View Full Version : Driver Rivalries in Nascar

30th August 2008, 05:01
Should Nascar promote rivalries between the drivers,like Kyle and Carl this week or is this just a ploy?Both drivers had heated exchanges for a while and during the post race interviews,both said they were best friends.I dont know about you all but the last part makes me sick.Whats the use of drivers being politally correct.

30th August 2008, 08:43
They both actually said "Best friends" ? or was it something like that?

No, NASCAR shouldn't "promote" bad behaviour, what they should do is turn an unofficial blind eye to it unless it gets seriously violent or dangerous.

There is an expression growing on the intawebs - pussification. The trouble is, when too many people get a say in something, things change. In the ole days (I know) spectactors, commentators, pundits, used to say stuff like "oh well, that was interesting" and moved on.

Not any more - everything is now analysed far too much and for far too long, and that's when new rules are brought in


30th August 2008, 11:15
"said they were best friends"
Caught Kyle Busch's comment on Friday's NascarNow. I took it to be sarcasm, I bet Edward's was too.

Lee Roy
30th August 2008, 13:15
Should Nascar promote rivalries between the drivers,like Kyle and Carl this week or is this just a ploy?Both drivers had heated exchanges for a while and during the post race interviews,both said they were best friends.I dont know about you all but the last part makes me sick.Whats the use of drivers being politally correct.

colinspooky is right. Such things are over-debated on the intawebs (I like that term, spook). If they "fight", they're accused of being childish. If they don't "fight", they're accused of being PC.

30th August 2008, 16:22
There have been several driver rivalries over the years ...
Richard Petty & David Pearson had some heated races with each wanting to win ...
Petty & Pearson didn't cut each other any slack on the track, there was NO "give & take", omly TAKE. :D

One of the best driver rivalries IMO was Dale Earnhardt & Tim Richmond ...
both were extremely aggresive & both were focused on winning, no matter what it took ...
I remember Dale Earnhardt crashing after contact from Tim Richmond (@ a roadcourse I think) ...
Dale Earnhardt wound-up on his roof, the 1st driver there to assist him was Tim Richmond ...
Richmond helped Dale out of the car & if memory serves me correctly Dale Earnhardt broke his leg ...
Earnhardt & Richmond were bitter racing rivals, yet it was apparent they respected each other ...
I suspect that they could have been friends off the track.

I enjoy intense driver rivalries & I hope NASCAR allows them to flourish. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/thum/a1u.gif