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17th December 2008, 11:11
True...Stohl(even Gardemeister, Gigi and Henning sometimes) showed in 2006 the whale could finish on podiums and in big points quite often finally ;)

Xsara Fan
17th December 2008, 11:21
Hennings "project" is not about running Bozian C4`s. You may well laugh, but it`s the whale he has set his eyes upon (as swordsman wrote yesterday!). FIA is willing to let him homologate new parts for the 307, and reengineer the car with a different weight-distribution, different dampers etc. etc. You may even laugh more, but Henning is confident he will be able to make the "new" 307 competitive. He still thinks it has the strongest engine and that his further ideas for developing the car will make it much quicker than it was. And no, he has not (to my knowledge) smoked funny substances lately.

If it`s not a joke, I think Henning must rename this car as 'Henningout 307 WRC' or 'Solberg-Peugeot 307 WRC' :)

17th December 2008, 11:29
Bozian Racing has confirmed in Norwegian media today that are talking about Henning about next year. They are hoping to have deal ready before Christimas.

Buzz Lightyear
17th December 2008, 11:42
i dont think anyone has said anything about that ford should quit, only that they was having a crisis meeting with citroen yesterday evening, the rest is your imagination.

No more than your imagination.

17th December 2008, 11:54
No more than your imagination.

No, the meeting was a fact.

17th December 2008, 12:22
Bozian Racing has confirmed in Norwegian media today that are talking about Henning about next year. They are hoping to have deal ready before Christimas.

Would Bozian run an M2 Team(with two cars)like in 2006 or only one for Henning ??? :confused:

Buzz Lightyear
17th December 2008, 12:39
No, the meeting was a fact.

is the timing we are talking about.

17th December 2008, 12:53
what involment from manufactorers are required? a signature? May be a formality.

I am not sure, but I think that only manufacturer can submit the papers ie. must use their letterhead and have a company official signature for the papers. And yes, it's a formality but if manufacturer says no, you cannot homologate. You have to have their co-operation.

and from info I have, 307 has homologated parts this year. Who has homologated them?

Peugeot Automobiles, obviously. If things haven't changed.

17th December 2008, 13:08
I am not sure, but I think that only manufacturer can submit the papers ie. must use their letterhead and have a company official signature for the papers. And yes, it's a formality but if manufacturer says no, you cannot homologate. You have to have their co-operation.

Peugeot Automobiles, obviously. If things haven't changed.

thats already quite different, iskald said henning will do that.

17th December 2008, 13:08
As far as I remember tha whale had some issues similiar to subarus; high moment of intertia, amongst other things. The whale imo is no closer to cit or ford now than it has been.

Buzz Lightyear
17th December 2008, 13:11
Maybe, obviously, its only the manufacturer can submit the original papers of which the variant the car is base model, as it needs a production run of 25,000 cars. After that maybe to submit revision is only a formaility?

17th December 2008, 14:17
Looks like Henning has secured Expert as 2009 sponsor :confused:


So return of the ORANGE whale ??? :bounce:

17th December 2008, 14:20
Looks like Henning has secured Expert as 2009 sponsor :confused:


So return of the ORANGE whale ??? :bounce:

Well, the article says that his future is still uncertain and that the negotiations with Expert is running on overtime...

17th December 2008, 14:20
Looks like Henning has secured Expert as 2009 sponsor :confused:


That's not what the article says. It's says the opposite - that he's in a waiting position, because the Expert sponsor money aren't sure at all.

2009 is gonna be one thin cup of tea!

17th December 2008, 14:22
OK...was too optimistic :mark:

Brother John
17th December 2008, 14:26
Looks like Henning has secured Expert as 2009 sponsor :confused:


How do you see that or understand that website? :rotflmao: :D :s mokin:

17th December 2008, 14:49
I posted this in the other thread too but what the hell:

Monday: Suzuki quit WRC
Tuesday: Subaru quit WRC
Wednesday: http://www.rallye-info.com/article.asp?sid=0&stid=7568

17th December 2008, 15:05
RS, don't confuse between WRC and IRC !!!! :rolleyes:

17th December 2008, 15:07
Not only is Expert unsure about supporting Henning (Bozian 307). But they may be more unsure after todays announcement that NRK, norwegian national tv has decided to drop their coverage of wrc. NRK was also supposed to distribute the Rally Norway sendings.

17th December 2008, 15:17
RS, don't confuse between WRC and IRC !!!! :rolleyes:

I know. I just thought it was significant news the week IRC overtook WRC with the number of "proper" manufacturers ;)

17th December 2008, 16:35

What does this article say?

I see it mentions both Henning and Petter - any news?

17th December 2008, 16:50

What does this article say?

I see it mentions both Henning and Petter - any news?

It's the same article that deals with EXPERT being unsure to continue as sponsor in rallying ;)

17th December 2008, 19:24
Apparantly most people (including myself :) ) believe that Petter will return to his work as a painter if he´ll have no seat for 2009
http://www.klikk.no/motor/bil/article385387.ece;jsessionid=FC515677E5AC9F5F3232D 13801190917.rugen

17th December 2008, 20:13
Apparantly most people (including myself :) ) believe that Petter will return to his work as a painter if he´ll have no seat for 2009
http://www.klikk.no/motor/bil/article385387.ece;jsessionid=FC515677E5AC9F5F3232D 13801190917.rugen

I was told he quit his painter apprenticeship quite early to have more time for motorsport. Would mean he cannot be a painter but just a painter’s handyman… However, perhaps the old "Pi" has a better job for him in this company here: http://www.psaviation.aero/ ;)

17th December 2008, 21:24
RS, don't confuse between WRC and IRC !!!! :rolleyes:

Plus they might do selected WRC rallies as well. So, related very much here.

17th December 2008, 21:34
I was told he quit his painter apprenticeship quite early to have more time for motorsport. Would mean he cannot be a painter but just a painter’s handyman… However, perhaps the old "Pi" has a better job for him in this company here: http://www.psaviation.aero/ ;)

Or maybe he could pick lingon-berries! I believe his father-in-law "Pi" (Walfridsson) was involved in the lingon-berry business earlier.

17th December 2008, 21:49
Munchi's will be back!

http://translate.google.be/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.therallysite.com%2Fjo omla%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dv iew%26id%3D5316%26Itemid%3D1&sl=nl&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

17th December 2008, 22:04
Or maybe he could pick lingon-berries! I believe his father-in-law "Pi" (Walfridsson) was involved in the lingon-berry business earlier.

Yep, right Henning! Helmer Walfridsson’s fruit branch was called Värmlandslingon AB, AFAIR. Do you remember when Martin loaned Per-Inge a turbocharger in 1980, the year that "Pi" won the ERC from Martin, and "Pi" had to pay Annemor with three cases of lingonberries for it...? ;)

17th December 2008, 22:39

For those of you who understand Swedish, a quite fresh interview with Petter. Varsågod!

18th December 2008, 00:07

Just foolish thoughts about Prodrive of a grumpy old Norwegian man...?

18th December 2008, 00:25

Just foolish thoughts about Prodrive of a grumpy old Norwegian man...?

Quite a bunch of crybabies, the norwegians.

18th December 2008, 03:30
Good to hear that Munchi's will still be in the WRC!!

More news on this coming up:

It also seems that their ten rounds campaign will begin in Cyprus, skipping Ireland, Norway and Poland.

18th December 2008, 03:35
Glad I aint booked no WRC events next year yet, prob be nowt to watch! :eek: :eek:

just imagine the entry lists of argentina and australia
maybe not more than about 7 wrcs ???

all in all we have to wait for some more surprises, but nevertheless it´s NOW time for a change - maybe also perfect for a change for winterseason starting in autumn and finish at the beginning of summer.

18th December 2008, 05:49
maybe also perfect for a change for winterseason starting in autumn and finish at the beginning of summer.

No no no, not that idea again. :eek:

Brother John
18th December 2008, 06:36

Just foolish thoughts about Prodrive of a grumpy old Norwegian man...?

I believe what he says. He is realistic and dares to say truth.
I have seen during my career and my current job enough how companies think and work behind the slides at uncountable places.
Those will tell never how it works really. The best business men and governments are specialists in to lie.
Generally I do not understand why the most here want talk never concerning the other side of the medalion.

18th December 2008, 06:49

Just foolish thoughts about Prodrive of a grumpy old Norwegian man...?

Well, without knowing anything about Prodrive but based on my experience with big Motorsport names i guess this is the same everywhere...

18th December 2008, 08:00
Does anyone know which are the entries already confirmed for JWRC and PWRC?

18th December 2008, 08:23
Quite a bunch of crybabies, the norwegians.

Dont call Schanche a crybabie, he will hunt you down with his biggest spanner, just ask Alamaki :D

"Their noses was so high in the air that they would have drowned if it was raining" :rotflmao:

18th December 2008, 08:59
Wednesday: http://www.rallye-info.com/article.asp?sid=0&stid=7568

Thats a sweet looking car, hope that they can perform also :up:

18th December 2008, 09:04
I believe what he says. He is realistic and dares to say truth.

Some may laugh about him, but he was never afraid to tell the plain truth, even if it lost him lotsamoney. And in technical things he is quite a genius. The first ever changeable 4WD system (Xtrac, 28:72 to 50:50 percent while driving) for motorsport eg. was completely based on his own ideas and paved the way for Mike Endean’s company Xtrac into WRC and Formula One.

18th December 2008, 10:17
Citroen remain committed for 2009

18th December 2008, 10:25
Schanche maybe is not afraid to tell the truth, bur this time the truth is that 3 other drivers also did loose their job, not only petter.

18th December 2008, 10:39
Citroen remain committed for 2009


18th December 2008, 10:41
Ye ye whatever ... http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

Which are all his sponsors and who is going to leave him ? Name them please http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon11.gif ...

Woodeye: If you'd live in Italy you'd know also why FIAT survived the huge big crisis of a couple of years ago. They can't die ...

Fiat to close down their factories for a 1,5 month...tells me estonian newssite.

18th December 2008, 11:02
Article in swedish about PG driving Proton S2000 in Monte 2009..


Buzz Lightyear
18th December 2008, 11:25
I tell you what... who even needs WRC. Monte Carlo will be top draw.

18th December 2008, 11:41
Pirelli bringing snow tyre option to Rally Ireland

18th December 2008, 12:05
Article in swedish about PG driving Proton S2000 in Monte 2009..


But on another one they talk about 207 S2000(on Norsk-Rally site quoting another swedish news site) :confused:

18th December 2008, 12:33
But on another one they talk about 207 S2000(on Norsk-Rally site quoting another swedish news site) :confused:

It reads PG maybe drives Proton in Monte.

207 “offer” was to expensive.

Looks like Proton IRC drive is around the half price of a wrc drive.

Brother John
18th December 2008, 14:13
Pirelli bringing snow tyre option to Rally Ireland

What will help a snow tyre without dup on black ice? :s mokin:

18th December 2008, 14:28
well at least the drivers can blaim timeloss on choosing the wrong tyre again ;)

18th December 2008, 16:36
It reads PG maybe drives Proton in Monte.

207 “offer” was to expensive.

Looks like Proton IRC drive is around the half price of a wrc drive.

OK... :mark:

Let's hope at least the Proton will be more competitive than it was between hands of Bouffier at Antibes, otherwise the quality/pace/cost of the car will be poor, and the 207 well better :rolleyes:

18th December 2008, 16:40
Don't know if this is new, or already known, however this suggests Petter and Chris will still be in Subaru's next year, and looking forward to a new car as well!

Also hints at Henning being the second Adapta driver.


18th December 2008, 17:21
Henning Solbeeg will get a very bussy year with all the cars and teams he will be driving according to all sorts of (reliable) sources. Adabt Subaru's, Ph Sport C4's, Bozian Peugeot, Fords. Maybe he can hire some good quality personal to do some of the jobs for him.
Does anyone know a talent driver out of job somewere?

18th December 2008, 17:37
Henning Solbeeg will get a very bussy year with all the cars and teams he will be driving according to all sorts of (reliable) sources. Adabt Subaru's, Ph Sport C4's, Bozian Peugeot, Fords. Maybe he can hire some good quality personal to do some of the jobs for him.
Does anyone know a talent driver out of job somewere?

Does'nt really matter what car he gets he will never get anywhere!!!

18th December 2008, 17:44
Pirelli bringing snow tyre option to Rally Ireland

Thats good news at least it wont be the farce that GB was and Citroen wont be crying stop stop stop the rally my drivers are scared.......

18th December 2008, 17:48
Does'nt really matter what car he gets he will never get anywhere!!!

Harsh - podium battles are always a possibility as he has the pace.

Needs to stop crashing though...!

18th December 2008, 19:01
Does'nt really matter what car he gets he will never get anywhere!!!
Bit like a certain Mr Wilson but I don't see you saying that sort of thing about him? :confused:

18th December 2008, 19:05
Bit like a certain Mr Wilson but I don't see you saying that sort of thing about him? :confused:

I guess you are a bit tough on wilson here, dont forget that he is just in the beginning of the 50 year plan.

18th December 2008, 19:07
I guess you are a bit tough on wilson here, dont forget that he is just in the beginning of the 50 year plan.
Wasn't it Stalin that had 5 year plans? I always thought fast rally drivers were fast and slow ones were slow? What gives? :confused:

18th December 2008, 19:10
Wasn't it Stalin that had 5 year plans? I always thought fast rally drivers were fast and slow ones were slow? What gives? :confused:

He is offcourse slow, but sometimes 10 from the front retires, besides that he is a nice guy, so offcourse he should have a seat.

18th December 2008, 19:53
Let's hope at least the Proton will be more competitive than it was between hands of Bouffier at Antibes, otherwise the quality/pace/cost of the car will be poor, and the 207 well better :rolleyes:

Don't judge them from that premiere. The car suffered some mysterious problem and had no power from 7000 rpm to rpm limiter and that is huge limitation for S2000. Antibes was no comparission in any way.

18th December 2008, 20:27
What will help a snow tyre without dup on black ice? :s mokin:

"Black ice" ? You mean the new AC/DC record :D

Buzz Lightyear
18th December 2008, 22:41
]Don't judge them from that premiere. The car suffered some mysterious problem and had no power from 7000 rpm to rpm limiter and that is huge limitation for S2000. Antibes was no comparission in any way.

Bouffier buzzed the engine on the downshift... apparently.

18th December 2008, 22:48
The problem occured before start of SS1 and they didn't managed to find out what's wrong for all rally. I don't think it was so simple.

18th December 2008, 23:18
]The problem occured before start of SS1 and they didn't managed to find out what's wrong for all rally. I don't think it was so simple.

...but he wasn't that slow

18th December 2008, 23:27
Galli hoping to secure full programme with Stobart

19th December 2008, 11:34
Stobart confirm

19th December 2008, 11:34
No news about Dudu ???? :confused:

2009 program in WRC or IRC...???

19th December 2008, 11:44
Duval said that he can drive a full WRC season by Stobart, but he must get € 1.000.000 than. He has nothing from that money until now. Structo (= Steven Vergalle, his big sponsor from this year) won't and can't pay again much in 2009. Because Pieter Tsjoen is rallying again, the budget from Vergalle is going to Tsjoen.

Duval only want to drive in IRC if people paid him or if he has a free invitation in a good context, but better than Portugal last year.

19th December 2008, 13:02
Duval said that he can drive a full WRC season by Stobart, but he must get € 1.000.000 than. He has nothing from that money until now. Structo (= Steven Vergalle, his big sponsor from this year) won't and can't pay again much in 2009. Because Pieter Tsjoen is rallying again, the budget from Vergalle is going to Tsjoen.

Duval only want to drive in IRC if people paid him or if he has a free invitation in a good context, but better than Portugal last year.

Maybe if he stopped crashing so much he would be able to find more sponsors...

I am evil Homer
19th December 2008, 13:20
I was all for giving Wilson a chance as he did show genuine speed in the BRC but frankly he's shown very little improvement. Waste of a seat when you could have Atko, either Solberg or even Duval.

19th December 2008, 14:26
Duval only want to drive in IRC if people paid him or if he has a free invitation in a good context, but better than Portugal last year.

There is a third Skoda available, maybe Skoda Belgium could pay towards it, like Peugeot UK does for Meeke's deal.

19th December 2008, 16:00
There is no third factory car free, there may be another car in IRC but not run by factory team.

19th December 2008, 16:40
Hi Mirek, is there anybody in particular in the frame for another Fabia , assuming there will be another one available?

19th December 2008, 17:27
There should be more cars around Europe in private teams. In the moment there is not enough cars built. We'll see later...

19th December 2008, 19:31
Andreas Aigner and Red Bull Rally Team have seperated. There were no more options available for Aigner in his education program, now that he has succesfully completed his rally exame by winning the PWRC 2008. And the next option, a factory seat, is not avaible.

19th December 2008, 19:45
Andreas Aigner and Red Bull Rally Team have seperated. There were no more options available for Aigner in his education program, now that he has succesfully completed his rally exame by winning the PWRC 2008. And the next option, a factory seat, is not avaible.


19th December 2008, 20:15
Duval only want to drive in IRC if people paid him or if he has a free invitation in a good context, but better than Portugal last year.

Totally committed then! (tongue very much in cheek, hey buzz :) )

19th December 2008, 20:35
]There is no third factory car free, there may be another car in IRC but not run by factory team.

Paasonen :bounce: :bounce:

No? :(

Buzz Lightyear
19th December 2008, 21:27
Paasonen :bounce: :bounce:

No? :(

Juha Kankkunen :bounce: :bounce:


19th December 2008, 21:33
@ C4. Youre news about Sordo and Ogier doing the developing of the Citroen C3 S200, does suggest that Loeb want be part of the long term future of Citroen Sport. Sordo is developing the S200, because he and Ogier will be the drivers in the future. You thing that Loeb will quite WRC and/or Citroen Sport sfter 2009 ?


19th December 2008, 22:07
A.F.F.: I wonder if Passonen isn't too heavy for the S2000 in the moment :D

Sorry for the joke, the truth is that I don't know anything about him. He only carried some vip in Bělá pod Bezdězem testing area in Evo 8 last year...

19th December 2008, 22:35
]A.F.F.: I wonder if Passonen isn't too heavy for the S2000 in the moment :D

Sorry for the joke, the truth is that I don't know anything about him. He only carried some vip in Bělá pod Bezdězem testing area in Evo 8 last year...

He was at the European Rallycross in Germany this year. He was driving in a pretty blue new-shape Skoda Fabia owned by Torben Moller from Denmark. The car didn't complete much laps though.
They were looking for budget for a full season in 2009.

19th December 2008, 23:16
Andreas Aigner and Red Bull Rally Team have seperated. There were no more options available for Aigner in his education program, now that he has succesfully completed his rally exame by winning the PWRC 2008. And the next option, a factory seat, is not avaible.

When has a PWRC championship winner had any success, never? It seems to be better finish second or third.

Little of topic, but few words about Škoda. I think they have a good team. Hänninen is probably better on gravel and snow surface and Jan Kopecký on tarmac. Jan has already experience of gravel rallies but I think he’s better on tarmac. When Hänninen has learned to drive on tarmac and Jan has got more feelings on gravel, who can beat them?

20th December 2008, 08:24
When has a PWRC championship winner had any success, never? It seems to be better finish second or third.

Little of topic, but few words about Škoda. I think they have a good team. Hänninen is probably better on gravel and snow surface and Jan Kopecký on tarmac. Jan has already experience of gravel rallies but I think he’s better on tarmac. When Hänninen has learned to drive on tarmac and Jan has got more feelings on gravel, who can beat them?

I agree with everything you say here OldF. pWRC has not proved to be a good ladder really, look at the last 5 winners or so...

The Skoda looks good, some of the old (bad) people from the WRC days are gone and as you say they have a strong driver lineup which I read exactly the same as you.

20th December 2008, 09:43
I also agree with OldF. Hänninen/Kopecky line-up is good and promising with excellent chances to develop even better.

20th December 2008, 13:00
As expected Ogier confirmed for first six rounds in the C4

20th December 2008, 14:52
According to German website, Van Merkenstijn cancelled M2 plans ?
Any more news ?

20th December 2008, 15:06
According to German website, Van Merkenstijn cancelled M2 plans ?
Any more news ?

yes they did, but they will participate in 8 rounds as "normal" privateers

Buzz Lightyear
20th December 2008, 15:18
yes they did, but they will participate in 8 rounds as "normal" privateers

they'll do a couple and get board with it.

20th December 2008, 15:52
@ C4. Youre news about Sordo and Ogier doing the developing of the Citroen C3 S200, does suggest that Loeb want be part of the long term future of Citroen Sport. Sordo is developing the S200, because he and Ogier will be the drivers in the future. You thing that Loeb will quite WRC and/or Citroen Sport sfter 2009 ?


My personal point of view is that Loeb will continue ONLY if Citroen continues too. Otherwise after 2009 will participate in FIA GT championship with Peugeot 908hdi. :)

20th December 2008, 15:56
As expected Ogier confirmed for first six rounds in the C4

Ogier is a great Talent. If he control his enthusiasm will perform great next year!!

Luis Pacheco
20th December 2008, 21:50
Rally of Portugal 2009 at risc!!
Budget problems!


20th December 2008, 22:25
How can the Skoda S2000 be taken seriously with a front end like a noddy car!!!!

At least the Opel and Proton look the business but they still dont match the 207 for the ultimate looks

20th December 2008, 23:11
How can the Skoda S2000 be taken seriously with a front end like a noddy car!!!!

At least the Opel and Proton look the business but they still dont match the 207 for the ultimate looks

How can you be taken seriously as a rally fan ?

Obviously the looks make the car go faster.

21st December 2008, 11:44
No Solberg in Ireland ... :( :( :( :( :(


21st December 2008, 11:53
How can the Skoda S2000 be taken seriously with a front end like a noddy car!!!!

At least the Opel and Proton look the business but they still dont match the 207 for the ultimate looks

I too find the 207 as the best looking S2000, but obviously that doesn't make the car faster than the others :p :

21st December 2008, 14:18
As expected Ogier confirmed for first six rounds in the C4

Hi C4,

According to your article, then Ogier will be apart of Citroën Sport alongside Loeb and Sordo, which was also what i heard at first. But then somebody said he would be running as a part of the PH-Sport M2 team, because that team is still without a second driver to partner Rautenbach. Do you have any contacts where you can check that info?

21st December 2008, 14:30
Obviously the looks make the car go faster.

Sure,every year Subaru became uglier and because of that slower ;)

21st December 2008, 15:04
Does anybody know the deadline for the teams to commit to the 2009 championship? ... and what's the deadline for the entries to rally Ireland?

21st December 2008, 15:07
M1 teams were tuesday last week. M2 is sometime in March.

21st December 2008, 15:16
and what's the deadline for the entries to rally Ireland?
Christmas Eve for RI

21st December 2008, 15:35
Christmas Eve for RI

Thanks :) Any news if there will be any privateers in WRC cars? Any of the MacHale's? Gareth Jones? Boland? Breen? McNulty? Nesbitt? Barrett? Donnelly? etc...

21st December 2008, 15:47
Thanks :) Any news if there will be any privateers in WRC cars? Any of the MacHale's? Gareth Jones? Boland? Breen? McNulty? Nesbitt? Barrett? Donnelly? etc...
No news on who IS entering, by Derek McGarrity is not as he says Rally Ireland WRC is too expensive to enter. He feels there is much more value in Galway.

quote taken from rallybuzz below:-

I know I won't be doing it because I can't justify the costs. We were also looking at running cars for two other drivers but they have decided against it. It is just such an expensive rally.

On the other hand the Galway International which starts the Irish Tarmac championship is looking quite healthy and I intend to be there.”

21st December 2008, 15:50
Ireland is really struggling with the economic downturn, rallying in WRC cars came to a virtual stop last year and now some of the €70k Escorts are reportedly for sale at 1/2 price.

21st December 2008, 15:59
Ireland is really struggling with the economic downturn, rallying in WRC cars came to a virtual stop last year and now some of the €70k Escorts are reportedly for sale at 1/2 price.

I really fear that som of the rallies in '09 will only have 10 WRC cars entered, and if there so few WRC cars at Rally Ireland it will be a disaster season, because that was one of the rallies where several privateers entered in 2007. On the other hand there is really a good chance for scoring points for privateers, so maybe we will get 12-14 cars for the european rounds.

21st December 2008, 16:25
I too find the 207 as the best looking S2000, but obviously that doesn't make the car faster than the others :p :

But Tom not only does the 207 look the best it is also the best on the stages as it sets the benchmark for S2000.

21st December 2008, 16:45
Thanks :) Any news if there will be any privateers in WRC cars? Any of the MacHale's? Gareth Jones? Boland? Breen? McNulty? Nesbitt? Barrett? Donnelly? etc...

Hi MikeD,

Just some of the top home drivers who have committed to Rally Ireland are Gareth and Aaron MacHale, as well as Eamonn Boland. Tim McNulty is reported to be putting in an entry, although this at the moment is unconfirmed.

Quoted from www.rallynews.net (http://www.rallynews.net)

Eugene Donnelly had expressed an interest, a couple of months ago, to enter RI in the Skoda Fabia WRC.

21st December 2008, 18:00
Ste898: How does look of anything and Your personal taste relate with news and rumours in rallying?

21st December 2008, 18:01
But Tom not only does the 207 look the best it is also the best on the stages as it sets the benchmark for S2000.

At the moment that is true. Even as a Skoda fan I think the 207 is the prettiest S2000, although the side and back profile of the Fabia is nice and it looks very agressive with it's big wheelarches.

But as has been said, looks have no significance on performance. Look at your favourite the Focus, looks boring as hell but has been one of the top two cars for the last couple of years now.

21st December 2008, 18:02
]Ste898: How does look of anything and Your personal taste relate with news and rumours in rallying?

The truth is he's not a rally fan.

22nd December 2008, 08:54
Rally of Portugal 2009 at risc!!
Budget problems!


can somebody please translate this article:
is also rally portugal 2009 in danger not to be started ???
or some other financial shortages for the rally ?

thanx for your answer in advance

22nd December 2008, 10:44
Rally of Portugal 2009 in danger of not achieving
The Vodafone Rally of Portugal 2009, proof that after a year of interregnum, marks the return of Portugal to the highest wheel of the rally world, is at risk of failing to perform due to lack of financial support.

According to Autosport that can determine with well-placed source in the ACP, the non-payment of state funds contratualizadas, even on the evidence of 2008, will lead the ACP to take an unprecedented measure, and announce to the FIA in excuse take forward the rally.

Interestingly, also the main sponsor of proof cut substantial part of its support for the edition of 2009, which is not helping the situation now created.

The GPA as stipulated deadline by the end of January to resolve this situation, which if completed, will be a strong ax a proof that after five years of absence returned to WRC in 2007, with the certainty that back in 2009.

Translation Tool: http://translate.google.com/

Buzz Lightyear
22nd December 2008, 11:15
Rally of Portugal 2009 in danger of not achieving
The Vodafone Rally of Portugal 2009, proof that after a year of interregnum, marks the return of Portugal to the highest wheel of the rally world, is at risk of failing to perform due to lack of financial support.

According to Autosport that can determine with well-placed source in the ACP, the non-payment of state funds contratualizadas, even on the evidence of 2008, will lead the ACP to take an unprecedented measure, and announce to the FIA in excuse take forward the rally.

Interestingly, also the main sponsor of proof cut substantial part of its support for the edition of 2009, which is not helping the situation now created.

The GPA as stipulated deadline by the end of January to resolve this situation, which if completed, will be a strong ax a proof that after five years of absence returned to WRC in 2007, with the certainty that back in 2009.

Translation Tool: http://translate.google.com/

why are these events so reliant on state funding. surely the event should be about to pay for itself, ok with some little support from local council, to offset the gain in tax receipts from extra hotel rooms etc, maybe its like most event, the organisation has got bloated with too many chiefs (needing paid)

22nd December 2008, 12:21
Ah, the vexed issue of state funding - well Rally GB is sponsored by the Welsh Assembly ( or similar I think ). Personally, I hope they don't renew the sponsorship, keeping it in Wales isn't doing the event and sport any good.

22nd December 2008, 12:23
Ah, the vexed issue of state funding - well Rally GB is sponsored by the Welsh Assembly ( or similar I think ). Personally, I hope they don't renew the sponsorship, keeping it in Wales isn't doing the event and sport any good.

yes and while it's assembly funded it will NEVER come to North Wales.

22nd December 2008, 12:27
No news about Henning/Bozian today ???? :confused:

22nd December 2008, 17:12
Giacomo Ogliari at Rally Norway in a 207 S2000 ??? :confused:


22nd December 2008, 18:08
He will do the Monte Carlo Rally and has plans to do the Normway rally in the same Peugeot 207 of GCar supported by Peugeot Sport. At least that is what Google translations tells me :) .

22nd December 2008, 18:21
Thanks Alleskids ;)

22nd December 2008, 19:36
No news about Henning/Bozian today ???? :confused:

Whoops, there something i missed? Is Henning on his way switching car?

Rally Power
22nd December 2008, 20:04
Rally of Portugal 2009 at risc!!
Budget problems!


This rumour it’s not to take seriously. It has been launched in order to pressure the Portuguese Government to pay his debts to the organizer of the “Rally de Portugal” (ACP).

Even if the Tourism Minister doesn’t support the 09 edition, the ACP has more than enough resources to organize nest year WRC event (ACP is Portugal 2nd largest association, after the soccer club Benfica !!!).

22nd December 2008, 21:05
]Ste898: How does look of anything and Your personal taste relate with news and rumours in rallying?

Woops silly me I thought it was a rally forum......

22nd December 2008, 21:41
You know what's off topic, so if You want to discuss the look of rally cars, just create a new thread for that. This thread is about news and rumours.

22nd December 2008, 22:02
Whoops, there something i missed? Is Henning on his way switching car?

Look at the previous pages... ;)

22nd December 2008, 22:55
why are these events so reliant on state funding. surely the event should be about to pay for itself, ok with some little support from local council, to offset the gain in tax receipts from extra hotel rooms etc, maybe its like most event, the organisation has got bloated with too many chiefs (needing paid)

I think you would find if state funding was taken away from every WRC event then only a handful would be left!

Usually the state funding starts when they are trying to get the event in the WRC calender; obviosuly the FIA or whoever makes the decision to place and event loves to see the local goverment onboard. Once that funding is in place is very hard to let it go and stand on your own feet.

22nd December 2008, 23:59
Andreas Mikkelsen/Ramsport are now selling at least two of their cars, one 06-model (EU 55 CNK) and the newest one, a 07-model (EA07 RGZ).


I still think they have one 06-model (EU55 BNA) and a 05-model (ET53 URO). Earlier this year they sold a 06-model to Bresolin Group in Italy.

23rd December 2008, 09:35
Mikkelsen hopes to run a Focus on Rally Norway and then 6 rounds in either a S2000 or group N.

23rd December 2008, 09:53
I hope the S2000(in Pwrc ??)for Mikkelsen :p :

23rd December 2008, 11:03
why are these events so reliant on state funding. surely the event should be about to pay for itself, ok with some little support from local council,

It's impossible a country host a WRC rally without state funding. But totally impossible. And the same to IRC.

And i don't know, but in Portugal is almost impossible to host a nacional or regional rally from our championships without local state support.

The portuguese new about our rally, is a way to make pressure on portugueses government to pay the debts of 2008 about the IRC rally. ACP would never put in risk the WRC event.

But one thing is certain, there is less money than in the past, and FIA should be careful in terms of demands. The demands from a WRC event are too expensive.

23rd December 2008, 14:01
It's impossible a country host a WRC rally without state funding. But totally impossible. .

No it's not, I think Finland and probably Sweden have very little or no government support. Money comes from spectators and sponsors.

23rd December 2008, 14:21
No it's not, I think Finland and probably Sweden have very little or no government support. Money comes from spectators and sponsors.

Is there any municipal fundation involved ? I ask because I don't know. The truth is that NORF brings a lot of money to Jyväskylä area.

23rd December 2008, 14:32
Close, but no cigar says Petter. Not driving RI, Rally Norway entry date 8/1-09 next goal.


23rd December 2008, 14:35
No it's not, I think Finland and probably Sweden have very little or no government support. Money comes from spectators and sponsors.

I was allways told that Swedisch rally got quite a lot of fundation from Varmland comunity? ;)

23rd December 2008, 16:25
I was allways told that Swedisch rally got quite a lot of fundation from Varmland comunity? ;)

Doubt it. rallying is not very politically correct in sweden...

23rd December 2008, 16:32
I was allways told that Swedisch rally got quite a lot of fundation from Varmland comunity? ;)

Not true. A little from the hosting cities and a little from regional actors, but no big money at all. Nothing compared to rallies like Oz that has been almost totally financed by the community.

23rd December 2008, 17:13
Anyone got more news on Petter and Atkinson joining Stobarts for yet another stobart Focus?

Its a shame there could'nt be a new Ford team as surely there is only so many cars that can run under the Stobart banner?

23rd December 2008, 17:50
Anyone got more news on Petter and Atkinson joining Stobarts for yet another stobart Focus?

Its a shame there could'nt be a new Ford team as surely there is only so many cars that can run under the Stobart banner?

I will buy you a beer if it is true:-)

One of the main sponsor for Urmo Aava reported today that they had quite a healthy profit during the year 2007/2008. And WRT submitted offer (last week) to two teams and is waiting for answer.

23rd December 2008, 18:10
I will buy you a beer if it is true:-)

One of the main sponsor for Urmo Aava reported today that they had quite a healthy profit during the year 2007/2008. And WRT submitted offer (last week) to two teams and is waiting for answer.

Which company? Not Kalev... :p

23rd December 2008, 18:11
Malcolm Wilson has just spoke about it on the local(Cumbrian) radio station, so maybe a little bit of truth, eh.

23rd December 2008, 18:23
Malcolm Wilson has just spoke about it on the local(Cumbrian) radio station, so maybe a little bit of truth, eh.

??? article on internet .. ?? Because entrylist for Ireland was today.. and now solberg spoke his target is Norway Rally :(

23rd December 2008, 18:56
Malcolm Wilson has just spoke about it on the local(Cumbrian) radio station, so maybe a little bit of truth, eh.

What did Malcolm say - Petter and Atko to Stobart or something about Aava?

23rd December 2008, 18:59
??? article on internet .. ?? Because entrylist for Ireland was today.. and now solberg spoke his target is Norway Rally :(

And when is Ireland entrylist published ??? :confused:

23rd December 2008, 19:04
Anyone got more news on Petter and Atkinson joining Stobarts for yet another stobart Focus?

Its a shame there could'nt be a new Ford team as surely there is only so many cars that can run under the Stobart banner?
I thought Petter was more likely to join Adapta in the Subaru........... why knows WTF is happening. I also hear that Rally Ireland has 30 entries!!!

23rd December 2008, 19:12
Close, but no cigar says Petter. Not driving RI, Rally Norway entry date 8/1-09 next goal.


Translation please! :)

23rd December 2008, 19:13
I also hear that Rally Ireland has 30 entries!!!

In total?

23rd December 2008, 19:25
That was at first closing date, some late entries expected / hoped for.

23rd December 2008, 19:59
I thought Petter was more likely to join Adapta in the Subaru........... why knows WTF is happening. I also hear that Rally Ireland has 30 entries!!!

Petter said he would not be driving for Adapta.

23rd December 2008, 21:10
Only 30 entries overall for Ireland?? God...

23rd December 2008, 21:31
Translation please! :)

Allthough I haven't translated anything in years, since it's christmas, i figured I could have a go at it. As I didn't have too much time on my hands though, it might be a bit inacurate.

-Disappointed and sad

Rally Ireland slipped away for Petter Solberg

Petter Solberg will not be driving the 2009 WRC opening round in Ireland.


Petter Solberg refuses to give up on rallying next season, even though his hopes of being in rally ireland vanished on little Christmas eve.

It was clear today that a weeks worth of hard negotiations was not enough, before the deadline expired today at noon.

-I am disappointed and sad. It's hard to know that Rally Ireland will run without me on the starting line, while all the other top drivers are there, Petter tells VG.Nett

After Subaru decided to withdraw their manufacturers team from next years season, Solberg has been working intensively to secure a deal outside the team. Preferably in a Subaru, but most importantly]-What happens now? Are you trying to secure a deal so that you can start in Rally Norway in February?[/I]

-Yes. That's my next goal. But with christmas and lots of bank holidays, it's not really a lot of time until the deadline on the 8th. of January.

-Do you have time to enjoy christmas at all?

- So far the only tradition I've had time to follow through with, has been chopping down a christmas tree. I took the time of to do that with my son, Oliver (7) Other than that I haven't thought about christmas. Every waking hour has gone working towards a start in Rally Ireland. There is a lot of things that are well and sorted. Among other things Sponsors are ready, But like I said, I want everything sorted before I come to start, states Petter Solberg

23rd December 2008, 21:47
Wow !!! Evgeny Novikov could start selected events of WRC09 in a Citroën C4 WRC :eek: :eek:

Source http://www.racingworld.it

But other option would be also full Pwrc09 round...

23rd December 2008, 22:25
Petter not turning up for rally Ireland has to be a bitter blow for Prodrive. IIRC Ireland is their biggest customer base.

23rd December 2008, 22:56
Wow !!! Evgeny Novikov could start selected events of WRC09 in a Citroën C4 WRC :eek: :eek:

Source http://www.racingworld.it

But other option would be also full Pwrc09 round...

Young Evgeny in a C4 would be very interesting. He has good financial backing I think, no?

Not sure how true the comment about Rally Ireland having only 30 entries is. As the poster mentioned else where it's only a rumour not fact and indeed the person who started the rumour on another forum is hardly in a position to know. Having said that I would think 50 - 60 + would be a creditable entry considering the times we live in at present.

Xsara Fan
24th December 2008, 10:26
Young Evgeny in a C4 would be very interesting. He has good financial backing I think, no?

For the moment it`s not true. Evgeny (and his father) choose between Ford, Citroen and Production WRC.

24th December 2008, 10:49
If Bozian should announce deal with Henning Solberg "before christmas" as stated in a norwegian news paper, then it should be today... :confused:

24th December 2008, 12:45
Henning has nothing 100% at the moment. He is now trying to delay the subscription for Rally Ireland....

24th December 2008, 12:49

24th December 2008, 13:05
Chris Atkinson will drive a C4 in Rally Ireland!

More to come!

24th December 2008, 13:06
Citroen JWRC Team for 2009
Rauntenbak and Evgeny Novikov

24th December 2008, 13:30
There's already a thread for the news wrc_flipper ;)

24th December 2008, 13:35
Who said WRC is on the lowest level? These two guys (Rautenbach and Novikov) are full of money.. No problems for WRC..

24th December 2008, 13:52
Who said WRC is on the lowest level? These two guys (Rautenbach and Novikov) are full of money.. No problems for WRC..

Private funding from own fortune is one thing - sponsorships are a different matter and they are very much hampered by the current financial crisis.

Buzz Lightyear
24th December 2008, 14:19
Private funding from own fortune is one thing - sponsorships are a different matter and they are very much hampered by the current financial crisis.

Even the Russian Oligarchs are feeling the squeeze.

24th December 2008, 15:13
Unfortunatly WRC is sport for rich guys most of the time.. Now I am more happy for Loeb cos he didn't have that money to buy himself good car or a seat and to drive.. Only talent and experience step by step..

24th December 2008, 16:02
Wow !!! Evgeny Novikov could start selected events of WRC09 in a Citroën C4 WRC :eek: :eek:

Source http://www.racingworld.it

But other option would be also full Pwrc09 round...

Good Find Tom, on the ball.

24th December 2008, 17:24
Citroen JWRC Team for 2009
Rauntenbak and Evgeny Novikov

Is it JWRC team or M2 ?
As far as I'm concerned it's M2...

Xsara Fan
24th December 2008, 18:32
Even the Russian Oligarchs are feeling the squeeze.

I don`t think so :)

24th December 2008, 20:20
Is it JWRC team or M2 ?
As far as I'm concerned it's M2...

Yep that's quite confused "a Junior M2 Team" and "Junior WRC"... :s

24th December 2008, 20:23
Rautenbach for Galway

24th December 2008, 20:40
Yep that's quite confused "a Junior M2 Team" and "Junior WRC"... :s

With an C4 WRC even Rautenbach would make a change to win the Junior WRC :) .

But makes that Atkinson the nanny for the juniors, the grandfather, or the uncle? :-)

24th December 2008, 22:19
Who said WRC is on the lowest level? These two guys (Rautenbach and Novikov) are full of money.. No problems for WRC..

With reference to Rautenbach:

You think paying lots of money and touring around at the back of the field is good for the sport?

24th December 2008, 22:31
If i am right, Rautenbachs dad pays the bills for his son. I think he has the same 5 years learning curve in mind that Wilson jr has. In a couple of years time Rautenbach is expected ( by his family) to be a serieus contender for points and podiums. Driving (and crashing) around does not hurt sponsors or business relations, so he does not hurt anyone financial, only fysical to himself (and other drivers and the mecanics that repaire the car).

24th December 2008, 22:33
With reference to Rautenbach:

You think paying lots of money and touring around at the back of the field is good for the sport?

Along with Al Qassimi at M-Sport and Wilson Jr at Stobart, they bring money/budget, that allows the team to exist... :rolleyes:

Furthermore in the 2009 Citroën Junior Team, only Rautenbach is what we can call "gentleman driver" all others are OK... ;)

24th December 2008, 23:28
Who said WRC is on the lowest level? These two guys (Rautenbach and Novikov) are full of money.. No problems for WRC..

Perhaps the WRC is in great shape if you just entry lists full of meaningless names like the Rautenbach's of this world but some of us prefer quality to quantity.

25th December 2008, 00:07
Amazing news, Chris Atkinson and Evgeny in a C4. That just made my christmas. I hope Chris program with Citreon will expand from Ireland.

25th December 2008, 02:13
I hope Chris program with Citreon will expand from Ireland.
Sure, if he manages to end the rally third behind Loeb and Sordo and ahead of Ford cars ...

25th December 2008, 12:11
Merry Christmas!!!

25th December 2008, 13:36
Perhaps the WRC is in great shape if you just entry lists full of meaningless names like the Rautenbach's of this world but some of us prefer quality to quantity.

No one is in that position to pull out the "quality rather than quantity" as there is barely enough cars to make this championship a championship before the announcement of a Citroen M2 team! HAHAHA

25th December 2008, 13:42
No one is in that position to pull out the "quality rather than quantity" as there is barely enough cars to make this championship a championship before the announcement of a Citroen M2 team! HAHAHA

Perhaps the best thing for the WRC would be for there to be no WRC this year. I'm fairly certain there will be nothing left in 2010

25th December 2008, 19:53
Perhaps the best thing for the WRC would be for there to be no WRC this year. I'm fairly certain there will be nothing left in 2010
How do i get a feeling that you seem a bit pessimistic, btw. do you remember the talk a few days back about Atkinson? :)

26th December 2008, 10:26
According to a belgian newspaper this morning, Stéphane Prévot looks like confident he and Atkinson can reach an agreement to run 8 WRC rallies in the C4 next year...would be very fantastic news :) :)

26th December 2008, 10:53
Atkinson as number 1 nominated driver would be a good choise. It would take a lot of points away from Ford.

26th December 2008, 11:44
For this reason Ford must respond to Citroen.Just one question:Why it's difficult for Solberg to drive a focus?What exactly happened in 2000 with Ford??

26th December 2008, 11:56
Solberg was discovered by Malcolm Wilson in 1999, and he promised Solberg many times that he would get a contract. But time after time he did not give it to Pettter. Then in summer 2000 Subaru offered Solberg and the other young hot gun of that time, Markku Martin, an contract for SWRT. So Malcolm was pissed off that the talent he discovered had succes with an other team.

But when Petter became world champion in 2003, Malcolm congratulated him and said something like: "remember were you came from". The peace has been signed between Petter and Malcolm, just as Duval and Malcolm appear to be friends again after Duval had let Malcom down when he went to Citroen in 2004.

26th December 2008, 11:57
I remember when he left Ford back in the day it created a massive sh*t storm eh. Malcolm Wilson said he would never drive for Ford again as long as he was running the operation...not sure what it stemmed from though. I would like to know though.

26th December 2008, 11:59
Solberg was discovered by Malcolm Wilson in 1999, and he promised Solberg many times that he would get a contract. But time after time Wilson did not give it to Pettter. Then in summer 2000 Subaru offered him and the other young hot gun of that time, Markku Martin, an contract for SWRT. So Malcolm was pissed off that the talent he discovered had succes with an other team.

But when Petter became world champion in 2003, Malcom congratulated him and said something like: "remember were you came from". The peace has been signed between Petter and Malcolm, just as Duval and Malcom appear to be friends again after Duval had let Malcom down when he went to Citroen in 2004.

Ahh so this was the reason. I didn't think it strange when Petter went to SWRT as he was offered a full time drive, it was only later I found out there was some harsh feelings initially when Petter left.

26th December 2008, 12:10
Generally speaking, do you thing that there is still a realistic chance for Petter to drive for Stobbart?I think that if he joins Ford,he will be a real threat for Citroen.So,Malcolm must do the best for his team forgetting the past...

26th December 2008, 12:21
Henning Solberg has been given extra time by Rally Ireland to 2nd of January according to VG.no. He is also telling that the choice now is between Peugeot 307 WRC (Bozian Racing) and Ford Focus WRC (M-Sport)..

26th December 2008, 12:45
Henning Solberg has been given extra time by Rally Ireland to 2nd of January according to VG.no. He is also telling that the choice now is between Peugeot 307 WRC (Bozian Racing) and Ford Focus WRC (M-Sport)..

Good... ;)

Seeing the apparently current number of entries in Ireland I couldn't imagine Mosley and FIA not giving him more time anyway :mark:

26th December 2008, 14:05
Henning is doing this weekends Romjulsrally in Skoda Fabia wrc :)

26th December 2008, 14:25
Any link to Ireland entry list ?
Or is it not available yet ?

26th December 2008, 17:22
Henning is doing this weekends Romjulsrally in Skoda Fabia wrc :)

And anyone have any news on who is going to drive the other Fabia WRC of Kongsrud

26th December 2008, 18:20
After Warmbold again one with bad coments... Guy has money and doesn't have to read our suggestions.. I wish him all the best! Why not?

26th December 2008, 19:55
And anyone have any news on who is going to drive the other Fabia WRC of Kongsrud

It`s said maybe Patrik Sandell, PG or Andreas Mikkelsen

26th December 2008, 20:22
Solberg was discovered by Malcolm Wilson in 1999, and he promised Solberg many times that he would get a contract. But time after time he did not give it to Pettter. Then in summer 2000 Subaru offered Solberg and the other young hot gun of that time, Markku Martin, an contract for SWRT. So Malcolm was pissed off that the talent he discovered had succes with an other team.

That isn't what Malcolm Wilson says happened. I thought it was down to a problem with the way the Ford contract was written which allowed Solberg to swap teams when Subaru offered him lots more money.

As for being discovered by Wilson, I think Solberg did that by himself, he sent a tape of himself to Wilson that encouraged Wilson to investigate further.

26th December 2008, 20:27
It`s said maybe Patrik Sandell, PG or Andreas Mikkelsen

Probably Sandell then,

26th December 2008, 20:44
Probably Sandell then,

kolla in, den 3 uppifrån :)


26th December 2008, 21:14
Probably Sandell then,

My wrong, Pg is going for it. Looking forward to it :D

26th December 2008, 21:52
kolla in, den 3 uppifrån :)


Cool :)

Great for him that they got the factory seat for skoda :)

27th December 2008, 16:26

What are the BIG plans Mr K Sohlberg has for 2009 ? Any rumors in Finland ?

Or do some other Finnish forumers have some news ?

27th December 2008, 16:37

What are the BIG plans Mr K Sohlberg has for 2009 ? Any rumors in Finland ?

Or do some other Finnish forumers have some news ?

Hi, no idea about his BIG plans, his web site seem to be closed as well.

Maybe it would be smartest for him to stop trying, atleast he would save a lot of money, or maybe
he should try China or AUS, there he could do result.

27th December 2008, 17:39
Aava,Galli,Mikkelsen 2009 ?

27th December 2008, 17:45
Aava,Galli,Mikkelsen 2009 ?

Aava will reveal his plans next week and he will drive Ford Focus for atleast 8 rallys.

27th December 2008, 17:49
Aava will reveal his plans next week and he will drive Ford Focus for atleast 8 rallys.

Good news he doesn't stop driving in WRC ;)

27th December 2008, 19:19
Thank you jaanus

27th December 2008, 19:19
Hi, no idea about his BIG plans, his web site seem to be closed as well.

It says his new web site will open in January so it seems something is cooking

27th December 2008, 19:50
Aava will reveal his plans next week and he will drive Ford Focus for atleast 8 rallys.
Great news for him! If C4 costs 180 000euro's per rally how much does he pay for Focus? I would preciate if somebody know..

27th December 2008, 21:10
Good site about history of rally cars..

27th December 2008, 21:33
It says his new web site will open in January so it seems something is cooking

50/60, he always claim he has something cooking.

28th December 2008, 10:18
Henning is doing this weekends Romjulsrally in Skoda Fabia wrc :)

Maybe he will like the Fabia so much he willd drive it in next years WRC :D Given the exits of the works teams, it is probably still good for regular points in the right hands.

28th December 2008, 10:43

28th December 2008, 10:54

Thanks Viking. I think the Fabia would look quite cool in orange :)

28th December 2008, 11:58
Aava will reveal his plans next week and he will drive Ford Focus for atleast 8 rallys.
You must be a prophet.

28th December 2008, 13:24
HI ALL !!!!

New version of planetemarcus.com website !!!

2009 update !!
New design
New presentation 2009 wrc season

Visit it here : http://www.planetemarcus.com

28th December 2008, 14:09
Retirement for Henning on penultimate stage of Romjulsrally whereas he was leading(PG Andersson won on the 2nd Skoda) :(

Not sure he'll be convinced to use the Fabia instead of the whale on WRC09... :p :

28th December 2008, 14:34
Retirement for Henning on penultimate stage of Romjulsrally whereas he was leading(PG Andersson won on the 2nd Skoda) :(

Not sure he'll be convinced to use the Fabia instead of the whale on WRC09... :p :

Henning Solberg won the first four specialstages and was 20 sec in front of PG Andersson. He had to retire after ss4 because of problems with the cooler. Pg won ss5 and Mats Jonsson in Escort WRC won ss6.

Totally PG won before Mats Jonsson and Martin Stenshorne(Evo9)

It was cold at Romjulsrally today. -16 in the morning. The roads had thick and good ice but the snowbanks wasnt very high, between 10 and 30cm.

28th December 2008, 14:39
That isn't what Malcolm Wilson says happened. I thought it was down to a problem with the way the Ford contract was written which allowed Solberg to swap teams when Subaru offered him lots more money.

As for being discovered by Wilson, I think Solberg did that by himself, he sent a tape of himself to Wilson that encouraged Wilson to investigate further.

AFAIK one of the Hellum Bros took care that Petter was able to swap from Ford to Subaru and that John Haugland was the impetus in Petter’s "discovery" by Ford. But Iskald should know better...

28th December 2008, 14:52
HI ALL !!!!

New version of planetemarcus.com website !!!

2009 update !!
New design
New presentation 2009 wrc season

Visit it here : http://www.planetemarcus.com

Excerpt from ERC24 news 1134 of 16.12.2008:

[...] Last week MSE/Ford Team RS Europe boss Andréas Eriksson told ERC24 that he had also made Grönholm an offer for 2009. “We have spoken and he knows what I want, he will decide when he’s ready,” said Eriksson who is bubbling with confidence about the new Ford Fiesta. “I want to be ready to test early because I think we were a little late with that this year. There is a lot of work to do but I am very confident that the new car will be good, very good.” [...]

28th December 2008, 18:04
I have great pleasure to invite everybody for Round WRC in

"On this website http://www.accommodation-rallypoland.com
Supporters from all over the world can book accommodation for the period the Rally
Poland '09 (25-28 June 2009), which is one of the rounds of WRC cycle.
You can also find there a google map on which both places of
accommodation and special stages are marked. What is more, there are
also descriptions of given accommodation along with pictures, GPS
location and the description of the equipment. "


28th December 2008, 19:37
yes but for the moment.. no answer about rally and rallycross...

28th December 2008, 19:57
“Petter Solberg and Subaru have agreed that Petter Solberg is free to enter any brand of the car he elects for participation in the WRC in 2009 and beyond.

Petter Solberg will use the nearest future to sort out the possibilities to re-enter the WRC for 2009.”


28th December 2008, 20:09
WRC IS ON FIRE!! :hot:

28th December 2008, 20:10

I expect an announcemnet of what car he drives soon, all we have to speculate now is it a Ford or C4.
I suspect a Ford, but would like to see hIm in a C4.

28th December 2008, 20:34
Sure Petter will go to Ford or Citroen ..

So Prodrive support Adapta next year...

Otsberg one of the S14 driver, it is ok

But for the second wheel ... ?? What do you think between
- PG Andersson ??
- Petter Solberg ??
- Guy Wilks ??
- Marcus Grönholm ??

28th December 2008, 20:54
The main question now is which car Petter will drive...I think that all the seats in Citroen are covered and one missing in Stobbart.Am I right?So,we should expect a Petter-Focus perticipation?This way the strength between the two teams (Ford-Citroen) will be well-balanced.What do you think??

28th December 2008, 21:06
It is still uncertain how many cars Adapta World Rally Team will run next season. Like the situation is now, it can be from one to four cars. The team has two S12B and two S14 available. However, it is definitely that Mads Østberg are to be found in one of the two-S14 cars in eight wrc rallys.

Rally Norway will be Østbergs first rally in 2009, so no RI. He will do a 3 day test in Norway in jan and he will also start in the two first rallys in the Norwegian championship with the S14.

28th December 2008, 21:22
So Prodrive support Adapta next year...
Is there anything official in that regards?

28th December 2008, 21:24
They released a press release concerning the case on norsk-rally.com earlier today :)

28th December 2008, 21:48
The main question now is which car Petter will drive...I think that all the seats in Citroen are covered and one missing in Stobbart.Am I right?So,we should expect a Petter-Focus perticipation?This way the strength between the two teams (Ford-Citroen) will be well-balanced.What do you think??
Looking at the current balance in the teams Citroen have, Loeb, Sordo, Ogier, Rautenbach, Novikov and Atko, that 6, and some of those are 8 rounds only drivers.
Ford have
Mikko, J-M Latvala, Al Qassimi, Matt Wilson, Mikkelson (for Norway) - unknowns are Henning,& Galli (but Galli has said Stobart or nothing for him)
Then there are the likes of Aava in the Ramsport Ford,
Based on that I reckon it will be a Ford, but maybe others will know more about what level of sponsorship Petter has, and which of those two maunfacturers are stronger in Nordic market. We normally think Ford is teh dominant in Nordic countries but Kenneth Hansen has a big Citroen connections so maybe its not so straight forward.

28th December 2008, 21:52
WRC IS ON FIRE!! :hot:

Wow. Lay off the hallucinogenic stuff please. So crappy sporting regs, boring cars and unimaginative routes/rallies is all sorted because Atkinson has a seat for a few rallies and Petter MIGHT have a seat too? :confused: I wonder what you would have thought of the WRC from 2000-2003 :crazy:

28th December 2008, 22:01
If it is Ford that he drives for, will they give him an 08, or 07 spec Focus, given the fact that he could be a serious contender?Or are they restricted by regulation in nominating? :s mokin:

28th December 2008, 22:12
Petter should say something like this, look , once in a lifetime offer, I will drive your car for free, I might even bring some sponsors. All you have to do is to bring another M1 car to the rallys. I want same material and testing as the first two drivers, but I give them an head-start by not driving Ireland.

28th December 2008, 22:17
It's not just a matter of getting and 07 or 08 Focus, its the testing programme, working with the engineer and things like that need to be sorted.
Sure IF Petter would be in a Ford it would certainly help them, and even the fight a bit with Citroen. However, I think it is now widely accepted that Citroen as a team and the C4 in particular is the car /team to be in if you want to win. It would be good to compare Petter and Loeb when Petter has not had to contend with unco-operative cars, as he has had to do since 2004. I think Petter has a better chance of getting equal machinery in Ford. Citroen is very much built around Loeb.

28th December 2008, 22:18
Good news that Petter is free to chose his car for 2009 ;)

Edit: he can also switch to IRC in S2000 like PG Andersson and Gardemeister are about to do :p :

28th December 2008, 23:13
If Malcolm wilson really wanted to win events and championship's he would have Petter in the BP team and move Hirvonen to stobarts as he will never get any better than the 9/10th's driver he is now!!!

28th December 2008, 23:15
Hirvo is more consistent than Latvala... ;)

28th December 2008, 23:22
Good news that Petter is free to chose his car for 2009

Results are better to be there then now that he does not have to drive that crap car anymore...

28th December 2008, 23:30
Hirvo is more consistent than Latvala... ;)

Yes true but thats all he is consistant...he does'nt have the hunger for wins like Loeb Sordo and Latvala

28th December 2008, 23:32
If Malcolm wilson really wanted to win events and championship's he would have Petter in the BP team and move Hirvonen to stobarts as he will never get any better than the 9/10th's driver he is now!!!

Remove Finns and put P.Solberg and F.Duval. After Gronholm there's no good Finns who can beat Loeb..

28th December 2008, 23:41
Remove Finns and put P.Solberg and F.Duval. After Gronholm there's no good Finns who can beat Loeb..

Duval is a waste of space totally........Gronholm is a master!!

29th December 2008, 00:05
Great news for Petter! Hopefully, he will get a competetive car - whether it's Ford or Citroen - and he will have his last chance of showing that he hasn't lost it! It will be a heavy pressure for him, with much to loose - but I have no doubts that he will got for it. The championship would really benefit of him challenging in the top!

29th December 2008, 03:21
Yes true but thats all he is consistant...he does'nt have the hunger for wins like Loeb Sordo and Latvala
Sordo ? Expect on tarmac (will always score second places though ^^ behind Seb) he isn't able to win anywhere. Yet.
Hirvonen is better than Sordo by now, IMHO. And result-wise too.

29th December 2008, 07:23
If Malcolm wilson really wanted to win events and championship's he would have Petter in the BP team and move Hirvonen to stobarts as he will never get any better than the 9/10th's driver he is now!!!

You are a real comedian my friend....

29th December 2008, 07:59
unimaginative routes/rallies

I totally agree. This element of WRC deserves more critisism than it gets.

29th December 2008, 08:16
You can say what you want about JML being better than Mikko,the points say it all
Mikko 103
JML 58

29th December 2008, 08:41
You can say what you want about JML being better than Mikko,the points say it all
Mikko 103
JML 58

Yep, slow and steady wins the race.

Maybe that can change in 2009 though if JML becomes less crash-happy.

29th December 2008, 08:44
Yep, slow and steady wins the race.

Maybe that can change in 2009 though if JML becomes less crash-happy.

You can replace "slow" by "intelligent"....

29th December 2008, 08:47
You are a real comedian my friend....

I don't usually agree with Ste but tell me what's wrong with his argument?

29th December 2008, 08:47
You can replace "slow" by "intelligent"....

Your defending of Mikko against genuine criticisms wouldn't have to do anything with the link in your sig would it?