View Full Version : Brokeback Mountain - Advice please

Hazell B
30th January 2007, 20:34
When you're watching a film with somebody else, are there certain things that make you feel uncomfortable?

I bought Brokeback Mountain the other day and tomorrow night have time to watch it, but my partner's home and I just don't know if he'll be uncomfortable watching a gay love story. He's not in the slightest flapped by my gay friends talking about their partners and things like that, but somebody told me they'd been very embarrassed watching the film with their girlfriend a few months ago. Would I be better waiting and watching it when he's a work? (Obviously, I've not seen it yet)

Have to admit to a few instances of feeling really red faced while seeing a film for the first time with Mick beside me. My numerous utterings of "Hellllllo!" when specific actors remove clothes don't always go down well :p :

30th January 2007, 20:41
Brokeback is a lovely, lovely film.
Yes, it's about gay cowboys, but there's nothing camp about it. Doesn't anyone else think that campness makes some people feel uncomfortable more than someone actually being gay?
Word of warning though, there are attractive men with their kit off in it, so be prepared for a bit of "hellllloo"-ing!

Ian McC
30th January 2007, 23:28
I am sure he will get over it Hazell :)

31st January 2007, 00:08
I couldn't watch it personally would be pretty uncomfortable for me...

Hazell, if you watch it with your partner, the problem would be if you hear HIM start issuing out the Hellllooooos.... :s

31st January 2007, 00:39
Good film that.

I'm straight and I have in my DVD collection. Whenever mates come round I'm always made fun of but they always ask to borrow it on the sly :D

I remember when it came out last year everyone made the same stupid jokes and really used to p*ss me off!!!

What love about this movie is that it doesn't play with stereotypes - you have to regular masculine guys with a macho facade and could easily pass off as straight guys.

31st January 2007, 05:23
I haven't seen it but what from I've heard I think I, as a straight man, would be a bit uncomfortable watching it.

However, we all have to experience discomfort in our lives, so I would watch it. If it really was too uncomfortable for me I'd just leave the room until the scene was over, or something.

31st January 2007, 07:30
Brokeback is a lovely, lovely film.
Yes, it's about gay cowboys, but there's nothing camp about it.


Sure there isn't.

31st January 2007, 08:09
I haven't seen it but my girlfriend has and she'd heard that it was a 'lovely film' too, a love story and not all about the sex. But she said it was just all about the sex so didn't enjoy it.

31st January 2007, 09:45
I haven't seen it but my girlfriend has and she'd heard that it was a 'lovely film' too, a love story and not all about the sex. But she said it was just all about the sex so didn't enjoy it.

Forgive me, but how can it be 'a lovely film' and 'not all about the sex' but, at the same time, 'just all about the sex' and not enjoyable?

I haven't seen it, by the way.

31st January 2007, 09:48
She heard it was one thing and then when she watched it found it was another.

31st January 2007, 09:49
If you had read Marks post better, you'd notice she had heard it was something and found it to be something else. :)

31st January 2007, 09:49
Oh, I see. Apologies.

31st January 2007, 12:43
An interesting movie, I would say it's about how the gay people where seen by the working class in the USA at that moment.

If one likes the movie or not depends on that persons opinion about homosexuality.

31st January 2007, 12:56
Why is it that people feel uncomfortable watching a movie(like BbM, sounds like BDSM :p : ) or just doing anything that has something to do with sexuality? I thought it's only with 13-year old boys but looks like it isn't.

31st January 2007, 13:25
Certainly wouldn't make me uncomfortable. I actually got it for Xmas but haven't watched it yet. If I don't like it, it'll probably be because it's a schmaltzy Hollywood love story, rather than because it features (SHOCK! HORROR!) homosexual men.

31st January 2007, 13:52
Yes, I'd be interested to hear whether or not those people who are uncomfortable with it have the same feelings about watching a straight couple having sex.

Hazell B
31st January 2007, 14:08
....there are attractive men with their kit off in it, so be prepared for a bit of "hellllloo"-ing!

:D :D :D

After reading your comments, I have to say I don't know why either myself of my partner would feel uncomfortable watching certain movies. But we do, as do lots of other people. One friend in her 30s with three youngish teenage
daughters hasn't ever watched things like Chocolat in front of them and told me she'd curl up and die if her mum knew she was a fan of adult comedians like Robin Williams and Chubby Brown. The odd thing is, I've been out with her mum and she's as broad minded as they come - but refuses to believe her daughter had sex to produce those three kids!

31st January 2007, 16:14
:D :D :D

After reading your comments, I have to say I don't know why either myself of my partner would feel uncomfortable watching certain movies. But we do, as do lots of other people. One friend in her 30s with three youngish teenage
daughters hasn't ever watched things like Chocolat in front of them and told me she'd curl up and die if her mum knew she was a fan of adult comedians like Robin Williams and Chubby Brown. The odd thing is, I've been out with her mum and she's as broad minded as they come - but refuses to believe her daughter had sex to produce those three kids!

What a complicated bunch of people!

31st January 2007, 16:45
I duno about you lot, but the scene between Kyle and (some various character played by Queen Latifa) when they go to the frat party in Road Trip was rather uncomfortable for me, even though i'd seen it loads of times before!

And the reason, because my dad, uncle and grandad were all watching it with us aswell :|

31st January 2007, 22:10
It won "Best kissing scene" and it's between two guys. No thanks.

I just don't see the entertainment in watching two grown men kissing. It's just not natural... If it was natural then it would have been made possible for guys to have babys with guys.

Not that I have a problem with gays....Leaves more chicks for the rest of us. ;)

jim mcglinchey
31st January 2007, 22:24
mmm you haven't heard of the new equality legislation whereby homos can now legally adopt kids.. It'll all end in tears I tell 'ee.

31st January 2007, 22:24
I couldn't watch it personally would be pretty uncomfortable for me...

Hazell, if you watch it with your partner, the problem would be if you hear HIM start issuing out the Hellllooooos.... :s
I haven't watched for the same reasons.
I watch handle stories about gay people, but I hear there is scenes of gay Intimacy, Sorry can't handle that part of it.

31st January 2007, 23:41
Brokeback is a lovely, lovely film.
Yes, it's about gay cowboys

Shepherds! Not cowboys!

31st January 2007, 23:41
mmm you haven't heard of the new equality legislation whereby homos can now legally adopt kids.. It'll all end in tears I tell 'ee.

Homosexuals have been legally able to adopt kids for some time.

However, the new legislation stipulates that ALL adoption agencies must treat homosexual couples applying to adopt in the same way that they would treat a heterosexual couple.

31st January 2007, 23:45
If it was natural then it would have been made possible for guys to have babys with guys.

Homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality, in that it occurs naturallly. One does not become homosexual, or indeed heterosexual, by choice.

31st January 2007, 23:49
mmm you haven't heard of the new equality legislation whereby homos can now legally adopt kids.. It'll all end in tears I tell 'ee.

Okay, i'd much rather have kids grow up with two loving same sex parents, than an orphanage.

1st February 2007, 00:02
Okay, i'd much rather have kids grow up with two loving same sex parents, than an orphanage.you got my vote on that !