View Full Version : School Holidays

Hazell B
12th August 2008, 13:12
What is your favourite memory of the long summer holidays when you were at school?

Last week we had the grandchildren of the farmer next door come and visit. They arrive several times each year, and are always entertained by the simplest things like brushing my ponies, looking for frogs and trying to catch our cat. They're about 8 and 10 years old, go on vastly expensive holidays with their parents (Monaco, etc) and normally live by the sea, yet last week spent their favourite afternoon ever with us .... naming worms!

Derek the worm may not be too happy, but the kids were :)

12th August 2008, 13:40
I can never remember any specific summer holidays but know that most of them were spent racing bikes around the garden, climbing trees and generally getting dirty :D

12th August 2008, 13:42
That's so far in the past that I can hardly remember anything....

Going to the small town where my grandparents lived every year for a few days used to be fun as was just playing out of the house with friends all day without a worry in the world...as much as the vacations the school days were fun too.

12th August 2008, 14:19
Having huge water fights when it was hot. :D

Where I grew up there was a large piece of council land between us and the next street up. The top was relatively flat and good for ball games. It led onto a grassy slope which we used to toboggon down when it snowed. :D There was a path down the middle which made it ace for roller blading on mass in chains and being able go really fast on your bike. On the other side there was a wooded area where we used to build den's. We had all that to ourselves for years because the kids in the next street up had slightly better houses and had never been allowed to play there. Then one year to our dismay they were allowed to play and we spent the remaining years having wars involving itching powder and stealing each others den's. Fun times indeed.

12th August 2008, 17:29
Going down to the deep depths of Cornwall to my Aunty and Uncle's farm used to be one of my favourite summer holidays. Even got to drive a tractor and almost ran over a badger :cool:

Hazell B
13th August 2008, 11:35
Having huge water fights when it was hot. :D

That was one of mine, too. We used to have plenty of buckets, water balloons and hosepipes on the stable yard :D

I also used to be packed off with my pony to a distant relative's Hunting yard in time to bring big horses in from their grass holidays and start getting them fit to Hunt. That meant picnics, loads of new people to meet, shows and always being bitten by insects :p :

It also meant always being dirty, sweaty and away from my parents :D

Dave B
13th August 2008, 11:48
I remember winning a water fight against my neighbours' kids. They had water pistols and balloons, I had an 1800psi pressure washer. Mind you, this was only two years ago :p

Hazell B
13th August 2008, 21:15
Dave, I salute you :p :

13th August 2008, 21:32
Mine is making my grandfather have a tape of really bad Christmas carols on in the car while driving to the Norfolk Broads (the waterways, not friends of ours) at the height of a hot summer. My grandmother was terribly embarrassed when we pulled into the car park that someone might hear it.

14th August 2008, 06:15
I and couple of my little friend used to spend holiday by going to swimming pool. There were a lot of adult wearing swimsuit there. :)

My unforgetable memory was when we, little boys went climbing hill, shared our money to buy negative for my uncle manual-focus-cam. None of us was familiar with the cam. None of pictures taken during the holiday had the proper result. What a disappointment as thought we have made our best poses.

14th August 2008, 09:03
Summer holidays were usually spent swimming in the water hole where we had a great swing rope. Also riding trail bikes on the farm. Was great living on a farm with plenty of room. Eventually Dad built us a swimming pool, made me very popular with the rest of the local kids.
