View Full Version : Baked Beans and Jam Sandwiches

16th September 2008, 01:59

This was yesterday - 15th Sep in the Australian House of Reps
http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/pm/...-parliament.mp3 (http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/pm/200809/20080915pm06-pensioner-parliament.mp3)
Download this, it's a lark!

Federal Opposition Leader Dr Brendan Nelson condemned the Labor Government over its refusal to increase the rate of the pension before May next year. He planned to introduce a private member's bill into Parliament to increase the base rate of the single aged pension by $30 a week and accused the PM of failing to help older Australians and forcing them to live off "baked beans and jam sandwiches."

And today we find this:

Updated 21 minutes ago

Malcolm Turnbull has seized the Liberal leadership from Brendan Nelson after winning this morning's party room ballot by 45 votes to 41. Julie Bishop was unopposed and will remain as deputy leader.
Dr Nelson called the spill late yesterday in a move designed to surprise Mr Turnbull, who had been on holiday in Italy last week. Dr Nelson has held the leadership since last November, when he won the job in a vote against Mr Turnbull by 45 votes to 42.

Now I ask all sorts of questions. Was Dr Nelson playing a bit of self-serving? In less than 24 hours he moved from being Federal Opposition Leader to completely out of the Shadow Cabinet and on the back benches. Does that now mean that he himself will have to decide whether to have baked beans or jam sandwiches for lunch? Perhaps he could be indulgent and have both.

16th September 2008, 02:16
If the Australian House of Reps is anything like ours, I would expect him to mix them together and have a baked bean and jam sandwich.

16th September 2008, 03:32
Hey! I like baked bean & Jam sandwiches. :D

Burp! :burp: Pfffftttttt... excuse me. :p :

16th September 2008, 08:20
I don't like baked beans but theres certainly nothing wrong with Jam sandwiches. :p

16th September 2008, 09:38
For one thing, Dr Nelson, that's a jar of jam and not a sandwich.

No wonder he got rolled today! :p :

19th September 2008, 02:59
Actually, my father-in-law would gladly live on baked beans & jam sandwiches. He's quite fussy about what he eats. Says he can't chew much of anything any more -- but he can always eat beans.

Come to think of it, it would be funny to see this politician go on & on about how terrible it would be if these people had to live on baked beans & jam sandwiches -- only to have one of the people he's talking about stand up & say, "What's wrong with that? I'd be perfectly happy eating beans all of the time." Any politician, really. Doesn't matter what party he or she belongs to. I don't like any of 'em.

Valve Bounce
19th September 2008, 05:18

This was yesterday - 15th Sep in the Australian House of Reps
http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/pm/...-parliament.mp3 (http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/pm/200809/20080915pm06-pensioner-parliament.mp3)
Download this, it's a lark!

Federal Opposition Leader Dr Brendan Nelson condemned the Labor Government over its refusal to increase the rate of the pension before May next year. He planned to introduce a private member's bill into Parliament to increase the base rate of the single aged pension by $30 a week and accused the PM of failing to help older Australians and forcing them to live off "baked beans and jam sandwiches."

And today we find this:

Now I ask all sorts of questions. Was Dr Nelson playing a bit of self-serving? In less than 24 hours he moved from being Federal Opposition Leader to completely out of the Shadow Cabinet and on the back benches. Does that now mean that he himself will have to decide whether to have baked beans or jam sandwiches for lunch? Perhaps he could be indulgent and have both.

Definitely not!! they have Beef Strogonoff at subsidised prices. And if the portions are not large enough, you get Labour MP John Murphy (on a salary of $130,000 plus perks) to make a complaint in Parliament.



Just follow the link and then watch the video. :p : :D

19th September 2008, 11:59
please, sir. I would like some more...


MP for Sale!! MP for Sale!!

:p : :D

19th September 2008, 20:55
no to baked beans and jam sandwiches. YES to PB&J!!!

20th September 2008, 00:17
here you are. :)

don't forget the milk... :lips: :D

Valve Bounce
20th September 2008, 00:45
WOT!! No Vegemite? :(

Valve Bounce
21st September 2008, 03:35
MP John Murphy, after making an absolute ass of himself in Parliament by complaining about the portion of Beef Strogonoff his wife received, got his just deserts.

He and wife were lined up for a two week junket to Mexico at taxpayer's expense but this has been canceled after his monumental Beef Strog gaff.

There are rumors that he would get a free tram ride to Vic Market instead, but this has yet to be confirmed.

There is a God!!!

23rd September 2008, 02:54
MP John Murphy, after making an absolute ass of himself in Parliament by complaining about the portion of Beef Strogonoff his wife received, got his just deserts.

He and wife were lined up for a two week junket to Mexico at taxpayer's expense but this has been canceled after his monumental Beef Strog gaff.

There are rumors that he would get a free tram ride to Vic Market instead, but this has yet to be confirmed.

There is a God!!!

ROTFLMAO! I suppose it would be to much to ask for the free tram ride to be a 1-way ticket?

23rd September 2008, 05:32
Wasn't it baked beans and spam, not jam?

Jam, jam, jam, jam, jam, baked beans and jam... doesn't sound right.

23rd September 2008, 06:32
MP John Murphy, after making an absolute ass of himself in Parliament by complaining about the portion of Beef Strogonoff his wife received, got his just deserts.

He and wife were lined up for a two week junket to Mexico at taxpayer's expense but this has been canceled after his monumental Beef Strog gaff.

There are rumors that he would get a free tram ride to Vic Market instead, but this has yet to be confirmed.

There is a God!!!

and one and two, Father and son, I was familiar with boyzone cover version ;)

I think that's the rule husbands to take care of food or anything of wife.