View Full Version : Dunlop Great and British Motor Festival

21st September 2008, 23:02
Does anyone know if the is a previsional timetable for this weekend coming? Just need to know when the pickups are racing because i may only be able to make it on Saturday.......also, ticket prices for kids......any info on that would be good, I hope it's 15 and under go free........

Forum looks very quiet now so I hope everyone is keeping well :)
John (R3ROK)

22nd September 2008, 07:32
Provisional timetable available on the BARC site http://www.barc.net/competitors/race_timetables/hq0841-01.php ;)

22nd September 2008, 08:54
Provisional timetable available on the BARC site http://www.barc.net/competitors/race_timetables/hq0841-01.php ;)

Thanks for that Jordygirl :)