View Full Version : Network Audio JObbies

28th August 2008, 22:38
Anyone got one???

So it's nearly pay day and I'm already thinking of how to throw away some money.

Anyway I was at my bosses house the other day and he had a Sonos system which allows him to play music all over he house from a little controller. He also had access to internet radio and (via subscription) Napster which gave him a stupidly large music collection.

At first I thought it was pointless (because it pretty much is) but it's a sweet gadget and planted seeds in my tiny little mind. Now the Sonos system is just too rich for my blood, especially if buying it new so I've been looking for alternatives. Pretty much the only ones I can find which are worth consideration are a Netgear one (which, tbh, doesn't light my candle) or a the Logitech (SlimDevices) Squeezebox which has either the 3rd generation which is fairly standard, or the Duet which looks kickass but is still a bit over my non-existant budget.

So if you have/know about/seen one then all information will be greatly received :D

28th August 2008, 23:46
I was going to post the same thread a few weeks ago. Went to PC world and had a look at a Squeezebox and I didn't like the display but it seems from pictures on the net that perhaps the one at PC World wasn't set up properly.

There's also this one from Philips too.


No idea how good it is though.

I was this close to deciding on the Squeezebox and then Caroline moved her PC into the bedroom and now we can listen to internet radio and MP3's on that. Just need to buy a media centre remote and it'll be just as good as a squeezebox :)

Dave B
29th August 2008, 09:26
I was going to post the same thread a few weeks ago. Went to PC world and had a look at a Squeezebox and I didn't like the display but it seems from pictures on the net that perhaps the one at PC World wasn't set up properly.
Are you seriously suggesting that the highly knowledgable and intellegent Tech Guys at PC World wouldn't know how to properly display one of their own products? Oh ye of little faith :s


30th August 2008, 22:00
Never. I'm also sure they'd never sell a monster cable to an unsuspecting victim :)