View Full Version : Smart Money for Tracy

13th September 2008, 23:53
If a car owner was smart he could get money for Tracy to run 3 races: Indianapolis, Toronto and Alberta. The team only needs funding for Indianapolis and they would get enough appearance money for the two other races. Paul doesn't need the hassle of running the full series, a sponsor could get his money's worth just for the month of May and would have the bonus of two more races where their car would be carrying the most sought after racer.

If anyone else it interested in joining the effort, I've got two quarters, three dimes, a nickel, and four pennies. Thinking big, yes I know!

Let's see, for a mere 32 million more quarters, Subway could have a series' sponsorship and Tracy for 3 races. Paul could pocket a million bucks, maybe more depending on his finish in the 500. $2 million for the team to operate and that leaves the IRL $5 Million to boost season's end rewards and promote their series and sponsor. Now, that's a package.

14th September 2008, 23:29
If a car owner was smart he could get money for Tracy to run 3 races: Indianapolis, Toronto and Alberta. The team only needs funding for Indianapolis and they would get enough appearance money for the two other races. Paul doesn't need the hassle of running the full series, a sponsor could get his money's worth just for the month of May and would have the bonus of two more races where their car would be carrying the most sought after racer.

If anyone else it interested in joining the effort, I've got two quarters, three dimes, a nickel, and four pennies. Thinking big, yes I know!

Let's see, for a mere 32 million more quarters, Subway could have a series' sponsorship and Tracy for 3 races. Paul could pocket a million bucks, maybe more depending on his finish in the 500. $2 million for the team to operate and that leaves the IRL $5 Million to boost season's end rewards and promote their series and sponsor. Now, that's a package.

If I were PT I would never consider it. If I couldn't get a decent full time ride, then I would retire rather than be a dancing bear at the Canadian races for the IRL.

16th September 2008, 22:00
It amazes me that PT can't get a full time quality ICS ride. If the dry spell continues, I'd say to Paul Tracy that it's time to look for an ALMS or Grand Am ride and have some fun for another ten years. Even race at Le Mans, Daytona, and Sebring and show off your roadcourse skills. Or even give NASCAR another try. Why not?

Mark in Oshawa
16th September 2008, 23:50
PT has said he only wants to do a full time deal if it is in a good car. I think he is really frustrated because he knows isn't likely to get a good NASCAR deal full time unless this truck race/testing deal he has with Germain goes somewhere. ALMS might interest him....but has anyone from there even talked to him?

Wilf, I think someone might try your idea, but I suspect it pisses PT off no one hasn't come to him with a full time gig. If he hasn't anything for next year, then you know the man has no friends anymore. I refuse to believe there isn't a gig out there for him but it may also be a case of too may drivers and not enough rides....

17th September 2008, 18:31
PT has said he only wants to do a full time deal if it is in a good car. I think he is really frustrated because he knows isn't likely to get a good NASCAR deal full time unless this truck race/testing deal he has with Germain goes somewhere. ALMS might interest him....but has anyone from there even talked to him?

Wilf, I think someone might try your idea, but I suspect it pisses PT off no one hasn't come to him with a full time gig. If he hasn't anything for next year, then you know the man has no friends anymore. I refuse to believe there isn't a gig out there for him but it may also be a case of too may drivers and not enough rides....

Well, well, well looks who's back!!! Welcome home Mark.


18th September 2008, 06:24
Wow, at the idea if PT at Gran Am. Imagine his relations with Pruett after the inevitable clash...

18th September 2008, 13:11
Well, well, well looks who's back!!! Welcome home Mark.

GaryWelcome back Mark! Where have you been hiding? It is nice to read a thoughtful analysis again, instead of the usual rants that populate most forums.

18th September 2008, 23:35
If I were PT I would never consider it. If I couldn't get a decent full time ride, then I would retire rather than be a dancing bear at the Canadian races for the IRL.
I agree with this. Paul deserves a full time ride. Him only getting a 3 race ride is an insult to him I feel. Heck, Milka got more than that and we all know she is the worst driver in the IRL.

19th September 2008, 05:09
Here's a series trying to rebuild, to be considered among the best in the world and they've got names like Roth, Rice, Duno, Fisher, Carpenter, and Foyt Four? And I'm not just picking on IRL drivers, Champcar had it's fair share of duds as well. Tracy on the bench just doesn't make sense. He's better than 80% of the current field and a personality the series should not be without. He's proven to be loyal, and he brings some credibility to a series who's biggest stars are known not for their racing, but for their Maxim shoot and Viennese waltz. Sure he's getting a little older than the average open wheeler but he can still run at the front and if he's willing to put a few more years in we should be glad to have him.

19th September 2008, 08:25
Agreed, it's sad and confusing that PT can't get a ride. He will not save the series, but, BUT, He is a personality, He can still race, He is entertaining to watch and listen to, what the hell is wrong with these sponser's?

19th September 2008, 19:08
I agree with this. Paul deserves a full time ride. Him only getting a 3 race ride is an insult to him I feel. Heck, Milka got more than that and we all know she is the worst driver in the IRL.

I am not sure she is the worst. I think that title might have to go to Marty Roth. At least Milka has shown some improvement in the past year, and god knows she had LOTS of room for that!!! But Marty has been pretty steady...bad.


19th September 2008, 22:24
I am not sure she is the worst. I think that title might have to go to Marty Roth. At least Milka has shown some improvement in the past year, and god knows she had LOTS of room for that!!! But Marty has been pretty steady...bad.

She did lead 5 laps this year. There are a bunch of drivers that didn't do that so it is evident she has improved.

What happened to Monster? Better yet, what the heck is the deal with LaBatt's, Molson, and even CDW (aren't they a Toronto based company)? I understand Player's was axed by the government but these other Canadian companies would surely benefit. Heck...LaBatts sponsored Adrian Fernandez for years and he's Mexican! Maybe PT can get Dos Equis (he is the most interesting racer in the world) or Tecate from Mexico.

And DanicaFan....Where are my stats? You seem to have swallowed your tongue since you can't find any, huh?

Albert D. Kallal
21st September 2008, 06:01
I was nice to see PT in a car at the Edmonton race. I hope we see him take one more kick at the cat. He can still drive….

Albert D. Kallal
Edmonton, Alberta Canada

21st September 2008, 17:15
they've got names like Roth, Rice, Duno, Fisher, Carpenter, and Foyt Four?

Yeah, a former Indy 500 winner who's turned crap equipment at D&R into good results belongs in that group. Not.

PT should be out there for sure if it is based solely on talent, but the economics of the series still hasn't changed much. Teams probably more so next year than last will be dependent on those who bring money as opposed to those who don't - hence why PT gets shafted. In his mind he should still be getting the big bucks when he's not the class of the field out there anymore. He still can hack it, don't get me wrong, but an inability to adapt to the current climate of AOWR is what's holding him out more than anything else.