View Full Version : Scariest TV memories.

30th August 2008, 11:35
I have three of them.

Twilight Zone. I was terrified when I heard the theme. That usually was enough.

The first and second season of Sapphire and Steel. I don't remember that much, the first season was some haunted house and they had a backup from a character called Lead.

The Day of the Trifids. Especially the season start was scary and those weird looking flowers.

It would be intresting to see those TV-shows again after 26-27 years. I guess I would terrified again, just to see how ridicilous looking they are :D

30th August 2008, 13:45
I was scared of the theme of Unsolved Mysteries.

30th August 2008, 14:32
Almost ashamed to say but it was in Emmerdale :erm:

I was only young and someone was kidnapped by a bloke with a knife, obviously it wasn't that scary but it s*** me right up.

More recently the most scary thing on TV was watching Exeter City in a penalty shootout against Oxford for a place at Wembley in the 2007 conference playoffs. Seriously, I have never been more scared in my entire life :disturb:

30th August 2008, 15:13
I hate to admit it but Dr Who. I was only a little kid when the first series started and it scared me sh..less, had me cowering behind the settee when the cybermen came on!
In later years it was Quatermass and The Pit I found really scary.

30th August 2008, 15:54
One really scary scene for me was when I watched the show V back in the 80's.
One of the bad guy aliens was friendly to the humans and he fell in love with a human woman.
Nine months later...yep...

But I saw something I thought scary at the time that trumps Mr Jan Yeos Emmerdale.
I thought Ghostwatch was scary!!! :uhoh:
Now I simply piss myself laughing at the absurdity.
It must have all been one elabroate hoax the way the whole thing was staged if you were to see it now.

30th August 2008, 20:21
I remember I coulnd't sleep for days after seeing the episode about UFO's on Unsolved Mysteries

31st August 2008, 20:25
Idols and Big Brother. Are they the rock bottom where the lowest common denominator has reduced to?

Brown, Jon Brow
31st August 2008, 22:25
Old Gregg on the Mighty Boosh :eek:

It has a 'mangina' :uhoh:


1st September 2008, 02:01
I was and still am scared of the wolves on the old series of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe :eek: can't remember how old I was when I watched it but even now I have moments when I am walking around in a forest in the dark somewhere at a rally with nobody around and think about that :\

1st September 2008, 04:40
4 years old. Stormy night. Black and white TV set, I don't think color sets were available then. Wizard of Oz. Fiero comes face to face with the Wicked Witch of the West for the first time. That Witch put Fiero through some changes. Not near as scary in color. For the following year, Fiero went to bed armed with a large glass of water to use in self defense in the event of a chance bedroom encounter. Although Mom assured me it was all make-believe, she was the same one that had told me I could eat whatever I wanted afterwards, before my tonsils were removed. Obviously, not a woman to be trusted.

1st September 2008, 07:09
I had nighmares after Ghostbusters 2... :D

1st September 2008, 07:13
I used to watch thriller movie, I loved one on TV titled 'The Beach' telling about hook equipped cold bold killer behind the mask and robe. but lost my appetite to watch TV program lately particularly like drama or whatever requires the audience to get involved on thinking. I would better avoid it.

1st September 2008, 08:59
My scariest TV is Michael Jackson related (no wonders uh? ;) ) when they premiered the "Thriller" video clip in Spain. It was New Years Eve and we all watched it of course. I remember being really scared when in the end his eyes go all yellow and you hear the wolves howling....

1st September 2008, 10:13
now I have moments when I am walking around in a forest in the dark somewhere at a rally with nobody around and think about that :\

...and then those yellow vested creatures appear from nowhere and surround you :p :

1st September 2008, 21:33
...and then those yellow vested creatures appear from nowhere and surround you :p :

Well the speed I run back to my car I don't think they stand a chance ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd September 2008, 11:52
4 years old. Stormy night. Black and white TV set, I don't think color sets were available then. Wizard of Oz. Fiero comes face to face with the Wicked Witch of the West for the first time. That Witch put Fiero through some changes. Not near as scary in color. For the following year, Fiero went to bed armed with a large glass of water to use in self defense in the event of a chance bedroom encounter. Although Mom assured me it was all make-believe, she was the same one that had told me I could eat whatever I wanted afterwards, before my tonsils were removed. Obviously, not a woman to be trusted.

I was petrified of that witch. I had several nightmares about her when I was young.

I also used to be scared of postmen because I had nightmares that Postman Pat trapped me in his van and tickled me. :s

2nd September 2008, 14:33
There was a TV show called The Tripods used to be on BBC1 back in the late '80s. That used to frighten me, but I always watched it when it was on. Haven't seen it since, and imagine that if I saw it now it would be laughable.

Used to be scared by the Jaws and Poltergeist films when I was younger, but always enjoyed watching them. Even at a young age I could be rational about the fear so it was exciting rather than terrifying.

Hazell B
2nd September 2008, 15:15
..... V back in the 80's.
One of the bad guy aliens was friendly to the humans and he fell in love with a human woman.
Nine months later...yep...

I loved V! The books were also good. Ian McC from this forum had Marc Singer (the hero human from V) as his profile picture and it always made me smile. The alien who had the half human babies (they had a 'normal' girl and alien thing) was played by Robert Eglund (sp?) of Freddie fame :up:

Salem's Lot scared me. That vampire was easily the most creepy one ever on film, on TV or in books.