View Full Version : Playstation 3 or Xbox 360?

19th September 2008, 03:03
I'm leaning towards the PS3.

1) Blu-ray player, so I can actually use my television.
2) Free online and the community is getting bigger/better.
3) Graphics will eventually beat out the Xbox.

And.....your off!

19th September 2008, 10:50
PS3 offcourse :D

19th September 2008, 11:56
You've already decided :p

360 if you're convinced you need high definition gaming or a Wii if you want the most fun you can find in a box :)

19th September 2008, 13:17
I'm not taken by the Wii but then I've always found Nintendo to be a bit crap.

I've got the xBox purely because I couldn't see much difference between that and the PS3 apart from the 360 being much cheaper at the time. Now that GT5 is out I sort of wish I had the PS3 but Forza 2 scratches the itch.

One problem with the xBox is that it's tempramental, it's already gone back to Microsoft once (oh yes the old 4 red light syndrome) the 2 years I've had it. Apart from that I can't see much difference between the 2 with the exception of Blu-ray which I don't really care about :)

19th September 2008, 13:25
The 360 is cheap (You can now buy an xbox 360 cheaper than a Wii) it has great on-line features and has great graphics and lots of games.

PS3 has blue ray. At the moment, other than watching movies the blue ray doesn't offer much more but games are getting bigger and bigger and soon enough the xbox 360's DVDs wont be big enough.

I bought my 360 as soon as it came out and I' more than happy with it thus far. I'm sure the 360 will become obsolete much sooner than the PS3.

19th September 2008, 13:44
I'm not taken by the Wii but then I've always found Nintendo to be a bit crap.

I've got the xBox purely because I couldn't see much difference between that and the PS3 apart from the 360 being much cheaper at the time. Now that GT5 is out I sort of wish I had the PS3 but Forza 2 scratches the itch.

One problem with the xBox is that it's tempramental, it's already gone back to Microsoft once (oh yes the old 4 red light syndrome) the 2 years I've had it. Apart from that I can't see much difference between the 2 with the exception of Blu-ray which I don't really care about :)

The Red Ring of Death has been sorted on new units for a while now and older units have a warranty for it now so the 360 is just as reliable as the Wii and PS3 :)

The 360 has just had a price fall so can be had quite cheaply even for the top of the range Elite model :)

Why do you not like the Wii? Not criticising or anything but almost everyone likes the Wii :p

The 360 will also work as a media extender which can be very useful :)

19th September 2008, 13:50
Why do you not like the Wii? Not criticising or anything but almost everyone likes the Wii :p

Lots of people like Eastenders and eating tomatos, lots of people are idiots :D

Only played it once and even though I was drunk I still didn't find it fun. In fact I don't even understand what's supposed to be fun about it apart from looking like a twat which I'm perfectly capable of on my own :D

19th September 2008, 14:07
Lots of people like Eastenders and eating tomatos, lots of people are idiots :D

Only played it once and even though I was drunk I still didn't find it fun. In fact I don't even understand what's supposed to be fun about it apart from looking like a twat which I'm perfectly capable of on my own :D
Sounds like your played Wii Sports :) You should play something like Star Wars The Complete Series which uses the control system quite well.

19th September 2008, 14:25
Wii consoles are for girls. Or families. The seemingly intuitive control system has revolutionised what people expect from how a game should be played, but it's just a shame that the games that exploit the control system are gimmicky at best. I've played a fair few Wii games and I still feel as though I'm manipulating an artificial set of controls to achieve a task - the interface doesn't feel as natural to me as it is probably intended.

PS3's have Blu-Ray, Xbox 360s don't. Other than that they are much of a muchness. I've got a full 1080p TV and that coupled with my PS3 does make for a rather fearsome gaming combination.

19th September 2008, 14:46
How can the control system be any better? hitting a tennis ball? Swing it likea tennis racquet! Baseball? Swing the wiimote like a baseball bat. Using a light sabre? Swing it like one! Mario Kart Wii is great as well. I was sceptical of using a steering wheel that wasn't attached to anything but it's great. Perhaps it's a bit different for me as I have a proper PC for serious gaming and a PS3 or a 360 would be a bit of an overlap for me.

19th September 2008, 15:22
I own both the PS3 and Xbox 360. While both are great machines, the PS3 is the better of the two. The Xbox 360 has a better games range, but the PS3 is catching up pretty quickly as far as game range goes.

The only down side of the PS3 is the consoles price, look past that and you wont be dissapointed.

P.S. My PS3 is running great with no problems so far, but the Xbox packed up shortly after purchase and had to be repaired under warranty. The salesman said it apparantly suffered from the "red ring of death", whatever that means, all I know is now she is a working again.

19th September 2008, 15:42
I own both the PS3 and Xbox 360. While both are great machines, the PS3 is the better of the two. The Xbox 360 has a better games range, but the PS3 is catching up pretty quickly as far as game range goes.

The only down side of the PS3 is the consoles price, look past that and you wont be dissapointed.

P.S. My PS3 is running great with no problems so far, but the Xbox packed up shortly after purchase and had to be repaired under warranty. The salesman said it apparantly suffered from the "red ring of death", whatever that means, all I know is now she is a working again.
Basically the cooling on the original 360's wasn't good so with many many cycles of heating up and cooling down the solder joints would break on the motherboard and you'd get your RROD. All sorted now as I said :)

19th September 2008, 16:52
I own both the PS3 and Xbox 360. While both are great machines, the PS3 is the better of the two. The Xbox 360 has a better games range, but the PS3 is catching up pretty quickly as far as game range goes.

The only down side of the PS3 is the consoles price, look past that and you wont be dissapointed.

P.S. My PS3 is running great with no problems so far, but the Xbox packed up shortly after purchase and had to be repaired under warranty. The salesman said it apparantly suffered from the "red ring of death", whatever that means, all I know is now she is a working again.

Price isn't a problem anymore, today you can buy a PS3 (80 GB version) for about £300, can't be cheaper than that ;)

19th September 2008, 16:59
Price isn't a problem anymore, today you can buy a PS3 (80 GB version) for about £300, can't be cheaper than that ;)

You can get a XBox 360 Elite (120gb) with 3 games here in the UK for £229 @ http://www.gamestation.co.uk/discountaddall.asp?discountid=474

19th September 2008, 17:01
P.S. My PS3 is running great with no problems so far, but the Xbox packed up shortly after purchase and had to be repaired under warranty. The salesman said it apparantly suffered from the "red ring of death", whatever that means, all I know is now she is a working again.

When my 360 went kaput I took it to the shop where I bought it and they said that they wouldn't accept any goods unless I had a reference from Microsoft purely because they were getting so many problems that Microsoft wouldn't refund them without having been contacted.

I phoned Microsoft and apart from the irritating accent and length of time on the phone it was all sorted nicely. They collected the console and it was returned in about 2 weeks, much quicker than the guy had told me it'd be.

The other problem I get is the thing compalining that discs are dirty, even though I treat them with the utmost respect. I suspect that there is the odd scratch as it only seems to happen on certain games. I also now keep the console off the floor and with an airflow underneath to try and keep it less dusty and cooler.

As for the Wii, only played Wii sports and it sucked so badly that I never want to play it again. Maybe the controller would be a bit better in a 1st person shooter but Nintendo's selection of games bites so hard that it'll never be a choice for me.

19th September 2008, 17:08
You can get a XBox 360 Elite (120gb) with 3 games here in the UK for £229 @ http://www.gamestation.co.uk/discountaddall.asp?discountid=474

You pay for what you get = rubbish :p :

19th September 2008, 17:38
You pay for what you get = rubbish :p :
Yes I would HATE to have an established online gameplay system which has been in operating for years and has had all the bugs ironed out and I would HATE to have the best selection of games available :p Your argument about more price = better is a complete fallacy. The only reason the PS3 is so expensive is because of Bluray and the Cell processor. The graphics chipsets on both consoles are about neck and neck so it's unlikely that the PS3 will have graphics that are better than those on the 360 but if you want to kid yourself that the Cell processor will mean better graphics then you're welcome :rotflmao:

Jan Yeo. Wii Sports is the free game you get with the Wii so you really shouldn't expect too much from it. It is to the Wii what tetris was to the original gameboy which is to say it's just a game to get you going if it was bought as a present and you didn't get a game with it. You can get FPS's like MOH and CoD3 for Wii. Not tried them tbh though. If you're not a fan of the motion sensingness of teh Wiimote there is always the classic controller which is just a standard controller with two joysticks and a bunch of buttons.

You can use the Wii to watch iPlayer videos from the BBC as well which is cool.

19th September 2008, 17:47
Daniel, how about you have to pay for playing online with Xbox, while it's free using a PS3 ? :p :

19th September 2008, 17:49
Daniel, how about you have to pay for playing online with Xbox, while it's free using a PS3 ? :p :
Ok lets use an analogy you'll understand

PS3 = free = Lada Samara
XBox 360 = pricey but good = Lancia Stratos HF

19th September 2008, 18:22
I love paying Wii and I'm not the kind of person that likes gaming. I know I wouldn't play a game on a PS3 or Xbox.

My other half has a Wii and a PS3 although to be honest the PS3 was only bought for its Blu-Ray function. I only got about 15 minutes into the only dvd I've watched on it but thought the graphics were great untill I fell asleep. Doh :)

19th September 2008, 18:29
Ok lets use an analogy you'll understand

PS3 = free = Lada Samara
XBox 360 = pricey but good = Lancia Stratos HFLOL (http://forums.clubrsx.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=312111&stc=1&d=1221791144)

19th September 2008, 18:31
Xbox 360 (Arcade version) is $199.99 here in the States. Makes the choice even more difficult since the Playstation 3 retails at $399.99. Maybe I should wait for a price drop from Sony to pick up a console. Thanksgiving & Christmas are not too far away, so the deals will be springing from everywhere.

19th September 2008, 18:51
Jan Yeo. Wii Sports is the free game you get with the Wii so you really shouldn't expect too much from it. It is to the Wii what tetris was to the original gameboy which is to say it's just a game to get you going if it was bought as a present and you didn't get a game with it. You can get FPS's like MOH and CoD3 for Wii.

Apart from I liked Tetris :D It wasn't just the game but the general feel of using the controller, especially if I just wanted to play COD on my own.


If you're not a fan of the motion sensingness of teh Wiimote there is always the classic controller which is just a standard controller with two joysticks and a bunch of buttons.

But if I'm just after a standard controller then the Wii is pointless because it's so far behind the other consoles in terms of the games I'm after :)

You can use the Wii to watch iPlayer videos from the BBC as well which is cool.

Cool but hardly a selling point as far as I'm concerned, my computer plays iPlayer too :)

I can see the attraction but I just didn't find it fun enough to be considered ahead of either the PS3 or 360

19th September 2008, 19:23
Xbox 360 (Arcade version) is $199.99 here in the States. Makes the choice even more difficult since the Playstation 3 retails at $399.99. Maybe I should wait for a price drop from Sony to pick up a console. Thanksgiving & Christmas are not too far away, so the deals will be springing from everywhere.
Yeah definitely worth waiting for a price drop. Do remember that the Arcade doesn't have a hard drive. Not necessarily a problem if you don't need a hard drive :)

20th September 2008, 18:12
Xbox 360 (Arcade version) is $199.99 here in the States. Makes the choice even more difficult since the Playstation 3 retails at $399.99. Maybe I should wait for a price drop from Sony to pick up a console. Thanksgiving & Christmas are not too far away, so the deals will be springing from everywhere.

The thing about the PS3 is that it hasn't really had much of a price drop so far. I bit the bullet and bought my PS3 shortly after it came out, otherwise I'd still be waiting for the price to come down. I think the reason it hasn't comes down to the desirability factor possibly. I'm totally biased but I just feel the PS3 is a better console.

It's reliable and seems pretty futureproof compared to the 360. There is more to Blu-Ray then just films as someone else said. I think if you can get over the price then the PS3 is the best bet. The wii isn't a real console is it?

22nd September 2008, 11:54
Price isn't a problem anymore, today you can buy a PS3 (80 GB version) for about £300, can't be cheaper than that ;)

Is over here at the moment. These are the specs with the prices I last saw in one of our gaming mags last month:

XBOX 360 60 GB = ZAR 2999 at some stores but mostly ZAR 3699
PS3 80 GB = ZAR 4999 at some stores but mostly ZAR 5699

We get ripped off in little old Africa :(

22nd September 2008, 18:48
Yeah definitely worth waiting for a price drop. Do remember that the Arcade doesn't have a hard drive. Not necessarily a problem if you don't need a hard drive :)

Never heard of the Arcade version? I thought only two versions were available: 360 and the 360 Elite, the latter with a bigger HD.

22nd September 2008, 18:56
Never heard of the Arcade version? I thought only two versions were available: 360 and the 360 Elite, the latter with a bigger HD.

360 is basic xBox, then you have the one which comes with the hard drive and usually a better bundle and the elite one which has some other s*** I don't know about :D I'm sure that Microsoft's Ad men would make that sound a lot better.

22nd September 2008, 19:14
Here you go Schmenke :)
