View Full Version : [WRC] News & rumours (part II)

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23rd March 2010, 18:59
So, we have Kruuda in a car and Burkhart in the other one? Are we talking about an official Suzuki team?

I only know about Suzuki team coming back. I don't know drivers, Burkhart was just my guess.

23rd March 2010, 19:40
OK, thnx everybody. So let´s wait and see... :rolleyes:

23rd March 2010, 20:01
I only know about Suzuki team coming back. I don't know drivers, Burkhart was just my guess.

Why would any manufacturer want to come back to a championship with just a handful of cars? JWRC is close to being six feet under...

23rd March 2010, 21:42
Why would any manufacturer want to come back to a championship with just a handful of cars? JWRC is close to being six feet under...
It's Suzuki Sport Europe, hungarian based team, I think could be called semi-works.

28th March 2010, 18:11
I only have an interest in the drivers with a priority number because I know a percentage of them do not do more than one rally (certainly those who have an entry number #60 or over it appears - though we have Ammar Namous who is #57 or Mazan Tanash who has #58), but is there a chance Kruuda will do 2011 long term?

28th March 2010, 20:48
I only have an interest in the drivers with a priority number because I know a percentage of them do not do more than one rally (certainly those who have an entry number #60 or over it appears - though we have Ammar Namous who is #57 or Mazan Tanash who has #58), but is there a chance Kruuda will do 2011 long term?

Kruuda does JWRC 2010 with Suzuki Swift S1600, then he does most of Estonian Championship rallies with Honda Civic Type-R and he also plans a few selected rounds in IRC and Latvian Rally Championship. He is only 17 years old and it seems that there should not be any problems with funding as long as he drives with 2WD cars. So, if he shows some progress then there is a big possibility that we can see him in next year as well.

28th March 2010, 21:20
Villagra also does Turkey. At least 15-16 WRCars will be in Turkey.

29th March 2010, 12:24
Villagra also does Turkey. At least 15-16 WRCars will be in Turkey.

Great news, thanks. :)

29th March 2010, 16:19
Dear people, where's the people around this beautiful site???

29th March 2010, 18:21
Kruuda does JWRC 2010 with Suzuki Swift S1600, then he does most of Estonian Championship rallies with Honda Civic Type-R and he also plans a few selected rounds in IRC and Latvian Rally Championship. He is only 17 years old and it seems that there should not be any problems with funding as long as he drives with 2WD cars. So, if he shows some progress then there is a big possibility that we can see him in next year as well.

Bluuford, has Kruuda got potential or shows potential?

29th March 2010, 18:34
Bluuford, has Kruuda got potential or shows potential?

Definitely slower compared to estonian top FWD young guns Plangi, Kangur and Koitla. But he seems to be a bit younger as well, if my memory serves me well.

29th March 2010, 18:50
Definitely slower compared to estonian top FWD young guns Plangi, Kangur and Koitla. But he seems to be a bit younger as well, if my memory serves me well.

Kangur is also 17, Koitla is something near 21 and Plangi should be also near 18 years old. But definitely he has the smallest amount of experience and therefore it is hard to compare those drivers. The others have all done some IRC and WRC rallies and that is quite a big difference. Kruuda has done only some rallies in Latvia.
Last year on youth rally in short stages he was as fast as Kangur but on the longer stages he needs more consistency.
You can see stage results here from the last round in Estonian Championship:


and one rally with very short stages:

Lets say, compared to the other JWRC contenders he should have the same speed as the most of them (except Neuville and Bonato if he joins)

29th March 2010, 19:49
Neuville is still doing JWRC? He has a deal with Kronos now for IRC

29th March 2010, 19:52
Neuville is still doing JWRC? He has a deal with Kronos now for IRC

He's doing both :)

29th March 2010, 20:56
Really pretty programme for him :)

30th March 2010, 09:28
Thanks Cali and Bluuford about Kruuda. Will be interesting to see how he matures.

Really pretty programme for him :)

Neuville's programme:

WRC: [16 - 18/4] Rally of Turkey

IRC: [26 - 28/04] Rally Canaries

WRC: [28 - 30/5] Vodafone Rally de Portugal

IRC: [04 - 06/06] Rallye de Sardaigne

IRC: [24 - 26/06] Rallye d'Ypres

WRC: [9 - 11/7] Rally Bulgaria

IRC: [05 - 07/08] Rallye de Madeire

WRC: [20 - 22/8] ADAC Rally Deutschland

IRC: [23 - 25/09] Rallye de San Remo

WRC: [30/9 - 3/10] Rallye de France

IRC: [14 - 16/10] Rally Scotland

WRC: [22 - 24/10] RACC Rally Spain

Chp/Bel Condroz [05/11 - 07/11] with Kronos in the Peugeot 207

30th March 2010, 10:04
Seems like Duval blew up his last ever change to become a rallydriver again, he refused an offer from Proton to do 13 rally's with them, gaining 125000 Euro's. He had to do some rally's in Asia and the rest in IRC, but Mr. Duval prefers to stay in his garage. Nobody understands him anymore, even his manager, his parents and his good friend Olivier de Wilde (from La Derniere Heure) don't know what he is trying to prove.

Here is the article from La Derniere Heure, unfortunally in French :

Duval devient le roi des occasions… manquées


Il préfère refuser un beau contrat Proton pour se consacrer à son garage. Le début de la fin…

CUL-DES-SARTS Sans volant officiel depuis quelques années après s’être grillé les ailes chez Citroën, Ford, Kronos et Skoda et s’être mis à dos des mécènes comme Christian Kelders ou Steven Vergalle (il a même encore décliné récemment une proposition de Geko pour rouler en Belgique !), François Duval a refusé ce week-end la dernière occasion sans doute de faire rebondir sa carrière internationale.

Peut-être encore marqué par ses accidents au Japon en 2008 (son équipier Patrick Pivato s’en remet seulement aujourd’hui), à Ypres et au Condroz l’an dernier, Dudu n’a plus le feu sacré. Au creux de la vague, il a maintenant touché le fond.

Après avoir surmonté des problèmes sentimentaux et récupéré sa compagne Marion à Paris, on le croyait mieux mentalement. Mais il n’en est, hélas! rien.

Lentement mais sûrement, le pilote de Cul-des-Sarts a continué à faire le vide autour de lui. Au point que même ses plus fervents supporters ne croient plus aujourd’hui qu’il puisse redevenir celui qu’ils ont adoré. Car si Obélix reste certainement un des cinq meilleurs rallymen de la planète, il n’a plus l’envie de le prouver. De s’investir. Le ressort est cassé.

Il vient de refuser un contrat en or avec le constructeur malaisien Proton qui le voulait à tout prix après un essai plus que concluant et lui proposait un contrat de 125.000 euros pour apparemment 13 courses dont les six du championnat Asie-Pacifique où il ferait équipe avec Alister McRae.

Pourtant pas en position de faire la fine bouche, Duval Jr préfère se consacrer au garage familial dont il est devenu le patron. À négocier des Auris d’occasions plutôt que de saisir cette magnifique opportunité de rebondir avec un constructeur.

“C’est difficile à expliquer,” confie un trentenaire à côté de ses pompes. “Ma décision est liée à tout un ensemble de choses. Il n’y a pas que le garage. J’ai dit que je voulais bien rouler en IRC mais pas en Asie. Je ne pense pas que cela puisse me servir d’aller gagner face à des Groupe N et des pilotes sans nom. Tout le monde trouvera cela normal. Cela fait beaucoup de voyages et de jours d’absence pour un championnat qui ne m’excite pas. Il y a cinq ans, je n’aurais pas hésité, mais depuis ma victoire en 2005 en Australie, je n’ai plus rien fait de bien. Et aujourd’hui, si je gagne honnêtement ma vie, c’est grâce à l’achat et la vente des voitures d’occasions.”

L’ex-numéro 1 belge préfère donc désormais disputer des courses de villages, faire du rallycross ou tourner à Mettet après ses heures ou quand le garage est fermé.

Avec un tel talent, on peut parler de réel gâchis, sans doute le plus grand du sport automobile. Une carrière nous rappelant l’ascension puis la descente aux enfers d’un certain Frank Vandenbroucke. En espérant que l’issue finale ne soit pas la même...

Olivier de Wilde

© La Dernière Heure 2010

30th March 2010, 10:25
What a tw**.

30th March 2010, 10:27
He got used to top drives, and we know Proton isn't their yet.

30th March 2010, 10:31
Seems like Duval blew up his last ever change to become a rallydriver again, he refused an offer from Proton to do 13 rally's with them, gaining 125000 Euro's. He had to do some rally's in Asia and the rest in IRC, but Mr. Duval prefers to stay in his garage. Nobody understands him anymore, even his manager, his parents and his good friend Olivier de Wilde (from La Derniere Heure) don't know what he is trying to prove.

Here is the article from La Derniere Heure, unfortunally in French :

Duval devient le roi des occasions… manquées


Il préfère refuser un beau contrat Proton pour se consacrer à son garage. Le début de la fin…

CUL-DES-SARTS Sans volant officiel depuis quelques années après s’être grillé les ailes chez Citroën, Ford, Kronos et Skoda et s’être mis à dos des mécènes comme Christian Kelders ou Steven Vergalle (il a même encore décliné récemment une proposition de Geko pour rouler en Belgique !), François Duval a refusé ce week-end la dernière occasion sans doute de faire rebondir sa carrière internationale.

Peut-être encore marqué par ses accidents au Japon en 2008 (son équipier Patrick Pivato s’en remet seulement aujourd’hui), à Ypres et au Condroz l’an dernier, Dudu n’a plus le feu sacré. Au creux de la vague, il a maintenant touché le fond.

Après avoir surmonté des problèmes sentimentaux et récupéré sa compagne Marion à Paris, on le croyait mieux mentalement. Mais il n’en est, hélas! rien.

Lentement mais sûrement, le pilote de Cul-des-Sarts a continué à faire le vide autour de lui. Au point que même ses plus fervents supporters ne croient plus aujourd’hui qu’il puisse redevenir celui qu’ils ont adoré. Car si Obélix reste certainement un des cinq meilleurs rallymen de la planète, il n’a plus l’envie de le prouver. De s’investir. Le ressort est cassé.

Il vient de refuser un contrat en or avec le constructeur malaisien Proton qui le voulait à tout prix après un essai plus que concluant et lui proposait un contrat de 125.000 euros pour apparemment 13 courses dont les six du championnat Asie-Pacifique où il ferait équipe avec Alister McRae.

Pourtant pas en position de faire la fine bouche, Duval Jr préfère se consacrer au garage familial dont il est devenu le patron. À négocier des Auris d’occasions plutôt que de saisir cette magnifique opportunité de rebondir avec un constructeur.

“C’est difficile à expliquer,” confie un trentenaire à côté de ses pompes. “Ma décision est liée à tout un ensemble de choses. Il n’y a pas que le garage. J’ai dit que je voulais bien rouler en IRC mais pas en Asie. Je ne pense pas que cela puisse me servir d’aller gagner face à des Groupe N et des pilotes sans nom. Tout le monde trouvera cela normal. Cela fait beaucoup de voyages et de jours d’absence pour un championnat qui ne m’excite pas. Il y a cinq ans, je n’aurais pas hésité, mais depuis ma victoire en 2005 en Australie, je n’ai plus rien fait de bien. Et aujourd’hui, si je gagne honnêtement ma vie, c’est grâce à l’achat et la vente des voitures d’occasions.”

L’ex-numéro 1 belge préfère donc désormais disputer des courses de villages, faire du rallycross ou tourner à Mettet après ses heures ou quand le garage est fermé.

Avec un tel talent, on peut parler de réel gâchis, sans doute le plus grand du sport automobile. Une carrière nous rappelant l’ascension puis la descente aux enfers d’un certain Frank Vandenbroucke. En espérant que l’issue finale ne soit pas la même...

Olivier de Wilde

© La Dernière Heure 2010

anymore info about Proton selection. why lets say they did not choose Atko?

30th March 2010, 10:46
Seems like Duval blew up his last ever change to become a rallydriver again, he refused an offer from Proton to do 13 rally's with them, gaining 125000 Euro's. He had to do some rally's in Asia and the rest in IRC, but Mr. Duval prefers to stay in his garage. Nobody understands him anymore, even his manager, his parents and his good friend Olivier de Wilde (from La Derniere Heure) don't know what he is trying to prove.

Here is the article from La Derniere Heure, unfortunally in French :

It takes quite a big personality to refuse an offer like that. First of all to refuse such an amount of money and second of all to understand that you just don't have it (anymore). Let's hope he doesn't regret it later...

30th March 2010, 11:13
He was best paid young gun (millions) in 2005.. So why to risk his head (Panizzi once said that) for that amount of money..He can drive in Belgium some old fiat just for fun.. He's right.

30th March 2010, 11:22
Yes, but he is losing an opportunity to show that he could still be a good driver to get a good seat on IRC or WRC in 2011. If he do not show value in international competitions, may run the risk of being forgotten.

30th March 2010, 13:30
anymore info about Proton selection. why lets say they did not choose Atko?

Lets hope they go to Atko now... and that Chris doesn't get his nose out of joint in being 2nd choice :)

serial jeff
30th March 2010, 14:06
I'm susrprised Duval refused... honestly, he's not very good. The few good results he had were often due to the retirements of better drivers. Like, his only win was after Loeb, Petter, Marcus and Colin had all retired and the only challenger left was Rovanpera. Chris is definitely better.

30th March 2010, 15:55
Rough translation:
He prefers to deny a fair contract for Proton to focus on his garage. The Beginning of the End ...

CUL-DES-SARTS Without official wheel for several years after being grilled wings at Citroën, Ford, Skoda and Kronos have alienated bosses and have Christian Kelders gold Vergalle Steven (he even declined a recent proposal Geko to travel to Belgium!), Francois Duval refused this weekend the last time probably bounce to his international career.

Perhaps influenced by his accident in Japan in 2008 (his teammate Patrick Pivato relies only today), Ypres and Condroz last year, Dudu no longer the sacred fire. At low ebb, he has now hit bottom.

Having overcome emotional problems and recovered his wife Marion in Paris, we thought better mentally. But it is, alas! nothing.

Slowly but surely, the pilot of Cul-des-Sarts continued to vacuum around him. At the point that even his most ardent supporters no longer believe it to be again now that they loved. For while Obelix is certainly one of the five best rally drivers in the world, he no longer wanted to prove. To invest. The spring is broken.

He recently refused a contract with the manufacturer or Malaysian Proton wanted at all costs after a trial rather than conclusive and offered him a contract of 125.000 euro for apparently 13 races including six from the Asia-Pacific Championships where he would team with Alister McRae.

Yet in no position to be choosy, Duval Jr. prefers to devote to family garage where he Became the boss. Auris opportunities to negotiate rather than take this great opportunity to bounce back with a manufacturer.

"It's hard to explain," says a thirty beside his pumps. "My decision is linked to a variety of things. It's not just the garage. I said I wanted to ride in the IRC but not in Asia. I do not think this can serve me to go win against the Group N drivers nameless. Everyone found it normal. That's a lot of trips and days of absence for a league that does not turn me. Five years ago, I would not hesitate, but since my victory in 2005 in Australia, I have done nothing good. And now, if I earn my living honestly, thanks to the buying and selling second-hand cars. "

The former No. 1 Belgian now prefers to play the race villages, making gold rallycross turn Mettet after hours, or when the garage is closed.

With such talent, one can speak of a real mess, probably the greatest sports car. A career remembering the ascent and the descent into hell of a Frank Vandenbroucke. Hoping that the outcome is not the same ...

30th March 2010, 16:48
When drove for RB škoda WRC Panizzi said why to risk my life for almost no money at all.. These guys used to earn big money and now Duval should travel all around the world for 125 000 euros. That's bad offer. I agree with him.. Paying boys ruined rally sport..

30th March 2010, 17:53
Paying boys ruined rally sport..

If that is the case then this sport has been ruined since day one.

30th March 2010, 18:25
Not really.. There's so much paying boys in WRC at the moment that team bosses don't have needs to pay anyone.. Petter Solberg is better driver then Hirvonen and Latvala for me but that guys were payers so after some they became standard works drivers (Latvala is not paid from ford at all).. There are only two HIGHLY PAID drivers at the moment in WRC: The Ice Man and Seb.Loeb.. Unfortunately..

30th March 2010, 18:51
Don Jippo is right. There've been paying drivers for as long as there's been rallying and they're certainly not the problem in the sport.

Duval was a real talent and deserved every top result he achieved. It would be great to see him in a competitive car again.
However the decision is his to make and people should respect that. Turning down a drive like this doesn't make him a "tw**" at all.
The money, after all, is mere wages and his comments about the APRC are quite correct.

It's interesting that this guy Olivier de Wilde is described as a "good friend". Even allowing for the rough babelfish style translation, I'm not sure that article is the work of a good friend.

30th March 2010, 19:25
Not really.. There's so much paying boys in WRC at the moment that team bosses don't have needs to pay anyone.. Petter Solberg is better driver then Hirvonen and Latvala for me but that guys were payers so after some they became standard works drivers (Latvala is not paid from ford at all).. There are only two HIGHLY PAID drivers at the moment in WRC: The Ice Man and Seb.Loeb.. Unfortunately..

Why dont you for once throw in some facts to back your claims, making all kind of he earns this and this guy earns that, makes you look day by day more like a wind bag, you talk much, but never any substance.

30th March 2010, 19:50
Why all you Finns find yourself affected whenever I wrote anything about such thing.. Now I'm even more happy that Seb.Loeb who came from nowhere beat Hirvonen (ex payer) again!!! I'm also happy that Todt beat Vatanen for FIA presidental seat!!! :) It's only one Finn at the moment who I like: The Ice Man..

30th March 2010, 21:23
To prove you are a good driver you will need a fairly decent car. Is Proton at that level? I seriously doubt it.

If he plans to return to a competitive level, moving to Proton wouldn't add value to his career. On the other hand, the belgian championship is competitive enough to show one's skills.

30th March 2010, 22:12
Don Jippo is right. There've been paying drivers for as long as there's been rallying and they're certainly not the problem in the sport.

Duval was a real talent and deserved every top result he achieved. It would be great to see him in a competitive car again.
However the decision is his to make and people should respect that. Turning down a drive like this doesn't make him a "tw**" at all.
The money, after all, is mere wages and his comments about the APRC are quite correct.

It's interesting that this guy Olivier de Wilde is described as a "good friend". Even allowing for the rough babelfish style translation, I'm not sure that article is the work of a good friend.

I think i said that it used to be his friend and sometimes even manager, but he is so disappointed now that the article isn't one of a so called friend. :D
Untill this morning Olivier de Wilde was allways writing in positive way about Duval, even too much sometimes, but now i think his eyes went open. :D

30th March 2010, 22:31
Why all you Finns find yourself affected whenever I wrote anything about such thing.. Now I'm even more happy that Seb.Loeb who came from nowhere beat Hirvonen (ex payer) again!!! I'm also happy that Todt beat Vatanen for FIA presidental seat!!! :) It's only one Finn at the moment who I like: The Ice Man..

So that was your constructive answer, how come am i not at all surprised.

Brother John
31st March 2010, 06:08
Why all you Finns find yourself affected whenever I wrote anything about such thing.. Now I'm even more happy that Seb.Loeb who came from nowhere beat Hirvonen (ex payer) again!!! I'm also happy that Todt beat Vatanen for FIA presidental seat!!! :) It's only one Finn at the moment who I like: The Ice Man..

You look and sound here on the forum just like the Stupid Duval! :rolleyes:
And such as Tomi says "Why dont you for once throw in some facts to back your claims".
We were as a matter of fact not talking concerning Loeb, Todt and other french who spoil only the WRC with their behaviour and disposition! :s mokin:

31st March 2010, 09:56
Then you're stupid Brother John.

31st March 2010, 10:25
Stupid is as stupid does ;)

31st March 2010, 11:06
No cars for R'bach or Gigi (not sure if any of them even had a deal for this season in any case):


31st March 2010, 11:28
Skoda return ? http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/notes/planetemarcuscom/wrc-skoda-de-retour-en-wrc-en-2011-/10150166446405534

31st March 2010, 11:31
Skoda return ? http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/notes/planetemarcuscom/wrc-skoda-de-retour-en-wrc-en-2011-/10150166446405534

does'nt work...

31st March 2010, 11:37
http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/show.php?id=13684&title=skoda-zapocne-prace-na-motoru-1-6-turbo ;)

31st March 2010, 11:45
I wouldn't be surprised if VW gets to do an F1 project and leaves rallying to Skoda, after all they have more experience on World rallying than we sometimes remember.

31st March 2010, 11:55
Yes, it's true that Škoda confirmed 1.6T development. However they didn't confirm entering WRC as a works team.

31st March 2010, 13:13
To prove you are a good driver you will need a fairly decent car. Is Proton at that level? I seriously doubt it.

If he plans to return to a competitive level, moving to Proton wouldn't add value to his career. On the other hand, the belgian championship is competitive enough to show one's skills.

I don't necessarily agree with that. If a strong driver outperforms what it is expected his car is capable of then he can still improve his reputation. Look at what Basso or Rossetti can achieve with a Punto, or what Mikelssen or PGA achieved with an ancient Fabia WRC last year.

Anyway, that appears to have not been the sticking point for Duval, but rather than he did not want to do the events in Asia. It's a pity that neither party were willing to budge on that part of the deal because I think Duval had a lot of untapped talent.

It's good though that Proton are looking for good drivers and are willing to pay them. Hopefully they can get someone of the calibre of PGA/Atko/Gardemeister...

31st March 2010, 15:11
Well, I suppose both views are complementary. Anyway, fact is that winning an Asia Pacific championship would come down the list in case you wanted to write down his carrer achievments in priority order... So, the only true reason to accept Proton's deal was really the money...

31st March 2010, 18:22
Apparently 125000 euros wasn't enough for Duval to endanger his life. He talked a lot about the risks involved in rallying after Patrick (Pivato) nearly died back in Japan in 2008 and already then said that he is not going to endanger his (and co-driver's) life for small sums of money. I guess the Japan accident was quite traumatic for him...

Okay - at first - 125000 euros sounds like a lot of money but when you start to think all the travelling, testing and PR work combined to the fact that rallying is, even after all the new safety developments, somewhat dangerous and Duval used to be competing along the world's best boys. With this contract he would drive an uncompetitive car in a not-well-known series... Then it starts to feel like "just 125000 euros".

31st March 2010, 19:01
I agree.. :)

31st March 2010, 20:47
Malcom Wilson speaks about Marcus Grönholm for one or two more events this year ;)

1st April 2010, 05:32
Duval might be a ****, but I enjoy watching his driving than reading assumptions by arm chair experts.

I'm susrprised Duval refused... honestly, he's not very good. The few good results he had were often due to the retirements of better drivers. Like, his only win was after Loeb, Petter, Marcus and Colin had all retired and the only challenger left was Rovanpera. Chris is definitely better. Chris would probably also turn down the Proton offer so he's a **** as well. As he already had tested a Proton, but he prioritize in getting back to the WRC. Competing is the Asia Pacific would be a backward step.

1st April 2010, 06:36
I'm hearing from TotalRally that Duval is quiting from international rallying? Now that isn't a good decision.

Langdale Forest
1st April 2010, 07:45
The few good results he had were often due to the retirements of better drivers. Like, his only win was after Loeb, Petter, Marcus and Colin had all retired and the only challenger left was Rovanpera.

But every win is just the same, and after a year of bad luck in 2005 the Australia win is what Duval desrved. :)

I'm hearing from TotalRally that Duval is quiting from international rallying? Now that isn't a good decision.

Not really, because I would have liked him to get onto the WRC podium again.

1st April 2010, 09:07
Yesterday he said to a Belgian tv station that he's working on a program of 3 wrc rallies.

2nd April 2010, 12:27
Yesterday he said to a Belgian tv station that he's working on a program of 3 wrc rallies.

Think Duval will drive the tarmac events this year, Bulgary, France are new ones and Germany is his favourite one. If Ford's worksteam not given a car to him to replace Latvala or beside Latvala than he might doing the same with the Struct-Focus back in 2008. I will be happy if he's back.

Duval for sure is one the best drivers, can't see drivers like Wilson, Villagra driving and boys like Duv, Galli, PG are sitting home. Pg luckily is doing now something , he will be back to the big ones next year i think.

Duval's decision to not sign the contract with Proton is a brave one, like he said: if it was in his thirst years as a really driver he had signed, but now the situation is different. He's not hopeless if he's not driving.

2nd April 2010, 16:04
Nevermind, I'll take back what I said. Guess he was happy with the test (and didn't mind the wages).


2nd April 2010, 16:27
So Proton seeks an other driver to compete in the IRC, aside of McRae? Atkinson in Asia Pacific, Duval in IRC? Duval refused the offer only because of the Asia part of the deal.

2nd April 2010, 17:04
So Proton seeks an other driver to compete in the IRC, aside of McRae? Atkinson in Asia Pacific, Duval in IRC? Duval refused the offer only because of the Asia part of the deal.

Sounds like a plan :up:

2nd April 2010, 21:12
Sounds like a plan :up:

Yes, but a bad one.
Put Atkinson in for all and leave Duval at home.

2nd April 2010, 21:38
Think Duval will drive the tarmac events this year, Bulgary, France are new ones and Germany is his favourite one. If Ford's worksteam not given a car to him to replace Latvala or beside Latvala than he might doing the same with the Struct-Focus back in 2008. I will be happy if he's back.

Duval for sure is one the best drivers, can't see drivers like Wilson, Villagra driving and boys like Duv, Galli, PG are sitting home. Pg luckily is doing now something , he will be back to the big ones next year i think.

Duval's decision to not sign the contract with Proton is a brave one, like he said: if it was in his thirst years as a really driver he had signed, but now the situation is different. He's not hopeless if he's not driving.

Can someone clarify then if he has retired completely then?

2nd April 2010, 22:03
He is not retired: CLICK (http://translate.google.nl/translate?hl=nl&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rtbf.be%2Fsport%2Fsport-moteur%2Frallyes%2Ffrancois-duval-ne-compte-pas-arreter-72340)

2nd April 2010, 22:16
Go, go, go Dudu!!

4th April 2010, 15:55

4th April 2010, 16:21
Any news about Aaron Burkart season?



Aaron Burkart will do it again. Again takes the Suzuki pilot attempt to get to the title in the 2010 Junior World Championship.
The cat is finally out of the bag, this year Aaron Burkart start in the Junior World Cup. As the official factory rider for Suzuki Sport Europe.......

Burkart erneut in JWRC (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/top/topnews/d16/d/2010/04/04/burkart-erneut-in-jwrc/index.html)

6th April 2010, 11:22
Ogier gets to go to New Zealand, Räikkönen doesn't. (http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=7400&desc=Ogier+gets+New+Zealand+bonus)

Nogier emphasised the decision to send the former Junior World Rally Champion was taken before last week’s Jordan Rally, quashing speculation in the service park that Citroen had funded Ogier’s trip as payback for the Frenchman dropping from second place to sixth in order to run ahead of Sebastien Loeb on the final day of the Dead Sea event.

6th April 2010, 11:35
Ogier gets to go to New Zealand, Räikkönen doesn't. (http://www.wrc.com/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=101&id=7400&desc=Ogier+gets+New+Zealand+bonus)

Ogier gets his bonus from extra services in Jordania. I actually predicted this in my head, because this has happened before too :)

6th April 2010, 13:23
They will need Ogier for sweeping tactics in New Zealand + they need Ogier to get some experience in NZ, remember he is set to replace Loeb sometime!

6th April 2010, 16:17
I see this being a negative for the sport but a positive for Ogier...

Just because he's helping Loeb win rallies doesn't mean not giving chances for other drivers to drive an event. It sucks but it happens. Wish there were more drivers and manu's in the championship! hah

6th April 2010, 16:23
Sorry I mean 'opportunities'

6th April 2010, 20:34
Mini Prodrive with Kris Meeke.. Atkinson or PG.Andersson ? http://www.autocar.co.uk/News/NewsArticle/AllCars/248649/

7th April 2010, 08:05
If this Mini/Prodrive idea actually comes through, I think their best lineup would be with PG and Atko purely based on experience at WRC level.
I believe Meeke isnt as experienced on WRC stages as the other 2 and hence that would be my choice.

7th April 2010, 08:25
If this Mini/Prodrive idea actually comes through, I think their best lineup would be with PG and Atko purely based on experience at WRC level.
I believe Meeke isnt as experienced on WRC stages as the other 2 and hence that would be my choice.

Why not have all 3???? Seriously, remember 3 car teams?
I would have thought a British driver is a must - the UK is meant to be a huge market, and might kick start renewed interest in the sport. Which has virtually died in UK in recent years.

7th April 2010, 09:23
Why not have all 3???? Seriously, remember 3 car teams?
I would have thought a British driver is a must - the UK is meant to be a huge market, and might kick start renewed interest in the sport. Which has virtually died in UK in recent years.

I think it dissapeared with Colin and Richard and that this interest and passion for the sport will be very hard to rebuilt ur even come close to. But i really hope that Mini can do this with the help of Kris or an other british driver, as you say the potential market is very big over there as we have seen during the years.

7th April 2010, 09:53
Regarding British drivers - Jerry Williams had an interesting comment in his column a few weeks ago, when he referred to a mainstream newspaper sports editor only interested in who won between Meeke and Wilks in South America when Mexico WRC was on. Even the Kimi novelty factor had worn with the mainstream press in the UK. To get sustained interest in UK it needs a British driver (please no Matt W comments) in with a chance, or at least a hope of developing a chance to be at the front, if thats in a British team, even better.

7th April 2010, 18:13
Or a Northern Irish driver.........

7th April 2010, 19:06
To get sustained interest in UK it needs a British driver (please no Matt W comments) in with a chance, or at least a hope of developing a chance to be at the front, if thats in a British team, even better.

Its true offcourse, but it can be difficult to find a guy like that, there has not been any really talented driver from UK in many, many years.

7th April 2010, 20:23
What about Cronin, Gould for the future? :)

7th April 2010, 20:25
Why not have all 3???? Seriously, remember 3 car teams?
I would have thought a British driver is a must - the UK is meant to be a huge market, and might kick start renewed interest in the sport. Which has virtually died in UK in recent years.
I totally agree on the 3 cars per team idea. I really dont know why they changed to 2 car teams in the first place.
Good point on the British driver theory too.

7th April 2010, 20:45
Maybe the young Scottish driver Dave Weston jr. is a real talent for the future?

7th April 2010, 22:21
Or a Northern Irish driver......... ???

7th April 2010, 22:31
Kris Meeke is from Northern Ireland.

7th April 2010, 22:37
]Kris Meeke is from Northern Ireland. I do know of course... so he's British as far I understand... MJW was writing about British drivers Wilks and Meeke...

7th April 2010, 22:57
I didn't know that You know. How could I? ;)

8th April 2010, 00:37
]I didn't know that You know. How could I? ;) Errare humanum est!

8th April 2010, 21:35
P-G Andersson admits to Prodrive WRC talks: http://www.maxrally.com/news/entry/andersson_admits_to_prodrive_wrc_talks/

9th April 2010, 06:39
In Talsu Rally (15.05.2010) (3 rally of Latvian rally championship) wich calls CHAMPIONS RALLY (Last Year in Talsu rally was 5 N4 champions, (including Guy Wilks, Mika Salo, Ott Tanak) will participate Andreas Mikkelsen (Norway champion) and Jocke Nimans (Sweden)...

9th April 2010, 15:26
At least FIA is taking some action, they have sent an proposual to all the competitors for changing the rules in rally Turkey so that early check in dont change the running order.
Good! let us see if any teams dares to say no to it...

9th April 2010, 15:38
At least FIA is taking some action, they have sent an proposual to all the competitors for changing the rules in rally Turkey so that early check in dont change the running order.
Good! let us see if any teams dares to say no to it...

That is just papering over the cracks.

Better than nothing, but....

9th April 2010, 17:14
I think that it is one of the easiest but at the same time one of the most important step to the right direction.

20th April 2010, 10:23
According to swedish newspapers today, Malcolm W phoned PG before Turkey and asked PG to start in the Pirelli Rally this coming weekend in Fiesta R2.

So PG will travel to England by boat or plane and drive.

This is great news! Hope they talk together a masterplan of some Focus WRC-Stobart starts as well. :)

20th April 2010, 12:55
According to swedish newspapers today, Malcolm W phoned PG before Turkey and asked PG to start in the Pirelli Rally this coming weekend in Fiesta R2.

So PG will travel to England by boat or plane and drive.

This is great news! Hope they talk together a masterplan of some Focus WRC-Stobart starts as well. :)

Excellent news. As you say, hope it leads to something.

20th April 2010, 13:17
According to swedish newspapers today, Malcolm W phoned PG before Turkey and asked PG to start in the Pirelli Rally this coming weekend in Fiesta R2.

So PG will travel to England by boat or plane and drive.

This is great news! Hope they talk together a masterplan of some Focus WRC-Stobart starts as well. :)

Confirmed, PG and Anders Fredriksson seeded 18:


20th April 2010, 14:22
Confirmed, PG and Anders Fredriksson seeded 18:


He needs to win this if he wants things to start moving. To many swedish drivers have been having good opportunities but crashed them away over the years.

This time, we want perfection PG!

20th April 2010, 15:19
He needs to win this if he wants things to start moving. To many swedish drivers have been having good opportunities but crashed them away over the years.

This time, we want perfection PG!

I can't see him winning in an R2 car. But I expect him mixing it with some of the GpN runners.

20th April 2010, 15:34
He needs to win this if he wants things to start moving. To many swedish drivers have been having good opportunities but crashed them away over the years.

This time, we want perfection PG!

I think PG is far more experienced than the swedish youngsters tested their luck in England before. They were not tactic at all, but for PG it´s another matter - though he cant win only do a good job with the material he has got. And a car breaking down is also an outcome, but let´s hope for the best!

20th April 2010, 20:12
He needs to win this if he wants things to start moving. To many swedish drivers have been having good opportunities but crashed them away over the years.

This time, we want perfection PG!

I don't think we need to be worrying about PG, he has been beating some of the WRC payboys with a private S2000 car on many stages this year already.

20th April 2010, 20:48
I don't think we need to be worrying about PG, he has been beating some of the WRC payboys with a private S2000 car on many stages this year already.

Interesting to see, if Renault get their Twingo to work, how youngsters Nikara and Rantanen compare with PG...

20th April 2010, 20:49
This reminds on Kresta doing BRC with fiesta S1600..

21st April 2010, 01:08
I can't see him winning in an R2 car. But I expect him mixing it with some of the GpN runners.

Yeah but win the class at least.

21st April 2010, 09:08
PG in a Fiesta R2 and later in a Fiesta S2000?
Wilson must think: "If you can't win join them." Or better: Wilson wants a Fiesta S2000 win with Anderson.

21st April 2010, 15:54
PG in a Fiesta R2 and later in a Fiesta S2000?
Wilson must think: "If you can't win join them." Or better: Wilson wants a Fiesta S2000 win with Anderson.
So what? Anderson is not a factory driver of Skoda.

21st April 2010, 16:00
PG in a Fiesta R2 and later in a Fiesta S2000?
Wilson must think: "If you can't win join them." Or better: Wilson wants a Fiesta S2000 win with Anderson.

Wilson wants money.. Somebody will win anyway (Pons is winning).. XD

23rd April 2010, 21:14
Maybe not right forum but PG is fastest R2 in Pirelli Rally´s first two stages tonight. About 9th in total. :)

23rd April 2010, 21:21
Photos from Dani Sordo testing in Portugal

More to come tomorrow...

24th April 2010, 08:24
Photos from Dani Sordo testing in Portugal

More to come tomorrow...

Is anyone else testing?....

24th April 2010, 09:36
Is anyone else testing?....

Loeb is testing today.

24th April 2010, 11:24
Maybe not right forum but PG is fastest R2 in Pirelli Rally´s first two stages tonight. About 9th in total. :)

And then Nikara beat him this morning and after that PG went off (twice!)

24th April 2010, 11:34
Looks like PG is now out after stopping on SS6. Pity. Jarkko Nikara now leading R2 but has leaking clutch.


24th April 2010, 12:38
And then Nikara beat him this morning and after that PG went off (twice!)

I bet Wilson likes that!

serial jeff
24th April 2010, 13:59
Day 1 of the Malaysian Rally (in which Atko is participating) is complete. It did not go well for him. Something especially bad happened on the SS1 and SS4 and he lost a lot of time, but I don't know what the reason was. Other than that he only won one stage and ended the day 20 minutes behind the leader, his teammate Alister McRae.

I'm surprised he and Alister aren't miles ahead of everyone, since they're the only ones in S2000 cars- the rest seem to be in Group N. Are the Proton S2000s just not as good as the skoda/fiesta?

24th April 2010, 14:01
Don't know about SS4 but on SS1 Atko had electrical problems.

serial jeff
24th April 2010, 14:07
Whoops, my mistake. Nothing unusual happened on SS4, I read the time wrong.

24th April 2010, 14:10
PG went off after one of rear wheels locked up in 140km/h. They rolled and then could continue but with brake failure.
After that they retired. Pity, but what can you do with a car letting you down...?
I think PG again showed his speed. :)

24th April 2010, 14:32
Yeah, once again PG showed that he has troubles to keep his car on the road for the whole rally distance.

24th April 2010, 16:36
Yeah, once again PG showed that he has troubles to keep his car on the road for the whole rally distance.

I´m sure you have some fresh examples or do you just insinuate he´s a bad driver? :confused:

24th April 2010, 17:18
I think PG again showed his speed. :)

Yes, a little slower than Nikara :)

24th April 2010, 17:18
Yeah, Rally Jordan for example. And good example is that last time I said it it was about Meeke after Monte in 2009 and after that he went on to win the championship. So, hopefully it works the same for PG :-) It is something like reverse psychology ;-)

24th April 2010, 17:37
Yeah, Rally Jordan for example. And good example is that last time I said it it was about Meeke after Monte in 2009 and after that he went on to win the championship. So, hopefully it works the same for PG :-) It is something like reverse psychology ;-)

OK, you´re not mean.
But in Jordan it was blocks on the road that caused the trouble. Not an off.
How many examples would you like to have when he´s consistent? Swedish championship last year in Evo 9? Rally Sweden 2010? Rally Norway 2009?

I think until we know for sure this time it´s not so clever to insinuate anything for such a fast driver as PG appearently is.

24th April 2010, 18:49
Day 1 of the Malaysian Rally (in which Atko is participating) is complete. It did not go well for him. Something especially bad happened on the SS1 and SS4 and he lost a lot of time, but I don't know what the reason was. Other than that he only won one stage and ended the day 20 minutes behind the leader, his teammate Alister McRae.

I'm surprised he and Alister aren't miles ahead of everyone, since they're the only ones in S2000 cars- the rest seem to be in Group N. Are the Proton S2000s just not as good as the skoda/fiesta?

The Proton is not as fast as the top S2000 cars but it's not bad (much better than the MSD Opel Corsa for example)

I heard this rally is quite tight and twisty so does not play to the S2000s strengths.

I'm pleasantly surprised by McRae's performace though, I guess it will take Atkinson some time to get used to the car.

24th April 2010, 21:50
Atkinson is already on same level as McRae when you watch the stage times

serial jeff
25th April 2010, 01:28
Indeed, it appears that excluding SS1 Atko was only a few seconds behind McRae... pretty good for being new to the car.

Are S2000s better on faster rallies? I thought it would be the opposite, since I was under the impression that group N cars had significantly more power.

25th April 2010, 10:12
Indeed, it appears that excluding SS1 Atko was only a few seconds behind McRae... pretty good for being new to the car.

Are S2000s better on faster rallies? I thought it would be the opposite, since I was under the impression that group N cars had significantly more power.

On the other hand the S2000s do not have the torque for dragging themselves out of slow corners. It's tricky to say actually since they are such different types of cars and there are pros and cons in all areas. Overall a good S2000 should be faster everywhere, although I think the gap has closed a little with the latest big restrictors on the N4s.

The Malaysian Rally finished today and unfortunately Alister McRae retired on SS11 after dominating the morning stages due to engine failure from a broken radiator sustained after a jump.

Atkinson was a little slower today (maybe technical problem?) but it's good he finished and got some miles under his belt with his new car.

25th April 2010, 14:05
The gap has closed a lot IMHO. Look at the Wallonie, how close Romain in the Evo X is to Loix. Ok, Loix is getting used to the car, but still good performance of the Evo X (also of Van Den Heuvel). In an interview Baumschlager told that the cars (S2K & N4) were more or less equal.

25th April 2010, 14:52
HaCo, when average speed is almost 140 km/h (SS5/9/13 Crupet) than it's sure that S2000 loses a lot on straights and understandable that Romain was sometimes infront of Loix there. Today he wasn't close, maybe he had some troubles. I don't know roads of Rally Wallonie very well (except Naninne) but I supose they look similar like those of Condroz and there are lots of rpm limiter parts ;)

25th April 2010, 15:18
The biggest problem for S2000 cars is the top speed, which is about 165 km/h (depends on the gear ratios used but if they use ratios that gives higher top speed, the acceleration is not good enough due to lack of torque). If the stages are smooth and fast the N-group cards has an advantage but on slower and twisty stages IMO the S2000 is faster because they’re lighter and more agile compared to the group-N cars.

25th April 2010, 15:41
Speaking about gravel bigger problem is very narrow road with first gear corners (in worst scenario uphill) where they have problem with traction. Of course they loose on too long straights but usually not that much as people think.

The best for S2000 are fast wide roads from corner to corner without straights or long descents. Generally fast stages are better untill thy are too fast on top speed. It's because less weight and better suspension which allows them to keep much higher speed in fast corners and much more effective braking in corners. ;)

By the way top speed 165 is case of older Sadev Abarths only. Fabia has 171 km/h or less used 182 km/h (events like Sweden). Peugeot usually uses top speed 175 km/h. Fiesta and newer Abarths has also around 170-175 km/h.

Wasted Talent
25th April 2010, 20:39
Atkinson is already on same level as McRae when you watch the stage times

True but to be fair Alastair is a bit of a gentleman driver these days - fast and reliable but not spending very much time behind the wheel


25th April 2010, 22:46
True but to be fair Alastair is a bit of a gentleman driver these days - fast and reliable but not spending very much time behind the wheel


I don't think that Alister is the definition of a gentleman driver but I had expected Atkinson to be faster straight away... but actually McRae has more recent driving experience than Chris.

26th April 2010, 13:44
PG will do some testing at Ford on Tuesday according to swedish newspaper.
He will help the Ford team to sort out some new parts on the Focus WRC.

PG: s comment is that this is only a test and he knows nothing what the future will bring.


26th April 2010, 22:24
Would be great if PG could get some WRC-events this year.

27th April 2010, 04:29
Would be great if PG could get some WRC-events this year.

That would come from absolute nowhere. Crazy thought, get out of my head!

27th April 2010, 11:02
That would come from absolute nowhere. Crazy thought, get out of my head!

Well, nothing is written in stone. Not even in the WRC. And MW needs a fast driver to meet up the Citroens, so why not?

Maybe MW reads this forum now and then....? I think we all here are very agreed on that PG deserves a wheel in Ford at the moment, just to help up the unbalanced momentum.

27th April 2010, 11:46
Every driver needs two or three events to be competetive.. Maybe only P.Solberg should be on the pace and consistent right away.. But he has C4..

27th April 2010, 13:49
PG will do some testing at Ford on Tuesday according to swedish newspaper.
He will help the Ford team to sort out some new parts on the Focus WRC.

PG: s comment is that this is only a test and he knows nothing what the future will bring.

The comments are pretty interesting. ;)

27th April 2010, 16:43
Marcus Gronholm is invited to particate X Games to Los Angeles ... same week end of Rally Finland.... to be continued.....

27th April 2010, 18:29
news about wrc : http://www.facebook.com/pages/PLANETEMARCUSCOM/206160890732?ref=nf

27th April 2010, 21:02
Marcus Gronholm is invited to particate X Games to Los Angeles ... same week end of Rally Finland.... to be continued.....

I would prefer Rally Finland anytime, even if he's not participating.

27th April 2010, 22:09
PG will do some testing at Ford on Tuesday according to swedish newspaper.
He will help the Ford team to sort out some new parts on the Focus WRC.

PG: s comment is that this is only a test and he knows nothing what the future will bring.


Yes but MW will never get rid of his useless golden boy Hirvonen!!!

MW really needs some advice on drivers as he cannot pick them himself!!!

PG would be fantastic in a Ford!!!!!

any pics from test today?

28th April 2010, 01:36
Marcus Gronholm is invited to particate X Games to Los Angeles ... same week end of Rally Finland.... to be continued.....

The Chairman of the selection committee for the Rally Car event flatly denied the credibility of this rumor.

Seems more like Ford asked him if he'd be interested instead of him having been actually invited.

28th April 2010, 10:25
PG did 300km test yesterday with the car Latvala drove in Turkey,

I think we gonna see PG in a Munchis or Monster Team Ford later this year, Ford need more drivers in the top.

28th April 2010, 10:55
PG did 300km test yesterday with the car Latvala drove in Turkey,

I think we gonna see PG in a Munchis or Monster Team Ford later this year, Ford need more drivers in the top.

But one bad thing is PG learned out his skills to wilslow who sat in the co-driver seat all the test.

PG said he was driving 200 km/h all day long, so maybe wilslow learned something then... and that means W will go on driving for Stobart.

28th April 2010, 12:30
But one bad thing is PG learned out his skills to wilslow who sat in the co-driver seat all the test.

PG said he was driving 200 km/h all day long, so maybe wilslow learned something then... and that means W will go on driving for Stobart.

Yeah maybe PG transfered all his talent on Matt, so he will go on winning the Rally NZ!

28th April 2010, 13:27
Yeah maybe PG transfered all his talent on Matt, so he will go on winning the Rally NZ!

Keep on dreaming, he has been sitting with so many and much faster drivers, but nothing seems to help.

28th April 2010, 23:08
Well, nothing is written in stone. Not even in the WRC. And MW needs a fast driver to meet up the Citroens, so why not?

Maybe MW reads this forum now and then....? I think we all here are very agreed on that PG deserves a wheel in Ford at the moment, just to help up the unbalanced momentum.
Skoda Sweden have stepped in and will sponsor PG's S2000 Cup programme for the rest of 2010. Either way the rally in the Fiesta and test in Focus has helped PG's situation. source http://www.pgandersson.se/

28th April 2010, 23:27
As far as I know this deal with Skoda was done already before Pirelli rally and Focus tests ;)

29th April 2010, 13:58
Skoda Sweden have stepped in and will sponsor PG's S2000 Cup programme for the rest of 2010. Either way the rally in the Fiesta and test in Focus has helped PG's situation. source http://www.pgandersson.se/
P-G Anderssons viktiga test inför framtiden http://www.vf.se/Sport/Bilsport/PG-Anderssons-viktiga-test-infor-framtiden-100428.aspx

• Vad betyder det här för framtiden?
– Jag har inte pratat med Malcolm än, men det var ett positivt test inför framtiden, säger Andersson hemlighetsfullt.Focus test chance for ace Andersson http://www.maxrally.com/news/entry/focus_test_chance_for_ace_andersson/
Fordchefen låter P-G testa WRC – vad betyder det? http://blogg.vf.se/motorbloggen/2010/04/26/fordchefen-later-p-g-testa-wrc-%E2%80%93-vad-betyder-det/

We haven't heard Malcolm's side of the story yet so let's not jump to conclusions!

30th April 2010, 08:33
According to PG in a Swedish medium, mini in WRC 2011 is now closer to become reality. He could also be one of two drivers for the team.

"P-G tells us that Prodrive recently has got the money for from BMW for the Wrc-ïnvestment. Two drivers is going to be contracted but yet no one is signed"

PG is going to meet Prodrive in a near future for discussing a deal.

30th April 2010, 09:31
BMW will not fully support the Mini WRC project, only allowing it, as Prodrive will be responsible for the car and the budget. Just like X-Raid is devellopping the X3CC with permisison from BMW, without money from BMW. So the drivers wil probalry bring money with them

30th April 2010, 11:48
BMW will not fully support the Mini WRC project, only allowing it, as Prodrive will be responsible for the car and the budget. Just like X-Raid is devellopping the X3CC with permisison from BMW, without money from BMW. So the drivers wil probalry bring money with them

If that is indeed true, it's not really a surprise - Rallying doesn't fit the 'BMW image'.
And there have been rumours of going back to the DTM, plus their GT2 efforts in ALMS/LMS.

30th April 2010, 11:51
If that is indeed true, it's not really a surprise - Rallying doesn't fit the 'BMW image'.
And there have been rumours of going back to the DTM, plus their GT2 efforts in ALMS/LMS.

BMW has confirmed that they will enter DTM in 2012 providing a few rules are changed and it looks like Audi and MB will support any rule changes.

Regarding Prodrive/Mini can't see the 2 drivers that have been mentioned bringing a sizeable budget to the programme. Hopefully DR will be looking after that end.

30th April 2010, 12:05
If that is indeed true, it's not really a surprise - Rallying doesn't fit the 'BMW image'.
And there have been rumours of going back to the DTM, plus their GT2 efforts in ALMS/LMS.

But - rallying fit the "Mini" brand. And BMW want to make money on Minis as well, so - in the end rallying is an image that BMW has to accept in the name of Mini. :)

30th April 2010, 15:04
DTM is finished deal..

1st May 2010, 07:18
DTM is finished deal..

Yes it is :) What do you want to say with this statement, Barries? It has nothing to do with rallying so im happy to hear what meaning behind this is! :)

Cheers Barries!

1st May 2010, 10:48
It's bad they don't want to be involved officialy in WRC and want in DTM..

1st May 2010, 11:43
It's bad they don't want to be involved officialy in WRC and want in DTM..

Yes, but as I've already said, Rallying doesn't fit their image. And Germany is the biggest car market in Europe, so it makes sense to do the DTM. Where they take on their biggest rivals; Audi, Mercedes. Taking on Ford, Citroen in the WRC isn't for them - it's probably beneath them.

1st May 2010, 17:02
Whole Germany, Austria and Swiss watch DTM and that's big market.. Don't forget about driver's salaries and that's what makes them stars..

1st May 2010, 17:21
Whole Germany, Austria and Swiss watch DTM and that's big market.. Don't forget about driver's salaries and that's what makes them stars..

People need to look at the bigger picture, especially were WRC is concerned - and realise that other Motorsport disciplines are more relevant to Manufacturers.

2nd May 2010, 02:02
Yes, but as I've already said, Rallying doesn't fit their image. And Germany is the biggest car market in Europe, so it makes sense to do the DTM. Where they take on their biggest rivals; Audi, Mercedes. Taking on Ford, Citroen in the WRC isn't for them - it's probably beneath them.

Yes, exactly! Maybe no one is saying anything else but i think they can do both. DTM with the BMW brand and WRC with the MINI brand. BMW would never go to Wrc as, like you say, their brand fits better in racing than in rallying, Mini fits better since it is a car in the same "small car" vategory as the other cars (C3, Fabia, Fiesta, Satria) and also it has a heritage of rallying in the past wich they can use in some marketing about the car. Thats what companies that has a lot of brands do, they place their brands on different markets to be able to play on as many fields as possible.

2nd May 2010, 13:38
Yes, exactly! Maybe no one is saying anything else but i think they can do both. DTM with the BMW brand and WRC with the MINI brand. BMW would never go to Wrc as, like you say, their brand fits better in racing than in rallying, Mini fits better since it is a car in the same "small car" vategory as the other cars (C3, Fabia, Fiesta, Satria) and also it has a heritage of rallying in the past wich they can use in some marketing about the car. Thats what companies that has a lot of brands do, they place their brands on different markets to be able to play on as many fields as possible.

Yes, absolutely! VW are a prime example of this - they match their different brands to suit each Motorsport discipline.

2nd May 2010, 20:18
by the way, looks like Mini will be in the WRC like BMW is in the Dakar.

Prodrive put the money and BMW Group gives green flag and brand to the programme. It's easier for them: if they do well, they'll say they're supporting the team, if Richards fails, they'll say it's a private team. :D

3rd May 2010, 21:26
Any news if the oil leak by the American coastline caused by BP oil will have any inflict on the BP Ford team?

4th May 2010, 04:11
Any news if the oil leak by the American coastline caused by BP oil will have any inflict on the BP Ford team?

Why would it?

BP is a MASSIVE company...

4th May 2010, 05:55
Any news if the oil leak by the American coastline caused by BP oil will have any inflict on the BP Ford team?

Only if they plan to go Scuba diving in the area on their way home from NZ

5th May 2010, 15:50
Why would it?

BP is a MASSIVE company...

Not massive enough to clean up THAT mess.

5th May 2010, 19:11
Not massive enough to clean up THAT mess.

They are insured for that.... of course their premium for that cover will go up next year... :D :D :D

6th May 2010, 02:49
Not massive enough to clean up THAT mess.

Remind what year it was the Exxon collapsed after the Valdez spill?

Oh yeah...

6th May 2010, 08:55
Remind what year it was the Exxon collapsed after the Valdez spill?

Oh yeah...

My point exactly, they never did clean it up. and got away with it. That should never happen again. so if BP was forced to clean up, it would take a lot more than they can take. so sending BP to full bankruptcy, would perhaps teach the other oil-companies, not to take these silly risk when going for maximum profit.

7th May 2010, 05:08
Whole Germany, Austria and Swiss watch DTM and that's big market.. Don't forget about driver's salaries and that's what makes them stars..

sorry, but just rumours.
do not know anybody of my motorsports-interested friends, who ever had done a comment on the DTM. and i can just not imagine that our swiss friends do.
sorry but DTM has just some interest in Germany.
the only thing: due to the fact that all races are in Germany it´s much much more cheaper - but just my opinion, as I´m not really interested in !

12th May 2010, 08:03
I didn't know wher to post :
Can anyone help me with the names of the crew of the reccecars for these drivers : Loeb , Sordo , Hirvonen , Latvala , Wilson , Solberp P. , Solberg H. , Raikkonen , Ogier , Villagra .

12th May 2010, 08:27
same as the rally cars. They are recce cars and are only for the same crews as during the rally

12th May 2010, 08:49
same as the rally cars. They are recce cars and are only for the same crews as during the rally
Yes but some hours before the first cars start the recce cars pass on the stages . The crews then i want to know please

12th May 2010, 14:36
Yes but some hours before the first cars start the recce cars pass on the stages . The crews then i want to know please

This is only allowed in tarmac rallies nowdays...

12th May 2010, 15:30
Petter's crew wasTerry Kaby with Bruno Berglund alongside, Chris Atkinson had Pasi Hagstrom and Kai Lindstrom as their gravel crew. FIA have severely restricted these gravel crew and even on asphalt events I think its one safety crew per team now.

13th May 2010, 00:06
MJW is correct.

The "gravel" crews no longer exist as such. The teams are allowed one car per team to travel only on tarmac rallies, and only in controlled conditions.

Recce cars are for recce only in gravel rallies

13th May 2010, 17:56
Nasser Al Attiyah has definitly broke with RGRS because he thinks the team is not professional enough. According to German sites, also teammanger Jack de Keijzer, well known on this forum, has left the team. VW Motorsport is working on a sollution to keep Al Attiyah within the VW group and in a Skoda Fabia S2000.

13th May 2010, 18:01
Nasser Al Attiyah has definitly broke with RGRS because he thinks the team is not professional enough. According to German sites, also teammanger Jack de Keijzer, well known on this forum, has left the team. VW Motorsport is working on a sollution to keep Al Attiyah within the VW group and in a Skoda Fabia S2000.

I guess Skoda maybe has too many customer cars to serve parts.. Eyvind Brynildsen found that out in Mexico, with no spare differiential..
Let's hope they can make enough spare parts for the future..

13th May 2010, 18:07
Now that Abu Dhabi Rally will not be on the WRC 2011 calender, the orginasers have postphoned the debut-trial rally untill 2011 instead of december this year.

14th May 2010, 13:07
Looks like Toyota is evaluating possibility to come back to WRC:

14th May 2010, 13:23
Looks like Toyota is evaluating possibility to come back to WRC:

Or IRC :-)

14th May 2010, 14:03
"It is helpful to have a broad understanding of all major championships so that Toyota Motorsport is prepared if Toyota Motor Corporation considers returning to international motorsport."WTCC rumour mill - http://www.touringcartimes.com/article.php?id=4765

14th May 2010, 14:24
Juho Hänninen will drive a BRR-run Fabia S2000 in Rally Finland. He will also take part on the next WRC round in Portugal, as we know already.

Finnish press release: http://www.juhohanninen.com/sitenews/view/-/nid/342/ngid/2/

14th May 2010, 16:03
Nasser Al Attiyah has definitly broke with RGRS because he thinks the team is not professional enough. According to German sites, also teammanger Jack de Keijzer, well known on this forum, has left the team. VW Motorsport is working on a sollution to keep Al Attiyah within the VW group and in a Skoda Fabia S2000.

Nasser is hoping to drive a works Fabia on IRC Sardinia next month but I don't think that is a solution for WRC events. BRR maybe (like Hanninen uses in Portugal and Finland)

14th May 2010, 17:02
NORF 2010 will see interesting entry by Finnish Jaakko Tapper who is building Seat Leon TDi FR for the rally. It'll be FWD, some 330 hp and 550 nm torque. Because there is no class for diesel cars, Tapper will contest in group A8 together with WRCs.

Previously Tapper have driven 1400 Rally Trophy and V1600 cars. He will contest in Rally Tallinn with Fiesta R2.

14th May 2010, 18:20
http://www.rally.gr has 2 interesting rumours

first they talk about BP leaving ford due to the disaster in the mexico gulf...and then they report that toyota are in search for a new motorsport after F1 and their WRC is within their plans among others...

14th May 2010, 18:41
www.rally.gr (http://www.rally.gr) has 2 interesting rumours

first they talk about BP leaving ford due to the disaster in the mexico gulf...

BP and Abu Dhabi are Ford's main sponsors. Does anyone have idea what's their balance, which brings in more money?

14th May 2010, 19:12
I guess the sponsor money is a drop in the sea for BP, but still...


14th May 2010, 19:18
Juho Hänninen will drive a BRR-run Fabia S2000 in Rally Finland. He will also take part on the next WRC round in Portugal, as we know already.

Finnish press release: http://www.juhohanninen.com/sitenews/view/-/nid/342/ngid/2/

Yesterday he had fun with Jan Kopecký and Fabia R2 Max :)

14th May 2010, 20:12
Pip]WTCC rumour mill - http://www.touringcartimes.com/article.php?id=4765

I'd be surprised if they did WTCC, that's struggling as much as the WRC. I believe they have unfinished business at Le Mans, so I would guess it's more likely to be Sportscars. The former TTE facility in Cologne - is just waiting to be used.

15th May 2010, 14:01
Sad news from Finnish F Cup. Rally driver, whose name I don't know, was killed in a serious crash. Crash happened at SS1. Rally was cancelled after the nature of the crash appeared.


15th May 2010, 14:07
Sad news from Finnish F Cup. Rally driver, whose name I don't know, was killed in a serious crash. Crash happened at SS1. Rally was cancelled after the nature of the crash appeared.


Organizers are going to release a press release around 1600 local time (around now that is).

15th May 2010, 14:30
Organizers are going to release a press release around 1600 local time (around now that is).

Still no further info except that the driver was 18 years old. Co-driver is been taken to hospital.

15th May 2010, 14:43
Still no further info except that the driver was 18 years old. Co-driver is been taken to hospital.

Always sad to read such news....

15th May 2010, 14:53
Still no further info except that the driver was 18 years old. Co-driver is been taken to hospital.

In that case it has been car #170 as rumoured... A talented young driver, just started rallying, he drove rallysprints earlier. I guess it's okay to release his name because it's been released in a Finnish forum by admins. 18 year-old Anssi Pohjus.

Most likely a side impact to tree and/or rocks... I found the exact address of the crash from police's press release and then navigated myself to the same place in Google Streetview.

15th May 2010, 15:28
In that case it has been car #170 as rumoured... A talented young driver, just started rallying, he drove rallysprints earlier. I guess it's okay to release his name because it's been released in a Finnish forum by admins. 18 year-old Anssi Pohjus.

In addition, he was driving Honda Civic Type-R.

17th May 2010, 18:15
Hirvonen is announced to drive IRC Ypres Belgium Rally in June..

17th May 2010, 18:29
Hirvonen is announced to drive IRC Ypres Belgium Rally in June..
source? :eek:

17th May 2010, 20:21
Hirvonen had planend to do the Historic Ypres rally, but has been pushed to promote the Fiesta S2000, probarly with Crack (furniture) sponsoring, Battle of the furniture business of Hirvonen (Crack-Ford) and Snijers (Geko-Peugeot)

17th May 2010, 20:28
Hirvonen is announced to drive IRC Ypres Belgium Rally in June..

If that's true, it's great news. Ypres is a real classic.

17th May 2010, 21:32
Well, now Mikko is reported to be doing Ypres lets see if Ogier will also come out to play for a reprise of the Monte show-down. Looks like my trip across the Channel is going to be an excellent event :)

18th May 2010, 07:28
Looks also that Toshi Arai will do Ieper in Group N Subaru, also to get more tarmac km's under his beld before WRC Germany and France.
Lets see how he will do against the group N locals as Ieper is a specialist event with lot of T junctions.

18th May 2010, 11:42
Hirvonen had planend to do the Historic Ypres rally, but has been pushed to promote the Fiesta S2000, probarly with Crack (furniture) sponsoring, Battle of the furniture business of Hirvonen (Crack-Ford) and Snijers (Geko-Peugeot)


18th May 2010, 16:12
At last some changes for Ral·li Catalunya 2010

Friday will have a gravel stage and two mixed surface
Sunday will have a 42 km stage
Shakedown will be urban and mixed in Salou


18th May 2010, 16:27
At last some changes for Ral·li Catalunya 2010

Friday will have a gravel stage and two mixed surface
Sunday will have a 42 km stage
Shakedown will be urban and mixed in Salou


That should make Papa Wilson very happy....
Personally I like it, the mixed surface in one day that is.


18th May 2010, 17:20
At last some changes for Ral·li Catalunya 2010

Friday will have a gravel stage and two mixed surface
Sunday will have a 42 km stage
Shakedown will be urban and mixed in Salou


Great news !!! No doubt i will go !!! :)

19th May 2010, 09:01
Citroën Junior Team drivers Ogier and Räikkönen will drive Rally del Latterna in Italy in June 11-12 says this source (http://www.omnicorse.it/magazine/1340/tra-kimi-raikkonen-sebastieon-ogier-citroen-junior-team-al-rally-della-lanterna).

19th May 2010, 20:41
colin clark on totalrally says he has been on to msport and they say it only a roumor dates dont suit but Oiger is doing the rally

20th May 2010, 21:57
Citroen to run three car team in 2011, Loeb, Ogier and Sordo, wonder where this leaves Kimi, and will Ford respond by running Mikko, Jari Matti and Petter?

21st May 2010, 02:51
Citroen to run three car team in 2011, Loeb, Ogier and Sordo, wonder where this leaves Kimi, and will Ford respond by running Mikko, Jari Matti and Petter?

Kimi could be back to F1.

Although an exciting prospect, Petter would only join Ford to be the lead driver, not 3rd driver. Besides he's in a better car right now.

21st May 2010, 03:40
A Citroen 3 car team would be great. These are three really good drivers that all deserve factory drives. I hope that Ford goes on a simillar idea. Mikko and JM is still goind to drive there is would assume. If there is a third driver at ford, i suppose it has a lot to do with money. Maybe Al Quassimi or someone like that. Wilson is also a possibility i think. Malcolm might decide to put his son on the highest level. The "five year plan" ended last year as we know so its time for little Matthew to "play with the big boys."

21st May 2010, 09:33
Well, now Mikko is reported to be doing Ypres lets see if Ogier will also come out to play for a reprise of the Monte show-down. Looks like my trip across the Channel is going to be an excellent event :)

Ogier is doing IRC Sardinia in a 207 so anything is possible.

It will be interesting to see how they both do on these events, as it is much less of a lottery than Monte.

serial jeff
21st May 2010, 16:16
Hirvonen will have familiar company in Ypres- Chris Atkinson in a Proton makes his debut


21st May 2010, 21:46
this news http://www.mtv3.fi/urheilu/ralli/uutiset.shtml/arkistot/ralli/2010/05/1128914 speak about Mikko driving Ypres.. It is yes or not ?

I think not, because Mikko test the same days in Spain ........ ?

22nd May 2010, 09:19
this news http://www.mtv3.fi/urheilu/ralli/uutiset.shtml/arkistot/ralli/2010/05/1128914 speak about Mikko driving Ypres.. It is yes or not ?

I think not, because Mikko test the same days in Spain ........ ?

Yeah, Ford has shot down rumours about Mikko driving in Ypres. Hirvonen will not drive in Sardinia or Ypres. Instead he'll drive tests in Spain.

22nd May 2010, 09:47
Oh that's a shame, still it's rumoured Ogier will start in some IRC rounds.

22nd May 2010, 10:14
Yeah, Ford has shot down rumours about Mikko driving in Ypres. Hirvonen will not drive in Sardinia or Ypres. Instead he'll drive tests in Spain.

thanks ;)

26th May 2010, 14:35
the only thing: due to the fact that all races are in Germany it´s much much more cheaper - but just my opinion, as I´m not really interested in !

Thats not competly true

26th May 2010, 16:41
Eyvind Brynildsen also has difficulties with the RGRS team, who nearly failed to deliver him with a rally car for the Portugal rally. He is really upset with the team. Does some one know were all these troubles come from, after the "divorce"" with Nassr Al Attyah?


27th May 2010, 12:15
There is possibility that Mikko Hirvonen with Ford Focus WRC start at 43. Serbian Rally (20. jun) as part for preparations for Rally Bulgaria

28th May 2010, 12:31
PG Andersson in Hennings Car:

Andersson im Stobart-Focus in Bulgarien (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/r/wm/d/n/d/2010/05/28/andersson-im-stobart-focus/index.html)

28th May 2010, 15:12
There is possibility that Mikko Hirvonen with Ford Focus WRC start at 43. Serbian Rally (20. jun) as part for preparations for Rally Bulgaria

This was just confirmed in WRR.

29th May 2010, 07:49
PG Andersson in Hennings Car:

Andersson im Stobart-Focus in Bulgarien (http://www.rallye-magazin.de/r/wm/d/n/d/2010/05/28/andersson-im-stobart-focus/index.html)

Is he driving instead of Henning? Lack of budget?

29th May 2010, 08:28
Is he driving instead of Henning? Lack of budget?
It's said he's driving in the green/white colors of Stobart, nothing news in the press release about Henning so far. But looking the results so far it could be that Expert & co said; the tarmac rounds could be skipped over...
A pitty that Ford (or Expert sponsor) didn't take Duval for tarmac Bulgary rally (and maybe the other tarmac rally also).

29th May 2010, 10:09
A pitty that Ford (or Expert sponsor) didn't take Duval for tarmac Bulgary rally (and maybe the other tarmac rally also).

I agree..

29th May 2010, 14:11
Just saw in UK's EVO interview with Quesnel where he says that Mini's in WRC in 2011 and Shirocco in 2012..

29th May 2010, 15:29
A pitty that Ford (or Expert sponsor) didn't take Duval for tarmac Bulgary rally (and maybe the other tarmac rally also).

Why did they not, what was their reason, did Duval explaine why not?

30th May 2010, 23:36
Why did they not, what was their reason, did Duval explaine why not?

I do understand your question, the true reason we will never know.
Duval did a superb role back in 2008 on the tarmac rounds for Ford and with 4 comming tarmac rounds it made sense to use him again.
Ford's situation at the moment is really pathetic, Hirvonen has lost it or i think he never had it, not a champion-driver for sure, Latvala.. well that's really sad.. sleeping on the first stage as he said and then the crash (again). I hope that to take PG in the line-up for next year there will be more competition against Citroen but it seems that Mr.Wilson doesn't see the poor results from the last years.
And one other note why i think Duval was the man for the job: PG said by himself that he doesn't like tarmac in the first place...

31st May 2010, 10:42
If they wanted a tarmac specialist to score maximum points then they would of course use somebody else, but for now they probably just want to give PG a chance in a real event and since Henning seems to willingly sit Bulgaria out then that's an opportunity, regardless of surface. They should still get a general idea of what to expect from him and that's probably more important (especially since it's for Stobart and not the works team). Well that's what I think.

31st May 2010, 14:24
If they wanted a tarmac specialist to score maximum points then they would of course use somebody else, but for now they probably just want to give PG a chance in a real event and since Henning seems to willingly sit Bulgaria out then that's an opportunity, regardless of surface. They should still get a general idea of what to expect from him and that's probably more important (especially since it's for Stobart and not the works team). Well that's what I think.

I think Ford will have always want the maximum points, Latvala, specially after Portugal could be transferred for some rounds to Stobart and Duval get his seat. Maybe there was contact between Wilson Sr. and Duval, we will never know. What i do know is that PG is a better option for the rest of the season than Henning Solberg. He might be unlucky but he has no speed in general. He can look back to a few good rally's but that's it.

31st May 2010, 15:02
Well yes of course they want to win the manufacturers championship, but it's not like it's gonna be with Stobart anyway so they might as well give PG a shot. He's still a better choice than Henning as you say.

And yeah if they want maximum points for the works team nominating Duval for a few rounds (especially tarmac) would be a clever choice. But as you say we don't know whether he (or any other driver) has been contacted already. We'll see what happens.

1st June 2010, 08:40
And yeah if they want maximum points for the works team nominating Duval for a few rounds (especially tarmac) would be a clever choice.

Maybe i know it wrong, but Duval has retired? or not?

1st June 2010, 09:16
They (ford) need paying boys just like the two of current Finns were..

1st June 2010, 12:57
Maybe i know it wrong, but Duval has retired? or not?
I didn't know about this, but according to wikipedia you're right.

"Duval announced his retirement from contemporary rallying, in March 2010."

1st June 2010, 15:24
Duval is the perfect example of how a **** character can ruin a career....plus he is too fat, he should join paasonen at burger king.

2nd June 2010, 07:37
Duval is currently doing ERC .. He became fourth in last week's event at Lydden Hill

2nd June 2010, 09:49
look if duval got a phone call from malcom im sure he would consider doing the rally's retired or not

2nd June 2010, 10:21
look if duval got a phone call from malcom im sure he would consider doing the rally's retired or not

I don't think that. He even didn't want to drive the Proton in IRC rallies and one not-European event for much money. He is doing rallycross and he had a 4th place in Lydden Hill last weekend, but also two crashes in the practices.

2nd June 2010, 10:23
Why to drive proton? For second place?

2nd June 2010, 10:38
They (ford) need paying boys just like the two of current Finns were..

The 18.000.000 Euros that those paying boys have pumped into M-Sport's pocket since 2003 sure were helpfull over the years...

2nd June 2010, 11:19
Hahah.. Malcolm's castle for sure has some more paints over the walls..

2nd June 2010, 11:20
two crashes in the practices.
What Duval crash? shock horror how uncharacteristic!!! Was he rude to journalists and fans as well?

2nd June 2010, 11:25
Don't be brutal.. That's his style.. xd

2nd June 2010, 11:37
Hahah.. Malcolm's castle for sure has some more paints over the walls..

yep, and it also helps finance slowson's mascarade together with Stobart.

Ah and that new helicopter as well. :D

And Bosse's salary. its rather ironic really that one paying Finn's manager indirectly paid the salary of another one who has never been supported by the manager at all if not the opposite over the years... :p :

2nd June 2010, 14:03
talk that Henning Solberg may do Bulgaria in a Festia but is there slight signs of cracks with the relationship with M-Sport aswell

2nd June 2010, 14:37
talk that Henning Solberg may do Bulgaria in a Festia but is there slight signs of cracks with the relationship with M-Sport aswell

Hardly a surprise.....

2nd June 2010, 15:01
Cracks in what way? They want to get rid of him? Lol

Langdale Forest
5th June 2010, 17:18
Duval is the perfect example of how a **** character can ruin a career....plus he is too fat, he should join paasonen at burger king.


Duval is really a good driver....

5th June 2010, 17:23

Duval is really a good driver....

Not really. He won ONE WRC event when everyone else retired....

Langdale Forest
5th June 2010, 17:23
Not really. He won ONE WRC event when everyone else retired....

But that is just a pessamists view....

5th June 2010, 17:24
It's a fact.

Langdale Forest
5th June 2010, 17:25
It's a fact.

But have you even considred his other good performances???

5th June 2010, 17:26
Like putting a Cyprus wood on fire, crashing in first corner of Ypres rally etc? ;)

He is fast but he is very hard to work with and also very unreliable.