View Full Version : Seen the new Microsoft ad?

6th September 2008, 01:43

Probably not the best ad but I never tire of seeing Bill Gates being Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld is funny too :)

I like the "he's a 10" joke too :D

6th September 2008, 03:46
Whatever you think of MS, you've gotta give credit to Bill Gates for having a sense of humour, I love the ads too!

11th September 2008, 00:44
the ads was a piece of sh!t just like the operating system.

12th September 2008, 12:37
just seen ad #2. Funny. :p :

Family time, with someone else's family that is. ;)

12th September 2008, 13:02
just seen ad #2. Funny. :p :

Family time, with someone else's family that is. ;)
Sounds good. Have you got a youtube link or is it on the link I posted above? Looking forward to seeing it when I get home.

Like Drew said you have to give it to Bill, he's got a sense of humour and he doesn't take himself too seriously. There's just something funny about seeing powerful/rich people being a bit silly. The same can't be said of Steve Jobs who takes himself and his turtleneck sweaters a little too seriously :)

13th September 2008, 23:06
That ad made me want to buy a Mac even more...

19th September 2008, 19:30
MOre conventional ads. Boooooring :mark:


19th September 2008, 20:47
Funny how those adverts are marketing the use of a PC, rather than the explicit use of Windows on a PC..... I wonder how they'd feel if lots of people went out and bought PCs on the back of this advert and promptly stuck Linux on them?

19th September 2008, 21:54
Funny how those adverts are marketing the use of a PC, rather than the explicit use of Windows on a PC..... I wonder how they'd feel if lots of people went out and bought PCs on the back of this advert and promptly stuck Linux on them?
People who use Linux were unlikely ever to buy or at least pay for a Windows OS anyway so Microsoft don't care :)

19th September 2008, 23:24
The point remains however that Microsoft are spending a lot of money highlighting a genre of computer that isn't necessarily linked with what they're trying sell. A rather odd strategy it would seem.

19th September 2008, 23:25
yeah but what percentage of pc's are windows machines?

20th September 2008, 16:40
I heard recently they are not going to do any more adverts with Jerry due to them being poorly received in the States.

He's hardly the best guy to create a fresh brand image for a company. It's a bit of a miss-match to me.

20th September 2008, 17:17
I heard recently they are not going to do any more adverts with Jerry due to them being poorly received in the States.

He's hardly the best guy to create a fresh brand image for a company. It's a bit of a miss-match to me.

Yeah, Seinfeld strikes me as more of a Mac type guy.

The last one, where they're walking away from the family's house, is sorta, kinda OK. But overall, I thought this was a dumb ad campaign.