View Full Version : Benny going to Boot Camp

Valve Bounce
27th August 2008, 10:47
Tomorrow, my better half is going to Brisbane, and Benny will be left here in Melbourne with me. I have decided to put Benny into Boot Camp: no more bits of toasties in the morning, no more croisants from Laurent, no more bits of sharing lunch, no cheese or chicken or gravy mixed with din dins, no more biscuits all hours of the day. This is it: back to Science Diet, both wet and dry; no more human food. I have to be cruel, only to be kind.

28th August 2008, 03:37
What the hell are you talking about?

28th August 2008, 05:30
And I've got a popup ad appearing on this thread. "5 Tips For a Flat Stomach - click here"

And another one at the top of screen "You Just Can't Get Enough" -bellissimobiscotti.

28th August 2008, 07:19
You don't think you're being a bit tough on your son? ;)

Valve Bounce
28th August 2008, 08:28
You don't think you're being a bit tough on your son? ;)

No!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Benny is my little Long Haired Chihuahua. Up till now he has been spoiled with heaps of food which he should not be eating, but tonight it's strictly Science Diet.

OK, I might relent and give him a little Kraft Cheddar with his dinner.

He is the most gorgeous little dog.

28th August 2008, 09:10

Valve Bounce
28th August 2008, 10:16
Here's Benny

Azumanga Davo
28th August 2008, 11:04
:eek: *falls over

Now that is rather cuddly...

My dog isn't much impressed though. Must be jealousy... :p :

28th August 2008, 21:35
Thank god benny's a dog. Do what you want.

28th August 2008, 23:59
Meh! Benny is nothing compared to my parents JRT :)


I'm wanting a dog or two at the moment. It won't be for a while but I'm soooooo stuck between having a JRT a Dachshund both of which I've owned before and love or a beagle.

I get that feeling women must get when they see babies when I see other people with nice dogs :)

1st September 2008, 23:40
Tomorrow, my better half is going to Brisbane, and Benny will be left here in Melbourne with me. I have decided to put Benny into Boot Camp: no more bits of toasties in the morning, no more croisants from Laurent, no more bits of sharing lunch, no cheese or chicken or gravy mixed with din dins, no more biscuits all hours of the day. This is it: back to Science Diet, both wet and dry; no more human food. I have to be cruel, only to be kind.

Ok. Truth time. How long did this "cruel" regime last?

Valve Bounce
3rd September 2008, 13:37
Ok. Truth time. How long did this "cruel" regime last?

One week. ;)
My better half returned today, and Benny is being pampered once again.

Funny thing: without all the extras, Benny was really good and ate his dinner each day with no fuss at all. Ate the lot, then went onto his dry biscuits.

Valve Bounce
3rd September 2008, 13:48
I'm wanting a dog or two at the moment. It won't be for a while but I'm soooooo stuck between having a JRT a Dachshund both of which I've owned before and love or a beagle.

I get that feeling women must get when they see babies when I see other people with nice dogs :)

One warning about Beagles, and I can say this without any fear of contradiction. Beagles will run away; my sister-in-law in Byron Bay has one, and Harry runs off for more than a day. He chases kangaroos, sheep, and comes back filthy and covered with ticks. Don't know what the hell he had been eating, but it comes out really foul.

They have an electrified fence around their large compound now to keep him in, but Harry hides behind the bushes and rushes out when any visitor opens the front gate.

Many Beagle owners will tell you about their Beagles running away. My favorite Beagle was Bob who lived downstairs. We used to find him running across the busy main road. We loved Bob, and now he lives in Panama. He was kidnapped in Venezuela when his owners were visiting family there, and they had to pay a ransom to get him back.

Bobby was the most beautiful Beagle I've ever seen; we loved him and still miss him. He was Benny's best friend. He even shared a bone with Benny once.

I'm rambling , aren't I. Guess I'd better go to bed now.

3rd September 2008, 14:11
I get that feeling women must get when they see babies when I see other people with nice dogs :)

I get that feeling when I see someone in a MK1 Mex or Alfa Brera :D

Valve Bounce
4th September 2008, 00:06
I get that feeling when I see someone in a MK1 Mex or Alfa Brera :D

That reminds me I came across this immaculate Bugatti 57 parked outside the Botanic Gardens last Thursday.

4th September 2008, 00:29
That reminds me I came across this immaculate Bugatti 57 parked outside the Botanic Gardens last Thursday.

I hope you cleaned it afterwards ;) Eh? Nudge, nudge, wink wink. I'm so funny :uhoh:

I've seen loads of old Bugs at places like the Le Mans Classic and the Goodwood Revival but neve seen one outside a car event. Was it genuine or a replica? (not that I can ever tell)

Valve Bounce
4th September 2008, 02:25
Absolutely genuine - I think it was brought to Melbourne for the Art Deco exhibition. The car was in mint condition, and it was beautiful.