View Full Version : Happy Birthday Leon

oily oaf
1st February 2007, 06:07
May your starched uniform remain vomit free and may Matron Hattie Jacques the patron saint of The Caring Profession smile down benignly upon you and your catheterising kit on this day of days :mad:

Happy Birthday mate.
You're one of the good guys :beer:

1st February 2007, 06:15
Thanks very much mate :)

Had to go to university today, but I got extra chocolate from my lecturer, and a piece of cake from some friends :)

I'm a fifth of a century old. That's a big number... ;)

1st February 2007, 07:28

1st February 2007, 07:33
Thanks :) But I'm not sure how I'll adjust to being old... ;)

Ian McC
1st February 2007, 08:28
I guess you know you've made it when Oily starts a birthday thread for you :s hock:

Guess this means you will get an invite to the RASDD ;)

have a good one :beer:

Brown, Jon Brow
1st February 2007, 09:09
appy birfday chump!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February is a good month to have a birthday ;)

1st February 2007, 09:21
Happy birthday Leon!

1st February 2007, 10:09
Ah that point in one's life when they are no longer a teenager :D

Many happy returns of your birthday Leon :beer:

I'll sink a cold one in your honour :up:

1st February 2007, 14:41
Happy Birthday!

Hazell B
1st February 2007, 15:41
Happy Birthday :up:

Trust me, twenty isn't old when you're looking down the barrel of 40 like me :mark: You're nar but a lad :p :

Ian McC
1st February 2007, 20:11
you're looking down the barrel of 40 like me

40 what? :uhoh:

1st February 2007, 21:25
Happy Birthday :beer:

1st February 2007, 22:54
Happy birthday LeonB! :)
Hope you have a great day! :up:

1st February 2007, 22:55
40 what? :uhoh:

I think she means that she's on the happy side of 40. Not quite an old hag yet :)


2nd February 2007, 05:18
Thanks everyone :)

I went to university on the day... but it was all right. I got a slinky, a pen and a Muse album from my mum, and I bought myself a computer :D

No idea what my brother has got me yet........

2nd February 2007, 05:36
I bought the computer for university, and I think it'll stay like that because Diablo II didn't work properly... :(

2nd February 2007, 11:44
Happy birthday leon

2nd February 2007, 12:03
:) Happy Birthday Leon hope you have a Great day mate and get loads of cards and presents and not to mention beer! ;) :D

4th February 2007, 06:26
Thanks everyone again :)

The main highlight was getting a new computer, which I paid for ( :( ) with the pay from my holiday job. But it's great - the processor is more than three times faster than the old computer, and it's got Windows XP which is miles better than Windows 2000.

4th February 2007, 11:26
Happy Birthday Leon :D Hope you had a great day :D

I've just noticed I'm somewhat out of date, I was ill :D

4th February 2007, 11:33
Happy birthday!

Does this new computer mean that we see you (even) more often on here? :s hock:

4th February 2007, 20:52
Sorry for this being late but Work commitments took precedence.
But I hope it was a good day with all the trimmings.
Happy Birthday Leon

4th February 2007, 20:59
Thanks everyone :)

DonnieDarco I hope you're feeling all right now :)

Sorry to disappoint Erki, but the third year of the Bachelor of Nursing will be extremely busy. We got two assignments on our first day back!

5th February 2007, 19:53
HB leon. Sorry I was a bit late

7th February 2007, 04:35
No problem mate :)

Thanks :)