View Full Version : [WRC] News & rumours (part II)

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28th August 2012, 10:16
It's fake, because this is pre-Germany Ford tests on Baumholder

This guy always posts strange links, I wonder how he isnt banned yet.

28th August 2012, 10:36
actually it's a 2011 Hirvonen test video...
Mikko Hirvonen - Tests Germany 2011 [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQxyEOUcqAg)

Red bull
28th August 2012, 11:53
This guy always posts strange links, I wonder how he isnt banned yet.
Robert Kubica tests factory WRC Fiesta - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102019?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)

Prisoner Monkeys
28th August 2012, 12:01
Colin Clark @voiceofrally wrote

"I don't think it's anything to do with a future drive, Kubica has friends in Ford and he wanted to have a drive"
I'm not so sure about that. Once it became apparent that Kubica was on the mend, several Formula 1 teams gave him a standing invitation to test with them whenever he felt ready to. I believe a GP2 and/or Formula Renault 3.5 car was also made available if he wanted it.

I find it odd, then, that he would elect to test a Fiesta WRC. If he wanted back into open-wheel racing, why not take up any of the offers that were made to him?

I suppose he might have wanted to test a WRC car because he would have much more freedom of movement in his shoulders than in an open-wheel car, since the cockpit of an open-wheel car pins the driver in place, and there is no room to move the shoulders; most of the steering action is in the wrist and elbow. A WRC car has no such limitations, allowing Kubica to drive with his shoulders more. It could serve as a preliminary or baseline test to establish whether or not he can handle a car at speed, giving him more information on whether or not a comeback in Formula 1 is feasible.

But I still find it strange that Kubica would join the factory team for testing at his own expense and work with Latvala and Solberg on the car. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I'd like to see Kubica rallying if he can't return to Formula 1 (which I think is likely).

Red bull
28th August 2012, 12:39
World Rally Championship - News - Raikkonen reveals rallying comeback plans (http://www.wrc.com/news/raikkonen-reveals-rallying-comeback-plans/?fid=17361)

Red bull
28th August 2012, 12:48
Is it time for Ford to make a change? - AUTOSPORT+ (http://plus.autosport.com/premium/feature/4739/is-it-time-for-ford-to-make-a-change/)

Red bull
28th August 2012, 12:50
I'm not so sure about that. Once it became apparent that Kubica was on the mend, several Formula 1 teams gave him a standing invitation to test with them whenever he felt ready to. I believe a GP2 and/or Formula Renault 3.5 car was also made available if he wanted it.

I find it odd, then, that he would elect to test a Fiesta WRC. If he wanted back into open-wheel racing, why not take up any of the offers that were made to him?

I suppose he might have wanted to test a WRC car because he would have much more freedom of movement in his shoulders than in an open-wheel car, since the cockpit of an open-wheel car pins the driver in place, and there is no room to move the shoulders; most of the steering action is in the wrist and elbow. A WRC car has no such limitations, allowing Kubica to drive with his shoulders more. It could serve as a preliminary or baseline test to establish whether or not he can handle a car at speed, giving him more information on whether or not a comeback in Formula 1 is feasible.

But I still find it strange that Kubica would join the factory team for testing at his own expense and work with Latvala and Solberg on the car. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I'd like to see Kubica rallying if he can't return to Formula 1 (which I think is likely).
ANOTHER LINK Robert Kubica drives Ford WRC car in secret test - Speedcafe (http://www.speedcafe.com/2012/08/28/kubica-drives-ford-wrc-car-in-secret-test/)

28th August 2012, 14:47
All rumors came from Eurosport.fr news posted sunday.
So test made at July. Thats for sure. Everyone including me thin that misterious driver is Kubica. Yes i hope he is. He tested some more events before as all we know. He drives his own Clio S1600 and a Fabia WRC. Of course nobody know he drives or or just sit on right side.

I hope Kubica will be back in rallying soon. He is very fast in Tarmac. I dont mind he back on F1 really.

28th August 2012, 17:29
Just a small illustration to reveal the fake video. Hopefully spreads to different places so that even the general public is aware that the video is fake.

!!FAKE!! Robert Kubica WRC Test Video - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObWGlLPH_S8)

28th August 2012, 17:40
Is it time for Ford to make a change? - AUTOSPORT+ (http://plus.autosport.com/premium/feature/4739/is-it-time-for-ford-to-make-a-change/)

full article anybody?

28th August 2012, 18:10
Pay €1! :p

28th August 2012, 18:55
full article anybody?

Because I am in a good mood today.

The kitchen floor in Malcolm Wilson's house must be a bit of a mess, full of those buttery stains left when a spilled slice of toast hits the deck dry-side up.
The Ford team principal himself doesn't deal in fortune, it's neither quantifiable or tangible and therefore holds no stead with a man who's only interest is making a Fiesta RS WRC go faster. But, boy, could Malcolm Wilson do with a break right now.

On the flip side, Sebastien Loeb is regularly touted as the luckiest of drivers. We've been here before: Loeb does make his own luck – his car doesn't break because he doesn't bounce it off things. And, last Saturday morning on Rallye Deutschland, the eight-time world champion was, once again, the finder of fortune when the rains came mid-way through the Stein and Wein stage.

Running first on the road, the Frenchman was the least affected of the leading bunch by the rain – but he still had it for almost half the stage. Was that luck? No.

The wily Loeb knew full well that the place to catch a break would be at the front. Being first through the stages stacked the odds in his favour if the weather changed once the test was underway. So, Loeb drove his Citroen DS3 WRC faster than anybody else, and then kept it drier than everybody else. Of course, the weather could have gone the other way and he could have caught the tail-end of a storm; not even Loeb can do anything to change a meteorological course, all he can do is affect his location when it does come and being in the middle of the pack means you get the same as those around you.

Being out front gives you a chance; it gives you the edge.

And the Fords were, of course, hindered terribly in the rain with Petter Solberg and Jari-Matti Latvala dropping 41.8 and 54.8 seconds respectively. It was in that stage just to the east of Trier last Saturday morning that Loeb cemented his ninth Rallye Deutschland win from 10 starts.

What had happened to Ford's pre-event confidence? What about all that time honing the Fiesta on a French racetrack through the summer? Where had all that speed gone?

Nowhere, it was all there. It just wasn't being put to the best possible use.

Ford could have won in France last week. Ford could have won in New Zealand, Greece, Argentina, Portugal, Mexico and, maybe, even Monte Carlo too. So why didn't it win? Too many mistakes. And because Latvala decided to go skiing in April.

I have huge respect for Latvala and Solberg. Solberg is a world champion and his team-mate has more than enough speed to lift a world title of his own. But, right now, neither is driving like a world champion.

Solberg, like those around him, is motivated solely by winning and, for me, the Norwegian is trying too hard. He's the tennis player who works the court, slices his opponent open with a booming shot down the line, but then misses the much simpler volley at the net.

Could Solberg really have won in Germany? It was unlikely. But he certainly couldn't have done it once his Fiesta's right-rear wheel parted company with the rest of the car.

Latvala, however, could have won.

On Rallye Deutschland last year, Ford was hammered, beaten out of site. The British team was half a minute down on its French rival after two stages.

And after one stage? Latvala's Ford was leading.

Last year's problem was Citroen's far better use of the tyres. For the first time, Michelin's combination of hard and soft were distributed diagonally (softs on front-left and rear-right and hards on front-right and rear-left) and then side by side (softs on the left, hards on the right). This truly caught Ford on the hop. It was that innovation in the changeable weather that won Citroen (and Sebastien Ogier) the rally last year. Citroen wasn't faster than Ford, just more imaginative.

In total last year, Ford won four stages in Germany. And as the team's technical director Christian Loriaux pointed out, "if you win four, you can win 10. And if you can win 10, you can win the rally."

So, what's the answer for Ford? Results is what it needs but, for the ninth season in succession, all the shouting is being done by the little fella from Alsace. His seven wins have, once again, been mightily impressive this season. Latvala's sole Swedish success considerably less so.

Latvala's lack of wins has hit Ford hard this year. This was to be, or so we were told, his year. Everything was being built around the 27-year-old in 2012 – including a one-time world champion as his wingman. And Latvala has failed to deliver.

And, what's worse is that, even when he has been at the front of the field, you've never really had the confidence to believe that he could make it stick. Except in the snow.
Brilliant rally driver though Latvala is, he has shown himself to be mentally fragile at times. But those days, simply have to be put behind him.
And I thought they were. Until I heard that he'd told Miikka Anttila, his co-driver, he didn't want his split times to be given to him in the second run through Mosselland last Friday afternoon. On the stage before, Latvala had just set his first scratch time of the event, but it had come at a cost – he'd had a couple of proper moments along the way and he feared he couldn't keep the speed without visiting the scenery.
So, time-wise, he silenced the man next to him and drove at his own pace through stage five. The result? He dropped roughly a second a mile to Loeb through the 13-miler and watched in horror as the gap between him and the leader opened to almost 30 seconds.
Then, to add insult to injury, Loeb went fastest again on the next one.
Sorry, but that sort of thing is just not acceptable at this level. Latvala is a professional driver with more WRC experience than champions like Miki Biasion, Ari Vatanen, Timo Salonen and Richard Burns.
Latvala dropped nine seconds on the opening stage in Germany last week, when he went for a hard-soft crossed approach with the tyres. It didn't work, there wasn't enough damp around. Later that same day, I sought reason for what had looked like quite a strange decision.
"We knew it wouldn't work," said one Ford team member, "but it was right in Jari-Matti's head and we didn't want to force him into a tyre choice which he didn't want. That could have affected his confidence."

In a nutshell, that summed the whole Latvala issue up for me.

Wilson knows far more than most about dealing with precious and precarious drivers, but has he stood by Latvala for too long now? There are certainly those who would prescribe to that view.
And would Ford's resistance to Citroen have been as futile had Wilson secured Ogier for this season? I don't believe so. But therein lies the problem. How could Wilson and Ford have secured probably the second most valuable driver in the WRC when its total operating budget is smaller than the sum that Citroen is paying two people – Loeb and his team-mate Mikko Hirvonen – this season? Simple, it couldn't.
In relation to pounds invested, the M-Sport-built cars deliver considerably more points than Citroen does, but this sport has no truck with such fiscal sentimentality. Cash counts here as much as anywhere.
Both Solberg and Latvala have the ability to win rallies. And now, more than ever, they have to believe in themselves and those around them. Because now, more than ever, they have to win rallies.

28th August 2012, 19:00
Thanks EG.

28th August 2012, 19:24
Interesting reading, thanks. Looking at the big picture, they made mistakes every single Rally this year, not just drivers though. In Argentina for example AFAIR the tyre choice was from the team, not Solberg. I don't know about NORF though, everything looked in order there, if we are not taking into account Citroen's new alien suspension which appeared the old Ford one.

28th August 2012, 20:05
Loeb: "I know what I want to do, but I'm not a decision maker"

In recent weeks, the same questions about the future of Sébastien Loeb back loop, but the answers are still elusive. While Citroën flagship and pilot agreed to formalize the decision in September, rumors are rife, the outright withdrawal of the brand in rallying a redemption of fund structure by Qatari pilot project led by Nasser Al-Attiyah, through a partial program arranged for Loeb in 2013. And the main person, that he said?- This new victory in Germany do reinforces Does not the idea to continue the adventure in 2013?- I realize that this is not yet the year too. I do not see why it would be next season. At age 38, I feel young! Experience pays, obviously, because I continue to go very quickly with less risk. On the other hand, if I want to move on, I will not wait for 50 years. Well, it's time to make a choice.- The decision can it be influenced by financial considerations?- No, that's for sure, because otherwise I would continue. It is a global choice, both family and professional.- Regarding your future, you always seem to settle in pain at the time of choice ...- (Cut it) But my decision is made!- Why not announce it?- I do not know (he thinks). Because there are plenty of things that are being considered, discussions on future cooperation, not only for next year are underway with Citroën. All depends on what can be put in place. I know what I want to do, but I'm not the decision maker. It has to be organized. You will see this in September ...
Automobile | Loeb : « Je sais ce que j’ai envie de faire, mais je ne suis pas décideur » (http://www.dna.fr/sports/2012/08/27/loeb-je-sais-ce-que-j-ai-envie-de-faire-mais-je-ne-suis-pas-decideur)

28th August 2012, 21:24
Loeb: "I know what I want to do, but I'm not a decision maker"

It is clear that his wife has yet to decide

Red bull
29th August 2012, 14:44
Rally GB damaged by 2012 date change says Ford's Malcolm Wilson - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook)

29th August 2012, 15:07
Rally GB damaged by 2012 date change says Ford's Malcolm Wilson - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook)

The date won't have helped, but I still say the biggest problem with Rally GB this year is Rally GB.

A 4 hour trudge up north just for a ceremonial start? No wonder competitors aren't lining up.

30th August 2012, 11:34
Rally GB damaged by 2012 date change says Ford's Malcolm Wilson - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook)

They (Ford/MSport and MINI/Prodrive) could influence/participate in dates if that is a real problem. Somehow ADAC Rally had plenty of entires, just 3 weeks before GB, don't understand those excuses. It's just too expensive and getting more and more spectators unfriendly.

Prisoner Monkeys
30th August 2012, 12:00
I don't think you can really blame M-Sport and Prodrive. Especially since M-Sport are seding both their regular cars to Wales, plus an extra two for Matthew Wilson and Jannie Harbig. As for Prodrive, they only have the one car, so their presence isn't going to tip the balance in favour of a successful Rally GB should they decide to go.

I think Wilson raises a very valid point when he says the date change detracts from the event. The Welsh government asked for the rally to be brought forward to try and get better weather, but they've clearly missed the fact that a major part of the appeal of Rally GB is that it is usually run in atrocious conditions. It's meant to be wet, slippery and miserably cold; it's what makes Rally GB the Rally GB. One of the most genuine rally experiences you can have is getting up between the hours of why-the-hell-am-I-still-awake and please-God-just-let-me-sleep, driving out into the middle of a sodden Welsh forest - preferably one draped in a thick soup of fog - and staying warm by avoiding the splatters of icy mud that are kicked up by a rally car blasting past you as you try to figure out who it was that just went past. Add in some drunk Norwegian fans supporting Petter Solberg, and it's a good time. Although when I say it like that, it sounds completely bonkers.

But whatever the case, that's something that is going to be missing from this year's Rally GB. And this year's route doen't help one bit - no Great Orme, no Clocaenog, no Gartheiniog, no Dyfi East or West, and Hafren cut in half and merged with Sweet Lamb. All the good stages, gone (although Dyfnant and Myherin are still in there, and Epynt is coming back). The route would be okay if it was on its own, but after last year's rally (which was only really missing Resolfen), it's terrible.

30th August 2012, 19:02
And standing on Walthers arena in heavy showers coming horizontally in the darkness only seeing two headlamps passing by... Being wet inton the bare skin, wondering what you´re doing or why you are there...

30th August 2012, 20:43
Loeb: "I know what I want to do, but I'm not a decision maker"

I just wonder are Citroen are waiting Polo appearance in Sardinia to make up their decisions :confused: . I know it is in October, but still...

30th August 2012, 20:51
Autosport is reporting today that VW will not bring the Polo to Sardinia but they try to let it drive in Spain. It will drive the rally but will not show in the results.

30th August 2012, 20:59
They (Ford/MSport and MINI/Prodrive) could influence/participate in dates if that is a real problem. Somehow ADAC Rally had plenty of entires, just 3 weeks before GB, don't understand those excuses. It's just too expensive and getting more and more spectators unfriendly.

They destroyed wrc with their unsport choose of drivers so they shouldn't say anything about events. But citroën guys can. :D

30th August 2012, 21:00
Citroën decided there is no Polo appearance in Sardinia... ;)

That's very disappointing :( . I guess we shall wait until 2013 then...

30th August 2012, 21:56
a translate please?


30th August 2012, 22:08
a translate please?

Isn't it the same as Robert Kubica tests factory WRC Fiesta - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102019) with little Rallying background?

30th August 2012, 22:26
Autosport is reporting today that VW will not bring the Polo to Sardinia but they try to let it drive in Spain. It will drive the rally but will not show in the results.

I dont believe them anymore. Seems like they are just exploiting the rumours to gain more attention. Such a big organization like them cannot change its plans every week.

30th August 2012, 22:36
I dont believe them anymore. Seems like they are just exploiting the rumours to gain more attention. Such a big organization like them cannot change its plans every week.

They're just giving Citroen courage not to give up yet :laugh:

30th August 2012, 23:02
a translate please?


Biensur Dimitris! :D
Secret testing took place in the first week of July in a French private "pista" one hour from Paris. Ford tested there 4 days and Kubica set the fastest time. He was also faster than JML and Petter. Robert was very happy with the car. No one knows if Kubica will come into rallying, but everything is open.

31st August 2012, 04:11
Ford tested there 4 days and Kubica set the fastest time. He was also faster than JML and Petter. Robert was very happy with the car.Quicker than both JML and Peter in a WRC car on a super stage? WOW. Even if the test was on tarmac, Ford's current factory drivers aren't bad on that surface. Impressive.

31st August 2012, 08:50
Quicker than both JML and Peter in a WRC car on a super stage? WOW. Even if the test was on tarmac, Ford's current factory drivers aren't bad on that surface. Impressive.

Why not. Kimi was also faster than his teammates. F1 drivers are from another galaxy, even though it looks pretty easy to drive in wide open circuits.

Red bull
31st August 2012, 12:50
Wilson will um Latvala kämpfen*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/08/31/wilson-will-um-latvala-kaempfen/index.html) Wilson wants to fight for Latvala

Red bull
31st August 2012, 13:00
Wilson will um Latvala kämpfen*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/08/31/wilson-will-um-latvala-kaempfen/index.html) Wilson wants to fight for Latvala

MalcolmWilson has not given up hope on a new contract with Jari-Matti Latvala
Thesparrows have long from the rooftops: Volkswagen and Jari-Matti Latvala willhave agreed on a common future. But is officially announced anythingyet. Also at the Rally Germany deafening silence prevailed on thisissue. Volkswagen can continue to play for time, a premature disclosure ofdrivers' names would be just cause unnecessary unrest in the service park andneither side may be useful.

Ford teamboss Malcolm Wilson has likewise heard the rumors about Latvala and VW, butalso believes that between him and the management of the Finn is played withopen cards. "I'm meeting here again with Jari-Matti Manager TimoJouhki and then we'll see. Even that would have to show that nothing is fixed.Timo and I know each other very long and very good. I trust him," Wilsonsaid at the edge Rally Germany. "It shows that I want to try,Jari-Matti to keep our team. Finally I invested a lot. I believe in him.Regardless that there are other young and talented drivers."

Accordinglybecomes covered Wilson holds on the occupation of the two factory Fiestas inthe next season. "The Ford World Rally Team also will be there nextseason. Everything else is open," he said. "Both driverscontracts expire at year end. And as of today is still not signed."

Not onlyis the decision of Latvala will have an impact, even Sebastien Loeb coulddeliver Fahrerkarusell going. Still the world champion has not declaredwhether he will be there again in 2013. Wilson therefore plays throughmany ways to have to get the version without Latvala and Petter Solberg:"If Loeb retires everything possible."

How aboutMalcolm Wilson Rally Championship is thinking or why he now believes that thepromotion of Ott Tänak for an error, please read the new issue of "Rally-The Magazine" ,available from Monday in trade.

Red bull
31st August 2012, 13:10
Yvan Muller to drive Prodrive Mini WRC on Rallye France - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102077?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)

31st August 2012, 13:47
Yvan Muller to drive Prodrive Mini WRC on Rallye France - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102077?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)

on ewrc.cz I read that also Robert Consani (IRC 2WD Cup this year) is supposed to drive a Mini WRC in Alsace...

31st August 2012, 13:59
on ewrc.cz I read that also Robert Consani (IRC 2WD Cup this year) is supposed to drive a Mini WRC in Alsace...

Stephane Consani, not Robert.


31st August 2012, 15:53
Stephane Consani, not Robert.

Whoops :P :D

31st August 2012, 19:13
How aboutMalcolm Wilson Rally Championship is thinking or why he now believes that thepromotion of Ott Tänak for an error, please read the new issue of "Rally-The Magazine" ,available from Monday in trade.

the tänak thing is interesting to me, but i´m too lazy to walk downstayrs to my mailbox where the magazine is in :D maybe tomorrow morning then.

31st August 2012, 22:58
Stephane Consani, not Robert.


Think Stephane is out on Mont Blanc for a pre Alsace test run.

1st September 2012, 20:08
the tänak thing is interesting to me, but i´m too lazy to walk downstayrs to my mailbox where the magazine is in :D maybe tomorrow morning then.

so, he didnt really say anything. just that it maybe wasnt the right decision to give tänak that support but he doesnt say why. he only says he´s not so happy about it at the moment :rolleyes:

and he says that he believed in duval a lot and still does, he thinks he had what it takes to become world champion one day and it was a good decision to support him back in the days.

1st September 2012, 20:13
so, he didnt really say anything. just that it maybe wasnt the right decision to give tänak that support but he doesnt say why. he only says he´s not so happy about it at the moment :rolleyes:

he isn t happy at first year of Tanak....is he happy about the 8th year of Jari? From his sons 5th year?

1st September 2012, 20:22
so, he didnt really say anything. just that it maybe wasnt the right decision to give tänak that support but he doesnt say why. he only says he´s not so happy about it at the moment :rolleyes:

I think it's quite hard to understand Wilson. If he saw Tänak as the next big thing and promoted him to the M-Sport team and wants to see him progressing. But I haven't seen any videos of him testing the car for coming rallies. Just searched Youtube for 'Ott Tänak test' and nothing on the first page of this years tests. Correct me if I'm wrong but without testing for following rallies and then wanting a solid fast drive from the event is a bit too much to ask, in my opinion. So at times Wilson critique seems strange to me.

And on the side note. I'm not a fan of Tänak.

1st September 2012, 20:29
I think it's quite hard to understand Wilson. If he saw Tänak as the next big thing and promoted him to the M-Sport team and wants to see him progressing. But I haven't seen any videos of him testing the car for coming rallies. Just searched Youtube for 'Ott Tänak test' and nothing on the first page of this years tests. Correct me if I'm wrong but without testing for following rallies and then wanting a solid fast drive from the event is a bit too much to ask, in my opinion. So at times Wilson critique seems strange to me.

And on the side note. I'm not a fan of Tänak.

Wilson wants to find Seb 3 without money.

1st September 2012, 21:54
Wilson has lots of weird wiews, tanak is one of them.
He probably think he is at par with his manager, and theres the key.

He also tought Petter could put pressure on seb1 in germany without risk anything.....

1st September 2012, 21:58
Wilson has lots of weird wiews.

Probably the biggest one is that M-Sport can beat Citroen with much less investment (money)

1st September 2012, 22:45

i give one guy a lesson in a norwegian rallyforum: its not neccesery with a long motorsportcareer to know/mean anything about rallying.
entusiast is what rallying have to have if its going to survive. wrc as today is not very interesting, thats for sure.

if you going to know anybody stats, heres mine: im 35 yrs old, married and 2 kids. 7x norwegian champion in bobsled. 19 medals in national championsships in bobsled. im a coach in athletix and downhill skiing. before my bobseld career, i've done telemark (downhill skiing with loose heel), and x-country bi-cycling, and some bigmountain skiing. i've also done some "circuit" car-racing, like swedish "folkrace" if you know. i've also done some motorbiking, both at circuit and offroad. but as an self-emploeey and bobsled-athlet, its not been time to do rallying. if you seen topgears bobsled vs rallycar, i've one of the 3 pilots in that movie, arnfinn (2x olympic bobsledder) is the one displayed, we done 26 runs in one day, one guy can't do that. henning solberg joined me for one run, he said the skills needed was unbeliveble... (reactiontimes and the g-forces)

i've been a voulanteer for all rally norways, some rally sweden, and some national rallies, and spectator at lots of them. i've also been a part of a lots of ec's and wc's in bobsledding, luge and skeleton in lillehammer.

when my daughter is 15, and she can be my coodriver, iv'e going to do rallying in national championships for fun, with a nice car. before that, my family has my full priority.

i'm disqualified to mean anything about rallying?

i've don't know nothing about the other guy, maybe he is a kid? i don't know. i've just ignore bull**** on this forum :)

3rd September 2012, 09:50
Some changes in 2013?
GP Week : Issue 165, Page 1 (http://mag.gpweek.com/#folio=15)

3rd September 2012, 14:12
Volta Racing with Lancia 037 4WD Hybrid: http://www.voltaracing.com/images/HYBRID-037.pdf

Good luck with this project!

3rd September 2012, 14:54
Volta Racing with Lancia 037 4WD Hybrid: http://www.voltaracing.com/images/HYBRID-037.pdf

Good luck with this project!

Very interesting. After hybrids concurred Le Mans I was wondering when something similar will be developed in a Rally car... and it was not too late for a concept.

4th September 2012, 14:51
Sure ;)

3. Auto: Hersteller sagen nein*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/08/21/drittes-auto-hersteller-sagen-nein/index.html)
Nie chc (http://rallyonline.pl/nie-chca-trzecich-samochodow_37477.html)

Red bull
4th September 2012, 15:29
Kubica stopped Lotus talks 'months ago' - Boullier | News | Motorsport.com (http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/kubica-stopped-lotus-talks-months-ago-boullier/)

4th September 2012, 16:58
Why not go back to letting any team with a car be eligible for mfr points? After watching this year I'd think Ford in particular would like all their Fiestas to be potential points scorers, and it may be a good incentive to give privateers a bit more support.

4th September 2012, 17:24
Why not go back to letting any team with a car be eligible for mfr points? After watching this year I'd think Ford in particular would like all their Fiestas to be potential points scorers, and it may be a good incentive to give privateers a bit more support.

I dont think that will change the situation whatsoever

World Rally Championship - Results (http://www.wrc.com/results/2012/championship-standings/manufacturers/)
Citroen teams together have 52 pts more than all Ford teams http://forums.projectcovo.com/images/smilies/laff.gif

Brother John
5th September 2012, 08:00
This is the News & Rumours thread
Part of posts here have been moved to;


5th September 2012, 09:44
Evgeny Novikov with Ilka Minor in Wales!

Google Übersetzer (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motorline.cc%2Frallye%2Findex.p hp%2FRallye-WM-Wales---Erneute-R%25C3%25BCckkehr-auf-die-WM-B%25C3%25BChne%2Farticle%3D172019&act=url)

5th September 2012, 12:53
I dont think that will change the situation whatsoever

World Rally Championship - Results (http://www.wrc.com/results/2012/championship-standings/manufacturers/)
Citroen teams together have 52 pts more than all Ford teams http://forums.projectcovo.com/images/smilies/laff.gif

Ford drivers have total 434pts
Citroen has 377pts
Mini 60pts
Skoda 37pts
Peugeot 1point

PowerStages points not included.

5th September 2012, 21:25
Why not go back to letting any team with a car be eligible for mfr points? After watching this year I'd think Ford in particular would like all their Fiestas to be potential points scorers, and it may be a good incentive to give privateers a bit more support.

Maybe privateers would get move even machinery then. Which would be better for the sport..

5th September 2012, 23:24
Maybe privateers would get move even machinery then. Which would be better for the sport..

It might be better for the sport - but the teams aren't interested - they're in it for themselves.

5th September 2012, 23:41
It might be better for the sport - but the teams aren't interested - they're in it for themselves.

That's the whole problem in WRC isn't it - "The teams aren't interested". Recent years I got the impression WRC is made for the teams, not for the fans... sad, very sad...

5th September 2012, 23:47
Who's interested in rich son's candy game?!

6th September 2012, 07:13
New Lada Kalina RC (i think for R2 category)


6th September 2012, 07:56
What sort of engine does that have? Is it produced in Russia?

6th September 2012, 09:07
What sort of engine does that have? Is it produced in Russia?

1600cc Lada 112 engine, 190 bhp
Yes, this car produced in Russia.
First start planned on Rally Russia, 28-30 september

6th September 2012, 09:59
Sure doesn't look like a regular R2 car (unless the look of stock car is same). No body kit or extra wing is allowed under international R2 rules. Or it is just a national car and than it is up to Russian national regulations.

6th September 2012, 11:51
1600cc Lada 112 engine, 190 bhp
Yes, this car produced in Russia.
First start planned on Rally Russia, 28-30 september

isnt a GM engine?

6th September 2012, 12:08
isnt a GM engine?

No....Lada's engine, which used on Lada 112 S1600


6th September 2012, 12:10
no comments


6th September 2012, 12:39
Evgeny Novikov with Ilka Minor in Wales!

Google Übersetzer (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motorline.cc%2Frallye%2Findex.p hp%2FRallye-WM-Wales---Erneute-R%25C3%25BCckkehr-auf-die-WM-B%25C3%25BChne%2Farticle%3D172019&act=url)

Sorry, is this a scurrilous piece of tittle-tattle (as in UK press 'rumours') or an announcement of team personnel.
In any event they could do with another minor in wales - not many left since they closed the pits! (oops wrong spelling, they've already got more than enough U-18s most of whom will be drinking vodka and smoking dope at the Port Talbot stage next week ;) )

6th September 2012, 12:42
No....Lada's engine, which used on Lada 112 S1600

wasn t a GM -Opel engine too?

6th September 2012, 14:08
Yvan Muller


6th September 2012, 16:49
Yvan MullerIs his Mini the newer version?

6th September 2012, 17:16
It's prodrives "prostitute" car, so i think it is 01B.. But probably not the same version as Sordo (01B+ or something like that)

6th September 2012, 21:12
Rumour: Kubica in Subaru WRC @Trofeo Rally Asfalto

Kubica torna a gareggiare e farà un rally! - Rally / Autosprint - Auto.it (http://www.auto.it/autosprint/rally/2012/09/06-11604/Kubica+torna+a+gareggiare+e+farà+un+rally)!

Kubica wróci w Imprezie WRC - Rallyonline.pl - rajdy samochodowe! (http://rallyonline.pl/kubica-wroci-w-imprezie-wrc_37619.html)

7th September 2012, 09:12
It's prodrives "prostitute" car, so i think it is 01B.. But probably not the same version as Sordo (01B+ or something like that)

Prodrive has one 01B+ of Sordo. First car that Sordo started this season goes to Chris Atkinson (Before him Armindo Araujo) mid season. The second car was a old spec that many pilots use. May be they update the car to 01B but not sure of that cos Prodrive is very short on finances and spares.

Andre Oliveira
7th September 2012, 10:24
Correction: After Armindo Araújo. Armindo didn't drove 01B car.

7th September 2012, 12:19
Any Portuguese mate can translate?


7th September 2012, 13:23
Basically everything said in that interview was already known. He did not give permission for MI to run with his licence (which he bought) and that there were no budget problems at all.

He says that he like's to obey to the contracts signed so he will not run again until the end of 2012, but he will be back again in 2013 with other car, which he has not chosen yet.

Herbie Starkey
7th September 2012, 13:26
So, with the 2012 season coming to a swift close and 2013 only around the corner...there are many things to be decided still; who will be driving for ford and will Loeb be still in?

Petter was offered a one year contract at the start of 2012...i wonder if he'll be driving for Ford next year, surely he needs some strong results in Wales etc. However, he is "mr.hollywood" and i'm sure hes boosted Ford car sales. JML linked with VW drive, but I can hardly see thats concrete after his 2012 performances. Who will be driving for Ford? Maybe Sordo and Petter next year? Maybe JML will be better at Citroen with Mikko. I think VW will go for Andreas M and obviously Ogier. All i know is that we need more competition next year...

Thoughts? :)

7th September 2012, 14:48
Full Gallery Team Proton Test Days with PG Andersson for Rallye Wrc France-Alsace [Photos] Image (http://bit.ly/OsNiTi)

http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/8788/5506l.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/5506l.jpg/)

Red bull
8th September 2012, 22:11
Robert Kubica - Ronde Gomitolo di Lana 2012 SHOW [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMqiCVamh-s&feature=share) RALLY GOMITOLO DI LANA 2012 -ROBERT KUBICA LA PARTENZA - - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIks6ZFgXrM&feature=share)

9th September 2012, 09:14
itw of roger feghali on rallylebanon.com :

While waiting for you in the garage, I noticed “Motortune WRC2013” on your car… What does that mean?
“It is on you to find out! It’s a teaser. Next year Motortune will be the first team in the Middle East to represent the Arabs in the WRC. All the previous Arab drivers in the WRC were running under European teams. This time it will be a Middle East team with an Arab driver in the WRC.”

I hope to see him driving at least one time his WRC :)

9th September 2012, 10:59
I have a great news. Mathematical, Francois Delecour is the new Romanian rally champion. He made all seven rounds disputed so far. Four tarmac rallyes with a group N Renault Megane RS and another three gravel rounds with a Peugeot 207 S2000.

9th September 2012, 11:08
Is this the only championship he has won in his career?

9th September 2012, 15:10
Is this the only championship he has won in his career?

I think so, unless he won any other national championships, perhaps in France? I always have liked Francois. 4 or 5 victories at WRC level, many, many podiums. Probably would have won the WRC in 1994 without the road accident and probably would have added to his 4 WRC victories while at Peugeot if it hadn't been for Pannizzi, who was the one driver capable of dominating him on tarmac at that time.

9th September 2012, 15:57
I think so, unless he won any other national championships, perhaps in France? I always have liked Francois. 4 or 5 victories at WRC level, many, many podiums. Probably would have won the WRC in 1994 without the road accident and probably would have added to his 4 WRC victories while at Peugeot if it hadn't been for Pannizzi, who was the one driver capable of dominating him on tarmac at that time.

Agree, he is likeable guy. Should have at least 1 WDC, Ford were very strong 1993/94.

10th September 2012, 07:55
Probably would have won the WRC in 1994 without the road accident

He had his best year in 93, a transitional year where Mc Rae, Mäkinen were rising, Auriol had an average year, Sainz was dealing with the extinction of the Lancia era and Kankkunen dominated the championship.

I don't think he would have been a WDC. Mc Rae and Mäkinen delivered as expected in 94, Sainz, Kankkunen, Auriol had a consistent year and they were all quicker drivers on gravel.

Good for him for winning in Romania, he's been sponsored for quite a while by "visit Romania" and heard him saying he likes the country. Not bad for a 50+ years old man.

Vatanen Kenya 98, a rally car doesn't know your age. :)

10th September 2012, 14:10
Agree, he is likeable guy. Should have at least 1 WDC, Ford were very strong 1993/94.
Likeable guys don`t hit their codrivers over the head...

10th September 2012, 14:30
Likeable guys don`t hit their codrivers over the head...

:D No. Usually it is the opposite case - co-drivers hit likeable driver's head.

10th September 2012, 17:12

So not only Yvan Muller, but Romain entering Rallye de France-Alsace.

10th September 2012, 17:36
Rallye de France entry list: http://www.rallyedefrance.com/download/2012/media-fr/documents_officiels/Liste_engag%C3%A9s_Rallye_France-Alsace_2012.pdf

Chardonnet in a DS3 WRC!

10th September 2012, 18:30
Wow that's not a lot of time to do the development work to be on par with vw

10th September 2012, 18:32
Great news

1st Kubica is back, now this :s mokin:

I am evil Homer
11th September 2012, 09:41
I loved the look and sound of the Accent and, at times, it showed some real potential. But the development didn't seem to keep pace with other teams. I hope this time they can do something better - and of course it means 2 more works seats, which can only be a good thing.

Red bull
11th September 2012, 14:41
Autosportnieuws.be - Dé autosportsite van België (http://www.autosportnieuws.be/nieuws/278569/Wilson) WILSONS RALLY GB LIVERY.

11th September 2012, 15:03
Did they also do the MG? Or was that someone else?

12th September 2012, 07:31
Rallye de France entry list: http://www.rallyedefrance.com/download/2012/media-fr/documents_officiels/Liste_engag%C3%A9s_Rallye_France-Alsace_2012.pdf

Chardonnet in a DS3 WRC!

How about Campana? Has he got any decent drives for the rest of the season?
He showed good pace in Monte and corsica later...

kirungi okwogera
12th September 2012, 19:32
Rallye de France entry list: http://www.rallyedefrance.com/download/2012/media-fr/documents_officiels/Liste_engag%C3%A9s_Rallye_France-Alsace_2012.pdf

Chardonnet in a DS3 WRC!
Very nice! 19 WRCs, that's more like it. And a decent selection of S2000s too, we get to see Arzeno in his Peugeot again.

12th September 2012, 19:35
I have a great news. Mathematical, Francois Delecour is the new Romanian rally champion. He made all seven rounds disputed so far. Four tarmac rallyes with a group N Renault Megane RS and another three gravel rounds with a Peugeot 207 S2000.
I was a little bit too early with my news. His main rival Valentin Porcisteanu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmTtPOUkSGE) was excluded for a illegal maneuver in the time control and the federation considered that he will take the points from this rally. Anyway it would be a stupid decision to decide a championship just for such a small mistake (at this time I'm not sure if he really made a mistake). On six of seven rouns disputed so far, Porcisteanu drove a Lancer EVO X R4, but this car wasn't very reliable specially on the gravel rallyes. Delecour needs to finish the final round at least on ninth place. Even I'm from Romania, I'm supporting Francois.

13th September 2012, 18:35
10 in the row...
WRC 2013, Loeb continua con Citroen | Rally.it (http://www.rally.it/wrc-2013-loeb-continua-con-citroen/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wrc-2013-loeb-continua-con-citroen#)

Herbie Starkey
13th September 2012, 23:14
for the good of the sport, i think its time for Loeb to move on from the WRC. He will be always be a legend and i dont think anyone will beat his "soon-to-be" 9 championship wins but the championship needs more competition..

13th September 2012, 23:27
Seb vs Seb for the 10th title nice

13th September 2012, 23:28
for the good of the sport, i think its time for Loeb to move on from the WRC. He will be always be a legend and i dont think anyone will beat his "soon-to-be" 9 championship wins but the championship needs more competition..

As if the championship would improve then? Without Loeb Hirvonen would have won 6 times, plus 1 second and 1 third, and also once disqualified from victory. More competition? Not really.

13th September 2012, 23:38
You may have a point. It would be kind of weird to have Mikko as a multiple champ but only winning maybe 1 or 2 rallies a year...On Loeb, I don't think him leaving will make a huge differnce to the championship as the financial and broadcasting issues are not reolved and are of more importance than him. People will watch WRC when it is packaged right and there are different cars closely matched. Having a driver fight would just be a nice addition at this point.

Herbie Starkey
14th September 2012, 00:05
Personally i think Ogier would have won it in the past 2 years without Loeb, and yes Mikko would have won it at least once or twice. And with more people winning it, there would be different manufacturers winning it also. So i think the media would be more interested...especially if a Cumbrian based team was winning. But who knows...all shoulda woulda coulda!!

14th September 2012, 00:10
It would be kind of weird to have Mikko as a multiple champ but only winning maybe 1 or 2 rallies a year...Without Loeb competing in the last few years, Hirvonen would be a three-time world champion by now, with 7 wins in 2008, 8 in 2009 and 6 in 2011. Slightly more than 1 or 2 wins per year.

14th September 2012, 01:50
There is not really much point debating this, as without Loeb pushing the others in the field who knows what would have happened. For example, would JML and Petter have crashed so frequently if they hadn't been attempting to keep up with Loeb? Unlikely, so who knows what could/would/might have happened?

14th September 2012, 02:18
There is not really much point debating this, as without Loeb pushing the others in the field who knows what would have happened. For example, would JML and Petter have crashed so frequently if they hadn't been attempting to keep up with Loeb? Unlikely, so who knows what could/would/might have happened?

Hang on, fred, what would happen to forums, eh?
Seems at least 2/3 the reasons forums exist is to allow experts to prove with inexorable logic exactly what would have happened in the alternate universes they know all about..

For example, if Loeb hadn't been around but say I got the rusty been patched too many time sills cut out and replaced in my mighty V4 Saab---the last Saab 96 to ever run a WRC event naturally-- all the field would have been simply STUNNED by the awesomeness of the Saab stunned to the point of being paralysed by fear and jealousy..

And I could have cleaned up.


14th September 2012, 08:47
As if the championship would improve then? Without Loeb Hirvonen would have won 6 times, plus 1 second and 1 third, and also once disqualified from victory. More competition? Not really.

Hirvonen having as much wins as Loeb? I don't think so... I would exclude MC & Germany for sure

14th September 2012, 10:35
Found official:
?KODA - ?KODA driver has already become the 2012 European Champion (http://new.skoda-auto.com/en/news/Pages/2012-09-14-hanninen-european-champion.aspx)

Esapekka Lappi ŠKODA Motorsport driver, the Polish Rally Championship

This year's rally Finnish champion Esapekka Lappi will run in ERC-rally in the factory
ŠKODA Fabia Super 2000 car.

ŠKODA has decided to test the talented driver. Run rally in Poland is one of the oldest rallies
ŠKODA has already secured a victory EM-series

New faces appear behind the wheel factory ŠKODA Fabia Super 2000 car in Poland ERC Rally
28-30.9.2012 Mazur-Lakes scenery.
Esapekka Lappi (age21) is not only a talented young Finnish driver, but also in this year's World Rally champion of Finland. Rally Rajd Polski ERC-race Lappi working together with co-driver Janne Ferm with ŠKODA Motorsport Fabia Super 2000 car.
ŠKODA Motorsport Director Michal Hrabánek says he has been Esapekka following for some time.
- We believe him to be the next new rally ability. We have decided to give him the chance to take part in this rally in Poland, the executables to be run in Lappi's favorite gravel. Rally expect ŠKODA Motorsport for his prowess in our Fabia Super 2000 car, says Hrabánek.
Esapekka Lappi is excited ŠKODA Motorsport's a real opportunity.
- Each driver's dream is to get the chance to drive the factory team. Although this is only one race, this is a significant step forward in my career. ŠKODA has achieved great results Fabia Super 2000 car, and I hope I can for good performance in Poland. We appreciate greatly with Janne this possibility, Lappi says enthusiastically.
Skoda factory team driver Juho Hänninen couple and Mikko Markkula have already ensured the European Championship after winning four races in this year's series (Croatia, Belgium, Turkey and Barum Czech Rally Zlín).

Sorry for maybe my poor english translation...

15th September 2012, 13:13
Stephane Consani's livery for Rallye de France


15th September 2012, 18:48
Another dead spectator/photographer... R.I.P

I znowu tragedia na rajdzie - Rallyonline.pl - rajdy samochodowe! (http://rallyonline.pl/i-znowu-tragedia-na-rajdzie_37787.html)
Rally Príncipe de Asturias | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/rallyprincipe)

15th September 2012, 19:19
Tarmac again.

15th September 2012, 21:48
Esapekka Lappi told to MTV3 that he is not getting a change to test Skoda before Poland but he'll takes that a possibility to show his skills. Great attitude! :) .

Also he said that couple non-WRC tarmac events are planned for this year.

15th September 2012, 23:56
What's your point with "tarmac again" every time someone has a deadly accident?
There are much more tarmac events than gravel events. Also there are much more spectators on the average tarmac event than on the average gravel event I think...

Actually he is right. I don't have statistics but I guess maybe 90% of all fatal accidents happen on tarmac and it seems the trend is increasing with the ongoing development of cars and tyres. It's hard to say what shall be done to make asphalt rallying safer as there are many different opinions but not to act at all is the worst solution for the future of our sport.

You know that I'm a fan of hi-speed asphalt events but what is happening is too much. It's not possible to stick our heads in the sand...

16th September 2012, 00:23
I have thought about this also. Probably there is nothing much to be done for the moment in respect to cars regulations.

But I notice something else also. The cars appears to be very safe for the crews, there are rare cases with fatal incidents for them. The majority of the cases the spectators are involved, so it should be their(our) own responsibility (in places with no marshals) to stay at safe distance/places as in tarmac Rally the speed is very high which increases the risk also something to go wrong for a thousand of a second in some corner.

16th September 2012, 05:49
What's your point with "tarmac again" every time someone has a deadly accident?
There are much more tarmac events than gravel events. Also there are much more spectators on the average tarmac event than on the average gravel event I think...
I think that's part of his point.

16th September 2012, 06:08
I have thought about this also. Probably there is nothing much to be done for the moment in respect to cars regulations.

But I notice something else also. The cars appears to be very safe for the crews, there are rare cases with fatal incidents for them. The majority of the cases the spectators are involved, so it should be their(our) own responsibility (in places with no marshals) to stay at safe distance/places as in tarmac Rally the speed is very high which increases the risk also something to go wrong for a thousand of a second in some corner.

Yeah the rules for cages make the cars very safe to roll violently..

My take---although my experience on tarmac is extremely limityed and only did those few SS with gravel tires, is like always with a "predictable" GOOD surface, different people are attracted to the driving of asphalt events.. since you generally don't need to make a lot of judgement "where" the grip is better, the big question become budget for motors, razor sharp set up and truck-loads of tires so more more "casual" type guys get in and I belive they count on grip---and lose control bad when grip disappears and then you're just along for the ride.. Gravel guys know there is only so much grip and are more keenly aware. If there's more, then good, but they're not trying to shave onion skin thin slices off tenths of seconds every corner.. and are far less surprised and helpless when grip suddenly changes, like disappears....

Add to that the increased cornering speeds once anything is up to speed, even lower power cars, and if you corner faster and are trying for the last 0,01%--you make mistakes..
And spectators die..
I've always looked at asphalt as treacherous.....so simple it fools you.

But what do i know, I only drive dirt and mud and then gravel for 40 years.

16th September 2012, 10:13
It is not always possible to predict what the grip will be at every corner during the race. On recce it might be clean, during the race previous drivers might throw some dirt or little stones on the road. And as drivers rely on tarmac's grip much more heavily than on gravel, there might be such surprises and the time for reaction decreases significantly as the speed is really high.

16th September 2012, 11:13
All of You have part of the truth I think. First is that grip on tarmac is normally much higher than on gravel. That means normally You can take the corner much faster. But what is problem in my opinion that while on gravel Your grip even between the best ad worse place on stages varies quite small and it is still somewhat low on tarmac it changes suddenly from huge to nothing in a fraction of a second and than another bad thing comes because it can in another fraction of second change back from nothing to huge and **** happens because You are just a human and Your reaction on loosing the grip was slower than the tyres found new and You are overreacting.

Tommeke is right that the grip changes a lot on a bad asphalt like we have in CZ or they have in Belgium but in my opinion it's very difficult to be prepared for these changes. It needs a lot of experience and part of the problem in my opinion is that thanks to this You just can drive faster than the old experienced guys because it is really physically possible but You do take a lot of risk which without the experience You are not aware of.

16th September 2012, 11:43
All of You have part of the truth I think. First is that grip on tarmac is normally much higher than on gravel. That means normally You can take the corner much faster. But what is problem in my opinion that while on gravel Your grip even between the best ad worse place on stages varies quite small and it is still somewhat low on tarmac it changes suddenly from huge to nothing in a fraction of a second and than another bad thing comes because it can in another fraction of second change back from nothing to huge and **** happens because You are just a human and Your reaction on loosing the grip was slower than the tyres found new and You are overreacting.

Tommeke is right that the grip changes a lot on a bad asphalt like we have in CZ or they have in Belgium but in my opinion it's very difficult to be prepared for these changes. It needs a lot of experience and part of the problem in my opinion is that thanks to this You just can drive faster than the old experienced guys because it is really physically possible but You do take a lot of risk which without the experience You are not aware of.
Agree. One fact is also that the difference in static vs. dynamic friction between the tire and the road is much bigger with wet tarmac than with dry tarmac (or with any type of loose surface).

16th September 2012, 14:52
I don't think that the problem of asphalt rallies resides only on the high speed and the changes on the tarmac grip. I think the main problem is the spectators.

In tarmac rallies you can be really close to the stage, and at least in here Portugal (and I see movies of Spain) the public is almost on the road, not in a safe place (at least the most of it). And when something goes wrong with the car/driver, people don't start running, they get "stuck" looking to see what happen...

I think that to make safer rallies, we need to put a new mentality in rally spectators, specially on tarmac!

16th September 2012, 20:30
Full Wrc 2012 standings Driver, Manufacturers, Stage winners, Power Stage Classements Saison Wrc 2012 (http://bit.ly/x3IKyP)

16th September 2012, 20:41
Loeb with 2 wins at asphalt rallies and a second at Sardinia can reach 300 points i think

16th September 2012, 20:45
Loeb with 2 wins at asphalt rallies and a second at Sardinia can reach 300 points i think

Theoretically - yes. Assuming he wins remaining 3 rounds + most of PS. Ford showed some progress here, it might be difficult...

17th September 2012, 18:11
I don't think that the problem of asphalt rallies resides only on the high speed and the changes on the tarmac grip. I think the main problem is the spectators.

In tarmac rallies you can be really close to the stage, and at least in here Portugal (and I see movies of Spain) the public is almost on the road, not in a safe place (at least the most of it). And when something goes wrong with the car/driver, people don't start running, they get "stuck" looking to see what happen...

I think that to make safer rallies, we need to put a new mentality in rally spectators, specially on tarmac!

Spectators on gravel and asphalt rallies are same. In my opinion the problem is in different thing. On asphalt it is much harder to estimate the outcome of a crash especially for non-experienced people. On gravel the car behavior is quite predictable even for spectators. Crashes when cars take some very strange direction or crashing very suddenly without previous warning are rather rare compared to asphalt accidents when many of the crashes comes out of a sudden and often in very strange way. When You are in a gravel corner where 9 or 10 cars are very wide You expect someone can roll but if You are at an asphalt corner where 9 of 10 cars go like on rails or when You stand behind a small bump where 9 of 10 cars just goes straight over...

17th September 2012, 20:46
On gravel it's much more dust so guys aren't infront of the cars, they're much higher. :D

18th September 2012, 07:33
Khalid F Al Qassimi ‏@khalidbinfaisal (https://twitter.com/khalidbinfaisal) A lot of great surprises to come !!!
New future, being the Boss of every thing related in Motorsport. It's a challenge and want to give the sport the Maximum support :-))

18th September 2012, 09:48
Michael Park's anniversary today, 7 years since the accident.

18th September 2012, 09:49
Al-Attiyah and Qatar leaves the WRC?

Al-Attiyah und Katar gehen*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/09/18/al-attiyah-und-katar-gehen/index.html)

18th September 2012, 12:19
Spectators on gravel and asphalt rallies are same. In my opinion the problem is in different thing. On asphalt it is much harder to estimate the outcome of a crash especially for non-experienced people. On gravel the car behavior is quite predictable even for spectators. Crashes when cars take some very strange direction or crashing very suddenly without previous warning are rather rare compared to asphalt accidents when many of the crashes comes out of a sudden and often in very strange way. When You are in a gravel corner where 9 or 10 cars are very wide You expect someone can roll but if You are at an asphalt corner where 9 of 10 cars go like on rails or when You stand behind a small bump where 9 of 10 cars just goes straight over...

The combination of heated, grippy slicks and bumpy/broken/damaged tarmac surface makes it extremely unpredictable. Its not like a racing cirquit with an even and flat asphalt surface. When rally cars lift wheels off the ground because of bumps or jumps and then touch ground again, with hot slicks gripping a dry tarmac surface, and possibly with some steering-lock on, even a world champion driver will end up as passenger. For spectators it is almost impossible to foresee what direction the cars will take, and if they are standing close, they will be in danger. Statistics isn`t always the only truth, but in this instance it is clearly a strong indication that tarmac rallying is more dangerous than on loose surfaces, both for competitors and bystanders.

18th September 2012, 13:17
Some rumours that the WRC event in Aus may be moved to Canberra. Sounds like a club down there is pushing for the move with govt backing. Not sure how strong the rumour is as Coffs has already said they were hosting the event for 2013.

18th September 2012, 16:18
Once again, Nasser Al-Attiyah is the focus. To the dismay of Citroën read leaked Qatari that the upcoming Rallye de France will be his last ride in the DS3 WRC, and thus the end of the Qatar World Rally Team
In Wales, employed not only the question of the future of life champion Sebastien Loeb the scene, also Nasser Al-Attiyah took care to talk about. Qatari spoke openly about his plans in the upcoming Dakar Rally to use two developed in-house buggies and again skip the WRC season opener in Monte Carlo.

To the World Rally Championship, the 41-year-old seems to have lost interest obviously. He wants the coming year the Cross Country World Cup and the FIA ​​championship contest in the Middle East. Thus should all speculation, Qatar could occur in the future are unnecessary as the main sponsor of Citroën or even a new owner. Instead, was to learn that a former sponsor of Abu Dhabi returns to the World Rally Championship and fills the gap.

Meanwhile, Qatar has already ordered a new 1.6-liter Fiesta RRC for Al-Attiyah at M-Sport in order to keep the opportunities available in the Middle-East championship. Trying to move to build a Citroën DS3 RRC/Turbo-S2000 failed so far. Even the last clouded relations between the two parties

18th September 2012, 17:02
From Thursday 4 to Sunday October 7, 2012, all the special live on SPORT +.

SPORT +, official broadcaster of the WRC, offers subscribers to follow the rally of Alsace France 2012

First time in the rally world, completeness of the stages, 22 stages of the France rally, will be filmed and broadcast on SPORT +.
A single device, made possible by new means of production, with about 20 cameras by ES, including 2 helicopters, 1 aircraft activities, 10 cameras embedded systems and many cameras on the ground.

From 4 to 7 October, the greatest drivers of the world are expected on the lands of Alsace with the regional stage, 8 times Champion of the World Rally, Sébastien LOEB, and also Mikko HIRVONEN, Peter SOLBERG, Mads ÖSTBERG, without forgetting the French Sébastien OGIER, Yvan MULLER and Romain DUMAS.
This new edition of the Rallye de France, Sébastien LOEB will have the opportunity to win not only the round but also his 9th world title.

On-site SPORT + Teams will be closer to the crews, with comments Stéphane GENTI and a consultant. Thomas SENECAL will be on him on the ground at the start and the arrival of the special, but the assistance Park to collect the impressions of pilots and technical teams.

Programmation en direct sur SPORT +

18h10 : ESS 1 « Strasbourg »

09h15 : ES 2 « Hohlandsbourg-Firstplan 1 » et ES 3 « Vallée de Munster 1 »
11h15 : ES 4 « Soultzeren-Pays Welche 1 »
13h45 : ES 5 « Hohlandsbourg-Firstplan 2 » et ES 6 « Vallée de Munster 2 »
15h50 : ES 7 « Soultzeren-Pays Welche 2 »
18h30 : ESS 8 « Mulhouse »

08h30 : ES 9 « Massif des Grands Crus-Ungersberg 1 »
10h45 : ES 10 « Pays d’Ormont 1 », ES 11 « Pays de la Haute Bruche 1 », ES 12 « Klevener 1 » et ES 13 « Massif des Grands
Crus-Ungersberg 2 »
16h15 : ES 14 « Pays d’Ormont 2 »
16h45 : ES 15 « Pays de la Haute Bruche 2 » et ES 16 « Klevener 2 »

10h40 : ES 17 « Vignoble de Cleebourg 1 », ES 18 « Bischwiller-Gries 1 » et ES 19 « Haguenau 1 »
12h40 : ES 20 « Vignoble de Cleebourg 2 », ES 21 « Bischwiller-Gries 2 » et ES 22 « Haguenau 2 »


18th September 2012, 18:08
Great stuff, only for those who have that channel :p though

18th September 2012, 18:16
From Thursday 4 to Sunday October 7, 2012, all the special live on SPORT +
@René Are they going to show every stage live?? :eek:

18th September 2012, 18:20
@René Are they going to show every stage live?? :eek:

Yes, 22 stages in live ;)

18th September 2012, 18:37
Chapeau to Sport+

Good to see them getting behind their country's WRC event.

18th September 2012, 21:57
Khalid F Al Qassimi ‏@khalidbinfaisal (https://twitter.com/khalidbinfaisal) A lot of great surprises to come !!!
New future, being the Boss of every thing related in Motorsport. It's a challenge and want to give the sport the Maximum support :-))

It's said that Abu Dhabi is going to sponsor Citroen next year. Maybe he will join the team.

19th September 2012, 05:24
Khalid can join any team or car he wants! He doesn't even need to sell his limited edition two door Maybach to join a team!! Hahaha

He's doing well and I think he's progressed and he's doing it the right way entering the WRC. I say he should stay one more year in the S2000 and then jump to WRClass! Unlike some drivers who drive a WRCar for 5-6 years and get no where... ;)

19th September 2012, 06:24
Matt, I think you are talking about Yazeed Al-Rahji, but this forementioned article was about Khalid Al-Qassimi. See the difference?

19th September 2012, 08:24
Al-Attiyah und Katar gehen*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/09/18/al-attiyah-und-katar-gehen/index.html)

according this article Nasser will concentrate on RallyRaid in 2013 - e.g. he will join Rally Dakar with two self-made buggys and wants to join more events like this in 2013.

19th September 2012, 08:36
2 weeks ago Citroen talkad about having 70% of the budget for 2012 (from Qatar), but Qatar had ambition to sponsor 100% of Citroen WRT. Now they speak of 100% quiting Citroen. Did Seb Loeb piss off one of the sheiks? Why this 180 degrees turn around?

19th September 2012, 09:19
Oh crap...

19th September 2012, 09:19
Well that's silly of me.... I read it wrong when I first woke up and posted... Sorry

19th September 2012, 09:38
Abu Dhabi with Citroen
Qatar or Kuwait with Ford
Red Bull with VW

Who knows, who knows..

19th September 2012, 14:51
It's too difficult for the partnership Ford Kuwait Qatar!!

Red bull
19th September 2012, 16:42
Abu Dhabi al rescate del equipo Citroën (http://www.motorpasionf1.com/mundial-rallies/abu-dhabi-al-rescate-del-equipo-citroen) ABU DHABI TO THE RESCUE OF CITROEN Yesterday seemed like a rumor, but today the sponsorship agreement between Abu Dhabi and Citroën team seems a reality . The accredited journalist Martin Holmes speaks today that the contract would be for the next five years taking the French team of potential trouble that could bring the sales crisis (http://www.motorpasionf1.com/mundial-rallies/nasser-al-attiyah-podria-estar-pensando-en-abandonar-el-wrc) that currently suffers the group PSA .Obviously this movement understood only if accompanied by two others. The first is clear, Abu Dhabi takes months announcing with fanfare that wants to host a round of the World Rally Championship . With the calendar now closed this would occur for the 2014 season. The other could result in the return of an old acquaintance, Khalid Al-Qassimi, one of the standards in competition from the capital of the United Arab Emirates.
For now there is nothing official, but everything seems to be announced during the upcoming Paris Motor Show next to the future of Sébastien Loeb (expected to be known between 27 and 28 September) and the presentation of several model competition among which is the Peugeot 208 R5 and the Hyundai i20 expected WRC .
As for the French, the rumors are that ultimately the decision to challenge Loeb will loose some tests only the second seat sharing official team with Thierry Neuville, while Mikko Hirvonen dispute the whole championship as first pilot.

19th September 2012, 17:43
Abu Dhabi al rescate del equipo Citroën (http://www.motorpasionf1.com/mundial-rallies/abu-dhabi-al-rescate-del-equipo-citroen) ABU DHABI TO THE RESCUE OF CITROEN
As for the French, the rumors are that ultimately the decision to challenge Loeb will loose some tests only the second seat sharing official team with Thierry Neuville, while Mikko Hirvonen dispute the whole championship as first pilot.
I was (am) hoping that Loeb would have been man enough to face Ogier and VW for a whole season.

19th September 2012, 17:50
I was (am) hoping that Loeb would have been man enough to face Ogier and VW for a whole season.
Loeb is sissy and lucky.

19th September 2012, 18:01
I was (am) hoping that Loeb would have been man enough to face Ogier and VW for a whole season.

So was I. He doesn't like losing, and his chances of losing will be greater next year.

19th September 2012, 18:08
If there's a big fight between Ford and VW, with Citroën always being slightly faster, he could get an advantage in points much easier than with only 1 team that is just behind in most cases...

very well said.Imho if he continue next year will be more easy for him due to vw steal points from Ford and vice versa.

19th September 2012, 18:11
So was I. He doesn't like losing, and his chances of losing will be greater next year.

he ridiculed him with same car at every surface.If vw isn t up to Citroen level(very likely) will be more easy to do it again.

19th September 2012, 18:24
I think that next year it would be easier to become champion than this year, for Loeb. No way that VW will be competitive from the first events. If there's a big fight between Ford and VW, with Citroën always being slightly faster, he could get an advantage in points much easier than with only 1 team that is just behind in most cases...

Probably VW won't be at same (or higher) level as Citroen & Ford from the very beginning, but I do believe they would catch up pretty quickly and will hardly take even 1/2 a season. But we shall see...

19th September 2012, 18:26
Loeb is sissy and lucky.

For sure being grumpy when Mr. Quesnel doesn't give the order is reason for some doubts, I don't know the exact definition though...

19th September 2012, 18:46
For sure being grumpy when Mr. Quesnel doesn't give the order is reason for some doubts, I don't know the exact definition though...

As you saw mr Quesnel lost his job,result from his bright idea to hold an 8 times world champion,cause a rookie won a couple of rallies when Loeb cleaned the road whole year.
Ogier as we saw at second half was unable to be fast at gravel mud and asphalt,and even to finish rallies while he was slow.
any more

19th September 2012, 19:05
As you saw mr Quesnel lost his job,result from his bright idea to hold an 8 times world champion,cause a rookie won a couple of rallies when Loeb cleaned the road whole year.
Ogier as we saw at second half was unable to be fast at gravel mud and asphalt,and even to finish rallies while he was slow.
any more

Well, I was referring to Mexico 2011 which was at the start of the season...

19th September 2012, 19:22

19th September 2012, 19:26

:D hmmm, corporations....

19th September 2012, 22:03
It's too difficult for the partnership Ford Kuwait Qatar!!

You got me wrong.. Not both

Kuwait OR Qatar

19th September 2012, 22:34
haha back to the roots Ford Q8

19th September 2012, 22:43
haha back to the roots Ford Q8

Yeah, the oil is the most valuable asset. The americans knows it very well...

20th September 2012, 02:18
I think that next year it would be easier to become champion than this year, for Loeb. No way that VW will be competitive from the first events. If there's a big fight between Ford and VW, with Citroën always being slightly faster, he could get an advantage in points much easier than with only 1 team that is just behind in most cases...

Yes I agree. I think we need to give VW a few events before the Polo is really up there. I am looking forward to seeing what they will be like after Mexico to see. I am just hoping MINI/Prodrive does not lose any more ground to Citroen and Ford on gravel. The 01B still has some work to go in that area.

20th September 2012, 06:59
Some rumours that the WRC event in Aus may be moved to Canberra. Sounds like a club down there is pushing for the move with govt backing. Not sure how strong the rumour is as Coffs has already said they were hosting the event for 2013.

Could this mean we would get to see the mineshaft stage in WRC?
Love that stage in RBR

20th September 2012, 07:32
Could this mean we would get to see the mineshaft stage in WRC?
Love that stage in RBR

There could be some massive air on that jump! I did some more asking around it seems Coffs is confirmed for 2013 with potential bidding between the two venues there after.

20th September 2012, 09:12
Could this mean we would get to see the mineshaft stage in WRC?
Love that stage in RBR

I remember watching onboard of Jussi Valimäki from Mineshaft and except the jump the stage was completely different to the one from RBR.

20th September 2012, 09:41

Prisoner Monkeys
20th September 2012, 10:02
Yeah, the Mineshaft is one of the most bonkers pieces of rally roads in the world. They'd be made not to include it.

20th September 2012, 12:52
I remember watching onboard of Jussi Valimäki from Mineshaft and except the jump the stage was completely different to the one from RBR.

There were some similiar sections, but yes, only the jump and the following left turn were identical to the real stage. Just after the stage had been modelled into RBR, forest fires destroyed forests around the stage, it would be interesting to see how does it look nowdays. :)

20th September 2012, 13:41
All-Attiyah testing the DS3 RRC... So that can't be the reason for a possible split between Qatar and Citroën...

20th September 2012, 13:57
I thought that pic is of Thierry testing the RRC ?
La DS3 RRC en tests avec Neuville (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/la-ds3-rrc-en-tests-avec-neuville/)

All-Attiyah testing the DS3 RRC... So that can't be the reason for a possible split between Qatar and Citroën...

20th September 2012, 14:05
Yeah that looks more that it's Neuville than al Attiyah but maybe the production came the late for the Qatari one, not so much patience and it'll be probably not the only factor why he's leaving probably..

20th September 2012, 14:21
If I'm not mistaken for homologation of WRC car You must have physically ready 10 sets of all parts. Base for the WRC is the S2000 homologation. Therefore Citroën must have been able to make the S2000 whenever after it was homologated (1st January 2011). Otherwise it is only excuses.

20th September 2012, 14:40
I thought that pic is of Thierry testing the RRC ?
La DS3 RRC en tests avec Neuville (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/la-ds3-rrc-en-tests-avec-neuville/)

I was told it is Nasser, but it can be wrong :)

20th September 2012, 15:19
You got me wrong.. Not both

Kuwait OR Qatar

Man I think that is too difficult!!! You know!!

20th September 2012, 16:29
2013 Programme announced:

Monte Carlo 15-20. January
Sweden 7th - 10 February
Mexico 7th - 10 March
Portugal 11th - 14 April
Argentina 2 - 5 May
Greece 30th May - 2 June
Italy 20th - 23 June
Finland 1 - 3 August
Germany 22nd - 25 August
Australia 12th - 15 September
France 3 - 6 October
Spain 24th - 27 October
Wales 14th - 17 November

20th September 2012, 21:58
more picture of Thierry testing the DS3 RRC

La DS3 RRC en tests avec Neuville (Photos) (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/la-ds3-rrc-en-tests-avec-neuville/)

20th September 2012, 23:54
2013 Programme announced:
Wales 14th - 17 November
Great to see Wales where it should be :)

21st September 2012, 06:26
2013 Programme announced:

Monte Carlo 15-20. January
Sweden 7th - 10 February
Mexico 7th - 10 March
Portugal 11th - 14 April
Argentina 2 - 5 May
Greece 30th May - 2 June
Italy 20th - 23 June
Finland 1 - 3 August
Germany 22nd - 25 August
Australia 12th - 15 September
France 3 - 6 October
Spain 24th - 27 October
Wales 14th - 17 November

I do like the look of that calendar. Money aside, I hate the idea of a rally in Jordan or Abu Dhabi as its just too boring!
Insert Cyprus and it would look very similar to the mid-late 90's calendars.

21st September 2012, 09:03
Martin Holmes confirmed deal Abu Dhabi with Citroen

Red bull
21st September 2012, 09:19
Novinky od Citroenu - RRC a nov sponzor (http://www.rally-mania.cz/news.php?id=13643) translate plse.

21st September 2012, 09:24
There is nothing new which was not mentioned here.

Red bull
21st September 2012, 13:35
M-Sport building new R5 Fiesta - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102681?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

21st September 2012, 15:25
Without the need of an engineer... That is good news I think!

Looking forward to the R5 category!

Verstuurd van mijn MT15i met Tapatalk

21st September 2012, 16:10
Without the need of an engineer... That is good news I think!

Looking forward to the R5 category!

The Pommies sure use the word engineer in a broad manner...what happened to the word "mechanic"?
Or (gasp) are they suggesting that running a normal World Rally Car a couple of hundred SS km demands that some "Engineer with some string of letters after his name" is required?

And man I don't know about the rest of you but I am fed up to HERE! with the utter, pointless ARTIFICIAL screwing around with restrictor sizes. 34 for this, then 33, but for a lesser spec CAR, presumably run by somebody with lesser BUDGET----we'll stick a even smaller straw to suck thru?

AssH@#* FIA and braindead ASNs ! It WILL already be slower and the chosen few WILL be faster, so don't need to strangle them more!

(The Canadian Federation has just at one go---with no complaints of the status quo, decided to slap a bunch of incredibly stupid ideas on the 2wd Open classes, among others in "Turbo 2wd class" suddenly from any engine size and no restrictor straight to max 2000cc and 32mm restrictor. Either corruption or unfathomable ignorance seem to be the only logical explanations--- no connection here except WTF with restricting already lower output, lower budget cars MORE?)

21st September 2012, 23:11
The Pommies sure use the word engineer in a broad manner...what happened to the word "mechanic"?
Or (gasp) are they suggesting that running a normal World Rally Car a couple of hundred SS km demands that some "Engineer with some string of letters after his name" is required?

And man I don't know about the rest of you but I am fed up to HERE! with the utter, pointless ARTIFICIAL screwing around with restrictor sizes. 34 for this, then 33, but for a lesser spec CAR, presumably run by somebody with lesser BUDGET----we'll stick a even smaller straw to suck thru?


Must agree, if we're trying to get WRC to appeal to a wider audience then making a million different classes and confusing everyone with all this gibberish isnt the right way to go.
To the average viewer, different classes are just a couple of letters and numbers, and behind it all there is a difference of 1mm in turbo restrictors. Potential new viewers dont really need all this, and it gets dull really quickly.

Production, S2000 and WRC classes should be enough. But what about R2.... :p

22nd September 2012, 11:48

Must agree, if we're trying to get WRC to appeal to a wider audience then making a million different classes and confusing everyone with all this gibberish isnt the right way to go.
To the average viewer, different classes are just a couple of letters and numbers, and behind it all there is a difference of 1mm in turbo restrictors. Potential new viewers dont really need all this, and it gets dull really quickly.

Production, S2000 and WRC classes should be enough. But what about R2.... :p

I agree to this. Just look at Moto GP and the succes of it. Allways had three classes and more or less the same classes all over the globe. Rally is heading to same direction as junior formulas, many classes/championships an all of them suffering to find class drivers and creditability....

22nd September 2012, 14:34
Neuville replace Al-Attiyah in Sardegna

Taken by testing the buggy with which he will play the Dakar, the Qatari Nasser Al-Attiyah says again, driving his Citroën DS3 WRC in young Belgian driver in the optical to score good points for the Qatar World Rally Team.
"Even though my engagement with Citroën in WRC is very important, I am forced to make choices and I have absolutely work on the development of the buggy that we are preparing for the Dakar 2013. Thierry has demonstrated its potential when we have entrusted, for the first time, the Citroën DS3 WRC of Qatar World Rally Team, "Nasser says proudly." He helped the team to score important points and has learn from New Zealand's participation. Quite naturally, we decided to use his talent to wear our colors in Sardinia. "

Link (http://www.autonews-magazine.com/blog/?p=26073) (in French)

22nd September 2012, 22:38
François Delecour is trying to have a DS3 WRC for the next Monte Carlo (Auto Hebdo) !

23rd September 2012, 09:01

23rd September 2012, 09:22

Mikkelsen with Hyundai next year??? :D Just kidding!

25th September 2012, 05:28
Message from Jarkko Nikara's FB: "I will do Catalunya with a WRC car! However, budget is still falling short a bit, so with 100 euros you can have your name on the side of the car."

This have a nice ring to it...

25th September 2012, 05:45
Message from Jarkko Nikara's FB: "I will do Catalunya with a WRC car! However, budget is still falling short a bit, so with 100 euros you can have your name on the side of the car."

This have a nice ring to it...

Hey can you ask him if I can have just my initials for maybe 12 Euros?
My name is 13 letters long---at least its easy to spell. But is 100Euro gets me 13 letters--plus first name, then 10 or 12 euro ought get pro-rated.. just 4 little letters..
It would be first time those letter are on a car in WRC since last Group b event December '86

Let me know where to send it.

25th September 2012, 05:53
Hey can you ask him if I can have just my initials for maybe 12 Euros?
My name is 13 letters long---at least its easy to spell. But is 100Euro gets me 13 letters--plus first name, then 10 or 12 euro ought get pro-rated.. just 4 little letters..
It would be first time those letter are on a car in WRC since last Group b event December '86

Let me know where to send it.

You have to bargain this personally :) But if you pay full, you know where you can stick your name into and it sure'd be going fast...

25th September 2012, 08:42
You have to bargain this personally :) But if you pay full, you know where you can stick your name into and it sure'd be going fast...

Ok I've done it, let's see if we have a deal. hope he has some good humor.

25th September 2012, 08:46
Message from Jarkko Nikara's FB: "I will do Catalunya with a WRC car! However, budget is still falling short a bit, so with 100 euros you can have your name on the side of the car."

This have a nice ring to it...

Depressing when another talented, young driver can't find a budget.......

25th September 2012, 09:01
Depressing when another talented, young driver can't find a budget.......

No, this is positive that he is trying to get there. When was the last time a Finnish driver made a WRC car debut outside Finland?

There's no further info how far he's budget is, but it can't be too far from complete if he's picking 100 euro pieces from fans.

25th September 2012, 10:10
Yes, it's good that he's trying - he's been super fast in the BRC in the DS3....and was quick before that in the Lancer. I just wish there were more seats around....

25th September 2012, 14:56
Yes, it's good that he's trying - he's been super fast in the BRC in the DS3....and was quick before that in the Lancer. I just wish there were more seats around....

He is still fast with that lancer when looking at this year's stage times from NORF. You can't really drive that fast with a lancer, but nobody has remembered to tell that to the Nikara brothers :D

25th September 2012, 16:46
Don't be so cheap! It's $200 to have sticker on Brendan Reeves Fiesta Academy per rally and $500 for 6 rounds roof sticker! So I think on a WRC that IS a bargain!

26th September 2012, 12:15
Has anyone read this? Poor co-driver may as well save his time writing the notes

Rally driver admits he has no idea what co-driver is talking about | NewsBiscuit (http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2012/09/19/rally-driver-admits-he-has-no-idea-what-co-driver-is-talking-about/)

26th September 2012, 12:27
Has anyone read this? Poor co-driver may as well save his time writing the notes

Rally driver admits he has no idea what co-driver is talking about | NewsBiscuit (http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2012/09/19/rally-driver-admits-he-has-no-idea-what-co-driver-is-talking-about/)

+1 :cool:

26th September 2012, 13:05
This guy must be mad

26th September 2012, 13:29
Has anyone read this? Poor co-driver may as well save his time writing the notes

Rally driver admits he has no idea what co-driver is talking about | NewsBiscuit (http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2012/09/19/rally-driver-admits-he-has-no-idea-what-co-driver-is-talking-about/)

is this actually true? I can't find their names anywhere :confused:

26th September 2012, 13:34
I also started believing the story when read the name Fischer, but the story does not match up... Totally BS. This site is satirical and meant to be a 'funny' story, read about the background of the site NewsBiscuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NewsBiscuit)

26th September 2012, 13:37
Yeah sorry about that, I wasn't really sure when I read it.

26th September 2012, 13:44
Yeah sorry about that, I wasn't really sure when I read it.

So this was not an clue?? :)

"In 2009, after finding himself without a co-driver for the Jyvaskyla Rally in Finland, he kidnapped a homeless man and forcibly strapped him into the passenger seat to ensure that the two-people-in-each-car rule was complied with. The stunt only came to light when onboard footage taken during the race revealed that rather than reading the ‘pace notes’, the Finnish co-driver was in fact screaming the words ‘Oh ****!’ over and over again, occasionally interspersed with other phrases including, ‘Watch out for that house’ and ‘Slow down, you mad *******’."


ANB Rally Team
26th September 2012, 13:47
For anyone who is intrested in puting their names, photos etc on rally car!
Here you can find very interesting project Public Rally Team | Indiegogo (http://www.indiegogo.com/ANBRallyTeam)
You can buy advertisement place and participate in team`s decision-making by 25$ for all 2013 rally season.

26th September 2012, 15:43
Lol! :D

26th September 2012, 15:52
Amazing to see that some people believe this... :D

Theoretically it is possible, like you are driving your road car... little faster ;)

EDIT: BTW you can judge for the joke from driver's name - Fisher :D

26th September 2012, 18:15
Fiesta R5?



26th September 2012, 18:17
Yes, story was in Autosport initially
M-Sport confirms it is building a Ford Fiesta R5 car - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102867)

26th September 2012, 19:08
Weren't some of the headlines just a tiny clue?
Ofsted reports schoolgirls ‘getting easier’. More soon.
Edwina Currie reveals sex with John Major ‘not as exciting as you might think’. More soon.

26th September 2012, 20:26
INCREDIBLE STROKE OF SCENE. EUROSPORT IS PROMOTER OF WRC & ERC | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.418520374874296.95441.184151181644551&type=1)

26th September 2012, 20:31
April joke?

26th September 2012, 20:35
6 hours ago they also posted that Red Bull stopped the negotiations with the FIA. I think they just put up some stuff on their page in order to get publicity.

26th September 2012, 20:37
Maybe but behind this site is Pier Liberali and United Business that supports Molly Taylor this year and L.Rosseti for years.

26th September 2012, 20:47
This day is full of surprises. At least we know what Eurosport are capable of...

26th September 2012, 21:05
6 hours ago they also posted that Red Bull stopped the negotiations with the FIA. I think they just put up some stuff on their page in order to get publicity.

This is not completely joke. Also talks about merging IRC and ERC are back. We will see at the end of this week...

26th September 2012, 21:11
http://imageshack.us/a/img577/5470/allmanufacturers.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/allmanufacturers.jpg/)

Andre Oliveira
26th September 2012, 23:05
I think that Fiest WRC 2013 will be like stock car and R5.

26th September 2012, 23:18
6 hours ago they also posted that Red Bull stopped the negotiations with the FIA. I think they just put up some stuff on their page in order to get publicity.

Rumours on another site that this may be the case. Not good, RedBull are the kings of marketing & promotion. Eurosport, well, you know what you will get; & delayed highlights due to overrunning snooker/tennis/bowls......

26th September 2012, 23:23
Rumours on another site that this may be the case. Not good, RedBull are the kings of marketing & promotion. Eurosport, well, you know what you will get; & delayed highlights due to overrunning snooker/tennis/bowls......

True, but at least the coverage is good!

27th September 2012, 05:58
Rumours on another site that this may be the case. Not good, RedBull are the kings of marketing & promotion. Eurosport, well, you know what you will get; & delayed highlights due to overrunning snooker/tennis/bowls......
It's all about live vs. recorded stuff. If WRC is live on Eurosport then no way rallying will be postponed. Also if Eurosport is the promoter, you may assume WRC will become their priority.
You have very narrowminded view about Eurosport.

PS! Out there in the real world more sports exist, not just rallying ....

27th September 2012, 07:35
It's all about live vs. recorded stuff. If WRC is live on Eurosport then no way rallying will be postponed. Also if Eurosport is the promoter, you may assume WRC will become their priority.
You have very narrowminded view about Eurosport.

PS! Out there in the real world more sports exist, not just rallying ....

They don't make much of a priority out of WTCC, so why would they for WRC?

27th September 2012, 07:57
I'll be happy if Eurosport is promoter 'cos large audience can watch it on satelite program without paying for it.


27th September 2012, 08:02
It's all about live vs. recorded stuff. If WRC is live on Eurosport then no way rallying will be postponed. Also if Eurosport is the promoter, you may assume WRC will become their priority.
You have very narrowminded view about Eurosport.

PS! Out there in the real world more sports exist, not just rallying ....

Absolutely!! I too love lots of sports, and Cycling in particular - but if you're a team in the WRC - you want guaranteed coverage. Unless they have another station, or can get interactive coverage; allowing a choice.

27th September 2012, 08:08
If they can have live IRC/WTCC then they can have live WRC.

27th September 2012, 09:16
If WRC is live on Eurosport then no way rallying will be postponed.

Did you follow the WRC on Eurosport during 1999? I'm still waiting for the televised live stage of that years rally Finland to start......

based on previous experiences I hope is not eurosport.

27th September 2012, 09:39
Did you follow the WRC on Eurosport during 1999? I'm still waiting for the televised live stage of that years rally Finland to start......

based on previous experiences I hope is not eurosport.

Yes, watched that stage when Bug won.

27th September 2012, 09:54
Livestream of the press conference by Citroën en Loeb, starting in 5 minutes!

Live TV - Mondial de l'Automobile 2012 (http://www.mondial-automobile.com/fr/visiteurs/live_tv/)

27th September 2012, 10:14
English Press Conference - Paris Motor Show 2012 - Citroen (http://facebook.u-pro.fr/citroen/conf_en.html)

english version of press conf

Citroen continues with Mikko and partial program for Seb

27th September 2012, 10:14
Citroën officially in 2013 with Abu Dhabi with Hirvonen. Loeb selected programme, 2nd driver isn't announced yet. Loeb will start Monte Carlo.

27th September 2012, 10:19
So it's now official: Only partial programme for Sebastien Loeb in 2013 starting with Monte Carlo

Brother John
27th September 2012, 10:41
A part-time program for Loeb in 2013. http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/icons/icon14.png

Teilzeitprogramm für Loeb*:: rallye-magazin.de (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/rallyes/wm/nachrichten/news-detail/d/2012/09/27/teilzeitprogramm-fuer-loeb/index.html)

27th September 2012, 10:42
Colin Clark reports in Tweeter that Kris Meeke is testing a Citroen next week... I cannot see him as a #2 for Citroen, prob privateer

27th September 2012, 10:50
I think (and hope) Neuville will be the 2nd driver. His name appeared on the boards with images when the DS3 arrived on the stand...

27th September 2012, 10:56
Abu dhabi must like hirvonen!

27th September 2012, 11:19
this means someone else than loeb actually can be WC next season?
and what with hirvonen? hyundai maybe?

good citroen is still there, and exiting to see what happens next months. msport can loose som privateers now :)

27th September 2012, 11:22
this means someone else than loeb actually can be WC next season?
and what with hirvonen? hyundai maybe?

good citroen is still there, and exiting to see what happens next months. msport can loose som privateers now :)

Hirvonen stays with Citroën... But I dont know if they will continue in 2014, maybe Peugeot will enter WRC again??

27th September 2012, 11:41
I think (and hope) Neuville will be the 2nd driver.

Neuville and Sordo.

27th September 2012, 12:50
Brand new era...

27th September 2012, 12:55
I'd be very happy to see Neuville take Loeb's seat for a few rallies to get him factory experience, however if Citroen plan to pull out of WRC at the end of next year maybe better to go for Sordo or Solberg as there is no point looking for long-term prospects with only 1 season to go! If they plan to be here for the long haul then developing Neuville is wise.

Prisoner Monkeys
27th September 2012, 13:02
No, Citroen's WRC future is "secured", at least for 2013:

Citroen's World Rally Championship secured by partnership with Abu Dhabi - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102879)

27th September 2012, 13:19
The future of WRC is looking promising for the next few years. There's 1 factory seat in VW and two more in Hyundai. So who can be the factory drivers for those two teams? What do you think gyus?

27th September 2012, 13:40
A lot of options.

IF Mini does get their **** together it will be even better.

Meeke, Mikkelsen, Abbring, Paddon, Ostberg, Novikov, PGA, Hanninen all deserve a factory seat IMO.

27th September 2012, 13:44
A lot of options.

IF Mini does get their **** together it will be even better.

Meeke, Mikkelsen, Abbring, Paddon, Ostberg, Novikov, PGA, Hanninen all deserve a factory seat IMO.

Mikkelsen and Abring have said they're contracted for next year. Apparently VW are still going to run a Skoda programme of some kind in WRC next year to keep them match fit. Starting Portugal I think it said (Autosport)

Meeke - probably only rated for a UK-derived drive owing to his passport.

Ostberg - would Malcolm want to give up both the income he currently gets, plus have to possibly pay him in a factory seat? That's a big hit to his business.

Novikov - he'd want to bring a big wedge of cash. He's still too inconsistent.

27th September 2012, 13:56
Brand new era...

At last.

27th September 2012, 14:02
No, Citroen's WRC future is "secured", at least for 2013:

Citroen's World Rally Championship secured by partnership with Abu Dhabi - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/102879)

Yeh but that's what I mean - if they pull out at the end of 2013 after developing Neuville next year then it would be a waste. Better to go out with a bang and get a complete, world class driver for the last year, and out of the available/semi-available driver only Petter and Sordo classify as that. If they're going to compete another 5 years then develop Neuville as by 2014/15 he may be the new Loeb? Who knows?

27th September 2012, 14:08
They will continue in WRC after 2013 but not with Citroën brand. They will just bring back the Lion.