View Full Version : They said Arafat was corrupt

7th September 2008, 19:08
Pots and kettles:


Israeli PM 'should be indicted'

Israeli police have recommended to prosecutors that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert be indicted in a corruption investigation, Israeli media report.

The decision about whether to indict Mr Olmert now rests with Attorney General Meni Mazuz.

Mr Olmert has already announced that he will resign later this month because of the multiple corruption investigations he is facing.

He has consistently denied all the accusations against him.

The ruling Kadima party is to hold a leadership vote on 17 September.

7th September 2008, 20:22
how much did Olmert profit from the "2nd Lebanon war"?

and he stole from charities.

7th September 2008, 21:44
how much did Olmert profit from the "2nd Lebanon war"?

and he stole from charities.
BBC World said something that he got bribes from some American. I'd bet that the American was linked to American weapons industry. They probably paid Olmert to dump his old stockpiles of weapons on Lebanon, so that American taxpayers could buy him more and new ones.

8th September 2008, 00:05
BBC World said something that he got bribes from some American. I'd bet that the American was linked to American weapons industry. They probably paid Olmert to dump his old stockpiles of weapons on Lebanon, so that American taxpayers could buy him more and new ones.

The so-called peace he's trying to negociate to divert attention away from his dealings. No peace for anyone and he keeps his gazillions of shekels, what a bargain!

Canada Cornrow
8th September 2008, 01:47
I love the smell of passive-aggressive Jew hatred in the evening. Mmm Mmm Goooddd!!

As long as you're going to play the moral equivalency game between Arafat and the latest Jew-in-charge maybe you could give us a specific example of Arafat's corruption? I'm sure the BBC archives are chock full of them. If not then maybe you could at the very least clue us in on what you mean by the "they" in the title. If you do take up my offer then at least do the right thing and keep all flammables away at a safe distance. Straw ignites easily. Don't piss off the ghost of Ray Bolger: http://randyphillips.net/images/bolger.jpg

Garry Walker
8th September 2008, 10:30
Pots and kettles:


The Jews are behind it all.
The Jews!

8th September 2008, 12:40
I love the smell of passive-aggressive Jew hatred in the evening. Mmm Mmm Goooddd!!

As long as you're going to play the moral equivalency game between Arafat and the latest Jew-in-charge maybe you could give us a specific example of Arafat's corruption? I'm sure the BBC archives are chock full of them. If not then maybe you could at the very least clue us in on what you mean by the "they" in the title. If you do take up my offer then at least do the right thing and keep all flammables away at a safe distance. Straw ignites easily. Don't piss off the ghost of Ray Bolger: http://randyphillips.net/images/bolger.jpg

By your definition and standards, there's a lot of self-hating Jews in Israel , probably over 5 million self-hating Jews in Israel.


8th September 2008, 14:09
By your definition and standards, there's a lot of self-hating Jews in Israel , probably over 5 million self-hating Jews in Israel.

True. It's the Israelis themselves who want to get Olmert, not for example the Palestinians. I don't remember Palestinians blame Arafat for corruption, it was their enemies, so much of it could have been propaganda.

Rudy Tamasz
9th September 2008, 07:14

Arafat's Swiss Bank Account
by Issam Abu Issa
Middle East Quarterly
Fall 2004

Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian Authority are known internationally for the violence between Israelis and Palestinians. As ruinous as that violence has been, another cancer permeates Arafat's administration; its name is corruption. From firsthand experience, I understand just how deep it is. Here is what I know...

Issam Abu Issa, former chairman of the Palestine International Bank, currently resides in Qatar. He is founder of the Palestinian National Coalition for Democracy and Independence, a Palestinian democratic reform movement.

9th September 2008, 07:31
I don't think that ever in history there was a political leader who had the power and was 100% honest. :laugh:

9th September 2008, 08:29
There no need to be political leader had the power to manage a country to be dishonest, managing forum was 100% honest. ;)

9th September 2008, 08:43
BBC World said something that he got bribes from some American. I'd bet that the American was linked to American weapons industry. They probably paid Olmert to dump his old stockpiles of weapons on Lebanon, so that American taxpayers could buy him more and new ones.
Eki, had you spent five minutes reading what the whole thing was about, you'd understand the 'American' is just a regular 'contributing' buissnessman, who also 'contributed' to the likes of Bill Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.
Here: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1209627042478&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

You have every right to post whatever you like, but when you start posting flat-out lies it makes you look like you possess blind hatred.

how much did Olmert profit from the "2nd Lebanon war"?

You always post stuff like that and I don't get it. What do you think Olmert profitted from going to war which lost him a whole lot of popularity and remains to this day a large spot in his career?
Unlike Eki, please post something (and I do mean anything) to back up your opinion about Olmert profitting from the war.

About the subject himself, I do believe Olmert should go, and he will in a few months time. Arafat, on the other hand, wasn't elected by anybody, had all the power in his hands, and generally did whatever the .... he wanted. All the hundreds of millions sent to him to take care of his people went to buy fleets of S class Mercedes' for him and his mates whilst his people were walking in streets filled with sewage. http://www.likud.nl/press06.html

9th September 2008, 13:20
Your link would be more credible without the Israeli flag and the name Likud (which I think is an Israeli political party). I don't believe Israeli sources give impartial information on Palestinians, just like I don't believe Palestinian sources give impartial information on Israel.

9th September 2008, 14:27

on second thoughts.

Olmert is pretty much a likudist. even though he followed Sharon to form Kadima. Likudists complaining about corruption , gimme a break. :laugh:

9th September 2008, 20:51
I'm not corrupt but I'm willing to learn. Who'd like to start the bidding?

Do I hear $1,000,000 from anybody?

9th September 2008, 20:59
Your link would be more credible without the Israeli flag and the name Likud (which I think is an Israeli political party). I don't believe Israeli sources give impartial information on Palestinians, just like I don't believe Palestinian sources give impartial information on Israel.
Here's a new one so you'd see I am not making this up: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/11/07/60minutes/main582487.shtml
Is 60 minutes credible enough for you?

You still haven't responded to my accusing you of jumping to conclusions based on nothing.


on second thoughts.

Olmert is pretty much a likudist. even though he followed Sharon to form Kadima. Likudists complaining about corruption , gimme a break.

I agree they're both corrupt (albeit on a much smaller scale than Arafat who stashed hundreds of millions if not billions), but how do you think going to war in Lebanon made Olmert richer?
I am really curious as it really doesn't make sense.

9th September 2008, 21:01
Is this the way Israelis treat the people they don't like?


JERUSALEM — A performer with the famed Alvin Ailey dance troupe on Tuesday said he was twice forced to perform steps for Israeli airport security officers to prove his identity before he was permitted to enter the country.

Abdur-Rahim Jackson, an eight-year veteran of the dance ensemble, said he was singled out by Israel's renowned airport security because he has a Muslim name. He called the experience embarrassing and said at one point, one of the officers even suggested he change his name.

"To be greeted like this because of my name, it took me back a little bit," said Jackson, who is black.

Israel is the first stop on a six-nation tour celebrating the New York-based dance company's 50th anniversary. Earlier this year, Congress passed a resolution calling the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater a "vital American cultural ambassador to the world."

Jackson said he was pulled aside from other members of the troupe when they arrived at Israel's international airport on Sunday night. He said he was taken to a holding room, where he was asked about the origins of his name. When he explained he was part of the dance group, he was asked to perform.

"I stood up. I asked what type of dance?" he explained. "He said, "Just do anything.' I just moved around."

Minutes later, he said a female officer put him through a similar interrogation and asked him to dance again.

"The only time I'm really expected to dance is when I'm performing," he said.

Jackson said he received his name because his father was a convert to Islam. Jackson said he was not raised a Muslim, does not consider himself religious and is engaged to a Jewish woman in the troupe who has relatives in Israel.

Jackson said he did not plan to press the matter further, saying the numerous apologies he has received from American dignitaries and his Israeli hosts is "enough for me." The Israel Ports Authority said it had no comment because it did not receive a formal complaint.

The incident was reported in Israel's largest newspaper and on an Israeli television news and interview program. "The security guards should be sent home or (the airport) will become a mental asylum," said Motti Kirshenbaum, a veteran commentator and host of the Channel 10 TV program.

Israel is constantly on the alert for attack because of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and extremist Islamic rejection of the Jewish state's existence. Security is strict at all entry points and inside the country.

Israel is famous for the effectiveness of its airport security. But a key element in its security checks is ethnic profiling. The practice has been criticized by Israeli human rights campaigners as racist because it singles out Arabs for tougher treatment.

Such profiling is illegal in the United States, but Jackson said that the only place he has had the similarly humiliating experience of being forced to dance in the past was at a U.S. airport when he returned from a vacation in the Dominican Republic. He did not say when or where that took place.

Jackson said that since the Israeli airport incident, the reception in Israel has been "amazing."

"We're only here to bring positive light to our lives and the people here," he said, calling the group's multicultural appeal "an amazing bind you can't touch, you can only experience."

9th September 2008, 21:09
Is 60 minutes credible enough for you?

An American source? Not really. An Irish, New Zealander or even an English or Australian source of the English speaking world would be more credible for me.

9th September 2008, 22:59
any Israeli who looks like an Arab has a hard time getting through Ben Gurion Airport.

Hell, even elderly Israeli ladies get the full Ben Gurion rub down treatment.

back to the topic, someone got rich off of the 2nd lebanon war, sure wasn't the businesses in the north of the country. The russian oligarch who helped relocate thousands near the border would be in jail in any other country :wave:

10th September 2008, 15:22
any Israeli who looks like an Arab has a hard time getting through Ben Gurion Airport.

Hell, even elderly Israeli ladies get the full Ben Gurion rub down treatment.

back to the topic, someone got rich off of the 2nd lebanon war, sure wasn't the businesses in the north of the country. The russian oligarch who helped relocate thousands near the border would be in jail in any other country :wave:
I know Israel has very tough airport security, and I'm happy it does. I rather hurt some innocent person's feelings than have a 9/11 happen here (of course this country is much more prone to this kind of attack than say, Finland). 'It's just the way it is'. Nobody enjoys hurting people's feelings, but if that's what it takes to have a safe airport than I guess it can be justified. Of course living in your ivory towers as you do you would find it easy to be as judgemental as you are, it just seems absurd at times as I don't think you have any idea what it's like being faced with terrorism on a daily basis.

Regarding Arkadi Gaydamak (the oligarch guy) I couldn't agree more, but you still haven't explained how Olmert profitted from going to war.

BTW Sean I see you are very knowledgable in all concerning (anti) Israel. Out of curiousity have you ever been here? How come the subject interests you as much as it does?

10th September 2008, 19:06
BTW Sean I see you are very knowledgable in all concerning (anti) Israel. Out of curiousity have you ever been here? How come the subject interests you as much as it does?

You're not the first person to say similar to me, the others being Israeli (dyed in the wool zionists at that) and those who have worked with the Palestinians.

never knew I was such an eggspurt , Thanks.

10th September 2008, 20:59
You're not the first person to say similar to me, the others being Israeli (dyed in the wool zionists at that) and those who have worked with the Palestinians.

never knew I was such an eggspurt , Thanks.
You just seem to know much more about Israeli politics than many others know about their own country's.

If I may so blatantly ask, who did you meet who worked with the Palestinians?

I see you haven't replied concerning Olmert and his alleged financial gain from going to war. Are you ready to admit you just hate him so much you're willing to toss conspiracy theories every which way?

Do understand I am not protecting Olmert (I will be happy to see him replaced), but the truth.
I would not sell my opinion or hunch as hard facts and I think that everyone else should do the same for the sake of fair argument.

10th September 2008, 22:10
I know a lot more about my own country's politics , thank you very much. You obviously havn't a clue about it because you think I dont deal with terrorism on a daily basis. Did they tell in the army training, not to hold onto a grenade after pulling the pin? Because you just made yourself look like an idiot after typing that!

Secondly, you are not acting in the capacity of a government agency, so I don't have to tell you anything.

Thirdly, Olmert will leave office a rich man. You, unless you're an IDF draft dodger, will have to pick up the pieces from the botched war. I don't care about Olmert, he's not MY prime minister, I dont pay taxes to the Israeli state, so why should I care how he lines his pockets!

11th September 2008, 08:40
I know a lot more about my own country's politics , thank you very much. You obviously havn't a clue about it because you think I dont deal with terrorism on a daily basis. Did they tell in the army training, not to hold onto a grenade after pulling the pin? Because you just made yourself look like an idiot after typing that!

Secondly, you are not acting in the capacity of a government agency, so I don't have to tell you anything.

Thirdly, Olmert will leave office a rich man. You, unless you're an IDF draft dodger, will have to pick up the pieces from the botched war. I don't care about Olmert, he's not MY prime minister, I dont pay taxes to the Israeli state, so why should I care how he lines his pockets!

First of all, I was simply complementing you on your knowledge and you got so worked up. Settle down - I wasn't implying anything about the knowledge you possess concernng your own country's political state, but rather the fact you know a lot more than the average Joe (not the average Sean).

Of course I don't have a clue about it as I've never seen you post anything about where you live. I presumed you to be from somewhere in the UK. If you're from Northern Ireland I'm sorry about my miss conception.

Concerning my army training don't worry about it I still have all ten fingers and toes so I guess they did alright :D

Of course you don't have to tell me anything, I was just being curious and asked you politely. If you don't wish to discuss a certain subject just say it, you don't have to get all defensive.

While you say you don't care how about how Olmert lines his pockets, you clearly have a propensity to post lies about how he does line them.

Now how would that make you look?

A liar? A hypocrite maybe?
Perhaps you don't know how to hold a grenade too well yourself.