View Full Version : Ever Fancied a Go???

11th September 2008, 10:48
Ever sat indoors watching ITV4 of a Sunday afternoon and thought "I wouldn't mind a go at that".

Well now you too can be a BTCC driver simply by buying a racing team* :D

*Money required


Eurotech up for sale :)

11th September 2008, 12:37
Ever sat indoors watching ITV4 of a Sunday afternoon and thought "I wouldn't mind a go at that".

Well now you too can be a BTCC driver simply by buying a racing team* :D

*Money required


Eurotech up for sale :)

as per Autosport ads, the Eurotech cars are averaging about £70K each........

11th September 2008, 15:02
bit pricy!

we could actually have a 5-car team of Integra's next year because Pinkney's, Taylors and the Eurotech 3 are up for sale!

two alfas as well....

11th September 2008, 15:10
bit pricy!

we could actually have a 5-car team of Integra's next year because Pinkney's, Taylors and the Eurotech 3 are up for sale!

two alfas as well....

suggesting that BTCCINFO forum club together to purchase the cars....and drivers....and pit crew....and engineering team....and team to run it....etc........?

11th September 2008, 15:25
That would be pretty cool. But i doubt it would be very successful...

11th September 2008, 15:39
It wouldn't really work would it???

I would stop us lot slating off teams when they get it wrong though!

11th September 2008, 15:49
We'd just end up slating each other I think... We'd get on alright though Eurotech. We'd take out all VXR rivals :)

11th September 2008, 16:02
Like your thinking - we should turn up In tanks and drive round the circuit backwards taking out all the cars that have SEAT or TDI on the front!

11th September 2008, 16:33

13th September 2008, 11:34
Just gone and bought a lottery ticket, come on :D

13th September 2008, 11:54
Good idea! Who should we get on asboard as sponsors?

13th September 2008, 21:23
Well thats peed on that fire I got one number lol. Tis a fix!

13th September 2008, 23:28
Noo! our only hope!!

Always Next Saturday.

15th September 2008, 22:04
Sponsors errrr.... we'd need ones with really good logos like Sony Ericsson or n_power !

16th September 2008, 15:18
British Gas, then we can have flames over our back wheels :P

Northern Monkey
18th September 2008, 17:27
You could always have a go at this if you're a wannabe touring car driver...


18th September 2008, 17:29
Entered :D

18th September 2008, 23:07
¬_¬ Age limits.