View Full Version : [WRC] News & rumours (part II)

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27th September 2009, 18:51
:D Yeah that was a rock for sure...NOT

In case you didn't know, the windscreen is attached to the car's chassis quite firmly. Actually (atleast in non-racing cars) the windscreen has a huge impact on the stiffness of the chassis (in the front sections). If I recall correctly, in some Pilkington's manual it said around 80 percent! :eek:

WRC cars take such a pounding nowdays that it's quite normal to see a crack of somesort in the windscreen. In that particular crash the first impact (with a tree stump or something like that) twisted the chassis so badly that the glass couldn't cope with the twist and cracked. Same thing with Mikko in 2008 Argentina, one rock hit so hard that the chassis bent to such extent that Mikko was unable to open his door and windscreen cracked.

27th September 2009, 19:01
And because of that it was not a good rally??!!

Please dont tell me even before the rally started you didnt know that there was going to be no spectators, they made the rally for propagation of it's country, and they did it well. It's better to have no spectators than have them throwing rocks!!!!

Throwing rocks is of course not acceptable and the behaviour of the spectators should be taking in account when granted WRC status. But as a rally Argentina compared to Jordan, with or without spectators, would get my vote.

27th September 2009, 19:12
What to say about Dakar then where in 500 km SS You can find only few thousand spectators (maybe).. I like Jordan rally..

27th September 2009, 19:20
Throwing rocks is of course not acceptable and the behaviour of the spectators should be taking in account when granted WRC status. But as a rally Argentina compared to Jordan, with or without spectators, would get my vote.
Yes we'd be better off with the cars fitted with windscreen guards in argentina than having a rally in Jordan....

27th September 2009, 19:32
And because of that it was not a good rally??!!

Please dont tell me even before the rally started you didnt know that there was going to be no spectators, they made the rally for propagation of it's country, and they did it well. It's better to have no spectators than have them throwing rocks!!!!

What a load of bull, rally is a sport that should be spectated live, and not from tv, no point to take rally to places where there is no spectators, Poland is a good example of a good way to do it, even they dont have tradition of world rally events.

27th September 2009, 19:33
I can't see the point in holding a Rally when very few spectators turn up, or am I missing something.
When you are trying to build a series back up (as in the case of WRC) You need your best events, i;e Argentina, not new events that need building up. They can maybe come in when the series is strong. Well that's what I would do....

27th September 2009, 19:35
I can't believe what I'm reading ... problems are everywhere, snowballs in Montecarlo, rocks in Mexico, Sardinia, etc. and we agree it's a problem to be cared of, but to say that Argentina should be excluded for this, not understandable !

Jordan better because there is nobody ? LOL ! :p

27th September 2009, 19:40

Must have been a different rally to the one I spectated at last year, there were even some Finns with us!

27th September 2009, 19:49
Throwing rocks is of course not acceptable and the behaviour of the spectators should be taking in account when granted WRC status. But as a rally Argentina compared to Jordan, with or without spectators, would get my vote.

Well why don't you make the effort to go there, there are cheap flights from Europe into Amman, you can go just about anywhere as there is very little spectator control, food is good and cheap,accomodation is good and being a Finn I'm sure you are intersted to know that, shock horror, alcohol is readily available!!!!! :)

Oh by the way there are NO entrance fees to any of the stages, no Rally Passes required unlike most other rallies, in particular I'm thinking of Australia.

Just as an aside I have been to WRC events in Germany, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Jordan and can say without a word of a lie that the Jordanian event was the best spectating I have had. The only criticism I have is that it was bloody hot, unusually so for late April, oh and I slipped on a rock and tore some ligaments in my ankle that required surgery later!

27th September 2009, 19:54
Bring back SAFARI..

27th September 2009, 20:07
I can't believe what I'm reading ... problems are everywhere, snowballs in Montecarlo, rocks in Mexico, Sardinia, etc. and we agree it's a problem to be cared of, but to say that Argentina should be excluded for this, not understandable !

Jordan better because there is nobody ? LOL ! :p

not everywhere, but if there is real rally fans who vitness people doing things like this, why dont they act? Rally drivers take enough risks even without theese brain dead snow and stone throwers.

27th September 2009, 20:37
Bring back SAFARI..

Could someone tell me what was so great about Safari? Don't get me wrong, rally raid is interesting, but those helluva bumpy, otherwise flat out stages were kinda boring. Safari was a very interesting adventure, but as a rally, I don't know.

27th September 2009, 20:45
Could someone tell me what was so great about Safari? Don't get me wrong, rally raid is interesting, but those helluva bumpy, otherwise flat out stages were kinda boring. Safari was a very interesting adventure, but as a rally, I don't know.

It was the ultimate challenge!! The one the Manufacturers wanted to win to prove their cars were reliable.
There should always be a place in the WRC for a Safari, the current WRC is far too 'watered down'.

27th September 2009, 21:27
I agree..

27th September 2009, 21:46
Could someone tell me what was so great about Safari? Don't get me wrong, rally raid is interesting, but those helluva bumpy, otherwise flat out stages were kinda boring. Safari was a very interesting adventure, but as a rally, I don't know.

well, if you like lottery and luck then safari is your kind of rally.

27th September 2009, 21:50
It was the ultimate challenge!! The one the Manufacturers wanted to win to prove their cars were reliable.
There should always be a place in the WRC for a Safari, the current WRC is far too 'watered down'.

can you tell why the manufacturers wanted it removed, if they all wanted to win it?

28th September 2009, 01:14
a million of fans staying in the mountains all the weekend is incredible more difficult to control than a few kangaroos... for example ...

...furthermore how you garantee that argentinians fans throw rocks to rally cars???
I'm sure that maybe something like that happened sometimes but I can tell you that the points that Fia put every year for the organization is MUCH higher than the most part of the calendar...

A few kangaroos? Didn't know they knew how to throw rocks....
I would put damn good money on it that the rock throwing people in Argentina are the drunk locals who have no brains once a few beers get inside them.

Has not only been once, but a few times now it has happened so this is why I tend to believe it isn't tourists. You are sure maybe something like that has happened sometimes????? Go watch previous years footage, IT IS RIGHT THERE TO SEE!! All the other countries seem to be able to spectate in a civil manner without needing to throw rocks.

Organisation points for each rally, have to give you benefit of the doubt there. Cant say I have heard anything about that.

28th September 2009, 02:39
A few kangaroos? Didn't know they knew how to throw rocks....
I would put damn good money on it that the rock throwing people in Argentina are the drunk locals who have no brains once a few beers get inside them.

Has not only been once, but a few times now it has happened so this is why I tend to believe it isn't tourists. You are sure maybe something like that has happened sometimes????? Go watch previous years footage, IT IS RIGHT THERE TO SEE!! All the other countries seem to be able to spectate in a civil manner without needing to throw rocks.

Organisation points for each rally, have to give you benefit of the doubt there. Cant say I have heard anything about that.

is offensive that you try to relate the exclusion of Argentina in the WRC calendar with these situations ...

The Argentine fans are not guilty ... this is just a bad decicion of FIA ...

28th September 2009, 03:32
Sorry but the truth hurts. A few ruin it for the majority however I acknowledge this is not the primary reason it has been removed. This is however a major problem and one that should be dealt with harshly.

28th September 2009, 04:30
WRCfan, the truth is that this year Australia rally sucked in all ways. Now what do you think ? ^^
FIA must exclude it forever and ever ? Not even a chance to let organization/stages/people/whatever-didn't-work improve ?

28th September 2009, 04:52
What sucked? The takeout coffee? The weather? The dead squashed kangaroo on the road? the hippies with yellow flags? The koala poo you stood in?

Gotta write a bit more clearly than that mate.

Stage cancellations (which I assume your talking about) are different to solid objects being propelled at a moving car.

28th September 2009, 11:02
News on the M-Sport Fiesta S2000:

28th September 2009, 12:32
can you tell why the manufacturers wanted it removed, if they all wanted to win it?

It was the one rally that cost near as much as all the rest put together. And only Toyota had the budget.

28th September 2009, 13:08
It was the one rally that cost near as much as all the rest put together. And only Toyota had the budget.

Yep, quite true. At the time the Japanese viewed the Safari and LeMans as the ultimate Motorsport challenges. Now sadly, they've had their heads turned by the 'glamour' of F1. :rolleyes:

28th September 2009, 14:22
Latest GPweek (http://mag.gpweek.com/)rumours about Loeb's chances making his F1 debut at Abu Dhabi this year. Apparently he was present at GP2 race last weekend and having a seat fitting which - according to GPweek - indicates that Loeb will make a 2-day test with DPR's GP2 at Jerez after Rally Catalunya which -according to GPweek - indicates that Loeb would make his F1 debut with Toro Rossi at Abu Dhabi.

28th September 2009, 15:20
Yep, quite true. At the time the Japanese viewed the Safari and LeMans as the ultimate Motorsport challenges. Now sadly, they've had their heads turned by the 'glamour' of F1. :rolleyes:

Quite unsuccessfully, I must add.
Well, at least Toyota. They could be a title contender in the WRC with a fraction of their F1 budget... :(

28th September 2009, 15:39
It's much more benefitial from F1 even with bigger budget and same results.. They won't throw money into nothing.. It's all marketing..

28th September 2009, 17:49
Gotta write a bit more clearly than that mate.

Can't you read ? And it's your mother tongue, figures ...
I've said EVERYTHING was wrong. Do you want me to make the complete list ?
I say only a couple of examples ... the idiots (your countrymates !) who blocked the WRC cars in the road section and in the stages (using lot of ways, including throwing stones as well) ? The impossibility to walk into the stages to spectate live ? The boring quick SS which allowed the slower guys to be very near to the top ones ? Should I go on ... ?

28th September 2009, 18:11
Should I go on ... ?

Please not, this topic has had enough of you already :p

28th September 2009, 18:22
Please not, this topic has had enough of you already :p

28th September 2009, 18:38
It was the one rally that cost near as much as all the rest put together. And only Toyota had the budget.

Lol, only Toyota did have the budget a good one really ;) , yes because it was too expensive, also it was seen as a too dangerous rally,because of many reasons.

28th September 2009, 19:21
What to say about Dakar then..

28th September 2009, 20:07
What to say about Dakar then..

Yes what about Dakar then?

28th September 2009, 20:12
Yes what about Dakar then?
Yes, i'll second that. What about Dakar?

28th September 2009, 21:04
Dangerous rally and budget also.. It's problem that Mr Richards, Mr Wilson and Mr Whitehead put that big prices of rallying..

28th September 2009, 21:50
Back to Argentina out of WRC Calendar 2010, local AR organizers have moved quite fast and will be third round of the IRC series, 20 days after the 2nd round in Brazil (intending to reduce logistic costs due to running 2 rounds with only one long trip).
Date is March 25th

29th September 2009, 00:19
Can't you read ? And it's your mother tongue, figures ...
I've said EVERYTHING was wrong. Do you want me to make the complete list ?
I say only a couple of examples ... the idiots (your countrymates !) who blocked the WRC cars in the road section and in the stages (using lot of ways, including throwing stones as well) ? The impossibility to walk into the stages to spectate live ? The boring quick SS which allowed the slower guys to be very near to the top ones ? Should I go on ... ?

So by everything being wrong the takeout coffee was bad, the marshalls dress attire was bad, the way seb and mikko drove were bad...be specific. When critiquing something then you should be able to pinpoint good points and bad points.

Also if you are so eagle eyed then you would have picked up that I am not Australian. So they are not my `countrymates`....mate. No stones were thrown in Australia just for the record as well (im 99% sure). Rally cars did not meet the protesters in the stage, it was the zero cars.

I noticed lots of spectators in the stages so I don't know what you were watching.....

This discussion has run its course and this is not the right place to continue this, after all it is a news and rumours thread. Good day.

29th September 2009, 02:17
Back to Argentina out of WRC Calendar 2010, local AR organizers have moved quite fast and will be third round of the IRC series, 20 days after the 2nd round in Brazil (intending to reduce logistic costs due to running 2 rounds with only one long trip).
Date is March 25th

So -cut-
Yawn http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif

29th September 2009, 06:53
Yawn http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif

Yep, your posts do have a habit of doing this to people.

Now where is that ignore option?

29th September 2009, 14:10
Back to Argentina out of WRC Calendar 2010, local AR organizers have moved quite fast and will be third round of the IRC series, 20 days after the 2nd round in Brazil (intending to reduce logistic costs due to running 2 rounds with only one long trip).
Date is March 25th


29th September 2009, 14:49
Back to Argentina out of WRC Calendar 2010, local AR organizers have moved quite fast and will be third round of the IRC series, 20 days after the 2nd round in Brazil (intending to reduce logistic costs due to running 2 rounds with only one long trip).
Date is March 25th

This year the IRC round of Curtiba was a double up with the WTCC, sharing the same plain. The 2010 WTCC and IRC are again on the same weekend, so logistics for Brasil will again be shared, they only have to seek transportation back to Europe after Argentina. The next rally after Argentina on 25-27 march is Rally Sata Azores on the 22 may weekend.

29th September 2009, 14:58
Curitiba was quite cheap for the teams, even cheaper than some European rounds. The problem with it was only the need of having the car on the way for a long time. That's no problem for big factory teams but big problem for privateers.

29th September 2009, 18:02
Bruno Magalhães (Portuguese champion) and Peugeout Sport Portugal will decide in the next days if they will participate in IRC full season next year!!!!

The budget is almost complete, 20% of it is missing and they count to have it in the next few days!!!!

Great news!!!!

29th September 2009, 19:26
Yep, your posts do have a habit of doing this to people.

Now where is that ignore option?


29th September 2009, 22:57
Bruno Magalhães (Portuguese champion) and Peugeout Sport Portugal will decide in the next days if they will participate in IRC full season next year!!!!

The budget is almost complete, 20% of it is missing and they count to have it in the next few days!!!!

Great news!!!!

Magalhães would be a great addition to the IRC after his performance earlier this season and great experience for him. Hope he gets the last 20%.

30th September 2009, 00:35
Bruno Magalhães (Portuguese champion) and Peugeout Sport Portugal will decide in the next days if they will participate in IRC full season next year!!!!

The budget is almost complete, 20% of it is missing and they count to have it in the next few days!!!!

Great news!!!!

It´s not all season, it´s only 8 rallyes.

30th September 2009, 00:45
8 is enough when only 7 best results count ;)

30th September 2009, 02:04
Wtf ?! I was even defending the Argentina rally, your country (great) rally ... nice one man ^^;

30th September 2009, 09:08
Bruno Magalhães (Portuguese champion) and Peugeout Sport Portugal will decide in the next days if they will participate in IRC full season next year!!!!

The budget is almost complete, 20% of it is missing and they count to have it in the next few days!!!!

Great news!!!!

I know he is fast on tarmac, but what is his skills on gravel?

30th September 2009, 09:33
Bruno Magalhães (Portuguese champion) and Peugeout Sport Portugal will decide in the next days if they will participate in IRC full season next year!!!!

The budget is almost complete, 20% of it is missing and they count to have it in the next few days!!!!

Great news!!!!

I heard and read that in 2008 for this season too. Just wait and don't be to happy, there is still the economic crisis.

30th September 2009, 11:04
I know he is fast on tarmac, but what is his skills on gravel?

He isn't slower on gravel than on tarmac however he miss international experience.

Rally Power
30th September 2009, 19:06
Magalhães is as fast as Araújo in any surface.

The lack of international experience would be more critical if he was going to do the PWRC. He's ready for IRC and will certanly be noticed in this "flat out" rallys.

Força Bruno!!! :D

1st October 2009, 22:48
Wtf ?! I was even defending the Argentina rally, your country (great) rally ... nice one man ^^;


sorry, it was a mistake I wanted to quote your post ...


Yawn http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif


now is right

2nd October 2009, 05:23
LOL ok I see now :D

Argentina > Australia > Bulgaria ! ;)

5th October 2009, 10:35
Autosport is reporting that Team Peugeout Belux will not contest in 2010 since that Kronos will move out of IRC!!!!

5th October 2009, 10:46
Gigi Galli tested c4 WRC around Marseille..

5th October 2009, 11:54
Kimi Raikkonen, nice interview..

5th October 2009, 14:12
Autosport is reporting that Team Peugeout Belux will not contest in 2010 since that Kronos will move out of IRC!!!!

Kris Meeke will be back in the IRC next with Kronos there may not be a Pugeot benelux team but there may be the fella that had BF car in Ypers may have limited support from them

5th October 2009, 15:14
Tommi Makinen Racing revealed new Impreza STi TMR 2010 under new gr.N regulations. Brochure: http://www.tommimakinen.net/tommi-brochure2010.pdf

5th October 2009, 17:57
Gigi Galli tested c4 WRC around Marseille..


5th October 2009, 18:03
Gigi Galli tested c4 WRC around Marseille..
Malcom Wilson is not very happy now... and I say him: GOOD.

Comments of Gigi while driving are clear: without any doubts the C4 is a better car compared to Focus. He's only complaining there are no autoradio and conditioning air :) and too much noise !

5th October 2009, 18:49
Kris Meeke will be back in the IRC next with Kronos there may not be a Pugeot benelux team but there may be the fella that had BF car in Ypers may have limited support from them

Small correction, it was NEVER Benelux, just Belux (Belgium & Luxemburg)

Also Meeke had Peugeot UK
Loix had Peugeot Belux
Voulliouz had Peugeot France

6th October 2009, 18:54

Latest rumour about Kimi moving to rally. This is finnish MTV3 article saying that in the "motorsport world" there's a rumour that Kimi and Marcus will be both driving Fiat next year in WRC. :)

Ok, Kimi part is maybe total bull, but Bosse says that he don't know what Kimi does next year, but at some he is sure that Kimi will drive full WRC season.

What comes to Grönholm, he says that Fiat asked him to drive IRC Scotland event this year, but it didn't happen next year. He also says that he might drive few rallies next year, depending what Fiat decides.

6th October 2009, 19:08

Latest rumour about Kimi moving to rally. This is finnish MTV3 article saying that in the "motorsport world" there's a rumour that Kimi and Marcus will be both driving Fiat next year in WRC. :)

Ok, Kimi part is maybe total bull, but Bosse says that he don't know what Kimi does next year, but at some he is sure that Kimi will drive full WRC season.

What comes to Grönholm, he says that Fiat asked him to drive IRC Scotland event this year, but it didn't happen next year. He also says that he might drive few rallies next year, depending what Fiat decides.

love to see kimi in wrc :D

6th October 2009, 19:33
Good for rally sport and bad for him (on financial bases)..

6th October 2009, 20:19
If there is any truth to the above, im glad.
The whole Ford vs Citroen is very boring. For some reason there isnt intensity of the Subaru vs Mitsubishi days, even without the influence of Loab.

I dont really believe that Marcus will come back full time. I just dont think he would be that committed after having a good break, but you never know.
As for Kimi, why the hell not! The guy can obviously drive, has substantial financial backing and most importantly he has the will and determination to compete.
Regardless or not if he is competitive on gravel, he would be a definite asset to any team for his car setup and tarmac experience.

Besides, more manufacturers = more cars = more drivers = more talent = more excitement = more public interest = more advertising = more sales = win for everyone.

6th October 2009, 20:35
I dont really believe that Marcus will come back full time.

Same here, but maybe he drives a few events and take the money of the fools who want to pay.

6th October 2009, 20:41
Same here, but maybe he drives a few events and take the money of the fools who want to pay.

He is reputedly expensive, but why "fools"? You think he's lost his mojo?

6th October 2009, 21:04
He is reputedly expensive, but why "fools"? You think he's lost his mojo?

No, but I think this is again one attempt to find attention to a crap car by hireing a top driver, used in the past aswell.

6th October 2009, 21:16
If there is any truth to the above, im glad.
The whole Ford vs Citroen is very boring. For some reason there isnt intensity of the Subaru vs Mitsubishi days, even without the influence of Loab.

I dont really believe that Marcus will come back full time. I just dont think he would be that committed after having a good break, but you never know.
As for Kimi, why the hell not! The guy can obviously drive, has substantial financial backing and most importantly he has the will and determination to compete.
Regardless or not if he is competitive on gravel, he would be a definite asset to any team for his car setup and tarmac experience.

Besides, more manufacturers = more cars = more drivers = more talent = more excitement = more public interest = more advertising = more sales = win for everyone.

There are wrong events not interesting for large public.. MC and San Remo Rally must be back for larger crowd + live action.. But North TV can not do this kind of show as Eurosport can..

6th October 2009, 22:00
No, but I think this is again one attempt to find attention to a crap car by hireing a top driver, used in the past aswell.
Portugal 09?

6th October 2009, 22:45
As for Kimi, why the hell not! The guy can obviously drive, has substantial financial backing and most importantly he has the will and determination to compete. QUOTE]
And what if he becomes the first one to be F1 world Champion and WRC Champion as welll?

6th October 2009, 23:24
Why not?! Very hard..

7th October 2009, 14:18
Today, it was FFSA decision about Rallye de France WRC 2010 !!!

The place is not again decided, but Limousin and Burgundy (Rallye de Bourgogne) is over !

FFSA has chosen the 2 better project, and wait now that 28th october, to decide where the rally take place...

The final decision will be between Corsica or Alsace !

7th October 2009, 14:29
Why to change the winning combination?

7th October 2009, 17:22
Do we know anything about today's result of hearing of the International Court of Appeal in case of Al Attiyah's Greece exclusion?

7th October 2009, 19:52
Today, it was FFSA decision about Rallye de France WRC 2010 !!!

The place is not again decided, but Limousin and Burgundy (Rallye de Bourgogne) is over !

FFSA has chosen the 2 better project, and wait now that 28th october, to decide where the rally take place...

The final decision will be between Corsica or Alsace !

I am voting for Tour de Corse.

7th October 2009, 21:41
I am voting for Tour de Corse.

Just watched some 2007 Tour De Corse onboards. Damn, what a fine tarmac rally it is! :up: Million times more interesting than Movistar RACC Highway Rally Catalunya.

Compared to Tour De Corse, what kind of roads rally Alsace provide?

7th October 2009, 22:59
I am voting for Tour de Corse.

I would vote for that as well. Too much of the WRC's history is forgotten about. Look at San Remo, replaced by the boring Sardinia dry-Gravel borefest.

7th October 2009, 23:08
I agree..

7th October 2009, 23:22
I would vote for that as well. Too much of the WRC's history is forgotten about. Look at San Remo, replaced by the boring Sardinia dry-Gravel borefest.

I agree, Corsica should stay and a French round should always be on the calender anyway, especially when there's a French 5-time World Champion driving around in a competitive French car.

In the case of San Remo, I hope with the plan to make it a mixed event again, that it could be a WRC candidate in the near future instead of the bland Sardinia event.

I just sincerely hope to see Vatanen getting the FIA presidency, because I think it would do good for rallying. It's our turn already! :)

8th October 2009, 00:47
Tour de Corse any day! Beautiful rally it is!

8th October 2009, 13:16
I agree, Corsica should stay and a French round should always be on the calender anyway, especially when there's a French 5-time World Champion driving around in a competitive French car.

In the case of San Remo, I hope with the plan to make it a mixed event again, that it could be a WRC candidate in the near future instead of the bland Sardinia event.

I just sincerely hope to see Vatanen getting the FIA presidency, because I think it would do good for rallying. It's our turn already! :)

I agree there should be a French round - MC starting in Valence fits the bill nicely :p :

8th October 2009, 15:14
MC always..

11th October 2009, 11:18
I would vote for that as well. Too much of the WRC's history is forgotten about. Look at San Remo, replaced by the boring Sardinia dry-Gravel borefest.

You haven't got a very wide view of actual Sardinia route. It's not as 2004, it has a precise identity now. And for 2010, they're thinking about mixed surfaces. Using roads, formerly on gravel and now on tarmac, where Henri Toivonen won a Costa Smeralda Rally in '80. Not bad, tho... :cool: :cool: :cool:

11th October 2009, 20:40
Portugal 09?

yes, and kankkunen in hyundai, colin in skoda only a few to mention

11th October 2009, 22:12
How about Mattias Ekström in WRC 2011?? :cool:

11th October 2009, 23:01
yes, and kankkunen in hyundai, colin in skoda only a few to mention

Seems like not a bad idea to me. When you have a car which is already not the best you can't afford to have slow drivers too.

12th October 2009, 07:10
Seems like not a bad idea to me. When you have a car which is already not the best you can't afford to have slow drivers too.

Why then sign them for only 1-2 rallies? Its nothing but a publicity stunt, also i dont think drivers who actually has stopped their carreer has the best motivation.

12th October 2009, 07:23
But Gronholm is still quick..

12th October 2009, 11:39
yes, and kankkunen in hyundai, colin in skoda only a few to mention.

Why then sign them for only 1-2 rallies? Its nothing but a publicity stunt, also i dont think drivers who actually has stopped their carreer has the best motivation.

I think in Kankkunen's case, he didn't have much choise, obviously nearing the end of his career at that moment. Plus I think Hyundai even offered him a full season drive, which he rejected.

12th October 2009, 13:11
I think in Kankkunen's case, he didn't have much choise, obviously nearing the end of his career at that moment. Plus I think Hyundai even offered him a full season drive, which he rejected.

Actually he had ended his carreer, he did not get any deal with a competitve car anymore, skoda and hyundai was the only options, he tested both, his job at hyundai was mainly to test and develope.
A little same was with colin, no good deals anymore after he got the boot first from ford and then from citroen.

12th October 2009, 14:25
Its nothing but a publicity stunt, also i dont think drivers who actually has stopped their carreer has the best motivation. Base on the assumptions that you pulled from your behinds, I won't want to publicly hear anymore from it.

13th October 2009, 00:01
How about Mattias Ekström in WRC 2011?? :cool:

that would be great. However Mattias have a contract with Audi for
two more seasons (http://www.aftonbladet.se/sportbladet/motor/dtmwtcc/article5160485.ab) in DTM so it wont happen :(

13th October 2009, 05:48
Sorry about my previous comment. I had broken my own rule this time. There are times when I felt some comments are falsehoods or just made up, which set me in anger mode this time.

13th October 2009, 06:53
Sorry about my previous comment. I had broken my own rule this time. There are times when I felt some comments are falsehoods or just made up, which set me in anger mode this time.

We all feel that way sometimes. It's a handful of users in here, that has this effect.

13th October 2009, 17:24
Armindo Araujo (PWRC champion) said that he is in a talk with various S2000 teams, he's favourite car would be a Skoda!!!!

15th October 2009, 15:40
Novikov is missing last round in Great Britain

16th October 2009, 01:04
Novikov is missing last round in Great Britain

Run out of cars?

16th October 2009, 01:11
Run out of cars?

Not suprised he ran out of cars. I feel for the person backing him....

16th October 2009, 02:46
I think he just needs more time to mature and realize that he source of money is not endless. Maybe time in other championships and other cars would have been more beneficial i.e. staying in Group N, S2000 and S1600. I.e he could have had a lot more bang for his bucks if he had done...
PWRC, JWRC, IRC, Irish Tarmac, British, Finland... so many opportunities, and pretty much do a rally every weekend. Great to get his experience up, rather than pouring it into a WRC program when he is so young

16th October 2009, 07:12
It's cosmetic damage..

16th October 2009, 07:56
It's cosmetic damage..

What, to him or the car.....?? ;)

16th October 2009, 08:48
Only to somebody's wallet.. xd

16th October 2009, 12:06
It's cosmetic damage..

Yep, just a flesh wound...

18th October 2009, 00:07
Run out of cars?

He needs to stop trying to win and start to build up some experience and maybe finish a rally.

In saying that WRC crash videos on YouTube would not be as good if he wasnt putting the car off so often lol

19th October 2009, 13:15
Next year being the 60th anniversary for Rally of 1000 Lakes, a historic rally event under the legendary name 1000 Lakes Rally will be ran on Saturday July 10th. It is said to include classic stages from the 60s and 70s. So far no more information, at least I haven't seen any.

And this is not to be confused with next year's WRC round Rally Finland.

19th October 2009, 16:34
Next year being the 60th anniversary for Rally of 1000 Lakes, a historic rally event under the legendary name 1000 Lakes Rally will be ran on Saturday July 10th. It is said to include classic stages from the 60s and 70s. So far no more information, at least I haven't seen any.

And this is not to be confused with next year's WRC round Rally Finland.

great way to celebrate this legendary event... (classic rally cars? )

19th October 2009, 22:12
Next year being the 60th anniversary for Rally of 1000 Lakes, a historic rally event under the legendary name 1000 Lakes Rally will be ran on Saturday July 10th. It is said to include classic stages from the 60s and 70s. So far no more information, at least I haven't seen any.

And this is not to be confused with next year's WRC round Rally Finland.

I hope they keep the legendary name after that and not change it again.

21st October 2009, 11:59
Rossi plans to take part in Rally Mexico in 2010, behind the wheel of Ford Focus WRC.

21st October 2009, 19:28
Rossi plans to take part in Rally Mexico in 2010, behind the wheel of Ford Focus WRC.

This is great news for the event!, not because of the fight that rossi could get in to (10th - 15th place) but it will draw a good deal of attention to the event (of course focusing on rossi), lets hope it is true!

21st October 2009, 21:37
I agree..

21st October 2009, 21:51
WMSC took the following decisions for 2010 season:
1. There shall be no minimum or maximum individual special stage distance. However, there shall be a maximum of 80 kilometres of special stages between service halts. The special stage distance of a World Rally Championship event has been revised to become between 300 kilometres and 500 kilometres.

2. Throughout the rally there shall be one main service park. Organisers may however submit to the FIA promotional justification to support relocation during the rally.

3. All competing cars, including existing WRC cars, are eligible for the FIA World Rally Championship for Manufacturers. Registered Manufacturers must enter two WRC cars in all rounds and use 2009 homologated cars.

4. WRC Teams (formerly Manufacturer Teams) must participate in at least eight nominated rounds, including one outside the European Economic Area and Turkey, with one or two cars of any eligible class. They may enter one or two cars homologated prior to 2009.

5. Promotional activities may be scheduled during reconnaissance and events may also specify PR activities involving mandatory driver or team participation. Crews will also be required to attend autograph sessions at the mid-day service.

6. Organisers will be encouraged to arrange scrutineering as entertainment for the public and a visual opportunity for the media.

7. The service park can be redesigned to permit access from the rear of each team’s service area. This will allow spectators to be closer to the action.

8. Subject to satisfactory levels of safety, night stages are permitted but must not form the whole itinerary of the day.

9. Shakedown may take place on part of a stage of the rally.

10. The maximum lateness between two time controls has been extended from 15 to 30 minutes. However the lateness for the day remains at 30 minutes.

Cars that are certified by ASNs, and which are based on those eligible to enter the WRC, shall be permitted and identified in a National classification. Entries for all World Championship rallies will close four weeks prior to the start of the event.

12. It was agreed to defer the introduction of the following amendments to the regulations:

The possibility of the Manufacturers’ Championship becoming a Teams’ Championship is deemed more appropriate for 2011, when the new World Rally Car technical regulations are introduced.
Further debate is required on the merit of changing Shakedown to a promotional and media opportunity, and the possibility of it becoming a start order for the top crews.

13.The option of two tyre compounds remains under discussion with the single tyre supplier.

14. The principle of pump fuel use in the long term has been accepted by teams and the WRC Commission.

15. A podium at the end of each day is pending the resolution of a Bonus Points system.

16. A further study is required for the Drivers’ World Ranking to be compatible with the current Championship points listing.

Seems like long meeting:-)

21st October 2009, 21:54
Yes now Rally de Portugal can go back to his old days!!!!

21st October 2009, 21:55
CALENDAR 2010 was introduced:

2010 FIA World Rally Championship

10 - 14/2 S Swedish Rally
3 - 7/3 MEX Rally Mexico
31/3 - 4/4 HKJ Jordan Rally
14 - 18/4 TR Rally of Turkey
5 - 9/5 NZ Rally of New Zealand
26 - 30/5 P Rallye de Portugal
7 - 10/7 BG Bulgaria Rally
28/7 - 1/8 FIN Rally Finland
18 - 22/8 D Rallye Deutschland
8 - 12/9 J Rally Japan
29/9 - 3/10 F Rallye de France
20 - 24/10 E Rally Catalunya-Costa Daurada Rally De España
10 - 14/11 GB Rally of Great Britain

2010 FIA Production Car World Rally Championship

10 - 14/2 S Swedish Rally
3 - 7/3 MEX Rally Mexico
31/3 - 4/4 HKJ Jordan Rally
5 - 9/5 NZ Rally of New Zealand
28/7 - 1/8 FIN Rally Finland
18 - 22/8 D Rallye Deutschland
8 - 12/9 J Rally Japan
29/9 - 3/10 F Rallye de France
10 - 14/11 GB Rally of Great Britain

Note: Six out of nine events count towards championship, including at least two outside Europe.

2010 FIA Junior World Rally Championship

14 - 18/4 TR Rally of Turkey
26 - 30/5 P Rallye de Portugal
7 - 10/7 BG Bulgaria Rally
18 - 22/8 D Rallye Deutschland
29/9 - 3/10 F Rallye de France
20 - 24/10 E Rally Catalunya-Costa Daurada Rally De España

Note: Five out of six events count towards championship.

FIA World Rally Championship Cup (for S2000 teams)

10 - 14/2 S Swedish Rally
3 - 7/3 MEX Rally Mexico
31/3 - 4/4 HKJ Jordan Rally
5 - 9/5 NZ Rally of New Zealand
26 - 30/5 P Rallye de Portugal
28/7 - 1/8 FIN Rally Finland
18 - 22/8 D Rallye Deutschland
8 - 12/9 J Rally Japan
29/9 - 3/10 F Rallye de France
10 - 14/11 GB Rally of Great Britain

Note: Seven out of 10 events to count towards championship, including at least two outside Europe.

21st October 2009, 21:58
And one more tiny thing:
From 1 January 2010, a Junior Rally Championship will be created within the framework of the Middle East Rally Championship.

21st October 2009, 22:06
Very strong rumours circulating around Rally GB that Marcus and/or Kimmi may be joining PSWRT for 2010. Anyone else hearing anything?

21st October 2009, 22:31
Very strong rumours circulating around Rally GB that Marcus and/or Kimmi may be joining PSWRT for 2010. Anyone else hearing anything?

Bloodyhell :eek:

21st October 2009, 22:41
Very strong rumours circulating around Rally GB that Marcus and/or Kimmi may be joining PSWRT for 2010. Anyone else hearing anything?

only rumours from norway, not very likely if you think a bit, Kimi is a motorsport megastar, and petter lives from publicity, what would happen if a suprstar like Kimi would join the same team? Also both guys are used to get payed for driving.

21st October 2009, 22:44
3 superstars then.. ;)

21st October 2009, 23:11
Still no confirmation of the regulations for 2011 or any further info on the S2000 cup :confused:

21st October 2009, 23:18
Still no confirmation of the regulations for 2011 or any further info on the S2000 cup :confused:

It's pathetic, and we wonder why new Manufacturers won't sign up, or show interest. While the Ken Block/Monster news is hopeful, I'm not sure another year of Ford v Citroen is going to bring anything positive to the sport. There has been a distinct lack of build up to RallyGB, mainly because people/media just aren't bothered.
The WRC is meant to be 2nd only to F1 in terms of prestige.....Yeah right..

21st October 2009, 23:43
WRC will survive as long as it's fuel.. So they don't care and Mr Chandler is only for decorations..

22nd October 2009, 01:19
WRC 2010 sporting regulations

- Night stages :up:
- Up to 80km SS.. :) Would like to see that!


22nd October 2009, 03:12
starting orders will stay the same again ????

22nd October 2009, 05:49

I don't understand this:

"End of day podium
A podium at the end of each day is pending the resolution of a Bonus Points system. A further study is required for the Drivers’ World Ranking to be compatible with the current Championship points listing."

Does that mean there will be silly points for each day rather than at the end of the rallye where the positions entitle points?

22nd October 2009, 06:54
WRC will survive as long as it's fuel..

As long as the arab world is sponsoring it.... it will be around for a long time to come :p

22nd October 2009, 08:03

I don't understand this:

"End of day podium
A podium at the end of each day is pending the resolution of a Bonus Points system. A further study is required for the Drivers’ World Ranking to be compatible with the current Championship points listing."

Does that mean there will be silly points for each day rather than at the end of the rallye where the positions entitle points?

And why is this silly. Apart from that it was better 10 years ago?

22nd October 2009, 08:45
starting orders will stay the same again ????

Read this: It was decided that further debate was required on the merit of changing Shakedown to a promotional and media opportunity, and the possibility of it becoming a start order for the top crews.

It would be interesting. I would suggest that top 10 shakedown times will start in reversed order (P1 and P2 drivers) or least on gravel, but during the remaining days they will start according to their position at the end of previous day.
1. It gives advantage to the faster crews on the first day and bit slower crews advantage during the next days. So, more or less it avoids the possibility that top 8 is in half hour at the end of the rally .-)
2. If they plan to award Bonus points, then there is no point to loose time at the end of day.

At least Super2000 cup calendar has been confirmed. I assume that rules will be simple. You have S2000 car, you can take part in 10 rounds, but 7 of them counts. There is interesting addition -"for teams" As far as I have heard they plan that there will be only one car teams.

22nd October 2009, 09:03
Why is it silly? Because a rally is about getting from the start to the finish in the fastest time. If you don't finish you are nowhere. If you push too hard at the beginning and cannot complete the course you have not completed the contest and therefore should not get points.

22nd October 2009, 10:03
Why is it silly? Because a rally is about getting from the start to the finish in the fastest time. If you don't finish you are nowhere. If you push too hard at the beginning and cannot complete the course you have not completed the contest and therefore should not get points.

I agree, but modern Rallying doesn't like tradition.
SupeRally was brought in because of lack of Mnaufacturers, meaning less cars on the stages. This issue still hasn't been addressed.
In 2005 4 Factory teams left; Peugeot, Skoda, Mitsubishi & Citroen - only Citroen returned as they promised they would. FiA/ISC should immediately have started working on new car regs to encourage new Manufacturers. It's now 2009, Subaru, Suzuki have also left. Sort this issue and gimmicks aren't needed.

22nd October 2009, 10:43
In 2005 4 Factory teams left; Peugeot, Skoda, Mitsubishi & Citroen - only Citroen returned as they promised they would. FiA/ISC should immediately have started working on new car regs to encourage new Manufacturers. It's now 2009, Subaru, Suzuki have also left. Sort this issue and gimmicks aren't needed.

It's not so black and white and it have not much to do with the rules, skoda, mitsu, suzuki and subaru propably left because they did not get any results, at some point bad work can reflect in the marketing.
Peugeot propably left because there was no idea to have 2 PSA makes in the championship, Citroen again did just compete under different name for 1 year.

22nd October 2009, 10:56
And why is this silly. Apart from that it was better 10 years ago?

A rally is usually a multi day event.

Are the F1 cars going to stop every 20 laps for a podium too?

22nd October 2009, 11:30
What does this mean?

World Rally Championship for Manufacturers
All competing cars, including existing WRC cars, are eligible for the FIA World Rally Championship for Manufacturers. Registered Manufacturers must enter two WRC cars in all rounds and use 2009 homologated cars.
No more nominated drivers?

22nd October 2009, 11:36
What does this mean?

No more nominated drivers?

Yes, this one is very confusing. What is the point to register for Manufacturer or MT? In terms of Manu you have to take part in all and in case of MT you have to take part in 8 events but still all cars can collect points? I dont get it :-) Ok, One advantage, you can use the latest cars. But if you are not MT you can use all cars anyway?

Rally Power
22nd October 2009, 12:48
It's not so black and white and it have not much to do with the rules, skoda, mitsu, suzuki and subaru propably left because they did not get any results (...)

WRC technical regulation it’s too demanding and requires a level of expertise and funding almost inaccessible. Don’t have the figures, but certainly Mitsubishi, Skoda and Suzuki budgets were a fraction of those of Citroen and Ford. That’s why a simple and reasonable technical formula like S2000 it’s so appealing to manufacturers and should be adopted at WRC.

Let’s hope that rally background of future FIA president (both candidates have it!) can contribute to, once for all, achieve a clear and sensible regulation for WRC.

22nd October 2009, 12:50
I don't think that the main problem for Skoda was budget those years...

22nd October 2009, 12:52
Eurosport stop WRC Coverage next year ?????!!!

22nd October 2009, 12:58
]I don't think that the main problem for Skoda was budget those years...

Incompetent people in charge and budget, for instance Skoda did have only once tyre manufacturers specialists in test session, when for the other teams it was more or less normal, in every tyre test.

22nd October 2009, 13:11
Incompetent people in charge and budget, for instance Skoda did have only once tyre manufacturers specialists in test session, when for the other teams it was more or less normal, in every tyre test.

Let's not go down this route again shall we. Since then, various drivers have proved the Fabia WRC was not so bad afterall and there are new people at Skoda Motorsport now who are doing a good job.

22nd October 2009, 13:15
Eurosport stop WRC Coverage next year ?????!!!

They threatened that once before. This could just be a tactic to get it on the cheap, or it could be so they can concentrate on their own series instead.

Unfortunately it will mean we are stuck with the comedy programme in the UK.

22nd October 2009, 13:20
Let's not go down this route again shall we. Since then, various drivers have proved the Fabia WRC was not so bad afterall and there are new people at Skoda Motorsport now who are doing a good job.

Lol, crap skoda wrc seems to be a soft spot for you, the post was about 2005 and before, its good there is different people now working.

22nd October 2009, 13:22
and there are new people at Skoda Motorsport now who are doing a good job.


22nd October 2009, 13:42
Eurosport stop WRC Coverage next year ?????!!!

Have they had any this year? Thought they stopped it last year. Maybe only MotoGP they stopped.

Eurosport is out. I'm not interested in tennis or snooker

22nd October 2009, 13:45
Eurosport has WRC Coverage this year :) half an hour per day.

Buzz Lightyear
22nd October 2009, 13:54
In all honesty, if Eurosport drop WRC.. then there is little hope for WRC. OK, Eurosport might be playing hard ball, and may suffer in the short term, but they have another product. WRC is in a tight spot, it suffers from lack of exposure, and the TV coverage continues to ebb away.

22nd October 2009, 14:11
No F1 super license to Loeb = no F1 to Loeb (http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=6314&desc=No+Superlicence+means+no+F1+drive+for+Loeb)

Retlub Ecaps
22nd October 2009, 14:45

I don't understand this:

"End of day podium
A podium at the end of each day is pending the resolution of a Bonus Points system. A further study is required for the Drivers’ World Ranking to be compatible with the current Championship points listing."

Does that mean there will be silly points for each day rather than at the end of the rallye where the positions entitle points?

They've been considering a system that would include both. I'll try to see if I can dig up the article on it after I post this, but from what I recall they're considering a system where points would be awarded on each special stage, and there would be a podium at the end of each day as well as the position-based podium at the end of the rally.

Update: Here's the article (http://wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=5311&desc=More%20WRC%20rule%20changes%20announced). The relevant parts are:

"The current system of &#8216]

[quote="FIA World Motor Sport Council":ctrdtafs]"A podium at the end of each day will be introduced to provide media opportunities in recognition of the winner of the day and the leader of the rally. To assist media deadlines, the finish and podium ceremony procedures must be completed by 16:00 hrs CET. For events outside Europe, this will be subject to agreement between the organiser and the Promoter."[/quote:ctrdtafs]

Sounds like they haven't been able to work out sensible details for how to award the bonus points and so on, so they've deferred the decision for now. But it sounds like they want to use the daily podiums for the media (obviously) but also to replace SupeRally; competitors who crash out early wouldn't get to place on the final ranking, but they could still compete for the daily podiums, and thus would have a reason to re-enter the rally.

22nd October 2009, 15:44
They've been considering a system that would include both. I'll try to see if I can dig up the article on it after I post this, but from what I recall they're considering a system where points would be awarded on each special stage, and there would be a podium at the end of each day as well as the position-based podium at the end of the rally.

Ok, no attacking here but this is what I don't understand. Currently used in the Australian Championship.

For example and hypothetically:

20 stages in a rally

One driver wins points from 17 of them. Theoretically he has scored the most points because of the wins of stages. But in this case there has been a change of drivers coming in 2-5th positions of each stage so the points are all over the place.

The driver retired on stage 19 and is completely out of the rally. No restart.

Does that mean he doesn't win the rally because he retired - or he still wins because he has the most points?! That is unfair and a rally is to the end.

I sort of like the restart rule currently... if it's still in use... and was a surprised a few years ago in Monte after Loeb made up that 5 min penalty when you use the Restart Rally rule and came in the podium/top 5(?).

22nd October 2009, 16:03
Why is it silly? Because a rally is about getting from the start to the finish in the fastest time. If you don't finish you are nowhere. If you push too hard at the beginning and cannot complete the course you have not completed the contest and therefore should not get points.


It is stupid and confusing. It would be like awarding points in F1 for fastest lap times in a race. Totally dumb.

Retlub Ecaps
22nd October 2009, 16:12
Ok, no attacking here but this is what I don't understand. Currently used in the Australian Championship.

For example and hypothetically:

20 stages in a rally

One driver wins points from 17 of them. Theoretically he has scored the most points because of the wins of stages. But in this case there has been a change of drivers coming in 2-5th positions of each stage so the points are all over the place.

The driver retired on stage 19 and is completely out of the rally. No restart.

Does that mean he doesn't win the rally because he retired - or he still wins because he has the most points?! That is unfair and a rally is to the end.

In that situation, according to what the FIA said, the driver's retirement would mean he cannot win the rally (and cannot even score championship points). Any driver who retires on any stage would not even appear in the final classification at the end of the rally -- if they re-entered the rally after retiring, they would only be able to compete for the daily podiums.

It sounds to me like the "bonus points" and stage rankings would only be used for the daily podiums, and the final classification for the rally would still be based on overall time, like it is now. The stage wins and such might affect the new Driver's Rankings they're also considering, but I don't know, because I haven't seen any details on how those rankings might work.

Anyway, you're right that there are a lot of issues with how exactly the scoring for the daily podiums should be done, and that kind of thing; if they do it wrong they could really screw up the sport. I think that's probably why they've decided not to make a decision on it yet.

22nd October 2009, 16:15
Issues like these are why they decided to defer the decision and discuss it more, I think. But in the situation you describe, the driver's retirement would mean he cannot win the rally. From what the FIA have said, any driver who retires on any stage will not be eligible for points at the end of a rally -- if they re-enter the rally after retiring, they will only be able to compete for the daily podiums, and will not be eligible for the final podium no matter how fast they drive. Cars that fail to complete any stage would not even be listed in the final overall results.

So whats the point of being rewarded points after each stage or day? Separate points to the overall result in points? or which ever if the end points are added with the end of stage/day points. Makes no sense.

Retlub Ecaps
22nd October 2009, 16:45
So whats the point of being rewarded points after each stage or day? Separate points to the overall result in points? or which ever if the end points are added with the end of stage/day points. Makes no sense.

Yeah, I think it's separate to the overall result points. My guess is that the stage/day points will go towards a driver's position in the Driver's Ranking they've mentioned, and would not count for the drivers' or manufacturers' championships.

22nd October 2009, 16:48
Yeah, I think it's separate to the overall result points. My guess is that the stage/day points will go towards a driver's position in the Driver's Ranking they've mentioned, and would not count for the drivers' or manufacturers' championships.

Difference between: Driver's Position in the Drivers Ranking (points) to Drivers Championship (points)?

Retlub Ecaps
22nd October 2009, 17:12
Difference between: Driver's Position in the Drivers Ranking (points) to Drivers Championship (points)?

The Driver's Ranking is a new thing the FIA is considering -- it's mentioned in the article I linked before. They don't really give any details; I'm just guessing that they'll base it on bonus points/stage results because that's the only thing I can think of that makes the FIA's statements make any sense.

I think what they're trying to do is keep the Drivers Championship the same as it is now, but also add new, separate elements to the WRC to try to give it more appeal for the media and potential new fans. They think it might give the media more reason to cover each stage and each day's action instead of just doing a summary at the end. And they think that it might help sustain interest of people who aren't hardcore fans, since the Drivers Ranking would be a reason to keep watching even if the driver they liked had a couple of retirements and fell out of contention for the Drivers Championship.

A lot of people here seem to feel that the WRC is boring these days because there's so little competition at the top level. I think that a Drivers Ranking, if it worked like I'm guessing it would, might help that a little because crashing out would not be as severe a points loss for the Ranking as it is in the Championships. Also, if the top places are pretty much secure towards the end of a rally and all those drivers are just focused on getting to the end, it would provide some incentive for drivers further back to go flat-out and drive for stage wins to try to grab points for the Drivers Ranking. Might help keep things a little more interesting. As long as they don't change how points are scored for the Championships, I'm willing to look at the Drivers Ranking thing with an open mind.

I want to be clear, though: I'm just trying to explain what I think the FIA is trying to do -- I'm not saying I agree with all of it. And it's possible that I'm completely wrong anyway. :D

22nd October 2009, 17:16
Finnish forumist...

what this article would say ??


Raikkonen, Grönholm, Solberg ??? Built a team or just one event in Sweden Rally ?

22nd October 2009, 17:17
I want to be clear, though: I'm just trying to explain what I think the FIA is trying to do -- I'm not saying I agree with all of it. And it's possible that I'm completely wrong anyway. :D

I geddit! I'm just very confused with what they potentially mean with two or three point systems for drivers, manu's and positions. Why make it more confusing?! But will have to wait and see when the new regs officially come out!

22nd October 2009, 17:26
Finnish forumist...

what this article would say ??


Raikkonen, Grönholm, Solberg ??? Built a team or just one event in Sweden Rally ?

Just rumours that Petter Solberg have negoatiated with Marcus that Marcus would join PSWRT for Sweden 2010. Marcus stays tight-lipped.

Also, Petter is saying that he's been in contact with Räikkönen's manager or someone about Räikkönen's possible interested to join PSWRT for next season with C4 WRC. Räikkönen's manager Steve Robertson however says he have never heard anything from Solberg's offer (http://www.mtv3.fi/urheilu/ralli/uutiset.shtml/arkistot/ralli/2009/10/980453) before asked by MTV3 journalist.

22nd October 2009, 17:29
Finnish forumist...

what this article would say ??


Raikkonen, Grönholm, Solberg ??? Built a team or just one event in Sweden Rally ?

It says that Petter Solberg confirmed that he has made an offer to Kimi's representative to have Kimi to drive C4 for his rally team next season. He also tries to get Marcus to drive the Swedish Rally

In related news Kimi's manager Steve Robertson claimed he hasn't even heard about such offer.

22nd October 2009, 17:32
Thanks ;)

22nd October 2009, 18:30
Fair to say that Robertson is a racing man - I guess Kimi is very much "his own man" and decides what he wants to do.

22nd October 2009, 18:44
I geddit! I'm just very confused with what they potentially mean with two or three point systems for drivers, manu's and positions. Why make it more confusing?! But will have to wait and see when the new regs officially come out!

I think I understand it, but how will a non-Rally fan understand it. I know they mean well, but it seems as though there are new ideas every year or so, all to create interest in the WRC. By making the sport cheaper and getting more Manufacturers, meaning more drivers fighting will create interest. There wasn't a lot wrong with the sport 10-15 years ago, not perfect, but a damn sight better than it is now - all after changes to make it 'popular'.
Anybody remember the Milles Pistes suggestions 10 years ago?

A good piece in Autocar;


22nd October 2009, 19:03
Fair to say that Robertson is a racing man - I guess Kimi is very much "his own man" and decides what he wants to do.

that's true but he is interested in rally too, he has been in jyväskylä spectating a few times.
But like you said Kimi is much his "own man", first of all he wont drive anything that is not competitive, very much same thing with Bosse, neither one is so interested in publicity that they do anything for a ride, but I can think Bosse could drive in Sweden, he likes the rally and he is close to Stigs victory record there.

Buzz Lightyear
22nd October 2009, 23:47
Fair to say that Robertson is a racing man - I guess Kimi is very much "his own man" and decides what he wants to do.

Robertson doesn't get a 'cut' if Kimi goes Rallying, but gets a good wedge if he signs for Toyota, so off course he will talk it down.

23rd October 2009, 20:51
Gigi Galli is reported to be on the edge of a contract with Citroen's privateer department for a 10 rally deal, starting in Sweden 2010.

23rd October 2009, 21:02
I saw that too.
I had thought his WRC was over but would be good to see him back, more so if he can re-ignite the type of driving he did during his WRC Ralliart days. Thought with Stobart that bit of passion was missing.

23rd October 2009, 21:28
Gigi Galli is reported to be on the edge of a contract with Citroen's privateer department for a 10 rally deal, starting in Sweden 2010.

Thats nice to hear, that mean my friends sponsoring money has not gone in the drain.

24th October 2009, 05:42
Gigi Galli is reported to be on the edge of a contract with Citroen's privateer department for a 10 rally deal, starting in Sweden 2010.
After the C4 test that Citroen Italy 'offered' him (it was a masked "promotion" inside a motorsport Italy tv program, actually), he decided he wants to drive that car only ... too much better compared to Focus.
I think he also felt a little bit 'abandoned' by Mr.Wilson this year, maybe he thought Gigi didn't recover 100% from the German crash (and of course budget problems ^^).

I saw that too.
I had thought his WRC was over but would be good to see him back, more so if he can re-ignite the type of driving he did during his WRC Ralliart days. Thought with Stobart that bit of passion was missing.
It's partially true, but that's how you have to drive the Focus if you want speed at the exit of the corners ... anyway, in tarmac he was totally boring (like everybody else btw ^^), but in snow/gravel he was always the best to watch (look at Sweden, Sardinia and Finland clips in spite of all).

24th October 2009, 10:47
first of all he wont drive anything that is not competitive,

He drove a Punto!

24th October 2009, 12:39
He drove a Punto!

that was 1 out and did have to do with contract issues, this is about whole season, and is his own statement, goes for F1 as well.

24th October 2009, 15:22
Good news!

25th October 2009, 22:09
Nikara will test with Prodrive next week.

27th October 2009, 18:47
The rotating system is NOT gone. It wil coem back in 2011. Instead of limiting the number of annual World Cup rallies, ISC plans to come back with more events per season. "In the coming weeks we will present a calendar of the FIA proposal with 15 races in 2011"told the ISC boss Neil Duncanson'.
"From 2012 we also plan rallies in Africa, the USA, Brazil, Russia and China. From 2013 and perhaps also in countries like India, "said Duncanson.
To heighten the competition among the operators, the ISC wants to retain the controversial rotation between the different races, but is in contrast to the current system, on a strong base of traditional events that remain part of the annual world championship. New rallies will take place only once every two years.

27th October 2009, 19:58
The rotating system is NOT gone. It wil coem back in 2011. Instead of limiting the number of annual World Cup rallies, ISC plans to come back with more events per season. "In the coming weeks we will present a calendar of the FIA proposal with 15 races in 2011"told the ISC boss Neil Duncanson'.
"From 2012 we also plan rallies in Africa, the USA, Brazil, Russia and China. From 2013 and perhaps also in countries like India, "said Duncanson.
To heighten the competition among the operators, the ISC wants to retain the controversial rotation between the different races, but is in contrast to the current system, on a strong base of traditional events that remain part of the annual world championship. New rallies will take place only once every two years.

too many rallies, and the rotation wont be a good idea, the guy speaks like Vatanen.

27th October 2009, 21:51
Mikko starts already his preparation for 2010!!He will compete in the Rallye du Var with Loeb...

27th October 2009, 21:52
Nikara will test with Prodrive next week.

Prodrive ??.. Which cars ?

27th October 2009, 22:09
Prodrive ??.. Which cars ?


27th October 2009, 22:11
same cars as Marcus .. (portugal09) ?

27th October 2009, 22:13
same cars as Marcus .. (portugal09) ?

im not sure, but guess so.

27th October 2009, 22:20
thanks ;)

so Eurosport stop wrc coverage, for Motors TV : http://www.telecablesat.fr/article/2009/10/20/Les-News-Le-championnat-du-monde-des-Rallyes-sur-Motors-TV-6303.php

28th October 2009, 00:09
well jbmarcus, i think that Eurosport still will show WRC to the sama extent as this year.

Motors.tv has also showed WRC this season according to wrc.com (http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=2a0)

28th October 2009, 10:31
Gigi Galli is reported to be on the edge of a contract with Citroen's privateer department for a 10 rally deal, starting in Sweden 2010.


28th October 2009, 11:36
well jbmarcus, i think that Eurosport still will show WRC to the sama extent as this year.

Motors.tv has also showed WRC this season according to wrc.com (http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=2a0)

MotorsTV shows PWRC and JWRC but not the WRC itself, at least not in race reports like Eurosport.

28th October 2009, 16:25
French WRC event in 2010 will be Rallye Alsace Vosges... - http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=9417

28th October 2009, 16:52
French WRC event in 2010 will be Rallye Alsace Vosges... - http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=9417

It was quite expected as they thought even it was some kind of miracle that Corsica reached to the final two.

28th October 2009, 16:54
French WRC event in 2010 will be Rallye Alsace Vosges... - http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=9417

I'm curious about this event, but it's sad another classic is gone...

28th October 2009, 17:02
Aaaaa,this is Loeb's REAL home event ;)

Rally Power
28th October 2009, 17:48
I'm curious about this event, but it's sad another classic is gone...

Will IRC calendar suffer a late hour adjustment? It would be nice, and there's a 11 weeks gap between Argentina and Sardignia...

28th October 2009, 17:50
:beer: nikara will test for prodrive this week

28th October 2009, 18:52

28th October 2009, 18:57
Good news, pretty close to the Netherlands :D

28th October 2009, 19:58
Bad news, another legend out...

29th October 2009, 10:19
Very bad news indeed. :( I don't understand why some people are happy when another legend rally is dead.

29th October 2009, 10:54
If Corsica is out of WRC, I'm sure the organisers will have a visit from Eurosport Events soon offering them a place in the IRC - this is what happened with Argentina. M. Todt has a lot of work to do as the longer this IRC series develops the more of a threat to WRC it is becoming, (and I know that despite bullish comments ISC / WRC are getting concerned by the competition) - How can this happen, Monte, San Remo, Argentina, and Corsica out of WRC and all potentially in the "inferior" championship.

29th October 2009, 10:55
More bad news about a legend... :) .. Novikov will not do the 2010 WRC due to a lack of financial backing. The Citroen Junior Team driver missed last week's Rally GB for the same reason, but it had been hoped a deal could be found to keep him in the sport in 2010. Novikov has now announced that will not be the case. "Due to lack of funding in 2010 and having financial difficulties now, it was decided not to go to Rally Great Britain," he said. "For the same reasons, I have to take a break and will not act next year."

Novikov is seen as one of the most talented young drivers in the WRC, but he has also had a growing reputation for being hard to handle. His Australian co-driver Dale Moscatt walked out on the partnership after a troubled Rally Finland where they narrowly escaped a big accident only to retire with a smaller one later in the event.

This has been a tough year for the teenage sensation - he has retired from four of the eight rallies he competed in due to accidents. But he did become the youngest driver ever to win a WRC stage on the Acropolis Rally this year. Of his four 2009 finishes, he only scored points on Rally d'Italia, where he was fifth.

Novikov made his Intercontinental Rally Challenge debut on the Barum Rally Zlin, but was forced out with a mechanical problem aboard a hired Skoda Fabia S2000. The Russian admits the IRC is something he is exploring for the future, although he does not currently have any options in the S2000-based series.

"The IRC is interesting, but less so than the WRC," he said. "I have no offer for the IRC and I have absolutely nothing for the WRC."


29th October 2009, 11:28
The IRC is less interesting than the WRC, mmm, what planet is he on?

29th October 2009, 12:25
The IRC is less interesting than the WRC, mmm, what planet is he on?

With a WRC car you can do much better stunts. Ever seen a S2000 car sliding on it's bum? :p

29th October 2009, 12:53
More bad news about a legend... :) .. Novikov will not do the 2010 WRC due to a lack of financial backing.http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79811

Could mean that Chris gets Stephane back for next year.

29th October 2009, 13:20
The IRC is less interesting than the WRC, mmm, what planet is he on?

He's here with me and few others. The planet is called "Rallylandia". A place where no one abandons their favourite series even though it's having some tough times.

serial jeff
29th October 2009, 14:05
I hope Novikov ends up in the IRC for a season or two. I think it'd be very good for him to practise in a slower (and cheaper ;) ) car before moving back to the WRC.

Xsara Fan
29th October 2009, 14:29
More bad news about a legend... :) .. Novikov will not do the 2010 WRC due to a lack of financial backing. The Citroen Junior Team driver missed last week's Rally GB for the same reason, but it had been hoped a deal could be found to keep him in the sport in 2010. Novikov has now announced that will not be the case. "Due to lack of funding in 2010 and having financial difficulties now, it was decided not to go to Rally Great Britain," he said. "For the same reasons, I have to take a break and will not act next year."

Novikov is seen as one of the most talented young drivers in the WRC, but he has also had a growing reputation for being hard to handle. His Australian co-driver Dale Moscatt walked out on the partnership after a troubled Rally Finland where they narrowly escaped a big accident only to retire with a smaller one later in the event.

This has been a tough year for the teenage sensation - he has retired from four of the eight rallies he competed in due to accidents. But he did become the youngest driver ever to win a WRC stage on the Acropolis Rally this year. Of his four 2009 finishes, he only scored points on Rally d'Italia, where he was fifth.

Novikov made his Intercontinental Rally Challenge debut on the Barum Rally Zlin, but was forced out with a mechanical problem aboard a hired Skoda Fabia S2000. The Russian admits the IRC is something he is exploring for the future, although he does not currently have any options in the S2000-based series.

"The IRC is interesting, but less so than the WRC," he said. "I have no offer for the IRC and I have absolutely nothing for the WRC."


More than that - it seems that Novikov stop all his rallying activity and in 2010 will not start anywhere... :(

29th October 2009, 14:46
The IRC is less interesting than the WRC, mmm, what planet is he on?

Your arrogance is beyond belief. Please, this is a WRC forum, where those of us who love and follow the WRC exchange news and views. Serial knockers such as yourself really are tediously boring. To cap it all, you now infer that you somehow you are better placed to make a judegement on what's good or bad than a young man who has competed in both championships! Dilusional or what!

29th October 2009, 15:10
Your arrogance is beyond belief. Please, this is a WRC forum, where those of us who love and follow the WRC exchange news and views. Serial knockers such as yourself really are tediously boring. To cap it all, you now infer that you somehow you are better placed to make a judegement on what's good or bad than a young man who has competed in both championships! Dilusional or what!

He has a point though, IRC has gained a lot more interest than WRC in the last few years. But I can understand Novikov's comment, he rather likes to perform at the highest level possible. Unfortunately for him, now it's not the time.

29th October 2009, 15:19
Could mean that Chris gets Stephane back for next year.

That was already decided after WRC Spain.....

29th October 2009, 15:43
You guys must get a reallity check. IRC is not even close to WRC. IRC is shown in one channel worldwide. and WRC? 50? That said I see that IRC has some qualities WRC lack. Other than that, IRC is overhyped and watched by app. 1 % of number watching WRC. And this is in the worst WRC year since it's beginning

29th October 2009, 15:58
You guys must get a reallity check. IRC is not even close to WRC. IRC is shown in one channel worldwide. and WRC? 50? That said I see that IRC has some qualities WRC lack. Other than that, IRC is overhyped and watched by app. 1 % of number watching WRC. And this is in the worst WRC year since it's beginning


IRC is nothing but slow cars and crappy drivers. It's like Indycar vs. F1 or Superbike vs. MotoGP.

The only thing that IRC needs credit for is they have some good rallies and good coverage. I really like the Madeira Rally and they also had the Safari and the Monte.

...other than that, IRC is utter crap!

29th October 2009, 16:06
Another thread is turning into the deepest s*** with this neverending uselles crapy dispute. Sad...

29th October 2009, 16:07
Just to underline my point after (3-4 years of the IRC)

In this Motorsport.com forums:

9.851 threads
346.076 posts

144 threads
14.425 posts

29th October 2009, 16:23
Your arrogance is beyond belief. Please, this is a WRC forum, where those of us who love and follow the WRC exchange news and views. Serial knockers such as yourself really are tediously boring. To cap it all, you now infer that you somehow you are better placed to make a judegement on what's good or bad than a young man who has competed in both championships! Dilusional or what!

Just my thoughts. :up:

You guys must get a reallity check. IRC is not even close to WRC. IRC is shown in one channel worldwide. and WRC? 50? That said I see that IRC has some qualities WRC lack. Other than that, IRC is overhyped and watched by app. 1 % of number watching WRC. And this is in the worst WRC year since it's beginning

Good points. IRC has a limited media exposure. Very limited that is.


IRC is nothing but slow cars and crappy drivers. It's like Indycar vs. F1 or Superbike vs. MotoGP.

The only thing that IRC needs credit for is they have some good rallies and good coverage. I really like the Madeira Rally and they also had the Safari and the Monte.

...other than that, IRC is utter crap!

It's really a joy to see someone thinking like I do. :)

]Another thread is turning into the deepest s*** with this neverending uselles crapy dispute. Sad...

Usually the IRC fanboys seem to start these "crappy disputes".. Just like in this thread. And WRC has to be defended. I feel compelled to do so.

29th October 2009, 16:33
Just to underline my point after (3-4 years of the IRC)

In this Motorsport.com forums:

9.851 threads
346.076 posts

144 threads
14.425 posts
You must understand that IRC section was made just a year ago, before that all the topics were in WRC section. And as i have understood that the IRC subforum has no bullsh!t posts or topics like we have it in the WRC section.

What comes to cars and drivers, then if You have noticed that so far no regular WRC driver has been dominant in the events. Ogier won the first Monte round, but was not the fastest driver by no means, but most reliable of the top drivers. Others have not been nowhere near the top yet. Personally I think only Hirvonen, Loeb and Sordo could be faster than IRC regulars, the rest of the field in WRC is even worse compared to IRC. Btw I like these small pocket rockets and would go for an IRC event any day :) I'm really seriously concidering to be in Zlin next year.

As i have understood, than we have more and more IRC supporters here and it is growing. For hardcore IRC fans the most pleasing thing is the old format of rallying. I do not even bother watching WRC coverage anymore, cause it is genuine crap to watch - more talking, less action from the stages = very boring.

29th October 2009, 16:34
You guys must get a reallity check. IRC is not even close to WRC. IRC is shown in one channel worldwide. and WRC? 50?

I think you need a reality check. In Belgium IRC is shown on: één, Club RTL and Eurosport (last year also MotorsTV). WRC only on Eurosport. I don't know how it is in other country's, but here IRC has better coverage than WRC.

What 50 channels is WRC showed on anyway?

I don't understand the reactions of some here. Why can't both series be next to each other? I hope WRC gets a lot better than it is right now, and I'm happy that IRC gives an alternative (more rally!), even with slower cars. I'm fan of both... (as well as ERC, PWRC, ... because it is raaaally)

Why bash drivers of IRC? Their level is higher than most national drivers. At least in IRC you can still compare it, in WRC machinery of works teams is much more different from local machinery.

I can also understand Novikov, fighting in a World Championship has a different image and meaning then fighting in a cup. Although I think right know he can he have much more fun in IRC than in WRC.

29th October 2009, 16:35
Usually the IRC fanboys seem to start these "crappy disputes".. Just like in this thread. And WRC has to be defended. I feel compelled to do so.

And the best defence is attack? Sorry mate, if WRC won't get their act together, it will be only richboy's playground soon.

29th October 2009, 16:36
Usually the IRC fanboys seem to start these "crappy disputes".. Just like in this thread. And WRC has to be defended. I feel compelled to do so.
Defended by WRC fanboys? Great level they show!

29th October 2009, 17:05
But I can understand Novikov's comment, he rather likes to perform at the highest level possible.

Dont you think that very same goes for every seriously taken rally driver who's planning an international carreer? I find it normal.

29th October 2009, 17:33
People need to face reality; The WRC is still the Premier Rallying series in the world. I've always said that.
However, people shouldn't be blind to it's faults - and there are many. The IRC, in my opinion is more interesting as there is an even spread of talent in the cars - meaning it's not straightforward as to who will win an event. That doesn't mean it's better, just different, but the IRC isn't perfect either.
If the people running the WRC had done their job properly, maybe the IRC wouldn't have happened, however it did, and seems to have given the WRC organisers a kick up the pants - finally realising that the 'cloverleaf' compact event has done nothing for the sport. IRC have shown what can be done with regards event routes, etc

29th October 2009, 17:49
Just to underline my point after (3-4 years of the IRC)

In this Motorsport.com forums:

9.851 threads
346.076 posts

144 threads
14.425 posts

Hehe, you can do anything with figures.

Do you have the statistics for this years rallies, posts and views?

29th October 2009, 17:58
Just to underline my point after (3-4 years of the IRC)

In this Motorsport.com forums:

9.851 threads
346.076 posts

144 threads
14.425 posts

There are three types of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics! hehe

29th October 2009, 18:03
Usually the IRC fanboys seem to start these "crappy disputes".. Just like in this thread. And WRC has to be defended. I feel compelled to do so.

I think it's rather the other way around mate, if you look at it properly.

Myself, I am rather on the IRC side of the fence at the moment but still follow and enjoy both championships. Indeed I went to Rally GB last week for the first time in a few years and enjoyed it (even if the entry list was a bit poor)

There's nothing wrong with debating the merits of the two championships but unfortunately people on this forum can't seem to do that and just shout abuse instead.

Hopefully WRC can learn from it's mistakes and eventually attract more manufacturers back in for the good of the sport as a whole.

29th October 2009, 18:06
Eurosport started IRC just as WTCC.. Without Eurosport both championships would blow apart in moment.. Millions are watching Eurosport so it's became so popular in short time..

29th October 2009, 20:11
Dont you think that very same goes for every seriously taken rally driver who's planning an international carreer? I find it normal.

Of course, but this was a reply to Novikov's comment that he found WRC more interesting to do then IRC. But he obviously jumped into top level machinery too soon, so IRC or preferable the S2000 Cup would be a good step for him to gain experience.

29th October 2009, 20:13
People need to face reality; The WRC is still the Premier Rallying series in the world. I've always said that.
However, people shouldn't be blind to it's faults - and there are many. The IRC, in my opinion is more interesting as there is an even spread of talent in the cars - meaning it's not straightforward as to who will win an event. That doesn't mean it's better, just different, but the IRC isn't perfect either.
If the people running the WRC had done their job properly, maybe the IRC wouldn't have happened, however it did, and seems to have given the WRC organisers a kick up the pants - finally realising that the 'cloverleaf' compact event has done nothing for the sport. IRC have shown what can be done with regards event routes, etc


3rd November 2009, 09:43

3rd November 2009, 16:43
I was recently reading in a u.k newspaper that brawn gp got around £40 million pounds for winning the constructors title in F1,does any one know how much Citroen recieved for winning the WRC ?

3rd November 2009, 18:06
I was recently reading in a u.k newspaper that brawn gp got around £40 million pounds for winning the constructors title in F1,does any one know how much Citroen recieved for winning the WRC ?

A nice Throphy at the FIA Pricegiving at Monte Carlo, Monaco next month.

:D :D :D

Buzz Lightyear
3rd November 2009, 20:19
I was recently reading in a u.k newspaper that brawn gp got around £40 million pounds for winning the constructors title in F1,does any one know how much Citroen recieved for winning the WRC ?

Its called the Concorde Argeement, and is a revenue split from massive TV deals, Circuit Fees, OnTrack advertising. And no WRC doesnt. In most cases, ISC can't even give the coverage away.

3rd November 2009, 20:37
Its called the Concorde Argeement, and is a revenue split from massive TV deals, Circuit Fees, OnTrack advertising. And no WRC doesnt. In most cases, ISC can't even give the coverage away.

And that is almost the whole crux of the matter - they can't seem to get it on 'proper' TV. Until that happens, well, not a lot. But we can hope.

4th November 2009, 06:47
I for one have many options to watch F1, but I prefer to watch it on BBC, if you see Jack Humphrey, David Coulthard, Eddie Jordan talking to almost 'everybody' in the paddock, get the 'news', pull people out their pitboxes, Martin Brundle stopping everybody on the grid (in the last one in Abu Dhabi, Martin had to get to his commentary box and on his way up he bumped in to Bernie who was with King Carlos (not the rally one), Carlos hugged Martin to say hello) you get good feeling what is going one.
In WRC the service park is empty (who to interview as there are so few people), no more good pictures, in the old days there where helicopter shots, good stage shots.... now it is just a shadow of what it COULD be.
BEFORE you can put a show on, you must have one. F1 has that , they can sell it (for lot of money) and SHARE the revenues. WRC has not even enough revenue to pay for a decent tv package which is hard to sell, let alone have extra revenue to share with the teams.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the WRC, have been to all of them for years, but recently it is not what it used to be AND IRC seems to have their act together and at least sometimes get a better show on tv. (next Monte is going to be a blast).

So what does the winner of WRC get ? A nice Throphy and dinner at Monte Carlo pricegiving....
What does the winner of F1 get ? A nice Throphy and dinner at Monte Carlo pricegiving + 45 Million euro + people lining up to put their name on their car for lots of money

4th November 2009, 10:40
WRC have Mr Chandler and sport is going down..

4th November 2009, 15:57
We have just the same discussion in swedish championship:
No television worth its name. Small entrylists. The best drivers aren´t participating.
Discussions how to improve the swedish championship etz. etz.

The same sickness, same conclusions of what´s wrong.

So regarding that I think the ruling guys have to think more than on time of what has to be done.

For sure we can´t afford WRC and IRC to play at the same time. There has to be a fusion of the two classes. I rather have 4 top drivers with 20 less good than WRC with only 4 top driver and IRC with 20 less good i diversial series, if you understand what I mean... :(

4th November 2009, 16:01
IMHO IRC is perfect as it is... so we have one good championship. WRC should make their business better, so they have a good championship as well.

6th November 2009, 02:40
Haven't been online for three weeks and now I found Todt and Loeb won. And more ridiculous ramblings. I didn't realized how extremely boring WRC is. Not even Petter still competing cuts it. It's more like watching manufacturers parade. I'm not following this championship anymore till the new cars are in.

9th November 2009, 19:18
Jari Ketomaa is in talks with Ford to drive Fiesta S2000 in S2000 Cup (http://www.yle.fi/alueet/etela-savo/2009/11/jari_ketomaa_saamassa_paikan_rallin_mm-sarjaan_1141970.html) (or whatever it's called at the moment) next season. (Link leads to Finnish YLE News) I would love to see more of Ketomaa in a current WRC car, but as a bet for future, this sure sounds reasonable well. Hopefully he could pull through this deal, or at least something. Lately he have been testing Adapta's Subaru WRC as well as Corsa S2000.

9th November 2009, 19:42
Jari Ketomaa is in talks with Ford to drive Fiesta S2000 in S2000 Cup (http://www.yle.fi/alueet/etela-savo/2009/11/jari_ketomaa_saamassa_paikan_rallin_mm-sarjaan_1141970.html) (or whatever it's called at the moment) next season. (Link leads to Finnish YLE News) I would love to see more of Ketomaa in a current WRC car, but as a bet for future, this sure sounds reasonable well. Hopefully he could pull through this deal, or at least something. Lately he have been testing Adapta's Subaru WRC as well as Corsa S2000.

Good news, now still hopefully Anton Alen gets out from Fiat and IRC, before his carreer is completely over.

9th November 2009, 19:45
Good news, now still hopefully Anton Alen gets out from Fiat and IRC, before his carreer is completely over.

I would imagine the feeling is mutual.

9th November 2009, 19:53
I would imagine the feeling is mutual.

lets hope so, like i said when they signed, the most stupid move ever.

9th November 2009, 20:09
lets hope so, like i said when they signed, the most stupid move ever.

For who? :D

Seriously, the relationship clearly wasn't working for either party and I will be interested to see what Anton can do away from Abarth. He showed some promise in his early IRC career but doesn't seem to have made any progress since, and this year in particular has been a disaster.

And for Abarth, if they stay in IRC or rallying, they will need a more reliable driver who is good on all surfaces to partner Basso.

9th November 2009, 20:20
For who? :D

Seriously, the relationship clearly wasn't working for either party and I will be interested to see what Anton can do away from Abarth. He showed some promise in his early IRC career but doesn't seem to have made any progress since, and this year in particular has been a disaster.

And for Abarth, if they stay in IRC or rallying, they will need a more reliable driver who is good on all surfaces to partner Basso.

Is that so? ok now when the Alens them self has gone public about this, maybe its correct to talk about it here too.
You say promise in the early carreer, maybe the fact that he has been testing the car in 2 years less than Kimi for the 1000 Lakes, can have something to do with it, have you checked the reasons for the retirements?

9th November 2009, 22:24
Is that so? ok now when the Alens them self has gone public about this, maybe its correct to talk about it here too.

I think that would be quite unprofessional. Better to get the head down and concentrate on rebuilding his career don't you think?

We all know that the Abarth is neither the quickest nor most reliable of the S2000 cars, but the comparison with his team mates doesn't look so good either.

10th November 2009, 04:48
I think that would be quite unprofessional. Better to get the head down and concentrate on rebuilding his career don't you think?

We all know that the Abarth is neither the quickest nor most reliable of the S2000 cars, but the comparison with his team mates doesn't look so good either.

Not in this case i dont, because this has nothing to do with slow car, its about how they Grifone treat him inside the team, he is not getting tests, too few drives aswell at this point of the carreer, best thing would be to get rid of the contract somehow, so that he would not have to be on someone elses mercy.
Well for instance in Monte Basso did drive latest specs, when Alen did drive a car from 06.

10th November 2009, 05:09
Tomi, be honest for once. Don't see him as your usual countrymates to be defended at all costs. His father was great, the son... not.

10th November 2009, 05:12
Tomi, be honest for once. Don't see him as your usual countrymates to be defended at all costs. His father was great, the son... not.

Honest? Please point out what of what i did say is not correct? After we can talk who is honest.

10th November 2009, 05:13
You are assuming Anton is a fast driver. Which is, unfortunately, wrong.

10th November 2009, 05:20
You are assuming Anton is a fast driver. Which is, unfortunately, wrong.

Im assuming nothing, i just tell a few facts, and hope he will get out of the deal one way or another, so he could get back on track, so he dont have to be on somebody elses mercy in the most important time in learning to drive.

10th November 2009, 05:43
Ok let's wait until he gets a 207 or a Fabia and pwn everybody, then you'll be right ^^

I would put my 2 cents on Hanninen, if it has to be necessarily finnish ... xD

10th November 2009, 06:25
Ok let's wait until he gets a 207 or a Fabia and pwn everybody, then you'll be right ^^

I would put my 2 cents on Hanninen, if it has to be necessarily finnish ... xD

Dont know what you are talking about, Im still waiting to hear what was untrue in the statements, when you go personal and attack someone by calling dishonest, you should say atleast about what.

10th November 2009, 08:17
Tomi, you are all too quick to jump down the throat of any foreign driver who complains, yet when the boot is on the other foot..

I have no doubt there is some truth in what you say, but at the same time Anton probably would have been given more events (on asphalt) if he had exhibited any kind of pace there, but this year he wasn't even very quick or reliable on gravel. Look at the kind of fast progress that Hanninen made on asphalt in comparison.

10th November 2009, 08:32
Tomi, you are all too quick to jump down the throat of any foreign driver who complains, yet when the boot is on the other foot..

I have no doubt there is some truth in what you say, but at the same time Anton probably would have been given more events (on asphalt) if he had exhibited any kind of pace there, but this year he wasn't even very quick or reliable on gravel. Look at the kind of fast progress that Hanninen made on asphalt in comparison.

You dont seem to understand, im complaining the Alen's for doing the most stupid deal ever, like i did already from the start, as far as i know they are Finnish, so whats the problem?.
Compairing Hänninen and Alen is not relevant in any way, because Alen had other options too when he signed with Fiat

10th November 2009, 08:39

Gigi will do 8 events in 2010 in C4 !


10th November 2009, 08:41
You dont seem to understand, im complaining the Alen's for doing the most stupid deal ever, like i did already from the start, as far as i know they are Finnish, so whats the problem?.

Here Tomi, you are absolutely correct, this is possible the stupids deal ever...
BUT maybe the easiest and like this dad did not have to pay anything, if he went a different way he has to find budget.
On the other hand, now he has to start over again.

Just my 2cents, I too am not convinced of his (Alen jr) his speed

10th November 2009, 08:48

Gigi will do 8 events in 2010 in C4 !


Plans to do 8 events, Stevie :-)