View Full Version : Teeth

Hazell B
21st August 2008, 10:35
Anyone had their teeth whitened? Straightened? Yanked out and replaced by better ones?

21st August 2008, 10:47
mine was replaced with gold, it's goldened. :)

21st August 2008, 10:49
How nice....A topic about torture. :laugh:

21st August 2008, 10:58
Nope. Like a true Brit my teeth are discoloured, mishapen and crooked :cheese:

21st August 2008, 13:04
I had braces when I was a teenager. I only had one crooked tooth but it happened to be one of my top two front teeth. I needed to have 4 teeth removed before I had the braces fitted so my teeth would have room to move. I used to hate to smile before I had them straightened oe would cover my mouth with my hands at any opportunity. Once they were all done it was a great confidence boost. :D

Never had my teeth whitened although I have used whitening toothpaste a couple of times. It tasted disgusting so I swapped back to good old regular toothpaste. :)

Dave B
21st August 2008, 14:12
Braces as a kid, but nothing which could be considered remotely cosmetic. In fact I've not been to the dentist since I was 16, two decades ago.

I did have an x-ray on my skull a few years back as part of some other treatment; it showed that some of my teeth were growing in all manner of random directions but so far, touch wood, there's been no ill-effects.

21st August 2008, 14:19
I have been very lucky in life that I never had a single filling.

21st August 2008, 14:20
The wife is currently doing the whitening procedure. Every couple of days she has to stuff what appears to be a big mouth-guard in her, well, mouth for about ten minutes, then rinse. I haven't noticed a difference yet but I don't dare tell her... :erm:

I've never had any problems with my chompers other than fillings in just about every tooth :mark:

21st August 2008, 15:38
I had 4 molars removed to make way for wisdoms and allow room for the others to sort themselves out.

It kinda worked. Everythings straight except the wisdoms. New dentist says my old one was incompetant.

21st August 2008, 19:43
I had to have braces when I was younger... so I've had a lot of painful tooth treatments... gum injections, teeth out, wiring them all up and tightening it weekly. It's not nice... and can be very painful. I've had 6 teeth out in all, to make way for the braces, apparantly my mouth was too small to hold them all... but it was a total waste of time because since my wisdom teeth came half through... it's pushed everything out again so they're not as straight as they were. I've also got a facing on one tooth.

Still, because of all the above, I really look after my teeth so they're very nice and naturally healthy white. :) I really do NOT want to lose my teeth.

21st August 2008, 20:36
Oooooooooooh don't get me started on dentists!!!! :angryfire

I never used to have any problems at all with my teeth apart from the odd filling until after I left school and then found myself without a dentist. But then in March a new one opened up near here and my mum registered all the family. About a week after I visited a filling fell out, so I went to get it replaced, as you do.

Well, after they discovered that they were about to drill the tooth in the other side of my mouth, I should have run out screaming there and then. Then the filling stuff set on their plate so they had to go and make some new stuff up. Then they dropped it. Eventually they sorted it (ish) but a couple of days later I had to go back in cos I was in so much pain from it, and then they had to take the tooth out.

And they charged me for the privilege of this :mad:

21st August 2008, 20:46
What will be the next thread topic? Jaws?

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTA4NDA4NjE2OTdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDYyMjA2MjE@._ V1._SX98_SY140_.jpg

22nd August 2008, 05:17
Post some smiles people! I'm thinking about getting my teeth whitened.


22nd August 2008, 06:35
Post some smiles people! I'm thinking about getting my teeth whitened.


Not exactly my smile but quite close to. :laugh:

22nd August 2008, 06:52

Not exactly my smile but quite close to. :laugh:

22nd August 2008, 11:28
Actually chewing tobacco off strengthen your teeth. :)

22nd August 2008, 12:12
I've just been reading Island of the Lost (shipwrecked at the edge of the world) an amazing story of survival. In the 1800's shipwrecked sailors on the sub-antarctic islands south of New Zealand found themselves with little else to eat but seal meat and Stilbocarpa a magaherb the sugary rhizomes of which provided necessary carohydrates, and as a side effect bleached the teeth white. So if you survived months of being stranded on one of those inhospitable islands in the constant freezing rain and raging winds your mental state would be questionable, your clothes ragged, hair and beard long and matted but you'd have lovely white teeth. Very bizarre.

Hazell B
22nd August 2008, 17:40
What will be the next thread topic? Jaws?

Actually, more like Gnasher ;)

I asked because it occured to me that, like almost all true Brits, I have tatty teeth that were half straightened by a school dentist. They're going brown in places as I smoke and drink black coffee and I have no dentist.

However, I've just booked the dog in to a veterinary dentist to get his gnashers polished and buffed to perfection :mark:

The vet won't do mine at the same time, sadly :p :

24th August 2008, 19:27
I've got to have some treatments done mainly deep cleaning under the gum level it's going to cost me a lot of money. I also have a cyst on an impacted wisdom tooth so i may have to have it taken out.

25th August 2008, 09:26
I've had a filling, and that's about it.

Azumanga Davo
26th August 2008, 08:59
Gah, Im really hoping to do sdomething about mine. I still have the appearance of a vampire (top right and bottom left to me... :s )

29th August 2008, 18:26
I must be a lucky Brit - nothing wrong with my teeth, all nice and straight, reasonable colour (to say I smoke and drink coffee/red wine), few fillings I had pre-school leaving age, gums are receding a bit and I suffer from sensitive teeth as a result and that's about it. Oh and I visit dental hygienist every 4 months and dentist once a year.

30th August 2008, 01:49
I've never been happier to not be British as when I hear of dental issues. I too drink coffee and smoke cancer sticks, so mine are not terribly white, but they are stout as i've made it to middle age without an adult cavity! I did have some straightening on my bottem teeth and had one yanked to make room, but I doubt that one would have gotten a cavity either. :p

I'm saving my nickles for one of those mega expensive Sonicare flux capacitor powered toothbrushes. The Waterpik system works a charm on keeping the nasties out of my gums and its not too dear. Highly recommend it for fighting gum disease.

I guess I want to keep my choppers for use in my old age. :s mokin:

5th September 2008, 22:11
I've been lucky with my teeth. It's only the wisdom ones that have caused problems, and they've all gone now. Apart from an occasional scale and polish, I've never wanted any cosmetic stuff done.

My brother has had about £5000 of (NHS-funded) orthodontic work done and still has to have retainers round the back of his teeth, because if it's removed, his teeth just shift back and his mouth won't close. They are extremely straight when held in place, though.

1st October 2008, 01:15
I've got fangs, pretty much literally - supernumary teeth. A dentist wanted to pull them out a few years ago but I said no.