View Full Version : CMR2 Rally New Zealand

28th August 2008, 21:15
At the risk of infuriating the organizer I'm going to start this thread before Loeb leaves the actual starting line:

Your last chance to prove you're good at fast gravel rallyes!

the rally will be run with the following format:
Game Rally: Finland(mirrored)
Shakedown stage: SS6
Day 1: Single rally expert level
Day 2: Single rally intermediate level

rally starts on Saturday and deadline for submission is on wednesday 3rd September 11:59 GMT.

for more info go to http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/cmr2wc or just ask it here! new entries always welcome

have fun and good luck!

29th August 2008, 03:43
Guess I'm getting old... :s I thought I started it on Tuesday :s
Anyway thank you very much Tannat! :up:

one corrections:

Deadline is on wednesday 15:59 GMT not 11:59

and in case of confussions, you still need to send the timecars to me, not Tannat

29th August 2008, 16:05
OK.I will run this rally.If I don't forget to send you timetable.Last time I forgot.

30th August 2008, 19:11
One slight problem guys.

I won't have time to work on the stage-by-stage results next week.

so I give you two choices:

- I publish the final results on wednesday as usual and the stage-by-stage times on the weekend


- You wait a bit and I publish both stage-by-stage and final results on the weekend

please let me know what do you prefer

30th August 2008, 20:25
My choise is first one.

31st August 2008, 08:38
..after Loeb has won the rally (DAMMIT!!!)

2:31.92 tapped some trees :D
2:30.15 lost 5 seconds last sector-would have been a PB :(
2:26.19 :up:
2:24.25 G at 0 rather than +1

1st September 2008, 08:38
Results on wednesday please :-)

I am evil Homer
1st September 2008, 11:12
Really enjoying this one so far...done Shakedown and Day 1. The mirrored stages are a lot of fun trying to find the limit!!

2:27.04....visited the scenery :D
2:19.31 - set PB's on every sector then messed up the last one!!!

1st September 2008, 21:22
A not-so-greta attempt to liven up the thread with a screenshot (ho hum)


1st September 2008, 22:07
One bad thing about the Octavia: too much lift :D


1st September 2008, 22:35
Nice shot, that last one - I'm trying to keep my 206 closer to the ground :D .

I'm really struggling getting back into gravel mode after practising hard on tarmac last month and as a consequence had one of my worst ever shakedowns:
2:34.12 (went off into a ditch)
2:39.04 (went off into the same ditch, really...)
2:30.78 (took it really easy at that corner this time)
2:29.91 (clipped a tree twice, not comfortable at all)

2nd September 2008, 12:35
Don't forget about mirroring the track !! (Tannat) :D

2nd September 2008, 14:32
Don't forget about mirroring the track !! (Tannat) :D

Now there's a sharp eye :up:

I have to do screenshots on my PC but do ALL my rallying on PS1 :D

2nd September 2008, 14:56
Aaah, that's clever. Maybe you will want to race on PC next season, if staying with Suzuki ..... something yellow is on my workbench.

2nd September 2008, 18:39
Aaah, that's clever. Maybe you will want to race on PC next season, if staying with Suzuki ..... something yellow is on my workbench.

Can't wait to see it..

If I race on PC I will finish at the bottom. I'll continue to do probably as I am now (screenshots PC, race PS1/2)

2nd September 2008, 22:07
I just completed my worst rally in some time. I thought I'd be happy to be back on gravel after the tarmac events of last month, but this rally only brought frustration. Never before this season did I have four big offs in one event :(

The first day started alright with decent times on the first six stages - a bit behind my personal bests but I was not unhappy with the feel of the car. Then it all went wrong when I lost it over a jump at the beginning of stage 7 and crashed into the boarding, losing 5 seconds and damaging the car. I still tried to push at the beginning of stage 8 but the car reacted differently to what I expected and first I spun into the trees, then three corners later I somersaulted over a rock. After that the handling of the car was so iffy I just concentrated on keeping it on the road. That was over 15 seconds lost on that stage and morale in the team was at a very ebb. And it got worse when it started to rain on the final two stages of the day without us having noticed beforehand...

Somehow I couldn't motivate myself for day 2. I was slower on all stages except the last compared to day 1 and managed another 360-spin on stage 7 after hitting a tree, doing again serious damage to the car. All in all a rally I'd rather forget. Maybe asphalt isn't so bad after all...

3rd September 2008, 05:07
No time this week to do the Rally. I'll try to get it done tonight (OZ time) for submission. Good Luck.

3rd September 2008, 06:53
Zes has completed the rally. First day it was very difficult to adapt myself for gravel driving again. Some stages went very well, until I managed to hit a tree... When I didn't hit a tree, I was slow. Second day was a bit better, I kept it on the road and found a good rhythm. I should have pushed a bit more to get better times.

Can't wait to see your Suzuki, NOR. Especially my son's are waiting it, because we visited the Suzuki team at NORF this year. Suzuki people were very kind and the kids have been Great Suzuki Fans after that.

3rd September 2008, 08:02
Could I ask for extended deadline, please? Can't find time to run before tonight, maybe tomorrow morning. So if doesn't matter Thursday 10am GMT for me, I'll be very glad.

Marcel Haenen
3rd September 2008, 08:54
This was a rally to quickly forget. Had to drive it with a stiff and painfull neck and had the same brake problems as in Germany as well. Luckily I know these stages very well, as I competed here a lot in the past. Becuase of the problems I settled for a comfortable rhythm and it wasn't as fast as it could have been. I think it will be enough for the podium, but I am not sure about Homer as he was so close in Finland on the previous gravel race.

I am evil Homer
3rd September 2008, 11:26
Sent my times in.

Very happy with the rally, we went well and set PBs on two stages. I think they key was playing about with the set up. Last time out the suspension was just too soft and the car rolled too much when trying to change direction quickly.

Also knocked the brakes back from being default -1 towards the back to avoid a few lock ups we had last time. The PBs however were mianly due to the fact we didn't get any rain and whenever I try and practice the stages I always seemed to! I went back and checked the Finland times and indeed myself and Marcel were close some stages but he had an edge on others - if I can close that gap slightly then who knows we could challenge for the win.

And I hope you feel better Marcel :) - bad necks are never much fun

3rd September 2008, 18:40
as requested by NOR, deadline extended to Thursday 15:59 GMT.

deadline comes handy to me also as I'm yet to complete day 2

3rd September 2008, 23:48
Thank you thank you I'll be doing the Rally today!

4th September 2008, 08:02
Thanks a lot for the extension. I have just done the rally. Heavy rain on stages 1 and 2. The rest of stages was better, but I'm not satisfied at all. I made few bad mistakes and the feeling from nervous handling car on mirrored track was confusing. Hope for some points, but podium should be far ahead me.

4th September 2008, 14:51
Just submitted out times. Found some tricks on a few stages-you can REALLY ride the walls on some corners, most notably SS5. Good times on the night stage by simply being cautious...

NOR-sorry to hear about the rain. My rallies were dry (thankfully).

4th September 2008, 23:40
Hard Rally, crashed everywhere and the blloody trees got in the way!
DAy 1
we crashed heavily while getting used to the manual steering, destroyed the gearbox. A bid endo just about finished the car. Struggled through stage 6 and rolled twice over one of the humps.
Day 2
faster, but still ill handling again. Stage 3, into the trees again and jammed between 2 trees, lost time. Hit a big rock and off teh track again. Stage 6 & 7 we saw rain and we WD'd lost time again due to the screen smashed and lost our way.

A real hard rally. We lost our power steering(wheel) before the Rally and had to make do with the manual steering(keyboard). The mechanics just shook their heads when we finally made it to the over night halt. Thanks guys for keeping us going.

5th September 2008, 01:11
haven't received your timecard Rat!

5th September 2008, 01:48
now I have them, results in a few minutes

5th September 2008, 01:59
congrats to Homer

1.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 36:07,56
2.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 36:18,22
3.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 38:10,79
4.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 38:14,30
5.- Jso1985 Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 38:53,03
6.- Kabouter Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 39:33,40
7.- JTLarsen Two Basses Team Ford Europe 40:27,68
8.- Zes Peugeot Sport Finland 40:27,86
9.- Rat Red Bull Toyota 46:10,54

Drivers Standings
1.- Marcel Haenen 94(7 wins)
2.- I Am Evil Homer 94(4 wins)
3.- Tannat 51
4.-NOR 42
5.- Steve0302 29
6.- Juha 24
7.- Jso1985 18
8.- Cyborg_hun 17
9.- Ramore 17
10.- J.Lindstroem 15
11.- Kabouter 13
12.- Zes 9
13.- JTLarsen 5
14.- PetterSolberg29 1

Teams Standings
1.- Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 112
2.- ML Motorsports Citroën 111
3.- Suzuki Motorsport 75
4.- Two Basses Team Ford Europe 47
5.- ARB Racers 29
6.- Subaru World Rally Team 17
7.- Frozz Motors Europe 15
8.- Curtans RallyBase Motorsports 13
9.- Peugeot Sport Finland 9
10.- Expert Sport WRT 1

stage-by-stage results will be available as soon as possible

5th September 2008, 03:36
1.- I am evil Homer Red Bull Citroën Total Sport 36:07,56
2.- Marcel Haenen ML Motorsports Citroën 36:18,22
3.- Tannat Suzuki Motorsport 38:10,79
4.- NOR Two Basses Team Ford Europe 38:14,30

And NOR had two wet stages? Boy-we were lucky. This one should have been yours, friend :up:

I worry about the upcoming BRC round (Finland)

Less than 2/10ths between JTL and Zes-good rally :up:

Really tight in the teams championship...

Our numbers are getting smaller :(

See everyone on tarmac for the next round..

5th September 2008, 04:16
it was just a crap Rally for us having to adapt back to the keyboard again, no feel at all!
Well done to the front runners again.

I am evil Homer
5th September 2008, 11:17
Wow....figured we might be a lot closer to Marcel but to win is amazing!!

I also had a dry rally - how many others suffered from rain then??

5th September 2008, 12:06
Congratulations to Homer for an excellent victory. This keeps the championship very much alive! I'm sure Marcel will be in better health for the next round and the fight will continue.

I see my various off-track excursions didn't affect the overall results. But these 3 points are more a result of the reduced entry list for this event than of an improvement in my driving. What a tight battle between JTLarsen and Zes for 7th! That promises something for the mid-field battles in the next rounds of the championship. I really hope numbers will be up again so just finishing in the points will be a big challenge again like it was in the first rounds this year.

And thumbs up to Rat for persevering despite the loss of his steering wheel. I'm sure you'll get the hang of using the keyboard again. From earlier BRC results it looked like you were getting pretty competitive on asphalt, so the next CMR2WC rounds should suit you.

5th September 2008, 12:12
Oooh, many close battles. Congratulations to all, shouldn't be there more than 9 drivers? Yep Tannat, in BRC would be a nice return, I hope so. There will be my focus, because here I can't catch you.

5th September 2008, 12:13
Thanks Kabouter, yep the wheel was easier to hold the slides longer. The keyboard is on or off. I'll get the wheel back asap, I NEED it.
AAAAGGGHHH I forgot to reorder the Red Bull again..Good stuff that.

Marcel Haenen
8th September 2008, 08:27
Congrats to Homer, great run! My neck is healing good now, so I should be back for the next round and bring the fight back.

12th September 2008, 20:56
stage-by-stage results will be available as soon as possible

Any chance of those stage-by-stage results, jso? ;)

14th September 2008, 22:01
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28th September 2008, 19:26
sorry for the huuuuuuuge delay

stage-by-stage times are noe available at the yahoo group