View Full Version : racing numbers

18th August 2008, 12:01
hi guys, i post on a couple of mini websites and a question has come up about road going minis having white squares with a racing style number on the doors, some members say that it is illegal to have them on a car unless they have a stripe going throught them.
i have done a search on the web and cannot find a site that shows that it is illegal ( motoring law etc) now you are rally drivers and i am sure some of you can direct me to a web site about this. :)

18th August 2008, 12:05
Why would it be illegal? No of course it's not illegal, you paint your car however you like, with a few exceptions. One of course is painting it to look like a police car, although you are free to paint is as an ambulance! Lighting restrictions are a different matter and much more tightly controlled, but as for the paint job, there's no regulation AFAIK.

Dave B
18th August 2008, 12:57
I think it's something to do with the law against racing on a public highway: display a racing number and you leave yourself open to that charge, put a thin line through it and the number becomes a mere decoration.

Possibly. I am not a lawyer. Nor a dentist.

18th August 2008, 13:48
If you run with a number on the side then I believe that you void your insurance as they consider it a competition vehicle. Thus when running on the road when not in competition you have to have the number crossed out. Obviously if the insurance is void then you are in fact breaking the law.

When running on road sections then rally drivers will not cross out the number but if they have retired then they will, obviously someone who actually competes can tell you more, like Dave, I'm not a lawyer :D