th October 2008, 23:32
Hopefully no repeat cock up of last year when we got two disc 2s no disc 1.

Yeah... was a problem with the disc producers on the first production run. Duke did replace the disc free of charge though.

Anyway, the DVD is now listed as a 2-disc release running at 453 minutes (that's about 1/2 hour longer than last year's).

11th October 2008, 00:57
Personally whilst more minutes is better, sometimes I'd like it if they did a quick 20-30 minute rundown on the season as well, as a bonus.

19th October 2008, 04:32
It's on sale at Amazon at £14.99 according to an e-mail I received last week and free delivery

20th October 2008, 17:40
After last years problems I don't think I'll bother..... By the time I would have got the discs sorted the new season started.

To be fair that's the first time anything like that has happened in the 19 years that Duke have been making the Season Review.

Mp3 Astra
27th October 2008, 13:12

Some people were upset that last year's cover may have had 2 cars (although, in the end, it didn't). Be upset again! :D

28th October 2008, 09:04
I don't know why people should be upset about it, if that is the worst thing on the DVD and the coverage is top draw, then I think you should be satisfied, don't judge a DVD by its cover!

28th October 2008, 12:19
I hope they put some bonus features in it....

28th October 2008, 15:48
That front cover piccie is very similar to one i took, with just a bit of crop and rotation...


28th October 2008, 16:37
Slightly different angle, but yeah pretty much!

28th October 2008, 20:50
New cover, complete with the blue "2008 theme" logo:

Alfa Fan
28th October 2008, 20:51
Good cover. Quite similar to the 07 one. Gio's car followed by his nearest rival(s)

28th October 2008, 21:49
I like the picture with the sparks but the fact is says '7 HOUR OFFICIAL REVIEW' is a bit worrying seeing as they said it would be 7 1/2 hours long....

13th November 2008, 13:46
Has anyone watched it yet? It's pretty much like the ITV1 highlights but there seems to be a good mix of race action and interviews.

El Sween
16th November 2008, 23:55
Got my copy but not watched it yet. Come to think of it I still have not watched the 2007 review......

17th November 2008, 12:45
I have watched the first disc.. The only non-commentary mistake I noticed is in the driver and teams introduction at the start of the disc...

Apart from that, it has good race coverage plus they have left some interviews.

My only dislike is the gap between meetings.. Must only be a couple of seconds.. It gives the impression that it is all rushed. No time to take a breather between meetings.

17th November 2008, 13:49
My only dislike is the gap between meetings.. Must only be a couple of seconds.. It gives the impression that it is all rushed. No time to take a breather between meetings.

Press pause! :p :

17th November 2008, 14:54
Press pause! :p :
Can't do that! That means I will have to put my beer down first! :s

17th November 2008, 19:49
All the more time to watch the action then...

17th November 2008, 21:30
I liked it as there was no boring bits and loads of racing just what you want. Well worth £12.99.