View Full Version : New Member saying Hello!

1st February 2007, 12:24
Hi my name is Bev and i am new to this forum and just wanted to say hello i am a fan of both valentino and marco ;)

Have a nice day guys :) :) :)

1st February 2007, 12:47
Hi Bev, welcome to the forum!

1st February 2007, 13:08
:wave: Welcome

1st February 2007, 13:38
Hello Bev! Welcome! :)

1st February 2007, 13:40
Hello and Welcome :wave:

Ian McC
1st February 2007, 19:25
Welcome to the loony bin Bev :wave:

Enjoy your stay, please use the tin hat provided when entering the F1 forum and remember you can check out anytime but you can never leave ;)

1st February 2007, 19:32
Hello Bev, are you another 1 post & you're gone person ? :laugh:

1st February 2007, 20:16
hey there.. welcome to the forum..

1st February 2007, 20:39
OK, hot biker chic, let's make one thing clear: wanna ride? http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/r8dno1/aok/hand/00.gif

Oh, and hello welcome btw. :D

1st February 2007, 23:14
Welcome Bev, enjoy your stay here. :)

2nd February 2007, 08:03
thanks guys for all ur welcome messages!! :) its nice to feel wanted :D i think i should tell you abit about myself i am 40 and i live in lincolnshire and i am a big fan of both Valentino and Marco!!! :D :bounce:

2nd February 2007, 09:53
Hello enjoy your stay! If you stay around long enough it gets addictive, you've been warned, you might consider getting a life while you can ;)


2nd February 2007, 11:44
Hello enjoy your stay! If you stay around long enough it gets addictive, you've been warned, you might consider getting a life while you can ;)


Its ok i have a life and tend to keep it lol :laugh: :laugh:

2nd February 2007, 11:46
Hello Bev, are you another 1 post & you're gone person ? :laugh:

No i am not at all like that, i dont see the point in joining a forum if your not going to active all seems a waste of time to me! :(

So i will post of here when ever i can you'll soon get bored with me ;) :)

2nd February 2007, 12:06
g'day n welcome

2nd February 2007, 13:38
Hi my name is Bev and i am new to this forum and just wanted to say hello i am a fan of both valentino and marco ;)

Have a nice day guys :) :) :)

Hi Bev, and welcome!

oily oaf
2nd February 2007, 13:46
thanks guys for all ur welcome messages!! :) its nice to feel wanted :D i think i should tell you abit about myself i am 40 and i live in lincolnshire and i am a big fan of both Valentino and Marco!!! :D :bounce:

40 you say?

I do apologise love only judging by your somewhat flamboyant username I had you firmly ensconced in the 16 to 25 age bracket.

Yours faithfully

Lukewarmcarfixingolderpersonnotattempting toclingontoyouthbymyfingernails Oaf :s mokin:

2nd February 2007, 13:49
My Username is just a joke as i am NOT a Hotbikerchic just someone with a GSOH thats all!! ;) :) :rolleyes:

2nd February 2007, 14:10
You'll get to know Mr Oaf, Bev...

oily oaf
2nd February 2007, 14:16
My Username is just a joke as i am NOT a Hotbikerchic just someone with a GSOH thats all!! ;) :) :rolleyes:

You may indeed have a Gruesome Selection Of Heads love, but a word to the wise. I'd keep pretty shtum about it if I were you as there's some on here that would grass you up to Old Bill before you can say "Deranged Axe Murderer" know wot I mean?

( lights pipe and taps side of nose conspiratorially)

2nd February 2007, 14:26
No i am not at all like that, i dont see the point in joining a forum if your not going to active all seems a waste of time to me! :(

So i will post of here when ever i can you'll soon get bored with me ;) :)
It is good that you will be around, I have been reading your posts & I think you will fit-in nicely.
I enjoy your posts greatly & I look forward to seeing you post more.
I don't think we could ever get bored of you, clearly you have brought new life to the forum.
Let me add my welcome to the forum & encourage you to post as much as you want. :D :up:

2nd February 2007, 14:46
It is good that you will be around, I have been reading your posts & I think you will fit-in nicely.
I enjoy your posts greatly & I look forward to seeing you post more.
I don't think we could ever get bored of you, clearly you have brought new life to the forum.
Let me add my welcome to the forum & encourage you to post as much as you want. :D :up:

Thanks Stan for your kind comments! i will do my best to entertain you all :)

2nd February 2007, 14:53
Hey HBC33, welcome to the nuthouse! :D

2nd February 2007, 14:55
You may indeed have a Gruesome Selection Of Heads love, but a word to the wise. I'd keep pretty shtum about it if I were you as there's some on here that would grass you up to Old Bill before you can say "Deranged Axe Murderer" know wot I mean?

( lights pipe and taps side of nose conspiratorially)

Did someone forget to give you a Sense of Humour when you was born or have you lost it somewhere on the way?? :confused: :( :eek:

2nd February 2007, 15:07
Oily, don't go scaring off another one now mate! :mad:

oily oaf
2nd February 2007, 15:32
Oily, don't go scaring off another one now mate! :mad:

Moi? As if mate :andrea:
I dunno though Schmenky. You accuse a complete stranger of being a violent, physcotic sociopath with a penchant for decapitation that would make Jeffrey Dahmer blush and they get the ravin' hump about it :eek:

Personally I blame all this hormone replacement lark mate :(

2nd February 2007, 15:58
Moi? As if mate :andrea:
I dunno though Schmenky. You accuse a complete stranger of being a violent, physcotic sociopath with a penchant for decapitation that would make Jeffrey Dahmer blush and they get the ravin' hump about it :eek:

Personally I blame all this hormone replacement lark mate :(

oh you do, do is that why your such a miserable old boot then?? :(
and Dont worry NO ONE will scare me off!!! :p

oily oaf
2nd February 2007, 17:45
oh you do, do is that why your such a miserable old boot then?? :(
and Dont worry NO ONE will scare me off!!! :p

Sorry love I realise I've been a bit abrasive today but I went to the doctors this morning and he told me I've got a rare brain disorder that manifests itself by forcing me against my better judgement to rip the piss out of old people :(

(cackles maniacally and rushes off to Whitechapel Derby and Joan Club)

Ian McC
3rd February 2007, 00:08
Oily has already got one female forum member locked in his basement, maybe one is not enough ;)

Captain VXR
3rd February 2007, 08:34
Welcome Bev :up: .

3rd February 2007, 08:37
Sorry love I realise I've been a bit abrasive today but I went to the doctors this morning and he told me I've got a rare brain disorder that manifests itself by forcing me against my better judgement to rip the piss out of old people :(

(cackles maniacally and rushes off to Whitechapel Derby and Joan Club)

If your calling 40 old what the feck do you call 51 ancient???? :D
where you from anyway??? :confused:

3rd February 2007, 13:52
:wave: :wave: :wave: hello and welcome bev!

3rd February 2007, 16:09
Welcome Bev !! However with a user name such as that it would be nice if you could enclose a picture!!


oily oaf
3rd February 2007, 18:14
Welcome Bev !! However with a user name such as that it would be nice if you could enclose a picture!!


I've got a terrible feelin' that even an old reprobate and confirmed sleasebag such as yourself would end up bitterly disappointed Fousty ;)

oily oaf
3rd February 2007, 18:38
If your calling 40 old what the feck do you call 51 ancient???? :D
where you from anyway??? :confused:

I'm from the East End darlin'
I might be 51 but I've got 5 years of light heavyweight boxing and 25 years of bodybuilding in my CV so any time you fancy popping round with your internet BF for a little tete a tete, I'm your huckleberry :D

4th February 2007, 09:25
I'm from the East End darlin'
I might be 51 but I've got 5 years of light heavyweight boxing and 25 years of bodybuilding in my CV so any time you fancy popping round with your internet BF for a little tete a tete, I'm your huckleberry :D

Do you want a medal or something?? ;)
Maybe this explains lots of things :D :D :D

oily oaf
4th February 2007, 11:57
[quote="Hotbikerchic33"]Do you want a medal or something??
Maybe this explains lots of things

I'll ignore your highly comical and truly classy dig at fighters who have suffered brain damage in the ring and announce that I should like to call a halt to hostilities :)

Now I realise that you wouldn't break stride to pee on me if I were burning face down in the street and I in turn wouldn't bother crawling naked over 200 metres of broken glass to smell one of your farts. However a small matter has come to my attention that has prompted me to put personal animosity to one side and fly to your defence :)

The rather distressing thing is I have this morning received a small item of video footage that illustrates beyond any shadow of doubt that the man you have ensnared after months of trawling through seedy websites has been, how can I put this delicately?, giving someone else a portion :(

Yes indeed. While you have been sitting in front of your computer bashing out yet another insightful and thought provoking missive your old fella has been at it like a good un.

I hereby reproduce the damming evidence in all it's tawdry glory for you to see for yourself how ill used you have been. I know it's what you would want.

www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=1834081 (http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/play_uk.php?id=1834081)

Brace yerself though love. It's worse than you think :eek:

Thank me later

Your mate


4th February 2007, 14:13
oh you do, do is that why your such a miserable old boot then?? :( and Dont worry NO ONE will scare me off!!! :p


4th February 2007, 14:29
take you liked my answer agwiii every forum has one oaf is this forums!! :( :D

4th February 2007, 14:42
take you liked my answer agwiii every forum has one oaf is this forums!! :( :D

:D Yes Bev. It seems all "open" forums have a mixture of the odd moderator who has no clue, forum pets and sycophants, forum fools, a few genuine nasties, and someone who's always inappropriate.

I know of a few forums that are so heavily moderated that they have a distinct Fascist character. OTOH, I know of one forum with over 10,000 readers where the moderator never has to step in. I believe it's the character of the organization, and the organization culture. One of the other racing forums that many of us are on is simply a nasty black hole dominated by a self-righteous twit. I've never met him, but I would bet you a nice tall Sam Adams that's he's short. Be thankful we don't have that to deal with on this forum.

4th February 2007, 22:28
Im new here too. I am a big fan for Jaun Montoya and Lewis Hamilton

5th February 2007, 00:47
Hotbikerchic, you have come to the right forum. You say your name is a joke, but I don't believe it. You are being modest: you are hot; forty or not, you are hot! If you weren't, that word would not appear proudly in your user name. And more power to you my (I wish I were your) friend. Many men on this forum appreciate how rare and precious a hot forty year old woman is; some of us are even lucky enough to be married to one!

5th February 2007, 00:59
Is there any dominant person on this forum, agwiii, in your opionion, who drags the forum down, like the self-righteous twit does in the other one?

5th February 2007, 01:22
Georgeboi999, I must welcome you too to the forum. I hope you find our somewhat strange way of going about things to your liking. If your interest is physics, engineering, or aerodynamics, you will find some great threads, but you will have to wait. They tend to be few and far between. In between the hurl-fests between devotees of the different drivers. Often they start off-season, on subjects like why it took so long to perfect controlled flight, or why a golf-ball flies further with dimples. If these subjects interest you, you'll find opinions galore to chew over. And they'll have a Formula 1 bent. There are enough anoraks over there to keep a borderline anorak intrigued.

Just don't think of tying to compete with hotbikerchic! First, she's mine; second, you're in a different league.

5th February 2007, 01:43
Is there any dominant person on this forum, agwiii, in your opionion, who drags the forum down, like the self-righteous twit does in the other one?

Gannex, let's discuss this over a nice cold one of your choice. The quick answer is no, at least so far we are blessed with a pretty good mix. You're a wise man, to have a 40-something wife. Nothing - as you know - comes close to a woman in her 40s. Kudos to you!