View Full Version : Pakistan ready to fire on U.S. troops...

16th September 2008, 18:51
The US is upset because Pakistan wants to defend its borders against US raids. How would they feel themselves if for example the Mexican military would make raids across the border to the US at will? Wouldn't they shoot back?


Report: Top U.S. Military Officer in Pakistan on Unannounced Visit With Senior Leaders

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Top U.S. Military Officer Adm. Mike Mullen flew to Pakistan Tuesday for an unannounced visit with senior leaders amid Pakistani orders to fire on U.S. troops conducting cross-border raids from Afghanistan, FOX News confirmed.

"The chairman is in Pakistan today for meetings with senior civilian and military leaders," Navy Capt. John Kirby, spokesman for the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Reuters.

The Pakistan's military ordered its forces Tuesday to take the offensive if U.S. troops launch another air or ground raid across the Afghan border, an army spokesman said Tuesday.

The orders, which come in response to a highly unusual Sept. 3 ground attack by U.S. commandos, are certain to heighten tensions between Washington and a key ally against terrorism. Although the ground attack was rare, there have been repeated reports of U.S. drone aircraft striking militant targets, most recently on Sept. 12.

Pakistani officials warn that stepped-up cross-border raids will accomplish little while fueling violent religious extremism in nuclear-armed Pakistan. Some complain that the country is a scapegoat for the failure to stabilize Afghanistan.

BTCC Fan#1
16th September 2008, 19:50
If this happens the US will be fighting it's own F-16's, which it sold to Pakistan a few years back..

16th September 2008, 20:06
If this happens the US will be fighting it's own F-16's, which it sold to Pakistan a few years back..

Who knows better about the F-16s' faults and weaknesses? The USA! Who made billions of dollars from selling it to them? The USA! Who will then probably go on to sell them more planes to make up for the destroyed ones? The USA!

16th September 2008, 20:49
Who knows better about the F-16s' faults and weaknesses? The USA! Who made billions of dollars from selling it to them? The USA! Who will then probably go on to sell them more planes to make up for the destroyed ones? The USA!

It's a win-win scenario. One American professor once wondered why Russia/Soviet Union sells/sold weaponry to Finland when they are the most likely be used against themselves, if they ever are going to be used. I replied that the Russians/Soviets were/are realists. If they don't sell weapons to Finland, somebody else will. So, if they are going to be killed anyway, they could at least take the money for it. He agreed it makes sense.

16th September 2008, 20:53
So what do people think about the result of the Italian Grand Prix?

16th September 2008, 21:02
So what do people think about the result of the Italian Grand Prix?

That the US has ****ed up the weather by causing a climate change, so it was raining in Monza, which caused unexpected results.

17th September 2008, 05:57
If this happens the US will be fighting it's own F-16's, which it sold to Pakistan a few years back..

Yeah, sometimes we have reality previously beyond our conception, that's God's plan..

17th September 2008, 13:09
The other side of the Bush Doctorine.

Pakistan has nukes, people are desperate for nucular war before they leave office. Such a shame to have been president for 8 years and not have used one little nuke in that time.

President Bush's departing present to the world, start another war the USA cannot win. How's that nailout working out?

20th September 2008, 21:08
If this happens the US will be fighting it's own F-16's, which it sold to Pakistan a few years back..

won't happen they have a chip incorporated that is not able to be removed. If they come at us our missiles just hone in and they are gone. Like the shoulder missiles in afghan- they defect if shot at us

20th September 2008, 22:28
It's a win-win scenario. One American professor once wondered why Russia/Soviet Union sells/sold weaponry to Finland when they are the most likely be used against themselves, if they ever are going to be used. I replied that the Russians/Soviets were/are realists. If they don't sell weapons to Finland, somebody else will. So, if they are going to be killed anyway, they could at least take the money for it. He agreed it makes sense.
it makes sense?

It makes more than cents, as in many dollars, rubles or whatever.

But it does not make sense, except in the world of Dr. Strangelove.

20th September 2008, 22:35
I don't think Pakistani forces would fire on U.S. troops.
Bush has actually been adhering to diplomatic reasoning lately, and thankfully.
This entire issue will most definitely be resolved with a fat check and swept under the rug.

21st September 2008, 03:31
won't happen they have a chip incorporated that is not able to be removed. If they come at us our missiles just hone in and they are gone. Like the shoulder missiles in afghan- they defect if shot at us

Tom Clancy?

21st September 2008, 03:54
it makes sense?

But it does not make sense, except in the world of Dr. Strangelove.

Acording to the Base comander in Dr. Strangelove, the Russians were after our "precious bodily fluids" :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

jim mcglinchey
21st September 2008, 18:45
Who bombed the Mariott??? Did the Pakistiranians need a reminder of whose side they are on?

21st September 2008, 19:19
Who bombed the Mariott??? Did the Pakistiranians need a reminder of whose side they are on?

Yeah, with political timimg as perfect as that.. who really bombed the Marriot?

Cynical.. who.. me??


22nd September 2008, 02:01
The US is upset because Pakistan wants to defend its borders against US raids. How would they feel themselves if for example the Mexican military would make raids across the border to the US at will? Wouldn't they shoot back?

Maybe a bad example. The Mexican military wouldn't need to make a raid. Heck, they're already pretty much free to come and go as they please. No need for guns or violence.

22nd September 2008, 03:22
The other side of the Bush Doctorine.

Pakistan has nukes, people are desperate for nucular war before they leave office. Such a shame to have been president for 8 years and not have used one little nuke in that time.

President Bush's departing present to the world, start another war the USA cannot win. How's that nailout working out?

The bailout is going great, thank you! I bought on Wednesday, sold on Friday, and put $11,000 in my pocket.

22nd September 2008, 15:00
Must be Tom Clancy.