View Full Version : Lindsay Lohan In AA, Defeating the purpose?

30th January 2007, 00:06

I heard this on the radio the other day... Lindsay Lohan was going into Alcoholics Anonymous, according to her representative. As the radio commentator said, doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of it being "anonymous"?

I used to own a Vauxhall Chevette that was constantly breaking down, so I went to an AA meeting thinking they could give me some pointers about basic car maintenance.
I went to the meeting and found it was full of drunkards. That doesn't really instill you with confidence. I mean if you happen to breakdown on the M62 and require roadside assistance, what good is a drunk person going to do for you?

I think I'll use Green Flag in future :D

30th January 2007, 06:26
If you have a Vauxhall Chevette and have no idea how to drive it, ask pentti. ;)

Dave B
30th January 2007, 17:29

I heard this on the radio the other day... Lindsay Lohan was going into Alcoholics Anonymous, according to her representative. As the radio commentator said, doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of it being "anonymous"?

Not really. By all accounts she can barely remember who she is half the time... :p

30th January 2007, 19:05
She could ask me who she is, I would tell her. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

Rudy Tamasz
31st January 2007, 07:32
I guess for her going to AA is about being cool, experienced and stuff. Like some stupid people are proud of having been in jail.

"I've been drinking, and now I'm clean, thanks to my manager, lawyer, parents, fans, blah, blah, blah, now I'm on coke only..."

It's sad some people get money and attention before they develop some brain.

31st January 2007, 08:42
I guess for her going to AA is about being cool, experienced and stuff. Like some stupid people are proud of having been in jail.

"I've been drinking, and now I'm clean, thanks to my manager, lawyer, parents, fans, blah, blah, blah, now I'm on coke only..."

It's sad some people get money and attention before they develop some brain.

true nice spoken my friend! i totaly agree with you!