View Full Version : Latest DeLorenzo NASCAR Bash

Lee Roy
27th August 2008, 19:44
I usually just ignore this guy because he usually spews the same hatred for NASCAR every 3 or 4 months. He just calls up the same old NASCAR Bashing WORD file, changes the date, and re-publishes it on his own web-site.

This foaming-at-the-mouth rant is a little different than his normal foaming-at-the-mouth rant. It will be interesting to see how the issues he mentions play out over the next few months.


27th August 2008, 22:40
I wish I could say he's full of baloney but I don't think he is. If I was one of the Big Four I'd be mortified to have my logo on the flying bricks NASCAR refers to as COTs. They're Frankenstein creations that don't even come close to resembling the model they represent. They haven't made the racing better.

Brian France has gimmicked up the sport so much it's becoming a big bad joke on us all. Drivers were told to shut up and the booth talking heads fall all over themselves crowing about how exciting the boring races are. Race fans know when smoke is being blown up their butts and it's insulting. If Brian thinks he function without the mfgrs or blow smoke up their butts with his bone toss he's in for a rude awakening. He can't win in a game of Chicken with the Big Four.

28th August 2008, 00:06
I tend to agree with his take on the Bud Shootout, even though the new format almost guarantees that Kenseth will be in the race from now on, which wasn’t the case when it was based strictly on winning the pole.

I guess the timing was right for Nascar to change the format since Miller-Coors is the sponsor of the pole award now. :|

28th August 2008, 02:14
....Nascar to change the format since Coors is the sponsor of the pole award now. :|
IMO that is exactly why the participants eligible for the Shootout was reformated ...
on top of that, don't be surprised if Budweiser is ask to stop sponsoring the Shootout :s ...
then it will be a bidding war to see who will pay the most for naming rights ...
the players will have deep pockets, so nascar will cash-in again. :s

28th August 2008, 03:04


28th August 2008, 18:19
on top of that, don't be surprised if Budweiser is ask to stop sponsoring the Shootout :s ...
then it will be a bidding war to see who will pay the most for naming rights ...
the players will have deep pockets, so nascar will cash-in again. :s

I'm not sure this is that big of an event that NASCAR would be able to pull that off. We already had one All-Star race, now we have two. There are normal points paying races that are having a heck of a time attracting a corporate sponsor.

29th August 2008, 04:24
Yeah, this time he's just bashing Brian France. That's something we can all agree on.

29th August 2008, 18:40
Yeah, this time he's just bashing Brian France. That's something we can all agree on.

OK - now I'll add an AMEN! lol :D

31st August 2008, 16:43
sadly cup racing is now more about the flash than the racing
brian france should be removed for straying from the racing roots of nascar