View Full Version : Greg Moore "fantasy" Marlboro Team Penske

21st September 2008, 05:10
http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/th_DSCN1413.jpg (http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/DSCN1413.jpg)
http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/th_DSCN1412.jpg (http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/DSCN1412.jpg)
http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/th_DSCN1411.jpg (http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/DSCN1411.jpg)
http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/th_DSCN1410.jpg (http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i7/chapparreldiecast/DSCN1410.jpg)

This diecast was the latest produced. It is highly requested but I always get a sick knot in my gut everytime we do one.
To think how good this kid would have been,,,

21st September 2008, 10:17
He'd probably have at least one championship by this time compared to Helio.

21st September 2008, 18:40
I have often wondered how the second half of 'the split' would have played out had Greg not died...

21st September 2008, 18:54
Not sure. I know Moore was't 'legally' binded to Penske but was going there the next season. If he signed a 4 year deal, he would have to had broken his contract to remain with Cart. Greg wasn't that type of guy and probaby would have gone with Roger into the IRL.

Remember he was leaving Forsythe which would have been the top place for him to race.

21st September 2008, 18:56
As always, great work! That's a beautiful piece of (true) art.

21st September 2008, 19:04
Not sure. I know Moore was't 'legally' binded to Penske but was going there the next season. If he signed a 4 year deal, he would have to had broken his contract to remain with Cart. Greg wasn't that type of guy and probaby would have gone with Roger into the IRL.

Remember he was leaving Forsythe which would have been the top place for him to race.

wasn't Moore to penske a done deal......If I remember correctly there was even some promo photos done with him in marlboro gear?

I'm seriosly not trying to stir the pot here....much to much respect for Greg for that

hindsight being 20/20 it's clear penske would have ended up in the IRL....I just often wonder with a canadien driver and CART having the canadien events would roger hedged his bet a bit and ran cars and drivers in both series or left CC a year or two later.....perhaps altering the events that surrounded the last 6 or 8 years...

who knows..... I was there the day Greg died...I miss him....he was one of the good guys for sure...

anyone else remember the footage of him playing "31" with his crew during the rain delay at Elkhardt lake?

21st September 2008, 22:59
Just wondering if anyone knows - would Moore have used 99 after he switched teams or would he have used a "traditional" Penske number like 2 or 3?

22nd September 2008, 02:17
That's quite stunning to see after all these years. It looks brilliant on one level and somewhat eerie on another. I'm sure Moore fans are grateful for it nonetheless!

Not sure. I know Moore was't 'legally' binded to Penske but was going there the next season. If he signed a 4 year deal, he would have to had broken his contract to remain with Cart. Greg wasn't that type of guy and probaby would have gone with Roger into the IRL.

I think Moore had signed on the dotted line with Penske. AFAIK, it was a done deal. That meant Moore would have been running in the IRL, whether he wanted to or not. On another note, from some of the recollections of the fatal incident, I've heard some mention that Penske, the oldest war-horse of them all, was amongst the most shaken.

Just wondering if anyone knows - would Moore have used 99 after he switched teams or would he have used a "traditional" Penske number like 2 or 3?

This is just a guess but... Unlike many drivers in modern day open wheel, Moore's car number was strongly linked to his identity. I would have guessed that 99 was part of the Penske deal. The question I would have is: Would Moore have maintained 99 had he won a championship?

22nd September 2008, 02:27
I think Moore had signed on the dotted line with Penske. AFAIK, it was a done deal. That meant Moore would have been running in the IRL, ?

that's what I've always quietly wondered.... and of coarse we will never know...

but surely having a canadien driver and the canadien events being in CART would have made the decision to switch a bit tougher...

than again perhaps we would have seen Toronto become an IRL event much sooner...

who knows....again... i miss him

22nd September 2008, 03:39
but surely having a canadien driver and the canadien events being in CART would have made the decision to switch a bit tougher...

than again perhaps we would have seen Toronto become an IRL event much sooner...

An interesting point made here. I specifically recall Moore claiming to have no aspirations to drive in F1! This wasn't typical for a Canadian driver. Moore, at least early in his career, was unequivocally a CART\Indycar guy. He lost out on a shot at Indy for obvious reasons so his take on the last years of CART and Penske's transition to the IRL would certainly have been interesting. At the very least, I'm certain he would have been torn by it.

22nd September 2008, 11:43
That's a great model and it brought a tear in my eye.

An interesting point made here. I specifically recall Moore claiming to have no aspirations to drive in F1! This wasn't typical for a Canadian driver. Moore, at least early in his career, was unequivocally a CART\Indycar guy. He lost out on a shot at Indy for obvious reasons so his take on the last years of CART and Penske's transition to the IRL would certainly have been interesting. At the very least, I'm certain he would have been torn by it.

Apparantly Frank Williams shown interest in Moore's rookie CART year.

Norbet Haug was a huge admirer of Moore also. He was one of the first to congratulate his win at Detroit '96. I remember Moore also being very appreciative of Haug/Mercedes Benz/Ilmor. He was the most admired driver who visited the Ilmor factory than any other driver in the late-90s.

I'm going to shed another tear...

22nd September 2008, 12:23
good to see the car in those colours.....peace.

22nd September 2008, 15:42
Norbet Haug was a huge admirer of Moore also. He was one of the first to congratulate his win at Detroit '96. I remember Moore also being very appreciative of Haug/Mercedes Benz/Ilmor. He was the most admired driver who visited the Ilmor factory than any other driver in the late-90s.

Mercedes was indeed interested in him. Afterall, I believe they did give him a race stint in the all-conquering GTR at Laguna Seca. Whether interest from F1 waned in the later years as he struggled with the driveability of the Ilmor, I'm not sure, but a test drive (a real one) sure would have been great to see.

22nd September 2008, 15:54
Mercedes was indeed interested in him. Afterall, I believe they did give him a race stint in the all-conquering GTR at Laguna Seca. Whether interest from F1 waned in the later years as he struggled with the driveability of the Ilmor, I'm not sure, but a test drive (a real one) sure would have been great to see.

Greg drove for Mercedes at the 1997 FIA race in Sebring. My wife and I got to go to that race. What a gas!!!!!! I spent about 15 minutes talking to Greg one on one. He was such a genuinely nice guy. To engage a fan for that long and show REAL interest in the conversation just blew me away.

My other favorite memory of him was at Mid Ohio. Long after all the other drivers had retired to their motorhomes or whisked away to a hotel, Greg sat on a table in the garage talking to the mechanics as they worked on his car. That spoke VOLUMES to his dedication to the team and the people who made that team work.

Greg we REALLY miss you! (Wiping away more than one tear.)


PA Rick
23rd September 2008, 14:08
Doesn't the car number usually belong to the team? The Players team usually used 99 and 33 and I assume Moore would have moved to a Penske number.

PA Rick
23rd September 2008, 14:08
Doesn't the car number usually belong to the team? The Players team usually used 99 and 33 and I assume Moore would have moved to a Penske number.

24th September 2008, 12:10
Only reason why Players used 99 was because of Moore - so when he moved on to Penske they would of used numbers 32 & 33 even if Moore had used numbers 2 or 3.

Mark in Oshawa
24th September 2008, 12:54
Greg is one of the great losses for Canadian racing, in many ways as great as Gilles. Greg would have gone to the IRL in a Penske with little remorse. Although he grew up road racing and was pretty apolitical, he loved Indy and as a kid,the 500 was his dream. I think if he had been with Penske he would have won a championship with Penske and I don't think an Indy win would have been out of the question. Greg loved ovals and he wasn't afraid of the speed either.

As for him keeping the 99, that was his number and he was a big hockey fan and that 99 was as much a homage to Gretzky as anything else. If Roger could live with the 99 on the nose, it would be there. Championship or not Greg was a loyalty guy. If that 99 was on the nose when he won a championship, he would be loathe to change it.....

25th September 2008, 00:19
A documentary on youtube has Greg saying he chose 99 because it was the only number available when he signed up to race karts!