View Full Version : Wheres Waldo?

2nd September 2008, 01:47
why did he get the boot? I was away for a few weeks, came back and my favorite enemy has been banned?

The instant classic
2nd September 2008, 02:22
why did he get the boot? I was away for a few weeks, came back and my favorite enemy has been banned?
i guess you won over you're enemy haha :D

2nd September 2008, 16:12
Maybe he said something insensitive?


2nd September 2008, 16:14
Well, in the summer of 2008, who won the championship of the cockring speedway? Bet you cant look this up, it was Waldo.

2nd September 2008, 17:15
why did he get the boot? I was away for a few weeks, came back and my favorite enemy has been banned?

I thought you were the same person. :p

2nd September 2008, 17:33

2nd September 2008, 19:23
Where's Waldo? Who gives a rat's ...


2nd September 2008, 19:37
Good one Ken!

2nd September 2008, 20:37
I thought you were the same person. :p

That hurts man, really. I mean what the hell???

3rd September 2008, 00:28
Man - you folks are vicious. I'm not saying his arguments are well thought out, but he doesn't stray too far from the facts. We might not agree with his interpretations of what those facts mean but at least you know going in what his position is going to be AND that if you are not of the same bent, he will be in your face BIG TIME.

I probably po'ed plenty of people with my stubborness which means forums are good for curing low blood pressure and generating laughs, especially when you realize that you've just ruined another keyboard typing so haaaard arging about something over which you have absolutely no control.

3rd September 2008, 01:28
why did he get the boot? I was away for a few weeks, came back and my favorite enemy has been banned?

He's with "Sanguin" I hope.

3rd September 2008, 02:27
Man - you folks are vicious. I'm not saying his arguments are well thought out, but he doesn't stray too far from the facts. We might not agree with his interpretations of what those facts mean but at least you know going in what his position is going to be AND that if you are not of the same bent, he will be in your face BIG TIME.

I probably po'ed plenty of people with my stubborness which means forums are good for curing low blood pressure and generating laughs, especially when you realize that you've just ruined another keyboard typing so haaaard arging about something over which you have absolutely no control.

Look, the guy was brilliant. He had an INCREDIBLE recall of facts about open wheel racing that went back decades. But he had the people skills of a lamp shade. He beat so many folks over the head with his holier-than-thou attitude that most of us got sick of it.

Wilf you may be stubborn or even argumentative, but you have NEVER once talked down to anyone here.


Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 02:42
Well, in the summer of 2008, who won the championship of the cockring speedway? Bet you cant look this up, it was Waldo.

He never claimed to be a racer, actually he never claimed to be anything as I recall
it was his detractors who projected on to him.

The guy was more interested in the past than people care about now, he dint grow up in the electricimal age that most here did. He is from an era where people compared this years race with previous season,
now its all about drama queens, money & politics.
He just wanted to bore everyone here with every fact he knew,
figuring other die hard fans like him would want to know what he did and they dint.
The fact that he pizzdoff a lot of BS'er and fantasylife racers should be of no concern to anyone
who LIVES for the month of May of the racing season to start, racing doesn't need cheap fans or rainyday fans or junk fans
it just needs fans who love the sport and I think waldo did.
His approach was just misdirected, his tolerance low and his time wasted.
I don't think he cared if he was liked or not probably
just wanted to be accepted as someone who knew more than the average fan which he seemed to. :dozey:

3rd September 2008, 05:03
He never claimed to be a racer, actually he never claimed to be anything as I recall
it was his detractors who projected on to him.

The guy was more interested in the past than people care about now, he dint grow up in the electricimal age that most here did. He is from an era where people compared this years race with previous season,
now its all about drama queens, money & politics.
He just wanted to bore everyone here with every fact he knew,
figuring other die hard fans like him would want to know what he did and they dint.
The fact that he pizzdoff a lot of BS'er and fantasylife racers should be of no concern to anyone
who LIVES for the month of May of the racing season to start, racing doesn't need cheap fans or rainyday fans or junk fans
it just needs fans who love the sport and I think waldo did.
His approach was just misdirected, his tolerance low and his time wasted.
I don't think he cared if he was liked or not probably
just wanted to be accepted as someone who knew more than the average fan which he seemed to. :dozey:

Two points of clarification. One, on numerous ocassions he claimed to have been both a promoter and official of various races. Two, he insisted on being accepted as someone who knew more than anyone with the notable exception of Donald Davidson.

I admired and benefited from his knowledge. But his attitude that he was better than everyone else on this forum was boorish at best.


3rd September 2008, 05:12
He never claimed to be a racer, actually he never claimed to be anything as I recall
it was his detractors who projected on to him.

The guy was more interested in the past than people care about now, he dint grow up in the electricimal age that most here did. He is from an era where people compared this years race with previous season,
now its all about drama queens, money & politics.
He just wanted to bore everyone here with every fact he knew,
figuring other die hard fans like him would want to know what he did and they dint.
The fact that he pizzdoff a lot of BS'er and fantasylife racers should be of no concern to anyone
who LIVES for the month of May of the racing season to start, racing doesn't need cheap fans or rainyday fans or junk fans
it just needs fans who love the sport and I think waldo did.
His approach was just misdirected, his tolerance low and his time wasted.
I don't think he cared if he was liked or not probably
just wanted to be accepted as someone who knew more than the average fan which he seemed to. :dozey:

If you are saying that the donkey we once knew as Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us, is dead wrong. He just happened to be older with an exceptional memory of a time that was completely different than today. Comparing those times with now is like comparing a NASA scientist with a Nascar fan...IT WONT WORK! I personally am glad that Waldo is gone, he belongs in another place.

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 06:36
If you are saying that the donkey we once knew as Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us, is dead wrong.

I'm not exactly clear about what you are specifically trying to say, so I'll answer both of the possible interpretations.

When I take the time to communicate with another fan I carefully choose my words in order that I express the exact sentiment & concept I have in mind, IF I wanted to express "that he donkey we once knew as Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us.." I would have done so without reservation. hesitation or deviation, but I didn't, instead I said,
"he was more interested in the past than people care about now....
He just wanted to bore everyone here with every fact he knew...
pizzdoff a lot of BS'er and fantasylife racers...
LIVES for the month of May of the racing season to start...
His approach was just misdirected, his tolerance low and his time wasted....
his tolerance low and his time wasted....
he just wanted to be accepted as someone who knew more than the average fan which he seemed to be.

Now I ask you, where in the above did I SAY, IMPLY or INFER that
"Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us" ?

Certainly you cannot assume that my vocabulary is so taxed that I was unable to formulate the response you seem to take issue with, I can only deduce that some of my statements threatened you or at minimum caused you so deep concern.
Without defending someone whom I do not know, I made an observation about another man(?) whose perspective in NOT mainstream & whose manner is somewhat abrasive in addition to being quick tempered.
The guy has the exact behavior traits one would expect Jesse James the customizer to have and as he demonstrated on his TV show throughout the run of the series. People can posses knowledge, attempt to share it and be rejected or they can say nothing and act smug, I prefer the first over the last, I like to understand the other guys train of thought & find out what he knows, passing by free knowledge, liquor,money or food is the action of a fool, or someone that running from something.

I never felt threatened by waldo, his memories or his veracity, I'm grown-up and have a thick skin from being screwd by the Government if nothing else.

Waldo was just another net jockey that comes & goes like a newspaper on a park bench, you pick it up or leave it lay,
you read it & like it or you don't.
you take it personally or you let it slide.
You don't go over to the paperbox & stand around telling people
the paper they are reading is junk or written by an idiot,
no, you assume 2 things"
NO responsibility for the content or writer
everybody who can buy one can figure out if
what's printed is a lie or not, if they can't, TFB,
they are not your clients to educate anyway
if you try to educate or warn them, you have to ask yourself DO THEY WANT TO BE WARNED or just assuming they want your input.

IF you assume the latter the YOU are doing things for the same reason that the person you are at odds with does!
Acting the same as the person you have singled out is bad form and
self-debasing, do THAt too much & YOU will become some else focus of ridicule or anger, this IS the INTERNET after all, where the rues of life are held in suspension as long as anonymous access is legal, you KNEW that when you signed on.

I said what I said because it was EXACTLY what I wanted to say,
reading anything else into it or between the lines is looking for hoo-doo's that do not exist, in my intentions or my printed words.
Pre-supposition of my or anyones intentions is a guessing game played by those who don't understand what they read,
those who can't understand and
those who won't understand or
people looking to create some confrontation in their life,
please do NOT pre-suppose my efforts, pre-supposition is prejudicial & I have never given you or anyone here the right or cause for that type of action.

Waldo evidently was turned out of here at some point in the recent past,
as I read the forums contents I see no evidence that he has returned,
all it would take is another gmail-addy & he could be back ,
he hasn't and thus he has been able to get beyond whatever caused you two to tangle,
when do you plan to follow his example & forget about him?

He just happened to be older with an exceptional memory of a time that was completely different than today. Comparing those times with now is like comparing a NASA scientist with a Nascar fan...IT WONT WORK! I personally am glad that Waldo is gone, he belongs in another place.[/QUOTE]

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 07:24
Two points of clarification. One, on numerous occasions he claimed to have been both a promoter and official of various races. Two, he insisted on being accepted as someone who knew more than anyone with the notable exception of Donald Davidson.

I admired and benefited from his knowledge. But his attitude that he was better than everyone else on this forum was boorish at best.


Well I can speak to those 2 items as well.

My involvement in the sport actually predates working Gasoline Alley for Team Lotus in 1967, as an unpaid gopher. Since that time my wife and I have had 2 USAC drivers, one sustained a career ending brain hemorrhage in a midget race & one left us & went on to become a multi-time champion. Over the years hears stories about all kinds of people involved in the sport, for instance Ralph Tracy, a guy who could recall almost every single race in the Red & Blue West Coast series during the '30's BECAUSE he built racing engines he had a stake in every race beyond the price of a ticket to watch, he made and/or lost money at every event. I absolutely loved to hear him recount the days when a midget race in LA who drag 62,000 people from their radios on a WEDNESDAY NIGHT to see a-dam midget race! But I enjoyed know where the sport evolved from, how it got to where it was now...who sold who a car that wasn't worth a cup of warm spit to a guy who then won 9 straight races with it, or how one bro. stole his other Bro's. license so he could race at 16 years before he'd be legal.
I 1st heard about waldo maybe 20 years ago talking with Bob & Lou Ciccone
Johnnie Heydenrichs Champ Car owner was the next to mention "Mr. Knowit-all"....all three of these guys thought waldo might be full of it "because his mouth never stops spewing racing" until he recalled facts about the Ciccones past that they had forgot about. At some point JH's car owner was quoted "his entire USAC lifetime involvement".."you'd think people would have more important things to remember" was how he remember the conversation.
I am pretty sure if waldo said he promoted races somewhere sometime he did AND there is a certain retired sprint car driver with the initials of JC who claims to have hired waldo for various Indiana & Michigan race that HE promoted so on his word I'll assume it was the truth although I never saw him claim such here in print, then again I don't rely on a lifetime camping pass here to entertain me of supply my racing knowledge.
Finally, JC has said in the past year to me that he DD & waldo were out for beers after the race again, JC is bigger than me & has no reason to BS me after 20 yrs. so I take him at his word, besides he has a masters degree & a reputation among our peers to maintain so I tend to believe him when he takes the time to talk to me.
Which brings me back to the central question...
IF waldo cause anyone here problems of ANY SORT, the adults here had 2 options
not to pay attention to his efforts
being unable or unwilling to do that
they could just have him blocked from view...
either way
it would have cause both of you a lot less stress and consternation if you had taken the easy route.
I assume you made a conscious decision not to, only you can shed light on your motives.
Like I said...I don't know the guy, but because I have time in racing, I know people who DO know him, have employed him and have race in shows he is said to be the promoter of, and they make part of the living in racing.
So who would you believe, business associates you've worked with and known going back 20+ years or some anonymous screen name?
W/O the contacts in the sport you are left to do that which you accuse him of...claims w/o supporting witnesses or fact.

I've been able to ignore those who annoy me since about age 10 and I've gathered enough life experience by 30 to know who was BS-ing me and by 50 what I should and shouldn't invest my efforts in.

These are some bench marks that have saved me lots of wasted time effort and money. With prudence they will serve anyone likewise.

3rd September 2008, 15:28
He never claimed to be a racer, actually he never claimed to be anything as I recall it was his detractors who projected on to him.

Two points of clarification. One, on numerous occasions he claimed to have been both a promoter and official of various races. Two, he insisted on being accepted as someone who knew more than anyone with the notable exception of Donald Davidson.

I admired and benefited from his knowledge. But his attitude that he was better than everyone else on this forum was boorish at best.


Well I can speak to those 2 items as well.


I 1st heard about waldo maybe 20 years ago talking with Bob & Lou Ciccone
Johnnie Heydenrichs Champ Car owner was the next to mention "Mr. Knowit-all"....all three of these guys thought waldo might be full of it "because his mouth never stops spewing racing" until he recalled facts about the Ciccones past that they had forgot about. At some point JH's car owner was quoted "his entire USAC lifetime involvement".."you'd think people would have more important things to remember" was how he remember the conversation.
I am pretty sure if waldo said he promoted races somewhere sometime he did AND there is a certain retired sprint car driver with the initials of JC who claims to have hired waldo for various Indiana & Michigan race that HE promoted so on his word I'll assume it was the truth although I never saw him claim such here in print, then again I don't rely on a lifetime camping pass here to entertain me of supply my racing knowledge.
Finally, JC has said in the past year to me that he DD & waldo were out for beers after the race again, JC is bigger than me & has no reason to BS me after 20 yrs. so I take him at his word, besides he has a masters degree & a reputation among our peers to maintain so I tend to believe him when he takes the time to talk to me.

Your first post said that Waldo never claimed to be anything. I was merely setting the record straight. I never said Waldo ws lying with those claims. Just pointing out that you were wrong when you said "he never claimed to be anything".

Which brings me back to the central question...
IF waldo cause anyone here problems of ANY SORT, the adults here had 2 options not to pay attention to his efforts or being unable or unwilling to do that they could just have him blocked from view...
either way it would have cause both of you a lot less stress and consternation if you had taken the easy route.
I assume you made a conscious decision not to, only you can shed light on your motives.
Like I said...I don't know the guy, but because I have time in racing, I know people who DO know him, have employed him and have race in shows he is said to be the promoter of, and they make part of the living in racing.
So who would you believe, business associates you've worked with and known going back 20+ years or some anonymous screen name?
W/O the contacts in the sport you are left to do that which you accuse him of...claims w/o supporting witnesses or fact.

I've been able to ignore those who annoy me since about age 10 and I've gathered enough life experience by 30 to know who was BS-ing me and by 50 what I should and shouldn't invest my efforts in.

These are some bench marks that have saved me lots of wasted time effort and money. With prudence they will serve anyone likewise.

Yeah, I made a conscious decision. I put him on my ignore list for a while. I then saw, through others' quotes from him, that he had been given a time out. Latter when I saw he was back, I sent him a couple of private messages, trying to extend an olive branch. Why, because my first exchange with him had been about my uncle who ran in NASCAR in the 60's. Waldo knew a bit about Nelson Stacy and we had a nice exchange about him. So, I hoped after his "time out" to rekindle that sort of exchange, but no. Waldo was back to his old tricks, telling everyone who would listen and those that didn't want to the HE knew more than all of us combined and we had to take his opinion while subjugating our own.

There is a difference between ignoring a loud mouth and standing aside while someone denigrates you and others around you. There is honor in the former, but not the latter.


Rex Monaco
3rd September 2008, 15:47
why did he get the boot?

While being publically reminded of a TOS violation, he chose to attack the moderator.

I'm betting there was also a PM exchange between the two, since my experience is that the moderator will send you a PM warning you of your infraction.

He probably wouldn't have been permanantly banned if he wasn't such an obstinant @$$. He could just never admit it when he was wrong and that character flaw seems to have helped seal his fate here.

Dr. Krogshöj
3rd September 2008, 16:22
Maybe he made a reference to a poster, living or dead.

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 16:33
Well clearly he had a much larger effect on you 2 that he did on me or anyone else here.
In the words of the wise old Rock-Man, You see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear and pick the people you want to oppose.
I posted my observation of the matter and I find the subject without further value or need of my input.
You 2 can be the National co-chairs of who is righteous & who isn't here, it ain't my job or desire. :)

3rd September 2008, 17:01
I'm not exactly clear about what you are specifically trying to say, so I'll answer both of the possible interpretations.

When I take the time to communicate with another fan I carefully choose my words in order that I express the exact sentiment & concept I have in mind, IF I wanted to express "that he donkey we once knew as Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us.." I would have done so without reservation. hesitation or deviation, but I didn't, instead I said,
"he was more interested in the past than people care about now....
He just wanted to bore everyone here with every fact he knew...
pizzdoff a lot of BS'er and fantasylife racers...
LIVES for the month of May of the racing season to start...
His approach was just misdirected, his tolerance low and his time wasted....
his tolerance low and his time wasted....
he just wanted to be accepted as someone who knew more than the average fan which he seemed to be.

Now I ask you, where in the above did I SAY, IMPLY or INFER that
"Waldo was more than a race fan than I, or any of us" ?

Certainly you cannot assume that my vocabulary is so taxed that I was unable to formulate the response you seem to take issue with, I can only deduce that some of my statements threatened you or at minimum caused you so deep concern.
Without defending someone whom I do not know, I made an observation about another man(?) whose perspective in NOT mainstream & whose manner is somewhat abrasive in addition to being quick tempered.
The guy has the exact behavior traits one would expect Jesse James the customizer to have and as he demonstrated on his TV show throughout the run of the series. People can posses knowledge, attempt to share it and be rejected or they can say nothing and act smug, I prefer the first over the last, I like to understand the other guys train of thought & find out what he knows, passing by free knowledge, liquor,money or food is the action of a fool, or someone that running from something.

I never felt threatened by waldo, his memories or his veracity, I'm grown-up and have a thick skin from being screwd by the Government if nothing else.

Waldo was just another net jockey that comes & goes like a newspaper on a park bench, you pick it up or leave it lay,
you read it & like it or you don't.
you take it personally or you let it slide.
You don't go over to the paperbox & stand around telling people
the paper they are reading is junk or written by an idiot,
no, you assume 2 things"
NO responsibility for the content or writer
everybody who can buy one can figure out if
what's printed is a lie or not, if they can't, TFB,
they are not your clients to educate anyway
if you try to educate or warn them, you have to ask yourself DO THEY WANT TO BE WARNED or just assuming they want your input.

IF you assume the latter the YOU are doing things for the same reason that the person you are at odds with does!
Acting the same as the person you have singled out is bad form and
self-debasing, do THAt too much & YOU will become some else focus of ridicule or anger, this IS the INTERNET after all, where the rues of life are held in suspension as long as anonymous access is legal, you KNEW that when you signed on.

I said what I said because it was EXACTLY what I wanted to say,
reading anything else into it or between the lines is looking for hoo-doo's that do not exist, in my intentions or my printed words.
Pre-supposition of my or anyones intentions is a guessing game played by those who don't understand what they read,
those who can't understand and
those who won't understand or
people looking to create some confrontation in their life,
please do NOT pre-suppose my efforts, pre-supposition is prejudicial & I have never given you or anyone here the right or cause for that type of action.

Waldo evidently was turned out of here at some point in the recent past,
as I read the forums contents I see no evidence that he has returned,
all it would take is another gmail-addy & he could be back ,
he hasn't and thus he has been able to get beyond whatever caused you two to tangle,
when do you plan to follow his example & forget about him?

He just happened to be older with an exceptional memory of a time that was completely different than today. Comparing those times with now is like comparing a NASA scientist with a Nascar fan...IT WONT WORK! I personally am glad that Waldo is gone, he belongs in another place.[/quote]

Wow, "Dave", reading this kind of stuff makes me belive to think you ARE "Waldo". Let's see, long winded, defensive.... yep...

3rd September 2008, 17:06
I, as well as a few others are thinking the exact same thing.

Time to move on. I'm over it :)

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 17:54
This is where your deductive reasoning crashes into reality.
Your presumptions could not be more misdirected, evidently you still need him
in order to maintain your stature somewhere,
I NEVER needed him...& don't write in his unusual vernacular.
If you need a strawman to knock around I suggest you find a whimp willing to play the role.
I ain't and won't.

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 18:20
Wow, "Dave", reading this kind of stuff makes me belive to think you ARE "Waldo". Let's see, long winded, defensive.... yep...[/QUOTE]

This is where your deductive reasoning crashes into reality.
Your presumptions could not be more misdirected, evidently you still need him
in order to maintain your stature somewhere,
I NEVER needed him...& don't write in his unusual vernacular.
Being unable to differentiate between 2 people is pretty basic,
you should have a better grasp of the concept BEFORE you exercise
your right to vote...
just in case you ever have the urge to do so.

If you need a strawman to knock around
I suggest you find a whimp willing to play the role.
I ain't and won't.

3rd September 2008, 20:48
Can you still read these posts after being banned?

Dave Brock
3rd September 2008, 21:20
Being banned from any pissant internet forum
has no effect on ones vision or abilities to read...
at least not on the planet I reside.
Being banned would have an effect on ones abilities to POST there
but then that was not the question in question was it? :confused:

3rd September 2008, 23:15
why did he get the boot? I was away for a few weeks, came back and my favorite enemy has been banned?

Was a new alias for one who had previously been banned, and had predicted Champcar's success, despite real reports to the contrary.

Good ridence!

4th September 2008, 00:21
I hoped after his "time out" to rekindle that sort of exchange, but no. Waldo was back to his old tricks, telling everyone who would listen and those that didn't want to the HE knew more than all of us combined and we had to take his opinion while subjugating our own.

There is a difference between ignoring a loud mouth and standing aside while someone denigrates you and others around you. There is honor in the former, but not the latter.


One of many on my old ignore list. I'm sure I'm on a few as well.

4th September 2008, 03:13
Being banned from any pissant internet forum
has no effect on ones vision or abilities to read...
at least not on the planet I reside.
Being banned would have an effect on ones abilities to POST there
but then that was not the question in question was it? :confused:

First of all some forums can block your IP address and block you totally from the site. So maybe whatever world it is you do live on doesn't know much about how the internet works...

Dave Brock
4th September 2008, 03:27
...and the exact relevance to me is what?