View Full Version : Happy Birthday pentti...

4th September 2008, 09:29
Many Happy Returns my friend :beer: :D

4th September 2008, 09:36
Happy birthday and leftfoot-dancing all night long! ;)

4th September 2008, 09:37
Hyvät synttärit Pentti :up:

I wouldn't mind you visiting the forum from time to time.

4th September 2008, 09:51
I wouldn't mind you visiting the forum from time to time.

Me too ;)

White Sauron
4th September 2008, 09:59
Hyvää syntymäpäivää!!!!

4th September 2008, 10:11
Happy Birthday! :)

4th September 2008, 10:49
Hyvää synttäriä Penalle, olisin onnitellut eilen jos olisin muistanut, Kippis!!

4th September 2008, 12:09
Hyvät synttärit Pentti :up:

I wouldn't mind you visiting the forum from time to time.Many thanks.I have been batling with my ilness for long time now.But it looks like the worst is over.I have been following this forum of course but in my hospital they do not allow computers plus their tv is awfull! It was interesting to see how oversteering all Fords were again in New Zealand. The team claims it's because the rear diff.I don't buy that.They are just not having enough rear toy in.Only 2 millimeters.I have found that some times you need even 4-5 millimeters total.So not only Citroen have the most powerfull engine, they also have a lot more grip at rear.Also they do not have a spare wheel in the silly location as Focus. Pirellies beeing now even heavier than before that 35 kg matters.Well it took over two years for Ford to change that silly gear change-hand brake system.I wonder how long this spare wheel nonsense will carry on.Without that Mikko would have won in Finland and New Zealand.Also Jari-Matti would have not made those accidents.
Another thing I have noticed that FIA in their wisdom have made it compulsary to have seat supports in work cars.So in Focus this driver side support is against side window.Great! I wait a next rule from FIA.
Bring back rear wheel drive cars I wish!

4th September 2008, 12:24
Glad you are over the worst of your illness and hope you are up and about very soon.
Happy birthday too Pentti.

4th September 2008, 13:32
Hyvää synttäriä pentti ja hauska nähdä että vanha jaksaa vielä heilua :up: :beer:

4th September 2008, 17:37
It's good to know you are feeling better pentti, thanks for the insight into Ford troubles, that's something most of us would have never found out.

And of course Happy birthday!!!!!! :beer:

4th September 2008, 21:08
Happy Birthday!!!

4th September 2008, 21:50

And try not to get too stressed out by Fords antics, you should have been concentrating more on the cute nurses ;)

5th September 2008, 13:30
A bit late from me, but I hope you had a good day!

5th September 2008, 13:59
Happy birthday to the Left Foot Master
Dont forget Pentti to have a look at rallyretro.com my friends site that has loads of pics from yourself
here theres the search link for you

A pic I have of Pentti in action

5th September 2008, 19:31
Happy birthday, Pentti. I am happy that I have a poster from your win in the RAC 1989.

5th September 2008, 19:42
Happy birthday, Pentti. I am happy that I have a poster from your win in the RAC 1989.Thanks.It was a quite journey.One day then I found a good enough laywer I tell the whole story!

5th September 2008, 19:54
Happy birthday to the Left Foot Master
Dont forget Pentti to have a look at rallyretro.com my friends site that has loads of pics from yourself
here theres the search link for you

A pic I have of Pentti in action
http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2043/mintex1ww9.jpgThank you very much.This was the best birthday present ever for me. Some of pictures I look like filmstar.Selfish opinion of course but why I was always so sideways?Too afraid to look through the front screen? Did you see how soft my suspension was? Reminds me now about Citroen!

6th September 2008, 02:29
Thanks.It was a quite journey.One day then I found a good enough laywer I tell the whole story!
LOL you did what you had to do. And you earned what you deserved IMHO !

6th September 2008, 10:57

10th September 2008, 04:19
Happy belated birthday - and look what has surfaced down here, thought it might interest you all....


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