View Full Version : Tracy at Detroit and other randomness

21st August 2008, 15:39
We've all heard the rumors about Tracy supposedly being at Infineon (Which apparently didn't come together) and Detroit, but apparently the Walker/Vision combo is working on a deal at Detroit, but considering how random the rest of the article is, I'm not sure it can be trusted.

Talk in Indy Racing League circles has Toronto's Paul Tracy close to a contract that could see him back in a Vision Racing Dallara at the Detroit Grand Prix of Belle Isle on Labour Day weekend.

According to sources, Derrick Walker is working hard to turn Tracy's fourth-place finish at the Rexall Edmonton Indy last month into another start in the Tony George-owned outfit.

There also are rumours linking Tracy to the third car at Chip Ganassi Racing should Darren Manning not re-sign. Another option would be a full-season in 2009 with Vision.


Huh? Darren Manning resigning somehow affects Ganassi? There is a third Ganassi car and Alex Lloyd isn't getting it? I guess it was a typo and he meant Wheldon instead of Manning. Anyone else hearing anything about this?

If Tracy does get back with Walker/Vision you would have to think he's a threat for a win. He had a great performance at Edmonton, has experience with the car, track, and team, so I'd have to consider him a favorite

21st August 2008, 15:44
PT at belle Isle is a no brainer...

But as a fan i really want to see him at Chicago.... the vision cars have been stronger on ovals than road coarses this season (save PT run at Edmonton).....

and regardless of his detractors ignorance.... he is a hell of an oval racer

PT at Chicago in a Vision car will be very very interesting

21st August 2008, 19:01
PT anywhere is very, very interesting.

22nd August 2008, 07:42
Im with MDS, Im sure he meant if Wheldon doesnt re-sign because Darren Manning has nothing to do with Chip Ganassi. Darren is an AJ Foyt driver.

I like Paul, but if he went to Chicagoland, he would get smoked by quite a few drivers... Danica, Dixon, Kanaan, Andretti, Castroneves, Wheldon, Meira, etc.

22nd August 2008, 08:20
Pt is a far more all round driver (ovals road street), Than Andretti, Danica can ever hope to be...

22nd August 2008, 10:04
Secondly if Vision are struggling on Road and Street courses then surely it would be in their best long term interest to get someone with PT's experience to assist the other drivers and team with some good results on the road...

22nd August 2008, 12:09
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.

22nd August 2008, 13:06
That's one rather ridiculous statement to say the least, heck if he doesn't mean it for ironic reason or simply trying to troll the forum I guess he's just living in his own wonderland of Danica.

22nd August 2008, 14:27
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.

care to support that statement in any way or form...

*this should be fun

Easy Drifter
22nd August 2008, 15:02
If he ever finds the F1 forum he will be proclaiming her the next World Champion.

Chris R
22nd August 2008, 15:06
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.

:crazy: :crazy:

well, you have to admire his dedication to Danica....

However, this really does depend on point of view:

Is Danica better at marketing herself as a top line professional racing car driver who drives pretty darn well on the msot famous of all ovals?? Absolutely!

Is she a better driver on ovals?? I think not....

That being said - Paul Tracy is not as good of an oval driver as Sam Hornish or Rick Mears - so there is not necessarily any shame in that.....

22nd August 2008, 15:08
based on Oval wins alone, Pt is ahead. Based on CART oval wins PT is ahead, simply becasue of the high level of drivers in the field back then.

Danica one win with half the series at LongBeach.

Troll Troll TRoll TRoll Troll............I think so.

I don't dislike Danica, but I'm not delusional either, but lets not turn into a Danica thread, its a PT thread.

22nd August 2008, 15:14
:crazy: :crazy:

well, you have to admire his dedication to Danica....

However, this really does depend on point of view:

Is Danica better at marketing herself as a top line professional racing car driver who drives pretty darn well on the msot famous of all ovals?? Absolutely!

Is she a better driver on ovals?? I think not....

That being said - Paul Tracy is not as good of an oval driver as Sam Hornish or Rick Mears - so there is not necessarily any shame in that.....

sam hornish isnt as good an oval racer as rick mears

22nd August 2008, 15:28
Im with MDS, Im sure he meant if Wheldon doesnt re-sign because Darren Manning has nothing to do with Chip Ganassi. Darren is an AJ Foyt driver.

I like Paul, but if he went to Chicagoland, he would get smoked by quite a few drivers... Danica, Dixon, Kanaan, Andretti, Castroneves, Wheldon, Meira, etc.

Care to put your money where your mouth is? I say on the very first oval track he goes to, Tracy beats both Danica and Marco. Dixon, Tony and Castroneves are a toss up.


22nd August 2008, 15:35
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.
Danica Patrick #7 Motorola - Future Indy 500 Winner

Really? In what fictional reality might that occur? Better at what, stomping down pit lane to wag her finger at some other driver?

Paul Tracy - Former Indy 500 Winner.


22nd August 2008, 15:37
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.

Paully has a couple or 20 more wins on ovals than Danica does. That statement is pure miopia. I take it you never saw him on the track at Phoenix :)

22nd August 2008, 16:16
Paul is not better on an oval than Danica.

You should look at the facts first.

PT in 82 starts on paved ovals has 8 wins, 5 @P2, 9 @P3, 3 @P4, 3 @P5.
Danica in 46 starts on paved ovals has 1 win, 0 @P2, 1 @P3, 1 @P4, 1 @P5.

Don't let your fanaticism override the facts. She will NEVER be as good or better than PT.

Chris R
22nd August 2008, 16:39
sam hornish isnt as good an oval racer as rick mears
very true - didn't mean to put them together in terms of skill - but I think it is fair to say Hornish is likely a better oval racer than Tracy (but perhaps not - definitely room for argument there...)

I would say Rick Mears was likely the best of all time on the circle tracks....

22nd August 2008, 17:32
No, Im not trolling. Im Danica's biggest fan and I see amazing talent in this woman that most people dont see or will admit to.

Paul has won more and had more higher finishes because he has raced longer than she has. Wait till Danica has that many races under her belt, she will achieve that. And after they retire, Danica will have more wins under her belt. :D Mark my words on that!!!!

And Garyshell, too bad you arent here to shake on that bet. I guarantee you Paul will not finish higher than Danica or Marco and he will not qualify as good as they do if he even races.

Alfa Fan
22nd August 2008, 17:41
LOL is the only suitable responce to that tripe.

22nd August 2008, 17:47
then why was Sarah whooping her at Kentucky in an underfunded car :rolleyes:

Danica is ok in great equipment, put her in a lowerfunded team and she will be lucky to crack the top 15

also Qualifying is one thing, the race is another ;)

22nd August 2008, 18:02
And Garyshell, too bad you arent here to shake on that bet. I guarantee you Paul will not finish higher than Danica or Marco and he will not qualify as good as they do if he even races.

Put up or shut up. I have a crisp $5 bill here that says you are wrong. I accept the terms of your bet regarding their relative finish at the next oval where they meet, as stated above. Looks like I will be enjoying a couple of cold ones on you after that race!



22nd August 2008, 18:07
Put up or shut up. I have a crisp $5 bill here that says you are wrong. I accept the terms of your bet regarding thier relative finish of the next oval where they meet, as stated above. Looks like I will be enjoying a couple of cold ones on you after that race!



The IRL needs to market this, because I'm watching the next race just to see who wins this bet! :beer:

Easy Drifter
22nd August 2008, 21:07
There are fans.
There are super fans.
There are rabid fans.
There are obsessed fans.
The latter are a little scary.
Sorry, but he worries me.
I was one who said Danica would win sooner or later but she is not all that good. Maybe better than average but not by much.
His hero worship is to my mind obsessive and not reasonable.
That is just my personal opinion.
Mods: If you feel I am over the top please just delete my post.

El Sween
22nd August 2008, 21:36
I will be amazed if Danica wins more than 31 races.

22nd August 2008, 23:06
On the practice show Davey Hamilton said he talked to TG and Walker/Vision will not be at the last two races.

23rd August 2008, 00:47
On the practice show Davey Hamilton said he talked to TG and Walker/Vision will not be at the last two races.
Thanks for the info MDS.

So garyshell, I guess our bet is off this year but next year if he even races, I'll take you up on that. He will not beat her on an oval unless she has an unforeseen DNF.

23rd August 2008, 01:01
Are you looney? Danica is not a good driver whatsoever.
Normally, when drivers receive their first win, their momentum carries through to the next races. Their confidence goes up, and you see them shine in a good way.
Danica won Motegi, but how many podiums has she had to backup her fluke win? Zero. Only one top 5. The girl has a very poor attitude in every situation, and she needs to stop focusing on who's out to get her.

On a more personal level, i'm sick of the Danicamania all over the place, because all she claims to wanna do is race race race, but then she poses in the swimsuit version of SI, and that's all she is known for.
Honestly, the ICS has turned into some sort of auto racing "WWE" let by the famous Danica Patrick.

23rd August 2008, 04:46
Thanks for the info MDS.

So garyshell, I guess our bet is off this year but next year if he even races, I'll take you up on that. He will not beat her on an oval unless she has an unforeseen DNF.

Oh, so now we are adding stipulations to the bet? Nope, the bet is as originaly stated:

I guarantee you Paul will not finish higher than Danica or Marco and he will not qualify as good as they do if he even races.

Nothing was said about "unforeseen DNF". But that cuts both ways. If Tracy goes out before them you would collect.


23rd August 2008, 07:34
...unless she has an unforeseen DNF.

I just hate when those foreseen DNFs come up and bite you. "Well, the crystal ball says Roth will spin you into the wall on lap 53, so better play it safe and park the car on lap 51." ;)

23rd August 2008, 16:20
No garyshell, I didnt change the bet. Its still on. But I dont think Paul is going to race again this year so I was saying, have to wait until next year, if he even races then.

I was also just saying, the only way Paul could beat her on oval was if she had an unforeseen DNF but if that happened, then you would win the bet. But Im not worried about that.

23rd August 2008, 17:23
No garyshell, I didnt change the bet. Its still on. But I dont think Paul is going to race again this year so I was saying, have to wait until next year, if he even races then.

I was also just saying, the only way Paul could beat her on oval was if she had an unforeseen DNF but if that happened, then you would win the bet. But Im not worried about that.

Game on!


23rd August 2008, 17:47
I was also just saying, the only way Paul could beat her on oval was if she had an unforeseen DNF but if that happened, then you would win the bet. But Im not worried about that.

I'm cutting you off the Koolaid :p :

23rd August 2008, 19:12
Seriously...I've never posted to this or any other forum as far as that goes. I always enjoy reading what everybody has to say and I keep to myself. The suggestion that Danica is superior to PT in any racing way made me realize I can't take it any longer.

Any person having any knowledge of racing can write a book of statistics proving not only is PT a better oval racer than DP (road, street, bicycle, foot, or lawnmower for that matter) but she doesn't even stack up to the likes of 21/25ths of the regular drivers in the IRL.

What I want to know is what "qualifies" Danica as a such a God given talented racer? She's never won at ANYTHING! She has her 1 fluke win in the bigs...no wins in Atlantics...no records of any sort to speak of at any level. Rahal only brought her up so he could get Argent to support Buddy/Kenny...that is the only reason she ever was given a chance!

She was competitive with the dominant Honda engine, she occasionally cracks the top 5 (usually due to attrition) with AGR, she can't even set-up her own freakin' cars!!!!

Seriously!!! For the love of GOD...DanicaFan please explain to me how you can justify her immense talent...give me anything...stats, testimonials from crew, competitors, anything!!! Anything! What makes you think she is so good despite all of the obvious signs that prove otherwise?

If you want to be obscessed with her then fine. But keep it real. She isn't a very good driver. She only has a ride because she became a marketing prodigy. If you want, I can show you where she does her grocery shopping in Scottsdale and you can come and throw rose pedals at her shopping cart.

24th August 2008, 00:17
Danica Patrick, in 61 career IRL sanctioned races has 10 top 5 finishes.
Paul Tracy, in 2 career IRL sanctioned races has 2 top 5 finishes.

24th August 2008, 00:52
Could we please have one thread without someone trolling for a fight?

27th August 2008, 04:50
Since the topic has come back to normal I suppose it's not a wrong time to bring it back, I wonder if anybody has any news on PT at the moment if he's every going to drive the last few races, the entrance list for Detroit had come out on Indycar.com, and PT isn't on it.

27th August 2008, 05:09
Autoracing1.com reported a couple of days ago that he is done for the year. <sigh>


28th August 2008, 00:32
Im with MDS, Im sure he meant if Wheldon doesnt re-sign because Darren Manning has nothing to do with Chip Ganassi. Darren is an AJ Foyt driver.

I like Paul, but if he went to Chicagoland, he would get smoked by quite a few drivers... Danica, Dixon, Kanaan, Andretti, Castroneves, Wheldon, Meira, etc.

Christina, is your dad letting you use his computer again?

28th August 2008, 00:34
Im with MDS, Im sure he meant if Wheldon doesnt re-sign because Darren Manning has nothing to do with Chip Ganassi. Darren is an AJ Foyt driver.

I like Paul, but if he went to Chicagoland, he would get smoked by quite a few drivers... Danica, Dixon, Kanaan, Andretti, Castroneves, Wheldon, Meira, etc.

That's funnier than "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."

28th August 2008, 11:58
Shame about PT not racing. I cannot believe people really beleve Danica is better than PT. Deluded springs to mind. Shes good marketing tool thats it.....

28th August 2008, 12:11
I think Paul Tracy is a great driver. I think he should and I hope he lands a full-time ride next year in 2009.

But after Danica has the years in racing as he has, she will have just as good if not better career than Paul.

28th August 2008, 13:38
Do you think that after 3 years into her IndyCar career, she has been better than PT when he was 3 years into his IndyCar career?

28th August 2008, 14:29
I think Paul Tracy is a great driver. I think he should and I hope he lands a full-time ride next year in 2009.

But after Danica has the years in racing as he has, she will have just as good if not better career than Paul.

but every last fact contradicts that.....so why do believe that to be true

give one valid reason why

28th August 2008, 16:03
I think Paul Tracy is a great driver. I think he should and I hope he lands a full-time ride next year in 2009.

But after Danica has the years in racing as he has, she will have just as good if not better career than Paul.

So she has, what, 35 wins to go?

31st August 2008, 17:19
Do you think that after 3 years into her IndyCar career, she has been better than PT when he was 3 years into his IndyCar career?

Isn't she in her 4th season? But yeah, even if you look at 3 complete seasons, she better get on that horse if she's going to catch Tracy before she's eligible for Social Security.

Til I looked at his record, I didn't realize that he won his first pro championship at 16 and he won a Can-Am race at 17. He won the Indy Lights Championship when he was 21. Paul did a couple of partial seasons with Coyne and Penske, and then did his first full season in '93. He tied some English dude named Nigel Mansell for most victories that season: 5. If you throw in the '94 season to make up for his 2 partial seasons, he recorded 3 more victories that season. That's 8 victories in CART and Paul was 25 at the time. We won't talk about his Can-Am victory or his two lower series championships... or his dozen plus pro victories on his way to CART.

I wasn't the biggest Tracy fan back in the 90's. As he's aged (and I've aged), I've grown to respect and even like him. I'm not one of his uber fans, but there's no way in the world that one would even consider comparing a driver who's pushing 27, who's recorded but one lifetime pro victory (2 if you want to count that Pro-Am category win in Long Beach) to someone who successfully mixed it up with Nigel Mansell. That's just asinine.

Just looking at his CART stats vs. her IRL stats:
25 year old Paul Tracy: 8 victories
26 year old Danica Patrick: 1 victory

And I think it goes without saying that Tracy was dueling against some hotter shoes than Danica has ever seen in her lifetime. Personally, I'd rather see him move on to the next chapter in his life. But if he wants to come back to AOWR for another try, as long as he can get with a serious team, I think he still has what it takes to be competitive on road courses, as well as ovals.

Rex Monaco
31st August 2008, 17:28
I think Paul Tracy is a great driver. I think he should and I hope he lands a full-time ride next year in 2009.

But after Danica has the years in racing as he has, she will have just as good if not better career than Paul.

The lust of a woman has a tragically magical way of clouding a mans good judgement.

1st September 2008, 01:16
Can't compare PT or any other driver to present irl. Why? Cars. Old indycars with small wings where hard to drive and HP was higher and therefore much faster. Indycar now days is pedal to the floor and hope you race for honda home team with all the godies. 2010 will see who is who but if you want to compare how obout Edmonton.